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The Free Press

And yet another example, if more obvious, of how the press allows political manipulation.
Granny Bear Wrote:

And yet another example, if more obvious, of how the press allows political manipulation.

The media in this country is the greatest threat to our freedom.
Propaganda and news make strange bedfellows. I don't believe a word they say when it comes to anything political.
Well heck, I like this thread almost as much as Wide's "random political rant" but nobody's jumping up on it.

I'm trying to imagine a reality where a sitting US President could release tens of thousands of felons, who are here in this country illegally and on a crime rampage, and get by with it. And where the heck is the free press? They're certainly not sitting at their desks hammering out the headlines the way they should be, that's for sure. The total lack of press related angst over the release of 5 Taliban Generals is equally jaw dropping. These guys could conceivably go on to murder thousands of Americans in some 911 style attack in the coming days. You'd think the air ways and headlines would be filled with journalistic indignation, but no, only FOX has the nerve to report on the matter.

To say America has never passed this way before is an understatement of lore. We have strayed so far from the ideals and virtues that made this country blessed, we may have no hope whatever in finding our way back. And yet, people continue on their merry way, as if none of the present day's atrocities really matters very much. I mean, like Obama said on the Friday afternoon he heard Putin was neck deep in an invasion of the Crimean Peninsula, "it's happy hour for Democrats!" No, the free press would much rather rationalize reality according to the latest DNC released propaganda. I have an overwhelming conviction that when it comes to reality, the world esteems the blather emanating from the bowels of DNC, and dutifully reported by the media, as being somewhat less than credible. Yet, it does give them a frank look into La-La Land. And therefore though ridiculous beyond reason, the daily offering of monkey puke is none the less news worthy, if your a Russian or a Taliban General. :HitWall:
I'm glad you posted again TRT, I had actually meant to post in this one and I'm glad you brought me in.

I went out for coffee with a friend a while back and talked politics. This person is normally a Republican, but voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. One of the topics we discussed was the media. I mentioned all of the major networks having a bias of some sort. They even admitted themselves that four of the major media networks (CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC) had a slant toward Obama and yet continued to bash Fox. Now, I am no one to hide that Fox does have a conservative slant - but Fox would probably either be a neutral network or not be in existence at all due to the continued liberal slant of the media that occurred during the time of the Clinton Administration in the 1990's.

Take CNN, for example. I actually felt a little bit of hope when it was announced there would be a new president for CNN, only for Jeff Zucker (who was named president of the company) to bash how Fox was ran as well as the Republican Party. Makes for unbiased reporting, doesn't it? While even MSNBC agreed to cover the Benghazi trials to my knowledge, he told CNN not to cover it because they are not newsworthy and he does not want to lower the network to the level of Fox. CNN needs to focus on more important issues such as Donald Sterling's remarks or the how the Washington Redskins should change their offensive name.

The media needs to be neutral, fact-based, and discuss both sides of the debate. Holding an opinion is one subject - but when you are reporting the news accuracy and honesty are of the utmost importance. Unfortunately, it is the opposite. Important issues will oftentimes not be reported if it does not conform to the media's agenda. The media has tried in every way they possibly can to protect Obama. I do not expect them to turn on him until the very last second they can. For example, they constantly painted Mitt Romney as an out of control, rich snob during the election. Everybody saw during the first debate who Mitt really was when the media could not edit the debate. Yet Obama's supporters had such an emotional cling that they did not care if his opponent was competent - and the media capitalized on this.

The reality is that we need something - a law - to prevent bias from our media in reporting the news to our society. There should be big fines for false stories and half-truths. The two (or more) sides to every issue should be reported objectively. Free speech is one thing, but when you are telling a lie to everybody just to get your candidate elected then there is something seriously wrong.
WideRight05 Wrote:I'm glad you posted again TRT, I had actually meant to post in this one and I'm glad you brought me in.

I went out for coffee with a friend a while back and talked politics. This person is normally a Republican, but voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. One of the topics we discussed was the media. I mentioned all of the major networks having a bias of some sort. They even admitted themselves that four of the major media networks (CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC) had a slant toward Obama and yet continued to bash Fox. Now, I am no one to hide that Fox does have a conservative slant - but Fox would probably either be a neutral network or not be in existence at all due to the continued liberal slant of the media that occurred during the time of the Clinton Administration in the 1990's.

Take CNN, for example. I actually felt a little bit of hope when it was announced there would be a new president for CNN, only for Jeff Zucker (who was named president of the company) to bash how Fox was ran as well as the Republican Party. Makes for unbiased reporting, doesn't it? While even MSNBC agreed to cover the Benghazi trials to my knowledge, he told CNN not to cover it because they are not newsworthy and he does not want to lower the network to the level of Fox. CNN needs to focus on more important issues such as Donald Sterling's remarks or the how the Washington Redskins should change their offensive name.

The media needs to be neutral, fact-based, and discuss both sides of the debate. Holding an opinion is one subject - but when you are reporting the news accuracy and honesty are of the utmost importance. Unfortunately, it is the opposite. Important issues will oftentimes not be reported if it does not conform to the media's agenda. The media has tried in every way they possibly can to protect Obama. I do not expect them to turn on him until the very last second they can. For example, they constantly painted Mitt Romney as an out of control, rich snob during the election. Everybody saw during the first debate who Mitt really was when the media could not edit the debate. Yet Obama's supporters had such an emotional cling that they did not care if his opponent was competent - and the media capitalized on this.

The reality is that we need something - a law - to prevent bias from our media in reporting the news to our society. There should be big fines for false stories and half-truths. The two (or more) sides to every issue should be reported objectively. Free speech is one thing, but when you are telling a lie to everybody just to get your candidate elected then there is something seriously wrong.

Agree with everything right up until the part about the need for a law. The problem with laws, is that the politicians and bureaucrats in power take liberties in the enforcement and interpretation of those laws. Case in point, "Since taking office in 2009, the Obama Administration has systematically gutted effective immigration enforcement policies"

What we are lacking in our society is not an insufficiency of laws, rather it is the lack of moral character. As I have mentioned so many times, we lost our authority to govern and make foreign policy when America turned her back on God. Whether we like it or not, since that day we have steadily lost credibility in the eyes of the world and thusly have we forfeited the moral high ground we all took for granted not so long ago. That's why any attempts by Obama to dictate terms to the likes of Vladimir Putin, seem to be laughable, weak and illegitimate.
TheRealThing Wrote:Agree with everything right up until the part about the need for a law. The problem with laws, is that the politicians and bureaucrats in power take liberties in the enforcement and interpretation of those laws. Case in point, "Since taking office in 2009, the Obama Administration has systematically gutted effective immigration enforcement policies"

What we are lacking in our society is not an insufficiency of laws, rather it is the lack of moral character. As I have mentioned so many times, we lost our authority to govern and make foreign policy when America turned her back on God. Whether we like it or not, since that day we have steadily lost credibility in the eyes of the world and thusly have we forfeited the moral high ground we all took for granted not so long ago. That's why any attempts by Obama to dictate terms to the likes of Vladimir Putin, seem to be laughable, weak and illegitimate.

I can definitely agree that we fail to govern and lack moral character - the last part of my post was more wishful thinking. We need something to keep the media honest and unbiased - what would be your recommendation?

I feel like, as you have mentioned before, our power with foreign policy is weakening at such a rapid rate that it probably will not be too long before our power worldwide is reduced to a single vote.
WideRight05 Wrote:I can definitely agree that we fail to govern and lack moral character - the last part of my post was more wishful thinking. We need something to keep the media honest and unbiased - what would be your recommendation?

I feel like, as you have mentioned before, our power with foreign policy is weakening at such a rapid rate that it probably will not be too long before our power worldwide is reduced to a single vote.

LOL, I say we quit watching the idiots and their sponsors will cut their funding. And secondly, I recommend against voting for Democrats that espouse the current party platform. :biggrin: Which BTW is all of them.
When does freedom of press get considered slandered and lying for agendas?
Ask Dan Rather!

Granny Bear Wrote:^^
Ask Dan Rather!


:thatsfunn I must say the Dan Rather incident was very gratifying to watch. Media Bozos like him believe they enjoy an infinitely broad charter in which to convert the masses to espouse their own views. To that end, no depth is too low to stoop, and no stretch too thin to imply the lie. He deserved to go down, as do most who traffic daily in innuendo and outright character assassination.

The one-two punch represented by Dems and their complicitous media, present a formidable foe for the freedom loving Republicans we send to DC. Take for example, the venerable Harry Reid and the monumental untruth he uttered in the heat of the last Presidential campaign from the well of the Senate, in which he said that Mitt Romney hadn't paid taxes in ten years. Then the media ran with it time after time after time. All knew it wasn't true but, like I keep saying, it's not about truth for these guys. Rather, pun intended, it is about using covert methods and propaganda to affect a political change for their side.

Thanks for reminding about this Granny, you brightened my day. :biggrin:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:When does freedom of press get considered slandered and lying for agendas?

The only thing I know of that they get for their slanders is my and your contempt. But, in my case that contempt is significant.
If I remember correctly, it was just a couple of weeks or so before Dan Rather announced to the nation HIS rendition on W's military career, that CBS did a documentary on his life. They really focused on how much he had given up for his career; never spending time with his family, few friends as opposed to "colleagues", etc.

Then all of a sudden "poof".....his credibility is gone.

What gratified me the most was the he was undone by his own doing.
TheRealThing Wrote::thatsfunn I must say the Dan Rather incident was very gratifying to watch. Media Bozos like him believe they enjoy an infinitely broad charter in which to convert the masses to espouse their own views. To that end, no depth is too low to stoop, and no stretch too thin to imply the lie. He deserved to go down, as do most who traffic daily in innuendo and outright character assassination.

The one-two punch represented by Dems and their complicitous media, present a formidable foe for the freedom loving Republicans we send to DC. Take for example, the venerable Harry Reid and the monumental untruth he uttered in the heat of the last Presidential campaign from the well of the Senate, in which he said that Mitt Romney hadn't paid taxes in ten years. Then the media ran with it time after time after time. All knew it wasn't true but, like I keep saying, it's not about truth for these guys. Rather, pun intended, it is about using covert methods and propaganda to affect a political change for their side.

Thanks for reminding about this Granny, you brightened my day. :biggrin:

Don't mention it; it was indeed my pleasure.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, I say we quit watching the idiots and their sponsors will cut their funding. And secondly, I recommend against voting for Democrats that espouse the current party platform. :biggrin: Which BTW is all of them.

The moral decline you describe in previous posts is 100% evident by the media attacking anything that goes against their liberal agenda. I totally agree that we, and all conservatives, should boycott. Most people, however, will watch the media and take everything they are told literally - thus, they believe the all-out assault on Republicans.

Maybe we have an existing law on the books pertaining to that and we probably do - it's just not being enforced, like with immigration. I totally agree with you, TRT, in what you're saying, I just don't know how else we could handle the media bias problem other than a law that forces them to call it down the middle.
WideRight05 Wrote:The moral decline you describe in previous posts is 100% evident by the media attacking anything that goes against their liberal agenda. I totally agree that we, and all conservatives, should boycott. Most people, however, will watch the media and take everything they are told literally - thus, they believe the all-out assault on Republicans.

Maybe we have an existing law on the books pertaining to that and we probably do - it's just not being enforced, like with immigration. I totally agree with you, TRT, in what you're saying, I just don't know how else we could handle the media bias problem other than a law that forces them to call it down the middle.

I understand completely, it truly is exasperating. However, the liberals have already trumped conservatives in exactly the manner you're talking about. We have without question, been legislated into subjection by court actions, regulations and liberties designed to benefit only the chosen few.

Liberals don't give a boy howdy about American idealism, our proud history or the US Constitution. They're a bunch of glassy eyed ideological zealots, come to life straight out of the pages of Orwell's 1984. Like a pack of dogs that found the back door to the butcher shop ajar, they are tearing normalcy to shreds in gratuitous rapture. The only way they can be stopped is at the voting booth, while there is still time.
Let's see how much reporting is done on this little gem.

"The Republican Party of South Dakota approved a resolution over the weekend calling for the impeachment of President Obama, citing multiple violations of his oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution and faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress. The measure, which was narrowly accepted by delegates at the state GOP convention on Saturday, comes amid a growing national movement to remove Obama from power — or at least take urgent measures to rein in the lawlessness. Supporters of the effort across America celebrated the move as an important milestone in restoring accountability and constitutional government."

Go Jacks!
Oh no another petitions...Somebody help the Republican Party. :Sad04:
64SUR Wrote:Oh no another petitions...Somebody help the Republican Party. :Sad04:

I know you didn't take the time to read the article I cited, so allow me to steer you to an item of interest that concerns you.

EXCERPT--- "Among other alleged crimes, misdemeanors, and oath violations cited in the measure were: The unlawful release of five Taliban leaders in exchange for U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl, Obama’s proven “willful” lie about individuals being allowed to keep their health insurance under ObamaCare, and the avalanche of recent executive decrees on “climate change” to unilaterally impose energy rationing on America.

We'll see who's blowing the most snot when all your energy bills shoot through the roof.
I was under the impression that they already had!!

I'm in a deep depression. Just learned that the Clintons are not as financially secure as they wanted to be at this point in their life. Only $10M in income since Bill left the Presidency.

Oh, where is the justice?
Granny Bear Wrote:^^
I was under the impression that they already had!!

I'm in a deep depression. Just learned that the Clintons are not as financially secure as they wanted to be at this point in their life. Only $10M in income since Bill left the Presidency.

Oh, where is the justice?

:thatsfunn Can there be any doubt that every word coming out of that mouth is a lie? I remember how odd it was when Hill and Barack were sparring during the 2008 campaign. She moaned and groaned about everything, even resorting to crying at one point. She's rich, give us a break.
BTW Granny, if there's an award for best sigs you get my vote hands down. Your posts aint bad either. :biggrin:
I'm humbled!! Thank you.

I'm going to leave a doosey for next week whilst I'm gone on family vacation. Smile

Tybee Island, here I come!!!
Granny Bear Wrote:I'm humbled!! Thank you.

I'm going to leave a doosey for next week whilst I'm gone on family vacation. Smile

Tybee Island, here I come!!!

Or yippee Island here you come. I am jealous beyond measure. :biggrin:
Before you get too green with envy, you need to know that my entire family will be there plus a couple friends of the grand children. Around 20 or so, in total. Guess who the chief cook and bottle washer is??

Granny Bear Wrote:Before you get too green with envy, you need to know that my entire family will be there plus a couple friends of the grand children. Around 20 or so, in total. Guess who the chief cook and bottle washer is??


I hope it's TheReaThing Confusednicker: FREE PRESS enjoy yourself Granny Bear and family on your vacations.
64SUR Wrote:I hope it's TheReaThing Confusednicker: FREE PRESS enjoy yourself Granny Bear and family on your vacations.

Why's that 64? Just because I don't let some guy from Kenya who has birth certificate issues, tell be what to think? He's got you for that. :biggrin:
I can get you a certificate issue from mars if you want one.Then take it to The Free Press an half of america would beleive it...You would even write a book about your journey to earth. make a movie sign autograph, and thank me at the end. Confusednicker: ( Because you are TheRealThing )
64SUR Wrote:I can get you a certificate issue from mars if you want one.Then take it to The Free Press an half of america would beleive it...You would even write a book about your journey to earth. make a movie sign autograph, and thank me at the end. Confusednicker: ( Because you are TheRealThing )

LOL, I've always said liberals were lunar. But, Mars is equally believable. It escapes me why you'd get your feathers all ruffled at people like me. Gasoline, prices are presently manipulated, held high artificially due to administration energy policies. Electricity prices are artificially high, due to impossible EPA regulations and administration energy policies which have forced, and are forcing, the closure of plant after plant. If the global warming loons, of which this President proudly supports, have their way the natural gas boom will falter as well, and that means natural gas will go much higher. Heating oil costs up north are so high folks are selling off anything they can in order to buy enough to last them a few more weeks. My medical insurance and associated medical costs have doubled since 2008 thanks to ObamaCare. If you buy food you have to have noticed that a good steak to grill out costs 20 dollars each, as all food items have risen dramatically. Social and foreign policy have made us the laughing stock of the world. Should we just not mention all this stuff because they are the result of Democrat policies?

There is no reason to keep the list going, the point is, sometimes one man's ideals are wrong. He rode into town, DC, and immediately shut out the entire Republican conference of the US Congress. That's roughly half of the federal government and if one looks at a map those locked out legislators probably represent about 95 percent of the continental United States. So, everybody who voted to send a Republican to the congress has been disenfranchised of his right to representation for the past 6 years. He listens to no one except liberal true believers, and could care less where the chips fall as long as his ideological whims are being met. I've just tried to point out one thing. You and I might as well be next door neighbors, the same high prices, and lame policies will hurt the both of us. In my view, we should be American first and Republicans or Democrats as long as the party in question stays true to the country. In other words, when ideas like liberalism supplant the validity of the "common good", something's bad wrong IMO.

BTW, in all those depressed energy areas listed above, the total loss in jobs has been devastating to the families of the breadwinners who have been idled for the sake of saving "mother earth." Real people are being hurt badly over this foolishness.

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