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Kentucky 74 Louisville 69
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Im sorry. I wish I cared.

That crow must taste awful. No wonder you're so grumpy. Wink
I have been down on this team all year, at times they looked to me like they had no energy, looked like when they were getting beat they wanted to go set in the corner and cry. Some where on the way they grew up some and got a little tougher and good things started to happen. Like Gut said I thought they was getting beat the whole game, but it just goes to show that just like my first coach always said if you play defense, rebound, and hit your free throws good thing will happen.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:That crow must taste awful. No wonder you're so grumpy. Wink

What crow goober, im a UK fan?!?!?!?!?

This team did suck. I wasn't wrong in saying that. You haven't been on the site in 4 months. Craps changed.
I gripped and threw em under the bus too. Am I sorry? No. They sucked at the time and it was justified. You play crappy ball,, I'll call you out on it.
cougarpride08 Wrote:Word is now there is no break or tear but a severe sprain ankle. According to Cal via twitter, he might play. Game time decision probably.

I'm hearing stress fracture. Nothing official though..
Slick Rick made a big mistake when he allowed Harrell to pick up that 3rd foul in the first half. I have to give Cal credit he out coached Rick last night! Cal used his timeouts well and didn't let his team get down when WCS went out! I felt like UK had the mental edge late in the game last night. I thought Hawkins did a good job on D and gave UK 15 solid minutes with no turnovers. I agree it was a very odd game to watch. It seemed like 50 timeouts were called. Johnson picked a great night to put up a career high 15. All the missed foul shots by UL were also a key factor in this game!
Mix1 Wrote:I gripped and threw em under the bus too. Am I sorry? No. They sucked at the time and it was justified. You play crappy ball,, I'll call you out on it.

Spot on.
What was everyones view on the officiating of the game?
I was there so I didn't get to see a lot of the replays. But i know for sure harrison stepped out of bounds and i think that resulted in a UK basket. Pretty sure the "fifth foul" on Harrell was terrible. He was no where near the play. Hancock was the person who fell to the ground on the play. Correct me if I'm wrong, however. I felt a lot more calls went UKs way that night rather than for UofL. Even UK fans around me said that Louisville got screwed a couple of times. I also thought the foul called on Randle in the last 30 seconds on Blackshear shouldn't been called. From my view that was clean. Those are the only things that stuck out to me. I've heard a lot more complaining about the officiating so I was just wanting to know if there were any other major calls/no calls.
Not making excuses though. If Louisville hit their free throws, then it'd be a 6+ win for Louisville. Thats pretty much just counting the ones Russ missed. Credit to UK though. They fought extremely hard and pulled ahead when it mattered most. Dakari's play surprised me, he will need to step up big for the remainder of the tourney with WCS being out.
Mix1 Wrote:I'm hearing stress fracture. Nothing official though..

I heard torn achilles at the game last night. Not sure how accurate that is.
Skimps Wrote:What was everyones view on the officiating of the game?
I was there so I didn't get to see a lot of the replays. But i know for sure harrison stepped out of bounds and i think that resulted in a UK basket. Pretty sure the "fifth foul" on Harrell was terrible. He was no where near the play. Hancock was the person who fell to the ground on the play. Correct me if I'm wrong, however. I felt a lot more calls went UKs way that night rather than for UofL. Even UK fans around me said that Louisville got screwed a couple of times. I also thought the foul called on Randle in the last 30 seconds on Blackshear shouldn't been called. From my view that was clean. Those are the only things that stuck out to me. I've heard a lot more complaining about the officiating so I was just wanting to know if there were any other major calls/no calls.
Not making excuses though. If Louisville hit their free throws, then it'd be a 6+
win for Louisville. Thats pretty much just counting the ones Russ missed. Credit to UK though. They fought extremely hard and pulled ahead when it mattered most. Dakari's play surprised me, he will need to step up big for the remainder of the tourney with WCS being out.

Oh stop crying :Sad04: Kentucky won. :Cheerlead
Only score that matters is the one when the game is over.
Skimps Wrote:What was everyones view on the officiating of the game?
I was there so I didn't get to see a lot of the replays. But i know for sure harrison stepped out of bounds and i think that resulted in a UK basket. Pretty sure the "fifth foul" on Harrell was terrible. He was no where near the play. Hancock was the person who fell to the ground on the play. Correct me if I'm wrong, however. I felt a lot more calls went UKs way that night rather than for UofL. Even UK fans around me said that Louisville got screwed a couple of times. I also thought the foul called on Randle in the last 30 seconds on Blackshear shouldn't been called. From my view that was clean. Those are the only things that stuck out to me. I've heard a lot more complaining about the officiating so I was just wanting to know if there were any other major calls/no calls.
Not making excuses though. If Louisville hit their free throws, then it'd be a 6+ win for Louisville. Thats pretty much just counting the ones Russ missed. Credit to UK though. They fought extremely hard and pulled ahead when it mattered most. Dakari's play surprised me, he will need to step up big for the remainder of the tourney with WCS being out.

Well, being at the game I can't believe you missed the replays. They were shown repeatidly on the big screens in the rafters. Oh, I see now...I was in the rafters, YOU must've been in the lower portion!! Confusednicker:

Harrison absolutely stepped out of bounds, and that did lead to a KY score. However, there were a couple of times that UL should've been called for fouls that should have been flagrant, IMO. The game got physical, and UK had no answer until they finally got physical. There were so many cheap shots from UL that I lost count. So to say that the officiating benefited UK is crazy! As far as the officials going to the monitor, that was a complete joke. Not one call was changed. Two were clearly incorrect. One in UK's favor and one in UL's favor. Guess they wanted to balance the calls....

I was sitting in the middle of a big red circle, and those fans kept yelling for UK to get out of the kitchen if they couldn't stand the heat. I agree. If the play gets physical, you have to answer. The Cats DID answer, along with their fans.

I was very surprised to see the number of UL fans that were there. I do believe they were higher in numbers than UK but I could be wrong. They weren't any louder, but from my perspective they were more numerous.
Don't go to the Lville message board. I peeked my head in over there to see how sad they were, and you cant go 5 post without someone completely cussing out the refs.
I expect nothing less from loserville.
Yet a few so called Cat fans think it's ok to go over there and post to congratulate them on a good game. I'm sorry,, that is unacceptable. May them and their fans rot way down deep south Smile
PM me the link. I'd hate for you to get banned by listing a rival website publicly.

Theres no rival website there Confusednicker:
That bunch wont never still or give us any members lol.
The only reason I found it is because KSR had a link to absurdity on there web site.
State street was awesome, sometimes it's good to be a UK student

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