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Cordia Parents waiting on Offers???????
the crossover Wrote:Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. This is so frustrating because I thought that I was doing what was right to put my kids in the right situations to prepare and help them get in college.

What made you think going to Cordia would increase his chances of playing in college?
There is no real history of success or as a pipeline to major college offers.
HDE Wrote:What made you think going to Cordia would increase his chances of playing in college?
There is no real history of success or as a pipeline to major college offers.

Coaching staff plus RR IMO :popcorn:
HDE Wrote:What made you think going to Cordia would increase his chances of playing in college?
There is no real history of success or as a pipeline to major college offers.

The coach staff is great however, I never stated I took him there to increase his recruitment. I took him there because my daughter was really sick and they are very close I wanted him to stay focus in school and basketball and knew someone from the community.
the crossover Wrote:The coach staff is great however, I never stated I took him there to increase his recruitment. I took him there because my daughter was really sick and they are very close I wanted him to stay focus in school and basketball and knew someone from the community.

I'm sorry about your daughter but I wonder the reasons the other 9 recruits came in.....
Huggy_Bear Wrote:I'm sorry about your daughter but I wonder the reasons the other 9 recruits came in.....

Huggy Bear all you want to do is stir up a bunch of S@@@. Look at all your post nothing but Controversie. You are very Young go out and play.
Huggy_Bear Wrote:I'm sorry about your daughter but I wonder the reasons the other 9 recruits came in.....

My understanding Leslie county may be getting a few new recruit, Are you prepared...just sayin or will you lose out Huggy Bear if the shoe fit you can explain it to us all. Right here on BGR :popcorn:
topnotch Wrote:Huggy Bear all you want to do is stir up a bunch of S@@@. Look at all your post nothing but Controversie. You are very Young go out and play.

I don't have to stir up anything. Its all right there for everyone to see. Just not sure why you 2 Whitley County folks uphold what is happening over on Lotts Creek. Thats all.
Huggy_Bear Wrote:I don't have to stir up anything. Its all right there for everyone to see. Just not sure why you 2 Whitley County folks uphold what is happening over on Lotts Creek. Thats all.

I'm not from Whitley county......I have kin folks on Lotts Creek an some good friends....Cuss you want to ride over sometime you're :welcome: I will introduced you to my kin folks Huggy Confusederiously:
Huggy_Bear Wrote:I don't have to stir up anything. Its all right there for everyone to see. Just not sure why you 2 Whitley County folks uphold what is happening over on Lotts Creek. Thats all.

number 1 it is non of my business, every one knows where Lotts creek is if there were some kind of KHSAA rules violation you would know which, and what Fast. Quit grieving over Cordia, you will have bad dreams, just turn it loose.:please:
Huggy_Bear Wrote:I'm sorry about your daughter but I wonder the reasons the other 9 recruits came in.....

there were not 9 recruits this year there were 4 new high school players 1 saw the team during the KY state tournament during the summer and moved 2 was good friend with LuLU and finally convienced his parent 3 JJ 4 I don't know any thing about. But to my understanding everyone contacted the school first.
the crossover Wrote:there were not 9 recruits this year there were 4 new high school players 1 saw the team during the KY state tournament during the summer and moved 2 was good friend with LuLU and finally convienced his parent 3 JJ 4 I don't know any thing about. But to my understanding everyone contacted the school first.

I didnt say there were 9 that came in this year but there were 9 other recruits besides your son that were on Cordia's roster this past season. :Thumbs:
Huggy_Bear Wrote:I didnt say there were 9 that came in this year but there were 9 other recruits besides your son that were on Cordia's roster this past season. :Thumbs:

Just for fun Huggy_Bear how many kids that plays sports in leslie county was born in leslie county. do the :blondetea and you want say a 100%...I would predict about 25% and thats a high number...I think Confusednicker:
I played at ALC and got an above average education for a total of $375. That is the total I paid in four years. Might be a little different now, but it depends on financial aid and GPA/ACT,etc.

Look around and find the best school for the money and your child's education.
Mix1 Wrote:There are 346 D1 teams filling 12 spots per for 4,152 players. Or is it 13 spots for 4,498? Either way plenty of spots out there from a low D1 to a high D1.
Confusederiously:How many seniors across the state, country played basketball? 10,000+ or more
^^^No idea how many seniors. I directed that to the idiot back there that said there wasn't one D1 player in the 14th.
Huggy_Bear Wrote:I don't have to stir up anything. Its all right there for everyone to see. Just not sure why you 2 Whitley County folks uphold what is happening over on Lotts Creek. Thats all.

If every one can see, and its all right there, why do you appoint yourself to be the sheriff and do what? I suggest that if you want to spread the news that someone has done something you don't like take it to the KHSAA and be the hero of Mountain basketball. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY LIKE I said GO out and play.
Huggy_Bear Wrote:I'm sorry about your daughter but I wonder the reasons the other 9 recruits came in.....

Huggy do you think the fans that post on this network are total idiots. You start by saying- I am sorry about your daughter. That was good enough unless you really just wanted to tell every one that Cordia had 9 recruits. Be real you could give a damn about her daughter. You are a trouble maker, you are not very good at that.
topnotch Wrote:If every one can see, and its all right there, why do you appoint yourself to be the sheriff and do what? I suggest that if you want to spread the news that someone has done something you don't like take it to the KHSAA and be the hero of Mountain basketball. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY LIKE I said GO out and play.
I'm pretty sure everyone in the 14 did take the issue to the KHSAA then the courts said they could play. Shame peoples tax money go to courts being involved in matters that are none of their concern. Not that I care I'm in the 15th but I'm not a fan of things that are going on.
JCHS Alumni Eagle Wrote:I'm pretty sure everyone in the 14 did take the issue to the KHSAA then the courts said they could play. Shame peoples tax money go to courts being involved in matters that are none of their concern. Not that I care I'm in the 15th but I'm not a fan of things that are going on.

There is A difference between you and I, I don't mean to attack you but, you stand for the institution, I stand for the helpless child who has no control over his future. One of the Cordia players is A senior, as I understand it, because of situations completely out of his control he only had this one year to play high school BB, The KHSAA took months not days to give him a ruling. The courts are there to decide which side is right. The court studied the complaint and decided the child had been agrived, The child had nothing to turn to except the court system. He got to play in onley 6 or 7 games, Thank goodness that RR and the court system intervened, The KHSAA was up to it's old game and was not going to hand down a ruling until yhe season was over in short TO HELL WITH THE KID RUN OUT THE CLOCK BY the way he is only 17 years old and an A student.
The courts didn't decide wheather he could play or not, they did what our tax dollars pay them for which side was being done wrong, with the constitution being the rule book.
The rules must be changed regarding elidigiblity with the khsaa. There is no due process with the khsaa due process starts only after you are ruled inelidigible to play. Then the khsaa starts all this 30 days for a ruling then 30 more days for the commishner to give his final ruling then you can appeal this is total BS. It is set up for the benefit of the khsaa not the benefit of the kid. People need to wake up and look around what gives a bunch of adults the right to sit around and tell a child that they can't play high school sports, this is ignorant all the khsaa should have authority to do is keep offical records and organize the tournament and hand out trophys that's it. Their rulings are inconcistant that is why they have problems until they make it a rule that all transfers are inelidigible to play no matter what for 1 year or all are elidigible for a 1 time transfer they will continue to have problems. The khsaa caters to some schools and don't others. I wish the state legislation would cut the khsaa down to size and make them simply tournament organizers. That is all they are good for.
Please allow me to throw my 2 cents in if I may. Cordia has done exactly what they have been allowed to do, nothing more nothing less. Just the way it is. EVERY TEAM IN THE 14th region recruits. Not to the extent Cordia has but they all do it. All I've heard from these Mtn team is "we got to find a few players to compete next season." It's really sad to me that the region has came to this. In my day we knew each year where we stood coming in to year. We knew this group or that group had a great chance of making it to Rupp and would wade through Hell to get there. Not the case anymore. Every year teams are trying to load up, recruit kids, lie cheat steal or whatever it takes to get studs to give them an opportunity to win the region. It's all just tainted IMO. Mtn BBall has become the biggest joke of the whole state the past few years. No one and I mean no one loves Mtn BBall like I do. I am a person that respects the game, the refs and the players that play it but its all tainted now. Here is why i say this: To start w/ you have players from all over the country that has NO clue what it means to make it to Rupp. Im not just taliking about Cordia either, it goes for the pcc's, kcc's and HHS as well. Gambling refs that would cheat their on mother plus sell them dope while their at it. Kids sucker punching other kids then grown ppl get on sites like this and make excuses for them and acted like that's acceptable. Call me bitter, call me and idiot but its just the way I feel about it.
Here's my 2 cents!
If I had everything my way, the KHSAA would have one rule in regards to transfers.
Everyone sits for a year if they transfer schools.
No ifs, ands or buts.

Playing basketball in high school is not your right... it's your privilege.
No ballstar that is where you are wrong mountain basketball has been a joke since 1956 that how long it's been since the 14th has won anything. With bringing in these players it makes the whole region and state better. Just look at the Indiana ,Kentucky all star game there is no big time talent in this state. Kentucky got beat by 40 points last year we play more and more basketball and the talent gets worse. Kids play too much. It is just like lifting weights you can't work the same muscles every day and get any stronger or bigger. You must have rest and time to recover. In this state kids play 365 days a year I think it hurts them and aau I think is a big part of that. 20 years ago teams were better and players were better now they are more athletic but they are not as good of a basketball players or teams. If the khsaa would have allowed Malik Hines to play this state could have turned out a top d1 prospect. Btw he has taken his act and has got a good score and is going to sign with Ohio state.
Buford T Justice Wrote:No ballstar that is where you are wrong mountain basketball has been a joke since 1956 that how long it's been since the 14th has won anything. With bringing in these players it makes the whole region and state better. Just look at the Indiana ,Kentucky all star game there is no big time talent in this state. Kentucky got beat by 40 points last year we play more and more basketball and the talent gets worse. Kids play too much. It is just like lifting weights you can't work the same muscles every day and get any stronger or bigger. You must have rest and time to recover. In this state kids play 365 days a year I think it hurts them and aau I think is a big part of that. 20 years ago teams were better and players were better now they are more athletic but they are not as good of a basketball players or teams. If the khsaa would have allowed Malik Hines to play this state could have turned out a top d1 prospect. Btw he has taken his act and has got a good score and is going to sign with Ohio state.

Your trying to make it sound like Cordia won the state tourney this year or something. Not trying to burst your bubble but Cordia hasn't done anything worth talking about since they are a full blown prep school playing in a high school league. It's like school teams playing AAU. All the money they have spent there and don't even have a district championship to show for it. I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid. Not one reason you can tell me or show me that it's good what teams are doing by bringing kids in.

Thanks for the lesson on weights because i wasn't aware of that. You can work the same muscle everyday if you take steroids though, just saying. You can also work stomach muscles everyday as well. Buford, Cordia has been given full power to bring in whoever the Hell they want to and I've still not saw any bigtime D1 players that y'all have. I said this before this season started and I will say it again. Not many kids Cordia gonna bring in that kids like Justice, Beverly, Johnson and Hall hasn't seen all summer long on the AAU circuit. Get off Lotts Creek and come out to an EYBL event and watch these kids.
I thought since basketball season was over that most of this bull about Cordia would settle down. By the way, I don't think anyone wants to get off Lotts Creek to watch a player that doesn't have a Cordia jersey on. I sometimes wonder if a bolt of lightening could get thru some of your thick skulls that: 1. Cordia is not a prep school, no matter how many times you say it. 2. Every school recruits inside and outside the 14th region, get over it. Everybody knows what the KHSAA rules are; they've been quoted often enough on here. Research should that their rules are not the same for everyone. But oh well that just life. My own personal opinion is that my kid is mine. I feed and cloth it, provide it with access to as many opportunities as I can, and frankly don't think it is anybody's or any organization's business where I choose to send it to school. If you'll notice, people who have the money can always find ways (without judges) to fake moves and get eligible . I've worked in the school systems for more than forty years and it would take two legal pads to write down all the transfers that I can remember. But Cordia needs to keep bringing players in so some of you will have something to b***** about. Reckon those stars will get me banned?
Roy,, go retire... Cordia is an unofficial prep school any way you spin it..
Hold up on that car wash ballstar I did not say a word about cordia I was talking about the 14th region in general and you know I am right ,well anyone with any brains knows I am right. The 14th is the but wipe of the state tournament every year. Perry co central should never open their mouth about recruiting they started 3 kids that were not " local" kids and talk about not winning any thing since rod Rhodes has been there perry has not won anything at least cordia does have an all a regional crown and state runner up. Perry is on the verge of doing what knott co did in the early 90's when they went 18 years and did not win anything. Perry has the biggest school in the region and has won 1 region in 9 years and has had thes best team probably about 6 of those years. Another thing any time you need a lesson about weight lifting let me know I have lifted and forgot more about weight lifting over the last 25 years than you will ever know that is obvious by your statement. Let's talk about d1 the three you mentioned are good players but put them against kids that are above average in talent look what they do look at what happened to justice in the state tourney when he is not allowed to run rough shot over everybody. Look at what happened to Beverly against the bigger cordia players that little floater in the lane gets swatted and Johnson hi is just a little over 6'5" can't Handel the ball shoot free throws or shoot outside all he can do is dunk and in college when he swings those high elbows that is a flagrant 1 foul on him. Sure in that aau you speak so highly of yea they look good because they don't play defence,just run up and down the floor and shoot the ball. Besides emmanual owootoah has got a lot of playing time and done really well as a freshmen at Fresno st. I am hearing he will probably start next year. C Cunningham is going to sign d1 that is two at least in three years not to mention all will sign smaller schools. Hell if you count Chris Hudson ,Khalil Williams ( signed wit Houston to play football) and Malik Hines going to sigh with Ohio state who if he would have just held on about on other 2 weeks would have been on the floor at cordia this year. So yes there is an influx of talent to the 14th due to rod Rhodes.
I don't disagree w/ what your saying Buford about the weights, lol,have you seen me lately. I also agree that PCC hasn't won but 1 title in the last few years but they did win it w/ their kids. One thing a will say is if you live to be 200 you will NEVER know more about this BBall game than me. That's a promise. Most ppl like me get paid big money to know the things I know about hoops. For what you said about the EYBL a just have to laugh. I think only 70 of the top 100 players in the country for class of 2014 played in that league last year and at ANY given time there are 200/250 HIGH MAJOR D-1 coaches watching and evaluating the kids so I would say they don't play any defense. Come on man.

About the Cordia recruiting I could truly careless if they get 100 kids from Africa, Philly, or anywhere else for that matter. I wish them all well. The only thing that concerns me Burford is y'all had all this bigtime talent or so you say and ain't nobody from Cordia getting any of these kids a scholarship anywhere. If y'all need help feel free to call me. I can put the kids in school somewhere.
Huggy_Bear Wrote:I'm sorry about your daughter but I wonder the reasons the other 9 recruits came in.....

yes Cordia recruit and it starts at the head they offer perks to families to move to the school and conspired with Coach Rhodes to reclassify a kid to 8th grade in order for him to be eligible to play knowing his real age. Head coach is out recruiting new kids now.

He would get these kids in college if he stop trying to sell kids and cut deals. Two kid left because he tried to profit from their equipment. More information to come.

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