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02-17-2014, 08:00 AM
My husband bought me a gorgeous entertainment center for our very first anniversary.....long time ago. ![Smile Smile](
It has an 8 track tape player in it, too. Still have it, and the 8 tracks that we used to play in it, too!! LOL
![Smile Smile](
It has an 8 track tape player in it, too. Still have it, and the 8 tracks that we used to play in it, too!! LOL
02-17-2014, 02:29 PM
Granny Bear Wrote:My husband bought me a gorgeous entertainment center for our very first anniversary.....long time ago.
It has an 8 track tape player in it, too. Still have it, and the 8 tracks that we used to play in it, too!! LOL
Could you in your wildest dreams ever imagine things changing so dramatically? America had the will to aspire to greatness back the days when 8 tracks came out. Now we just want to get in line behind somebody and let the UN tell what we can go do with ourselves.
02-17-2014, 03:06 PM
Honestly, I would have never in a million years dreamed what the future would bring. To remember those days and see things now, is really depressing to me. I remember my mother talking about the Godless hippies and how the world was going to hell. I hoped that perhaps the "state of the world" was somehow cyclic and would cycle back to honesty, integrity and strong moral fiber. It isn't. My grandchildren will never get our debt paid, and you can blame politics all you want. The democrats have destroyed us, IMO, and the republicans have allowed it to happen.
What next??
What next??
02-17-2014, 04:40 PM
Granny Bear Wrote:Honestly, I would have never in a million years dreamed what the future would bring. To remember those days and see things now, is really depressing to me. I remember my mother talking about the Godless hippies and how the world was going to hell. I hoped that perhaps the "state of the world" was somehow cyclic and would cycle back to honesty, integrity and strong moral fiber. It isn't. My grandchildren will never get our debt paid, and you can blame politics all you want. The democrats have destroyed us, IMO, and the republicans have allowed it to happen.
What next??
Well, here's the way I see it. First, obviously as you pointed out, the affects of sex and drug usage would seem to be quite a bit more of a threat than we keep hearing. As the result, we are going through a spiritual free fall. It started in California back in the 60's and the impact has even hit the SCOTUS. I am well aware that the US was never intended to be a theocracy, none the less, we need to work from a dual perspective. Our well being is irrevocably interfaced between two forces, a national (though officially unstated) deference to God, and a strict adherence to the principles set forth in the US Constitution by our founding fathers. Each successive generation must therefore be reintroduced to these ideals by their parents and our system of schools. Hence, the takeover by liberals of our schools from kindergarten through the university level, in which those traditional values have been highjacked and our youth have instead, been indoctrinated with the liberal viewpoint. In such manner, the supply lines of sanity and truth have been cut. Meanwhile, apathetic America has allowed the process to continually gain ground, mesmerized by a naïve disbelief in what is unfolding under their own noses. This is the kind of thing that happens when folks show a reluctance to properly self govern themselves, unwilling to vet candidates even in the face of an abundance of information and, to question the party line. Jefferson and Franklin were very concerned that Americans would lose sight of these hard fought for ideals and, they were obviously more than justified in their concerns and who mentioned as did others, the dual interface referenced above.
We need not think our leaders will govern from our founding father's perspective, as long as the masses are calling for compromise. Everybody looks at the world through the limitations of their own wants. Therefore gays, minorities, liberals, immigration rights activists, global warming kooks and the like, have all coalesced under the Democrat Flag. The result is a formidable voting block comprised of folks who have been promised to have their wants addressed by the full faith and power of the federal government of the United States. They vote together to elect Dems to office even though they could care less about the issues espoused by their comrades in arms. It's the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' doctrine, in politics. No wonder the slam fest continues unabated against conservatives who preach personal responsibility. The Dems who have set up a toll booth on the low road say, vote for us and we'll just hand it to you," Republicans who conversely travel the high road say, "it's out there, if you want to work for it." See the pattern here? People don't want to work, or raise their own children, neither do they want to take the time to govern themselves as they are called to do as responsible Americans. The solution? Vote Democratic!
So, as I have been saying. We as a nation, need revival at the personal spiritual level. Which in turn, will cause a return to sanity and a call for accountability from our legislators. Evidence of this would be readily seen in election returns, as was the case as recently as the sweeping mid-terms of 2010. The Bible mentions a great harvest coming in the last days, in which and as you likely are already aware, I believe we live. Whether or not America is counted among the nations that in practice honor God and participate in said harvest, will be determined by her decisions. Will we return to the traditional values of our fathers, or stake our fate with those who proclaim man's right to choose lifestyles that showcase things like abortion on demand and nationally protected gay rights? So, as long as we remain a godless society populated by takers and slakers, we are going to continue our national free fall. We must awaken and realize our dual responsibilities to our country and our Creator.
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