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Hazard @ Williamsburg 11/22
Besides that Longmire, you got things way wrong. I happen to like the back and forth with 64. I do think his team is overrated but, I think he is the most fun on here. We have been going at it on here for 2 years. He dishes it just as well as he takes it. It is all in fun. I haven't been served as much this year but it's still fun.
williamsburgs defensive unit is not just a defense, it's a fence that hasn't been crossed in the past 4 games.
Hazard 38-30
[quote=mikehancho25]Topnotch, the impression that I have gotten from your "self-righteous" message is that Hazard is expected to show a lack of class and you didn't say this outright I am not saying you outright said that but you talked to the Hazard fan base as though we are a bunch of backward thugs that have never been out of the holler. The way it was worded made the idea of Hazard's lack of class is something you and the Williamsburg faithful have grown accustomed to. I personally do not take offense to a small minded attack like this and I know boys from Williamsburg that I played against that have never tried to teach me a lesson on sporting etiquette. Why? because Hazard wins and loses with class, this is something that anyone that plays Hazard knows. We didn't need your petty lesson (attack) to know that Williamsburg was a classy program. It was just an attempt, a lame one at that, to paint Hazard as a pile of trash Hillbillies, and Williamsburg as the great moral civilization that is defending itself from the mongols. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe it's because you have never met anyone from Hazard. I will be at the game friday, I am about 6'4 with dark brown hair and I will be wearing a blue and gray north face jacket I would love to meet some of you guys and talk football if you're there. Just yell Mike Hancho at me and I'll introduce myself Wink See you friday.[/

Well I was going to come to the game but this guy has scared me to death:biglmao:
It wasn't a threat! I was just reaching out. I'm not that scary now haha I will be truly disappointed if nobody yells "mike hancho" at me. Just remember grey north face and jeans.
mikehancho25 Wrote:It wasn't a threat! I was just reaching out. I'm not that scary now haha I will be truly disappointed if nobody yells "mike hancho" at me. Just remember grey north face and jeans.

Oh I will holler at you that is a fact
I'll be at this on cheering for the Yellow Jackets as they win the Region Championship over a good Hazard team, but I refuse to wear orange. Williamsburg 31 Hazard 14
Mikehancho25 look up Xbox he will be the little guy wearing the visor. We'll see you there. Hopefully the roads will be dry and all Hazard fans will have a safe trip.
Williamsburg- 35
Hazard- 21
mysonis55 Wrote:I have seen the Hazard fans and team twice in the past 4 years. I have never seen any such things displayed by them. They always acted as classy as a team should. To come on here and infer otherwise is offensive. Just play the game and let the cards (jackets) fall where they may.

Thay did exately that to us last year ask anyone, I know hazard fans they for the most part are very much like Williamsburg, Mayfield and any other local town but to allow a few disrespectfull students to post a large sign where the Williamsburg players enter the field which read that a player for Williamsburg With a large Number on it was gay Is something that the school officals the Williamsburg Police or any number of Williamsburg fans would have thrown their butt out on 10th street with no respect for constitutal rights, PEROID I love my town and the school who gave me every opportunity in life. and am proud to know reguardless of who has the highest number on the score board the Hazard fans will be able to leave our school and town knowing they were treated with the utmost respect. GO JACKETS
Hazard 47- Williamsburg 13
Wolverine Wrote:Hazard 47- Williamsburg 13

:dudecomeon: you have the score backward :HitWall:
mikehancho25 Wrote:It wasn't a threat! I was just reaching out. I'm not that scary now haha I will be truly disappointed if nobody yells "mike hancho" at me. Just remember grey north face and jeans.

could be anybody from hazard mike hancho bring your :dogbowl: an bark early and have a safe trip home on the Daniel Boone Parkway :girlwink:
This is the Burgs year!!!!

64SUR Wrote:could be anybody from hazard mike hancho bring your :dogbowl: an bark early and have a safe trip home on the Daniel Boone Parkway :girlwink:

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Williamsburg 36 Hazard 20. Hazard's young QB is a liability right now, Williamsburg's defense just has to put minimal pressure on him and he will fumble or throw an interception. I am pulling for Hazard to win this game but if my prediction is true I Will be pulling for Williamsburg also I think that Williamsburg will beat either Pikeville or Raceland by 2 td's.

I'm confused machoman and it don't take muchConfusederiously:
OldJacket Wrote:So bac you are making the assumption that Jones is better than the big kid Branham from Wayne Co.

Or the kid from North Laurel?

I think Jones and the kid from North in a toss up. Also when judging Jones, they do not play the competition that Wayne or North play. There is a difference when the toughest district game you have is Pineville and you play three teams that lost to Pike Central. Williamsburg was up 48 to nothing on Pike Central at the half!!!!This is going to be a great game. Williamsburg can defend and run. Hazard can play!!! I will go with Williamsburg by 6, just by comparying common opponents (which is a bad way to pickem I know).
No score prediction from this guy, I'm just excited to watch a great, competitive, hard hitting high school football game. Good luck to both teams and safe travels to everybody making the trip.
The Jesus Wrote:No score prediction from this guy, I'm just excited to watch a great, competitive, hard hitting high school football game. Good luck to both teams and safe travels to everybody making the trip.

Come on The Jesus pull for williamsburg Confusedhh: We want tell
mikehancho25 Wrote:^ you are right Williamsburg will be in culture shock when they get there first taste of Brandon Jones. If this is a game where it is Brandon vs. Williamsburg then it will be Williamsburg 36 Brandon 21-28 pts. If this is Williamsburg vs. Hazard using everyone to their potential it will be Hazard by 2 touchdowns

I highly doubt it will be a shock!!! Williamsburg has played against him for two years, and they have played some better backs and teams through out the year. I am not sure who will be in shock. Hazard's schedule has been a little down this year. The district is not very good, they did beat Somerset (when they had everyone hurt and not playing), and they beat some teams that lost to Pike Central. I think this game is hard to predict. I will say that Williamsburg is probably better than Hazard on defense, but I would also say that Hazard is better than Williamsburg on offense. It will be a great game.
topnotch Wrote:Thay did exately that to us last year ask anyone, I know hazard fans they for the most part are very much like Williamsburg, Mayfield and any other local town but to allow a few disrespectfull students to post a large sign where the Williamsburg players enter the field which read that a player for Williamsburg With a large Number on it was gay Is something that the school officals the Williamsburg Police or any number of Williamsburg fans would have thrown their butt out on 10th street with no respect for constitutal rights, PEROID I love my town and the school who gave me every opportunity in life. and am proud to know reguardless of who has the highest number on the score board the Hazard fans will be able to leave our school and town knowing they were treated with the utmost respect. GO JACKETS

I did see the bullying signs that the hazard students were allowed to have!!! That would never be allowed at Williamsburg or Corbin. Administrators should have stepped in. There is no room for bullying in high school sports.
mysonis55 Wrote:Besides that Longmire, you got things way wrong. I happen to like the back and forth with 64. I do think his team is overrated but, I think he is the most fun on here. We have been going at it on here for 2 years. He dishes it just as well as he takes it. It is all in fun. I haven't been served as much this year but it's still fun.

Oh it's coming if I can get to a computer mysonis55 It is all in fun :rockon: 55 been waiting a year for this one IQ55 Confusednicker:
BDC Wrote:Or the kid from North Laurel?

I think Jones and the kid from North in a toss up. Also when judging Jones, they do not play the competition that Wayne or North play. There is a difference when the toughest district game you have is Pineville and you play three teams that lost to Pike Central. Williamsburg was up 48 to nothing on Pike Central at the half!!!!This is going to be a great game. Williamsburg can defend and run. Hazard can play!!! I will go with Williamsburg by 6, just by comparying common opponents (which is a bad way to pickem I know).

You are wrong on the competition that Hazard has faced..Its not been up to par as the past several years but that's due to heavy graduation of other schools and coaching changes... Breathitt Co,, Somerset, Pikeville, Fairview, and Prestonsburg... Sheldon Clark use to be a tough team to play but has been down several years. Yea Pike Central just lost there starting running back too before the Williamsburg game and wasn't adjusted to playing with out him and Williamsburg was hungry and put the game out of hand quick... I agree Williamsburg will defend the run pretty good but a kid like jones is capable of breaking one at anytime because he is low and going to hard to bring down.
bac2369 Wrote:You are wrong on the competition that Hazard has faced..Its not been up to par as the past several years but that's due to heavy graduation of other schools and coaching changes... Breathitt Co,, Somerset, Pikeville, Fairview, and Prestonsburg... Sheldon Clark use to be a tough team to play but has been down several years. Yea Pike Central just lost there starting running back too before the Williamsburg game and wasn't adjusted to playing with out him and Williamsburg was hungry and put the game out of hand quick... I agree Williamsburg will defend the run pretty good but a kid like jones is capable of breaking one at anytime because he is low and going to hard to bring down.

come on bac2369 post a score for me :please:
64SUR Wrote:come on bac2369 post a score for me :please:

64 your going to let me study before I make my prediction.. But I will give you one eventually....
BDC Wrote:I did see the bullying signs that the hazard students were allowed to have!!! That would never be allowed at Williamsburg or Corbin. Administrators should have stepped in. There is no room for bullying in high school sports.

Must not be allowed in the Dolphins locker rooms as well.
Even if your bigger than everyone, we have to make sure nobody gets there feelings hurt...
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Must not be allowed in the Dolphins locker rooms as well.
Even if your bigger than everyone, we have to make sure nobody gets there feelings hurt...

Gut you are so nice to have around every one you support looses. I am so glad that you support Hazard
What is Williamsburg health status for this game?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Must not be allowed in the Dolphins locker rooms as well.
Even if your bigger than everyone, we have to make sure nobody gets there feelings hurt...

Bullying is nothing to make light of. Those type of signs have no place in a high school game. There should be zero tolerance in this day and age.
bac2369 Wrote:What is Williamsburg health status for this game?

100 percent ready for Hazard my last report bac2369 as of 20 minute ago.Confusedhh:
64SUR Wrote:100 percent ready for Hazard my last report bac2369 as of 20 minute ago.Confusedhh:

Are you sure 64?
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