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Breaking News!!!
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Please don't tell me Ashland is the one who reported this kid.

My information from one who is very involved with Ashland athletics is that it was, indeed, Ashland. Since Ashland has a history of filing reports or its "neighbors" with KHSAA and since Ashland seems to be well liked by many at KHSAA, I would have to believe that it was, again, Ashland who did the tattling.
Leaping Lee Wrote:1. Music will "retire" as a result.
2. Yes and Fairview made it easy for them. The took an Ashland transfer and had him repeat his junior year and then played him. Stupid, Arrogant or both?
3. Fairview did self report after the cat was out of the bag. The sanction that have been mentioned are the ones being recommended by Fairview.
4. Facts are their test scores are down 30% and they spent upwards of $150k on football last year alone.
5. I'm sure they would as will all others
6. Not a chance, 0%.

Thank you for the response, Leaping Lee. Your answers are straight forward and, I certainly believe, correct.

If Fairview self reported after the "cat was out of the bag", they should get no leniency from KHSAA. The fiasco in Millseat has been known on "the street" for a couple of years. I think I understand how these things happen and will continue to happen. I would suggest that all schools, large and small, "participate" to some degree or another. Shortcuts to success are hard to ignore. Still, as is usually the case, Fairview will receive less of a punishment than they actually deserve. That seems to be how it works in the end.
Truth Wrote:My information from one who is very involved with Ashland athletics told me that it was, indeed, Ashland. Since Ashland has a history of filing reports with KHSAA, I would have to believe that it was Ashland in this case, too.
They should report it if a Grown Man was playing with these kids. It has nothing to do with transfers.
It may go in that direction now.
It was only a matter of time. Garry bragged all summer about the kids that were coming to Fairview. How it was now his plan to no longer just bring in the seniors, but to instead start to spread the players throughout the system.
that's right Wrote:I agree on the helmet sticker! Taking the "F" off the helmet to me shows the ME factor in this program the last 5-6 years. I am a grad from there and there is NO way I would let anybody take it off when I played! Coach would have kicked us out of the locker room for that! Nate said they were going through tough times, I agree with that but everybody on that team knows what the deal is! The Homegrown kids have to suck it up and deal WITH IT OR HIT THE ROAD! You ALL knew it just like everybody in Westwood. So to say leave these poor children alone is a joke! I hate it for the homegrown kids but do not feel sorry for any of the transfers or Coaches, they were so Cocky and deserve everything they get! Get Real and pay the Piper! You ruined a great little school by letting this happen, everybody involved in the football program knew and that's fact. Even Mr. Radio Tommy knew, he has bragged to some of us grads about getting certain studs at Fairview!

In no way was I trying to say Tommy had anything to do with wrong doing like it may have sounded! My point was everybody knew. I brag about kids we get but Have faith it was the right way, and I am Sure Tommy would hope the same thing from people involved, he is just like me a Proud supporter! He like many others that knew had no power.
Several seem to think the open board meeting will be "eventful". I doubt that that will be the case. Any discussion of this matter will be held in executive session. Personnel matters are discussed in executive session and not in the open meeting. The board would be worse than foolish to discuss this with the general public or to answer any questions from the general public. That is not how boards operate.
That's right , it is nice to finally here from a Fairveiw grad.Alot of people in the area thought that everybody in Westwood was happy with everything going on over there.I talk to a lot of X Fairveiw players that I played against and none of them have been happy with the program sence Music arrived.I have all was wondered why Tackett left years ago.Maybe because he would not turn his head and let Music do his thing?And please nobody say poor pitiful Nate anymore on here,he knew what was going on.
RAMDAD50 Wrote:And the state might prosecute those responsible criminally, if they knowledgably defrauded the state with false addresses. But the state would not do anything which would knowingly bankrupt a school system. The political repercussions of forcefully closing a neighborhood school system for something as silly as athletics would be...unpleasant.

Yes they would,remember this is a small independent school the state hates them.If they had there way they would consolidate all of then.That's the only thing that makes me think the state will come after them.

Very true. A friend of mine is a former independent school superintendent. His statement to me was that the state believes that independents are "a thorn in their side". The Comissioner of Education has denied allegations of the state not liking independents, but they've not been too friendly when an independent is struggling financially.
Oh Clint, where are you? Missing, just like you were at the Raceland game that you told me you would see me at. Not jumping off that bandwagon are you? Be a shame after all the "B.I.T.W." crap you put on here for you to stop supporting all the players, new and old alike.
Clint is just like a cockroach,when the light comes on they scatter.
No one will be prosecuted. The Kentucky Department of Education will do nothing. It should keep its nose out of it. It will leave everything up to the KHSAA to sanction, fine, or suspend in accordance with KHSAA's subjective rules. Any prosecution involving the KDE should involve charges against its employees for impersonating educators.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Please don't tell me Ashland is the one who reported this kid.

Truth Wrote:Thank you for the response, Leaping Lee. Your answers are straight forward and, I certainly believe, correct.

If Fairview self reported after the "cat was out of the bag", they should get no leniency from KHSAA. The fiasco in Millseat has been known on "the street" for a couple of years. I think I understand how these things happen and will continue to happen. I would suggest that all schools, large and small, "participate" to some degree or another. Shortcuts to success are hard to ignore. Still, as is usually the case, Fairview will receive less of a punishment than they actually deserve. That seems to be how it works in the end.

Let me say that I'm not exactly sure how the reporting happened. It could be that Ashland reported them then Fairview "self punished". That could be more accurate.
Dicky Martin said the player transfered from Ashland Friday night on the air, that it was not about Fairview West players, but the superintendent and principal should take the heat cause they made this player legal to play and not the coach's.
Kentucky investigating Fairview football team

Oct. 27, 2013 @ 12:19 AM


WESTWOOD, Ky. — What has evolved into a very successful Kentucky Class A football program at Fairview High School near Ashland is coming under fire for possible eligibility violations.

Fairview Independent Schools Superintendent Bill Musick said Saturday that the program is under investigation by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.

"We've submitted our report to the KHSAA, and I can't really say anything until we get their ruling," Musick said. "After that, I'd be glad to talk about it."

Musick also confirmed that Garry McPeek has resigned as principal and athletic director at Fairview, and will be moved to a physical education teacher's position at Fairview Elementary. McPeek has also resigned as an assistant coach for the Eagles football team.

McPeek's nephew, Nate McPeek, has served as head coach of the Fairview football program since 2008. Nate McPeek, a former Marshall University offensive lineman, has never had a losing season as the head man for the Eagles, and Fairview hadn't suffered a regular season loss in 27 games spanning three seaons until falling to Raceland earlier this month.

Joe Angolia, communications director for the KHSAA, said there is "an investigation at the local level" centering on Fairview. Angolia said the KHSAA will review Fairview's findings and determine if any sentence is warranted.

With the regular season nearing its end, the result could affect Fairview's post season, depending on how quickly the investigation is resolved. Angolia said there is no time-frame at the moment.

"It's hard to say how long it will take," he said. "It goes on a case-by-case basis."

Musick said he expected to hear back from the state as early as Monday.

Angolia said he couldn't comment on any specifics of an ongoing investigation.

Calls to Garry McPeek's cell phone indicated the number had been disconnected.

Nate McPeek did not return a call Saturday.

Fairview finished 14-1 in 2012, losing its only game to Mayfield in the Eagles' first appearance in a state championship game in program history.

The Eagles are 8-1 heading into the team's final contest of the season, a road trip to James N Gamble Montessori in Cincinnati.
RAMDAD50 Wrote:Clint is just like a cockroach,when the light comes on they scatter.

One of the many fair weather fans that came ot of the WOODwork when they started winning. BITW...there's only one WOOD they reside in the weatern bracket.
Leaping Lee Wrote:Let me say that I'm not exactly sure how the reporting happened. It could be that Ashland reported them then Fairview "self punished". That could be more accurate.

My information, and in light of the source I believe it to be true, is that Ashland turned in the information to KHSAA. Fairview, then, allegedly self reported.

I don't think anyone should commend Fairview for allegedly self reporting. Their antics have been going on for several years and they appeared to be getting by with it. So, to suggest that they self reported because of a tang of conscience or because they just learned of the situation is not credible.

I suspect that any self reporting was done after KHSAA had the goods on them. If so, they deserve no consideration for "coming clean".

Is anyone foolish enough to believe that Fairview would have self reported if they had not been reported by their "neighbor"? Obviously, the "activities" would have continued.
^^and still will. I see nothing but a slap on the wrist coming.Nate will stay,Music will retire,Gary will finish out year and be gone.I guess we will have to see but I think there is going to be a lot of upset people on here.
Why did Gary McPeek resign as Principal?
^i would venture to say because he knew what was coming. Quite possible he is the main cause of it all, he has had issues everywhere he has been. They may have "suggested" he resign. Meaning he was being demoted either way. The school also may have decided to get rid of him as principal and wanted to go ahead and get someone in there before he was punished by the khsaa. I also thought that a principal could no longer serve as an atheletic director OR be a coach of any kind. Dan Mercer was a coach with BTR and Vanderhoof at Raceland. When he took the principal position, i could be wrong, but I think hehad to step away from coaching.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:^i would venture to say because he knew what was coming. Quite possible he is the main cause of it all, he has had issues everywhere he has been. They may have "suggested" he resign. Meaning he was being demoted either way. The school also may have decided to get rid of him as principal and wanted to go ahead and get someone in there before he was punished by the khsaa. I also thought that a principal could no longer serve as an atheletic director OR be a coach of any kind. Dan Mercer was a coach with BTR and Vanderhoof at Raceland. When he took the principal position, i could be wrong, but I think hehad to step away from coaching.
That just depends on the district. That used to be a rule at Ashland. My understanding was a condition of coach harts hiring in 2003 was that assistant principal Steve dowdy was on his staff. Safe to say that's when the rules changed.
ramdad50 Wrote:^^and still will. I see nothing but a slap on the wrist coming.nate will stay,music will retire,gary will finish out year and be gone.i guess we will have to see but i think there is going to be a lot of upset people on here.

your wright ram dam. Slap on the wrist.. Or nothing will come of it!!!!!!
Sorry. I meant ram dad!!
Truth Wrote:My information, and in light of the source I believe it to be true, is that Ashland turned in the information to KHSAA. Fairview, then, allegedly self reported.

I don't think anyone should commend Fairview for allegedly self reporting. Their antics have been going on for several years and they appeared to be getting by with it. So, to suggest that they self reported because of a tang of conscience or because they just learned of the situation is not credible.

I suspect that any self reporting was done after KHSAA had the goods on them. If so, they deserve no consideration for "coming clean".

Is anyone foolish enough to believe that Fairview would have self reported if they had not been reported by their "neighbor"? Obviously, the "activities" would have continued.

If Fairview were self reporting there many other things they could have included. I'm in agreement with you post 100%.
Did this kid play any other sports?
RAMDAD50 Wrote:Did this kid play any other sports?

I heard he played girls volleyball. I kid, I kid.
I've been reading the posts on this thread and the only thing that cracks me up is the people who think that Fairview is the only school where things like this are going on. If the KHSAA really cared and wanted to do a deep state wide investigation I would say you would see a lot of coaches and athletic director's get into trouble. If you think that Fairview is the only place stuff like this is going on then you are a naive person. I would love to have a list from year to year of players on teams who are not originally from the school they are playing for. I have said many times that I have no problem with a kid who if they are on a bad team and want to play at another school then let em do it. I believe that if a coach and team are doing good things then kids and the parents of kids will take notice and want to come play for that coach and team and I see nothing wrong with this as long as all the rules are followed. The only thing I am against is when coaches physically or verbally contact a kid from another school or even in another state and basically recruit the kid and I would say that very thing goes on all the time all over this state. If the coaches at Fairview are in the wrong then they need to be punished but some people seem to be getting way to much enjoyment of kids being hurt by all of this and that is who will be hurt the most from all of this.
I think we have a lot of people with comments on this thread who don't ever want the KHSAA digging in the dirty little closet of the school they represent and you know who you are.

How about the Greenup Southeastern Thoroughbreds? Or the Greenup Southeastern Express lol?
This is a sad situation for all of the innocent parties involved. However, I agree with everything Leaping Lee and a few other posters on here have said.

At the end of the day, I think Fairview's school will cease to exist and the majority of the students at Fairview will become a part of the Boyd County school district, with the McPeeks and Music receiving a show-cause penalty of some kind. However, I also agree that pretty much every school within a 25 mile radius of Fairview's will likely benefit with the presence of at least a couple of students from Westwood.
Do-double-gg Wrote:I've been reading the posts on this thread and the only thing that cracks me up is the people who think that Fairview is the only school where things like this are going on. If the KHSAA really cared and wanted to do a deep state wide investigation I would say you would see a lot of coaches and athletic director's get into trouble. If you think that Fairview is the only place stuff like this is going on then you are a naive person. I would love to have a list from year to year of players on teams who are not originally from the school they are playing for. I have said many times that I have no problem with a kid who if they are on a bad team and want to play at another school then let em do it. I believe that if a coach and team are doing good things then kids and the parents of kids will take notice and want to come play for that coach and team and I see nothing wrong with this as long as all the rules are followed. The only thing I am against is when coaches physically or verbally contact a kid from another school or even in another state and basically recruit the kid and I would say that very thing goes on all the time all over this state. If the coaches at Fairview are in the wrong then they need to be punished but some people seem to be getting way to much enjoyment of kids being hurt by all of this and that is who will be hurt the most from all of this.
I think we have a lot of people with comments on this thread who don't ever want the KHSAA digging in the dirty little closet of the school they represent and you know who you are.


I firmly believe every school bend/break the rules but some are in your face with it.
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