Poll: Who gets the W??
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Raceland Rams
Fairview Eagles
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Raceland vs Fairview
E's Army Wrote:Don't forget Pikeville.

You are right I did forget about Pikeville and now that you mention them there probably won't be a rematch between Raceland and Fairview because I don't think Raceland will beat Pikeville in the second round of the playoffs.
Are you already giving FHS this win?
Well, I think Fairview has won the close ones this year and Raceland is not living up to the expectations so I will give the Eagles the edge. Hope to meet Clint, I will be there in jean shorts, UK sweat shirt and UK hat and it will not be your pleasure and your big mouth to meet me, jack ass.
And as everyone jumps on me, I have asked mods to slow Clinty girl down with his personal crap, and they haven't so I will take care of it my damn self.
Fairview 42 Raceland 36

Mr. Patch, I am looking forward to finally meeting you. But since you are going to be wearing a UK hat then I will change to another ball cap. Maybe just a B.I.T.W. ball cap, dig?
I'm thrilled that you follow every move the Eagles and myself make, seeing how you are such a staunch Ashland supporter. Thanks for all your support to Fairview High School and the Football team, as always "Believe in the Wood"
FBALL Wrote:Ams smoke the weed!

Hahaha...that was funny!
Clint Westwood Wrote:Fairview by 10 plus. The Am's middle school recruits have matured into fine high school players over the last couple years but still have a ways to go. Good luck to both teams. I will be lingering around the North End Zone at half time wearing khakis, black "Eagles" sweatshirt and blue UK ball cap. Come on down and lets have a meet and greet! Looking forward to patching things up with some of you make believe folks!

Do-double-gg Wrote::thatsfunn

I thought it was funny too but apparently another did not. Until last week I thought Fairview would steam roll them but with all the injuries it will be a much closer game. Half Time Show shouldn't be too entertaining. Last year I sent out some invites as well and no one showed up.
this one will be Power football vs Air raid football, Rams have home field advantage but that is all, will Beach get ejected, will Rams shoot themselves in foot like they do every big game they are in, Rams don't play good when they play a physical team and they will get roughed up in this one, the Eagles will soar
I said early in the year before any football was played that Raceland would be the team to beat from the east in 1a. I picked Raceland to win in every game even when they were playing my Dawgs I picked em in my pick'em.
I still think they have the best defense of all the 1a teams and the best balance of all the teams on offense. I have also picked Fairview to win every game up to this point. I think I will stick with my Raceland from the east stuff and pick over Fairview this time.


mysonis55 Wrote:Are you already giving FHS this win?

I have seen both teams play and Fairview is mentally tougher than Raceland and they know how to win. King being out may impact the Eagles but not as much as everyone thinks. I believe Fairview has more than enough talent to make up for his loss. As far as Raceland goes, they are a decent team but nothing more. I know everyone wants to hype them up but from what I have seen they are no where near being an elite team like everyone tries to say they are. Good teams find a way to win and for the past few years Raceland has only found ways to lose in games that they need to win.
I for one think you might be shocked.
I have heard that Fairview is refusing to call the Raceland game a "test" seems they have a problem with that.
Fairview is "used to winning" as McPeak likes to put it. Personally, I agree. Winning is contagious and when a team with tallent realizes that and understands that, its a scary dianamic. Maybe its wishful thinking, but i honestly do believe that Raceland finally makes it over the hump. They SHOULD be well prepared for the Eagles rushig attack, they have played almost everygame against their offensive system, though none have really had that kind of speed outside of Ashland. I think that game ends up payig dividends. They saw how to contain Baker, holding him to well under half of his 150 yd average. So the edges are going to be hard to get to. B gap to b gap is what concerns me. But i think the Lawrence Co game exposed the weakness in Rams defense and from what I can tell in practice, they have worked on that.

Fairview struggled against Bellevue's passing attack. idk if Racelands is quite as strong but it is definitely more balanced. This game comes down to ball control. Whoever can sustain drives will win this game. Goina be a good one!
I want to pick Raceland, but realistically I can't. The Raceland team this year is like every other team TJ has put on the field, be it at Raceland or Greenup, they win the games they are heavily favored to win and lose the toss ups. I think Raceland should have beat Fairview last year, but it all came down to toughness, both mental and physical and Fairview succeeded in both of those categories. I hope that I am proven wrong, otherwise, this senior class will make history when they become the first class to go four years without beating Fairview.
Sorry I feel obligated to chime in:
I read on here from Raceland fans that BASH or bad mouth the coaching staff or support staff or mainly towards TJ. All I have to say, I heard this before when HOOF coached, How terrible and how he could not win the big one. Well, I guess until the school system hires YOU to coach since you obviously know how to be a better coach and how to get the job done, I will continue to support the complete staff at Raceland no matter the outcome. I have learned that no matter how many times you REP plays, teach and demonstrate the proper ways to adjust, it comes down to the kids performing on the field.
The kids are gonna make mistakes,, I get it they are kids. Not bashing them. Just making a statement. The complaints get old and obvious after awhile.
So lets see how this pans out:
1. Raceland does not have a field they have an octagon- TRACK REMOVED- corrected
2. Raceland has all of Russell's best kids that transferred- Not an issue after next year.
3. Coaches can't coach- Go to college and get a degree, play college football and maybe one day you can have people talk about you behind your back or on BLOG pages.

But for now! I support our program, win or lose, good calls or bad calls, healthy or injured.Good luck to all RAMS this week and lets play a great game Friday at HOME.
RamPride Wrote:Sorry I feel obligated to chime in:
I read on here from Raceland fans that BASH or bad mouth the coaching staff or support staff or mainly towards TJ. All I have to say, I heard this before when HOOF coached, How terrible and how he could not win the big one. Well, I guess until the school system hires YOU to coach since you obviously know how to be a better coach and how to get the job done, I will continue to support the complete staff at Raceland no matter the outcome. I have learned that no matter how many times you REP plays, teach and demonstrate the proper ways to adjust, it comes down to the kids performing on the field.
The kids are gonna make mistakes,, I get it they are kids. Not bashing them. Just making a statement. The complaints get old and obvious after awhile.
So lets see how this pans out:
1. Raceland does not have a field they have an octagon- TRACK REMOVED- corrected
2. Raceland has all of Russell's best kids that transferred- Not an issue after next year.
3. Coaches can't coach- Go to college and get a degree, play college football and maybe one day you can have people talk about you behind your back or on BLOG pages.

But for now! I support our program, win or lose, good calls or bad calls, healthy or injured.Good luck to all RAMS this week and lets play a great game Friday at HOME.

People have been questioning coaches and their abilities for years, doesn't matter if it's JFL, NFL or anywhere in between.
I think the only real gripe i have is going back to 08 LCA/RAMS Regional Champ game. In the first half Raceland spread LCA out and let Denton and Carver go to work on the edges. Behind Johanssen, Logan, Grant, and the rest of that line. Even though they were running so much, they had to account for Boyles out of the pocket, as well as Huffman, McKee, Selvage, and Tolliver at wr. Imo THAT was the most tallented over all team Raceland has had. My biggest issue in that game though, was coming out in the 2nd half and trying to play ball control. Up 20-3 at half time Raceland looked like the best 1a team in the state by a long shot. But they took their foot off the throttle with play calling and LCA capitolized.

Coach Hoof has, admitted to playin it safe that night. All coaches are suspect to judgement, i dnt believe any of them do anything other than what they feel is best for the kids. Win or loose that is the most important part.
Everyone thought Maynard would be the saviour. Its much more than who is at the helm. Staff, players, boosters, and sometimes luck has to be in place to turn things around. At a certain point, winning seasons and playoff appearences arent enough though. Once Raceland gets over the hump and wins a few district titles again and gets the ellusive Regional Championship, talk will die down. Then if that happens a few times, talk will start back up that thats not enough. Things are never goina be good enough for everyone. I am one of the ones that have questioned play calling. But I will always support the cosches win or lose.
mysonis55 Wrote:I for one think you might be shocked.

I would love to be wrong but I have watched Raceland all season and I just don't think they have what it takes to win. They always seem flat and they do not have the kind of attitude it takes to win. My main issue isn't so much with the coaching as it is this unfounded belief in Raceland's culture that Raceland has this great football tradtion. The past records speak for thenselves and the fact is Raceland didn't start winning playoff games until the realignment. Before the realignment Raceland was a doormat for programs with real traditions that have state championships. Our fan base needs to realize that winning playoff games in a weak region doesn't suddenly make Raceland an elite program.
Here are some numbers:
(they are rounded off due to the khsaa website not being updated)

Fairview: (stats through 6 games)
Rushing: About 400yds/Game
Passing: About 40yds/game

RacelandSadstats through 5 games)
Rushing: 267yds/game
Passing: 135yds/game

Both teams averaging over 400 yds per game. Raceland obviousky is the more balanced team. But Fairview has shown the ability to score with passing teams with out havig to pass the ball. Using special teams and taking advantage of turnovers. Raceland manages to score through the air and the ground. Raceland's defense now isnt as strong as it was i the first few weeks, some of that is schemes. I believe they have fixed some of that problem. Physicality stilk has to come uo though. Defenses to come on nextbreak.

Keys to this game are this. Both offenses vs the defenses. As stupid as that may sound t will come down to who can get a stop here and there and capitolize by putting points on the board after wards. The team with sustainable drives wins. Big plays r great but with both teams capable of them it becomes a matter of who can make drives last.
Coaches get the glory for wins,they must be thick skinned when they lose. With the realignment in a weak region and talk of the "greatest Rams team ever" at the beginning of the season, it is time to show it. Fairview is not as tough as last season, if Raceland loses this game, we have a pattern and coaches are judged by wins and losses. Flat out I ask who is the better coach? This should be an easy win,getting Fairview in a rebuilding mode with a loaded Rams team.
06 and 08 would put a running clock on this years Rams.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:06 and 08 would put a running clock on this years Rams.

100% agree, I never understood the hype, although a good team but 06,08 would have scored at will and a tougher defense. I don't know who started the "best ever" but it was unfair to lay that kind of expectations on this team. To be honest,it isn't even close.
No its not. Imparticular its put too much pressure on the kids. Im not taking anything away from Adam, he is a great kid and a good auarter back, But Grizzle, Boyles, Nd Pettery are probably the best qbs to come out of Raceland. Adam is up there as well, but Scott and Tyler, especially Tyler had football IQs that were off the charts. Elkins has Grizzle as his qb coach, so it has been a big help. He just doest have the same arm strength the other two had.

06 Defense was rough. The secondary was strong enough on the run but fast enough to play the pass. DBs like Mullins, Deskins, McKenzie, and Chambers, were hard hitting backs. All of which could have played college balk had they wanted to, Mullins did for awhile. The Dline of Rodgers and Thompson were great at dt with Forrest at ILB.

Offensively, you had Grizzle at qb, Mullins, Beach, Boyles, and Deskins at WR with Denton, Carver, McKenzie at RB. Forrest, Rodgers, Thompson anchored the oline.

Special Teams...Derrick Beach(Daylins older brother) was the difference maker.
As well as Jacob Sparks. A solid kicker, got theball high on kick offs and around the 5-10 yd line. Had range from about 40 yds.

A more run based team with 2 1000 yd rushers that were nearly carbon copies of each other in Denton and Carver. Carver was a smarter back who read wholes well and Dentons feet never stopped moving. I will never forget the 25 yard run, backwards, against LCA. Boykes at QB. Couldnt ask for a smarter mind behind center. Huffman, McKee, Tolliver, Sparks, Selvage at reciever. An oline that averaged about 6'3" 260 With 6'4" 270 at one tackle and 6'5" 280 at the other. 6'0 250 at one gaurd and 6'0 220 at the other with 6'0" 250 lb center. Thing was though, they were big and FAST. Can u immagine being a cornerback or strong safety and have that line running infront of a 5'8" 230 lb running back right down ur throat? This team had more collegiate football players than any other Raceland team. Carver, Johanssen, Logan, and Boyles(basketball but had plenty of fb offers).

Defense was the same grouo of kids that, at dline, was probably the best in 1A that year.
Special teams was solid. Not as good as 06 though. Brh of these teams beat Ashland, 08 came up 7 pts shy of a regional championship.

This years line is big, they have pretty good footwork, this team has alot of speed at the skill positions and two play makers in Beech and Messer. This team just isnt as mean as the two above mentioned teams. I do believe this team has the ability to win on friday, i honestly think they get over the hump and atleast get a district title. But to say its the best team ever was WAY premature and IMO unjustified.

I guess i shouldnt say neone said they were thebest ever, i believe what was said was they COULD be and they were probably had the biggest line. Whic is probably true, but 08 was almost as big and alot faster.
Not taking nething away from them. They just arent as good as 06/08...probly not as good as the 88 or 95 team either. BUT, those teams didnt do what they were supposed to either. So i hope they use that as motivation and make it a goal to set out to do what no other team in Ram history has done. WIN A REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Not taking nething away from them. They just arent as good as 06/08...probly not as good as the 88 or 95 team either. BUT, those teams didnt do what they were supposed to either. So i hope they use that as motivation and make it a goal to set out to do what no other team in Ram history has done. WIN A REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.

The 08 LCA game came to a point late in the 4th qtr, hanging on to a small lead after the conservative 2nd half play, where we had a 4th and 1. I was screaming "go for it" because they cannot score without the ball. Our offensive line with Denton and Carver in my opinion would get me a yard. Our kicking game was weak so we punted and the rest is history. I would have bet my left....nevermind, that either back would have got a 1st down. I believe Hoof is haunted to this day over that game. He is a great guy and coach, I would have went for it, also, we didn't net but about 13 yards on the punt!
I'll take Raceland at home.
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