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First gun control ammendment defeated.
They can have there gun check laws now.
Everyone that wants a gun has already gone and bought 10 since all this came up, thus making the check useless now because everybody already has one.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:They can have there gun check laws now.
Everyone that wants a gun has already gone and bought 10 since all this came up, thus making the check useless now because everybody already has one.

Maybe that's all it is? Gun sales booster??
TheRealVille Wrote:No one is keeping legal, law abiding persons from keeping, and bearing arms. You know as well as anybody that they only check for criminal records.

If there had been "sensible" discussions on gun control a few months back, maybe, just maybe people would have been more receptive. Instead, liberals like Feinstein and Obama were going off the deep end, screaming about banning semi auto rifles, limiting ammo and banning 20 round magazines.

See, it's what the biggest part of liberals want...they want to take all that we will allow. If they can chip away little by little we might not even notice.

That is why most sensible gun owners are pushing back at even the smallest bit of gun legislation, we know what they really want and where they're headed, they showed us after the school shooting.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:If there had been "sensible" discussions on gun control a few months back, maybe, just maybe people would have been more receptive. Instead, liberals like Feinstein and Obama were going off the deep end, screaming about banning semi auto rifles, limiting ammo and banning 20 round magazines.

See, it's what the biggest part of liberals want...they want to take all that we will allow. If they can chip away little by little we might not even notice.

That is why most sensible gun owners are pushing back at even the smallest bit of gun legislation, we know what they really want and where they're headed, they showed us after the school shooting.

You've got it just right Skinny. There lies yet a greater mistake on the horizon however, and that is to assume that liberals will ever be satisfied. It will never stop until we vote them out. They get more and more confident as the days go by. That's why he and Feinstein thought they were unstoppable and, that's why they made such bold proclamations. It will only get worse after 2014 if republicans don't hold serve.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Gun control is doomed for failure, thanks to a Texas law student named Cody Wilson. In 10 to 20 years, anybody who wants a gun will be able to print one. Open source designs are becoming available, the cost of 3D printing will plummet and the quality of the products that they produce will soar, just as it did with laser printers. That genie is out of the bottle and no amount of laws and regulations will put it back. High capacity magazine designs are already available for download and I have seen videos of them being used.
Making a gun that is undetectable by a metal detector is against the law.
[YOUTUBE="2nd amendment rights"]DpS1LK-liNg[/YOUTUBE]
Answer one question TRV. Do you own a handgun? Because if so understand that the same people you lovingly follow are for a total handgun ban, along with forced confiscation of "assault weapons" which is a term they made up after they realized their handgun ban was doomed to failure. Just like this new bill which would have been unenforceable without a national registry. So why write the law TRV? The answer is to hurt law abiding gun owners and you can't realize it. As a gun owner you need to take a serious look at what these people want. There is no such thing as sensible gun control because they will never stop it will be just like Europe and Australia. They ban most gun ownership under the guise of safety then violent crime skyrockets. Of course gun crime goes down slightly but the overall violent crime rate always goes up.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Answer one question TRV. Do you own a handgun? Because if so understand that the same people you lovingly follow are for a total handgun ban, along with forced confiscation of "assault weapons" which is a term they made up after they realized their handgun ban was doomed to failure. Just like this new bill which would have been unenforceable without a national registry. So why write the law TRV? The answer is to hurt law abiding gun owners and you can't realize it. As a gun owner you need to take a serious look at what these people want. There is no such thing as sensible gun control because they will never stop it will be just like Europe and Australia. They ban most gun ownership under the guise of safety then violent crime skyrockets. Of course gun crime goes down slightly but the overall violent crime rate always goes up.
Yes, several. Total lies. As a matter of fact, just about all of your whole post is a big lie. I'm not saying you intentionally are, but someone is feeding you a complete line of bullshit, and they have you on the hook. You must not be very old, because the term "assault weapon" has been around for many years. It wasn't even close to being "coined" anytime near this bill. :biggrin: BTW, show us the bill number where a handgun ban was in question.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, several. Total lies. As a matter of fact, just about all of your whole post is a big lie. I'm not saying you intentionally are, but someone is feeding you a complete line of bullshit, and they have you on the hook. You must not be very old, because the term "assault weapon" has been around for many years. It wasn't even close to being "coined" anytime near this bill. :biggrin: BTW, show us the bill number where a handgun ban was in question.

then y don't you use a source and prove his post wrong
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Maybe that's all it is? Gun sales booster??

Lets hope so.
Maybe thats obamas way of boosting the economy some what.
Reverse psychology.

TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, several. Total lies. As a matter of fact, just about all of your whole post is a big lie. I'm not saying you intentionally are, but someone is feeding you a complete line of bullshit, and they have you on the hook. You must not be very old, because the term "assault weapon" has been around for many years. It wasn't even close to being "coined" anytime near this bill. :biggrin: BTW, show us the bill number where a handgun ban was in question.

I don't "think" PTF means that any recent legislation was aimed at taking all guns.

I could be wrong but, I sincerely believe that if Obama, most of his admin, Feinstein, and many more liberals could have their way, 99% of our guns would be confiscated. It is an impression I get from them, so I have a tendency to turn from anything they come up with on the subject.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:then y don't you use a source and prove his post wrong
The burden of proof is on him. He made the claims.
TheRealVille Wrote:The burden of proof is on him. He made the claims.

as did you

Look at the history section.

The term assault weapon was invented in the late 80's by the gun control groups to try and get something passed after they realized their goal of a handgun ban would never come to fruition. Dianne Feinstein is on record saying she would have had all americans turn their "assault weapons" in if she had of had the vote. The current administration stopped the importation of M1 garands because they might fall into the wrong hands. (A complete lie).

Dianne Feinstein is the ring leader of the gun control circus here re some of her quotes

Notice the handgun bill she wanted. It would have required registration to own a handgun.

Whether you think the video is edited it was clearly her want to remove lawfully purchased property from US citizens.

No claim I make is untrue and you know that. The fact of the matter is that liberals around here kept saying Obama would never push gun control. But the first chance he got after he was no longer concerned about reelection he did. Just like the NRA said he would. The truth TRV is that the hardcore left wants America to be like Europe where firearms ownership is a privilege not a right. Stopping the importation of surplus rifles (which the government has sold to private citizens for years under the cmp) should be proof enough that they hate gun and gun owners.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:then y don't you use a source and prove his post wrong

Took care of.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, several. Total lies. As a matter of fact, just about all of your whole post is a big lie. I'm not saying you intentionally are, but someone is feeding you a complete line of bullshit, and they have you on the hook. You must not be very old, because the term "assault weapon" has been around for many years. It wasn't even close to being "coined" anytime near this bill. :biggrin: BTW, show us the bill number where a handgun ban was in question.

LOL no where did I mention this was recent. I look to the history of our politicians instead of believing what they say now.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:

Look at the history section.

The term assault weapon was invented in the late 80's by the gun control groups to try and get something passed after they realized their goal of a handgun ban would never come to fruition. Dianne Feinstein is on record saying she would have had all americans turn their "assault weapons" in if she had of had the vote. The current administration stopped the importation of M1 garands because they might fall into the wrong hands. (A complete lie).

Dianne Feinstein is the ring leader of the gun control circus here re some of her quotes

Notice the handgun bill she wanted. It would have required registration to own a handgun.

Whether you think the video is edited it was clearly her want to remove lawfully purchased property from US citizens.

No claim I make is untrue and you know that. The fact of the matter is that liberals around here kept saying Obama would never push gun control. But the first chance he got after he was no longer concerned about reelection he did. Just like the NRA said he would. The truth TRV is that the hardcore left wants America to be like Europe where firearms ownership is a privilege not a right. Stopping the importation of surplus rifles (which the government has sold to private citizens for years under the cmp) should be proof enough that they hate gun and gun owners.
Where is the handgun ban you speak of? It is nowhere in your link that they wanted to ban handguns.

Sensible, law abiding gun owners don't care to register their guns. What are you hiding that you are afraid of?

Yes, edited.

Every claim you made was untrue, and you know it. You got caught claiming assault weapons was coined as of late, and lie when you say otherwise.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Took care of.
LOL, no. Confusednicker: You are a simple minded gun freak, blinded by Fox, and Glen Beck, and it shows. Republicans have shouted "they want to take your guns", since as far back as I can remember, and they haven't yet.
TheRealVille Wrote:Where is the handgun ban you speak of? It is nowhere in your link that they wanted to ban handguns.

Sensible, law abiding gun owners don't care to register their guns. What are you hiding that you are afraid of?

Yes, edited.

Every claim you made was untrue, and you know it. You got caught claiming assault weapons was coined as of late, and lie when you say otherwise.

Where did I claim it was made as of late?

You also failed to mention the Garands why block the importation of what are essentially hunting rifles in 30-06 that the government has been selling for years?

Im not trying to be a dick trv I like a good debate and respect your tenacity in your beliefs. That is what makes America great. However sensible gun control if left unchecked leads to confiscation. Look at what happened in Europe and Australia.

the government has been selling them for years so why block the importation of more?
BTW After further investigation the Garands were allowed in as of January 2013. But the importation of 770,000 m1 carbines was still blocked.

This is the man who invented the term assault weapon. Or popularized it so to speak. notice his quotes about why the term was invented.
^Everybody who isn't totally awash in the Kool Aid knows the term 'assault weapon' was coined by liberals opposed to the second amendment. They first bandied it about at the beginning of Bill Clintons presidency when liberals first sensed they had an opportunity to make some gains on their cherished agenda. Other than those who are dead, those very same liberals really have their horns out these days as the King of liberalism has pledged to be the liberal fulfillment of lore.
TheRealThing Wrote:^Everybody who isn't totally awash in the Kool Aid knows the term 'assault weapon' was coined by liberals opposed to the second amendment. They first bandied it about at the beginning of Bill Clintons presidency when liberals first sensed they had an opportunity to make some gains on their cherished agenda. Other than those who are dead, those very same liberals really have their horns out these days as the King of liberalism has pledged to be the liberal fulfillment of lore.
Here is what he said, and it is a load of BS. There wasn't a handgun ban proposed at that time, or anytime for that matter. These are PTF's words, not mine. There has never, and is not now, any handgun ban been, or being proposed. Bullshit lies from the right, as usual.

Quote:Because if so understand that the same people you lovingly follow are for a total handgun ban, along with forced confiscation of "assault weapons" which is a term they made up after they realized their handgun ban was doomed to failure.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:

This is the man who invented the term assault weapon. Or popularized it so to speak. notice his quotes about why the term was invented.
What control did he have over Washington at the time? Where is he now? Remind us.
TheRealVille Wrote:What control did he have over Washington at the time? Where is he now? Remind us.

He had enough control to take a term that refers to weapons such as a Bangalore torpedo used to breach obstacles and change it into a term for weapons that cosmetically resemble machine guns so they would be easier to ban.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:He had enough control to take a term that refers to weapons such as a Bangalore torpedo used to breach obstacles and change it into a term for weapons that cosmetically resemble machine guns so they would be easier to ban.
Do they resemble machine guns, and can they be modified into fully auto relatively easy? Do they have a switch on them that converts them from semi, to burst? Do they have a lighter trigger pull, so as to shooting them faster? Again, what control over washington did he have?
TheRealVille Wrote:Do they resemble machine guns, and can they be modified into fully auto relatively easy? Do they have a switch on them that converts them from semi, to burst? Do they have a lighter trigger pull, so as to shooting them faster? Again, what control over washington did he have?

They do resemble a machine gun.

No they cannot be modified, they are designed to not be able to take full auto parts, and if they could be the parts are highly restricted.

and no they do not have a light trigger pull. They actually have a much heavier trigger pull than a hunting rifle, unless you buy a expensive ass match grade trigger.

I think you should honestly go try out a ar-15 or a similar rifle for yourself trv. You like guns and would enjoy the experience.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:They do resemble a machine gun.

No they cannot be modified, they are designed to not be able to take full auto parts, and if they could be the parts are highly restricted.

and no they do not have a light trigger pull. They actually have a much heavier trigger pull than a hunting rifle, unless you buy a expensive ass match grade trigger.

I think you should honestly go try out a ar-15 or a similar rifle for yourself trv. You like guns and would enjoy the experience.
Wrong. I have buddies that have done it.

I don't really shoot guns anymore, as much as collect them. I do keep many for defense, and have plenty of fire power to keep someone from confiscating them. Could you imagine the bloodbath(on both sides) if someone tried to confiscate our guns? It's not gonna happen. It's always just been a republican scare tactic, and I realize that.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Took care of.

my bad didnt mean 2 call u out
but figures you would still come up with credible sources to explain your point

TheRealVille Wrote:LOL, no. Confusednicker: You are a simple minded gun freak, blinded by Fox, and Glen Beck, and it shows. Republicans have shouted "they want to take your guns", since as far back as I can remember, and they haven't yet.

da he didnt list fox as a source
im yet to see you cite something factual
WideMiddle03 Wrote:my bad didnt mean 2 call u out
but figures you would still come up with credible sources to explain your point

da he didnt list fox as a source
im yet to see you cite something factual
da, yes he did. We know you can't write, now it looks like you can't read.


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