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First gun control ammendment defeated.
Adam Lanza was turned away from purchasing guns under the current laws, and under this bill that was voted down, he still would have carried out the crime.

What constitutes mental illness? Who is going to determine the guidelines?

This bill would have had very little effect on the overall gun crime and gun related homicides in this country.

There is no law to prevent crazy.

There is also no need to go passing more laws that will do nothing, just so people can feel good about themselves.

TRV, you are aware there have been many family members of those killed in tragedies like Columbine, Newtown, VT, etc.. have spoken publicly, including to Congress and the Supreme Court, against any type of new gun control legislation.

Law enforcement in this country kills more innocent people every year than the so called "assault rifles"

The reason conservatives and other supporters of the 2nd Amendment oppose everything is because we know it will not stop there. I clearly remember when liberals were pushing hard to ban handguns nationwide, their reasoning being that you don't hunt with handguns.

Of course, you always preach compromise TRV, so if the dems allow for a bill requiring for voter ID and registration, I will support more extensive background checks on guns. I'm sure you consider the right to vote the most important right we have as citizens, we have that right, because we also have the right to own weapons. Fully automatic weapons, shoulder fired weapons, etc.. are all legal. As long as we have an armed populace, we will continue to have the right to vote.... until we reach the point that this country is so full of idiots and cowards that it votes away all of its rights. We are getting close to that point now.
Its not that I dont support more extensive background checks, but my problem is that I dont trust this government to just stop there. If they would have passed this, then they would have went after more. Just my two cents worth.
5 democrats also voted no on the bill
nky Wrote:FYI
5 democrats also voted no on the bill
Does that make it right?
TheRealVille Wrote:Not by the needed 60.

doesnt matter dems had control
keep pushing this issue tho
and in 2014 we will party like its 1994
TheRealVille Wrote:Does that make it right?
don't blame republicans. This bill wasn't right. It would not have solved the issues of the mass shooting. It was a farce
TheRealVille Wrote:Does that make it right?
Plus that those 5 Democrats plus one more Republican crossing the isle and what do you get?
^ Maybe if gun "nuts" had to watch a video of a kid getting shot twice in the back of the head, they might have a different outlook. Probably not, if it wasn't their kid. My bad.
^ gun "nuts" didn't vote on the bill. Senators did based on what their home districts wanted
WideMiddle03 Wrote:doesnt matter dems had control
keep pushing this issue tho
and in 2014 we will party like its 1994
We will see. 90% of america wanted this. Consensus is that republicans lose a lot more seats in 2014. Get back to me then.
^consensus on an election 18 months out?
by the way that 90% number is based on a flawed polling question
How about this according to Gallup only 4% of Americans think gun control is an impportant issue in this country
nky Wrote:by the way that 90% number is based on a flawed polling question
Oh, ok. All the polls vary between 80-90%.
^ depending on how the question is asked. We already have background checks, this bill added private sales. So if you ask a blanket statement about background checks (which we currently have) most will agree
[quote=nky]How about this according to Gallup only 4% of Americans think gun control is an impportant issue in this country[/QUOTEI saw that poll. 4% percent considered it the most important issue. Misrepresenting? But, 80-90% were for this bill.

^ 90% was not for this bill, How could they be the bill wasn't written when the poll was taken. Most if not all of the Senators didn't even read the bill
nky Wrote:^ 90% was not for this bill, How could they be the bill wasn't written when the poll was taken. Most if not all of the Senators didn't even read the bill
90% of America are for extended background checks, which was what the bill was.
nky Wrote:^ depending on how the question is asked. We already have background checks, this bill added private sales. So if you ask a blanket statement about background checks (which we currently have) most will agree
It absolutely did not. It exempted private sales. It included buying at gun shows, and over the internet.
TheRealVille Wrote:It absolutely did not. It exempted private sales. It included buying at gun shows, and over the internet.

Currently, if you go to a Gun Show and buy gun from a dealer, you must have a background check...if you buy from an individual at the gun show (private sale), no background check is required.

If you buy a gun over the internet, say through Bud's Gun Shop, it will not be shipped until the background check is complete.

What did this failed bill add to what laws we already have?
^another opportunity for the President to play politics and bad mouth the Republicans
nky Wrote:^another opportunity for the President to play politics and bad mouth the Republicans

His number one priority as POTUS.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Maybe if gun "nuts" had to watch a video of a kid getting shot twice in the back of the head, they might have a different outlook. Probably not, if it wasn't their kid. My bad.

How about having you abortionists watch a video of our most innocent human beings being murdered by abortion?
Obama is smart enough and sinister enough to know that these proposed gun laws will do nothing to prevent these killings. He wants these laws to grab more power and control.

He has no shame. He even loads a bunch of grieving parents on Air Force One and brings them to Washington to serve as props for his agenda. Wonder who paid their expenses while they were lobbying for Obama's power effort? Does anyone think they had to stop by an ATM on their way to AFO?
I always give out to more freedom not less. I am not a gun nut because I oppose restrictions on the second amendment. The gun is no more than a rock it's just an object, how it is used can be a crime. I have posted on here where people have been killed with everything from knifes to subway trains.

The question remains why the big deal on assault weapons when rifles are used in less than 3-4% of crimes. Could it be that this is the only type of weapon where a population could defend themselves from a tyrannical government.

The second amendment was written with that very thing in mind(as it had just happened).

Should people fear their government? Check history and see.
TheRealVille Wrote:We will see. 90% of america wanted this. Consensus is that republicans lose a lot more seats in 2014. Get back to me then.

ask the dems that lost they're seats in 1994 if 90% of the country wanted that
dems control the senate
where is you're accountibility
if republicans controlled it u would be all over them
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Obama is smart enough and sinister enough to know that these proposed gun laws will do nothing to prevent these killings. He wants these laws to grab more power and control.

He has no shame. He even loads a bunch of grieving parents on Air Force One and brings them to Washington to serve as props for his agenda. Wonder who paid their expenses while they were lobbying for Obama's power effort? Does anyone think they had to stop by an ATM on their way to AFO?

Quite correct. Everyday, in every way, dems politicize every move they make. Exploiting grieving parents for props and anybody else that might serve to that end. Their main concern is to advance their agenda, end of story. They think because they give so much stuff away their bases are covered when it comes to the public servant debate. To them, with that issue safely dealt with, they feel they have license to push the liberal agenda. Thusly the lion's share of their energy is spent in achieving the ultimate liberal utopia through legislation and damning the republicans for getting in their way. All of their speeches and shenanigans ala JR Ewing, are designed to garner the support of the public so that they may do just that. From environmentalism to a very replete liberal agenda they are one hair on fire force for liberalism and not much more.

Some of these die hard democrats need to take a closer look at how they invest their votes.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:ask the dems that lost they're seats in 1994 if 90% of the country wanted that
dems control the senate
where is you're accountibility
if republicans controlled it u would be all over them
The republicans used the filibuster when the 60 needed votes didn't make it.
TheRealVille Wrote:The republicans used the filibuster when the 60 needed votes didn't make it.

My Senator voted my concerns on this matter. I don't guess that fact has registered with liberals? Republicans and Democrats alike in the Congress represent majority concerns of their constituencies. They don't have the right to just go on up to the Hill and rule like so many provincial governors of Rome. They are accountable to their own state constituencies.

So, when all the liberal loons, and that would include our imperious leader (in his own mind), decry the lack of cooperation from across the aisle so that they may yet again (how could we ever forget ObamaCare?) run over the will of the people, they demonstrate how little regard they have for our Republic.

This asinine tomfoolery is why I favor a strict adherence to the US Constitution. Technologies change, factories and manufacturing methods change, means of travel change but, the bedrock principles on which this nation is founded never change. People never change. You got the bad guys and you got the good decent hard working types that just want to provide for their families, defend their country if need be, and otherwise live their lives out in peace and safety. I say again, our safety has in no small way been compromised by a maniacal and liberally driven trainwreck of an immigration policy. The throng of zombies outside our gates who want nothing more than to be allowed to come in and spoil our land will forever and always be out there, clamoring for admittance. Only morons of epic proportion would demand the gate be left wide open for the pillagers and would be terrorists to come calling, supposing in their ignorance that they will be converted to the American Ideal once within.
If 90% of the populace agreed with this 90% of senators would have voted for it.

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