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Possible Changes 2015
No way they eliminate a round of the playoffs and it is because of money.

A lot of schools football pays the bills for all other sports. There are some school districts that their athletic budget is zero except for coaches salaries.
mason Wrote:No way they eliminate a round of the playoffs and it is because of money.

A lot of schools football pays the bills for all other sports. There are some school districts that their athletic budget is zero except for coaches salaries.

Football does not pay the bills for football much less other sports. Equipment alone will be 10-15 G a year and thats with 30-40 players. Coaching salaries from 20-40 G. Thats not even counting field upkeep, travel, camps, weights, clinics. If it were not for booster clubs NO school in the state could field a football team.
You can't even put a player on the field on game unless he has AT LEAST $600 worth of equipment and uniform on.
footballfever Wrote:Football does not pay the bills for football much less other sports. Equipment alone will be 10-15 G a year and thats with 30-40 players. Coaching salaries from 20-40 G. Thats not even counting field upkeep, travel, camps, weights, clinics. If it were not for booster clubs NO school in the state could field a football team.
You can't even put a player on the field on game unless he has AT LEAST $600 worth of equipment and uniform on.

Boone County Schools do not pay for anything other that coaches salaries. That is why the only sports in Boone County that take buses for away games is football and they have to pay for it themselves. Anything over an hour they take charters because it costs the same as paying for the school buses. Football gates are split with the athletic department(boosters) 50/50 the other 50% goes to the other sports.

The school system bought the initial equipment for the sports but then it is up to each sport to outfit and maintain their own equipment from their on out. The school booster money comes from the 50/50 split with football and concession sales at the games.
footballfever Wrote:Football does not pay the bills for football much less other sports. Equipment alone will be 10-15 G a year and thats with 30-40 players. Coaching salaries from 20-40 G. Thats not even counting field upkeep, travel, camps, weights, clinics. If it were not for booster clubs NO school in the state could field a football team.
You can't even put a player on the field on game unless he has AT LEAST $600 worth of equipment and uniform on.

WOW! I'm sure that there are a handful of systems in this state where that could be a true estimate of coaching salaries. But I feel that in at least 80% of the schools in the state, the entire coaching staff will be paid less than 20,000 TOTAL.

But back on topic. KHSAA Commish has stated on numerous occasions that the current playoff system of taking 4 teams is good for kids and will remain in effect. I agree with what others have stated. Please, just leave it alone. Football is "ruled and regulated" more than all the other sports combined. Every team in the state makes post season play regardless of record in all of the other major sports. So football takes 4 teams per district and some teams with bad records get in. So there are some blowouts in round one. Well, there were a TON of blowouts in all rounds of District Tourney Basketball play and I have yet to see Mike Fields or any of the other Sports Journalists write seething opinion pieces about how the KHSAA should shut down the District Tourneys....

I will now step off my soap box. Thanks for reading.
ballboy Wrote:I like the idea because the teams that are 0-10 should not make the playoffs. and back in the 80s only the district champs and runners up got in and thats the way it should be.

Hear was the problem with the 80's and with the two team playoff system 9-1 or in the 80's 10-1 teams missing the playoffs, LET'S SEE WHO CRIES MORE! your 0-10 team that makes the playoffs or the 9-1 team the miss it. Mike Holcomb once told me one of the best teams he has ever had was the 1986 9-1 Breathitt Co. his thinking was it could have competed for a state title, the team never got a shot. There was a reason that Kentucky high school football got a lot better in the 90's, it was that 4 teams where going to playoffs from the distict. We go back to the 80's we are taking a step backwards. Good work to the basketball guys, it just shows if you cry and cry some more you get what you want.:Thumbs:
johnnyd Wrote:This is the football forum. I'm not for anything in this state that helps basketball. They already are pampered enough.

I know this is a football forum. But wouldn't it be nice if a kid got to play in a state football game and then be ready for his next sport. Man some people just have to be a smartass
I like it.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:I know this is a football forum. But wouldn't it be nice if a kid got to play in a state football game and then be ready for his next sport. Man some people just have to be a smartass

How about this???Move basketball back 2 weeks and let basketball practice start the Monday after the football state finals if it is such a conflict. Basketball already gets everything so why should they get one more thing?
Before we interrupt football, how about we shorten basketball and do away with baseball?
Only seems right. Football pays for a lot of other sports and in just about all schools, the baseball program.
Football is the most popular sport and it makes the most money. Leave it alone.
Going back to something said on the first page, if they choose to not allow holdbacks in MIDDLE SCHOOL that's a crock of shit. High school is understandable, but jeez! There are some kids due to birth date play an 8th grade season at 14-15 and some who end up being 12-13 due to when they started school and stuff. I sure do wish they'd worry about crap that matters and not middle school football. KHSAA just wanting to slip their hand in the cash that KYMSFA is rolling in, go figure.
I think the system works fine if we're going to have 6 classes. What's it matter if the 4 seed gets in if it's just a crush job, a little extra money on a home gate for the 1 seed, and doesn't really hurt anything? It's good for the smaller school kids, and who knows when a Cooper situation might happen.
I feel like Gordon Gekko reading this thread.

"Greed is good".
I like the changes.
Football can't pay for football. Football has more coaches, more equipment, most expensive equipment, more players, more expensive facility upkeep than any other sport. It also has less games than any other sport.
They have got to do something about scheduling,maybe limiting the number of games you can play down in class.Theres no way 5a and 6a should be playing 1a and 2a schools.
footballfever Wrote:Football can't pay for football. Football has more coaches, more equipment, most expensive equipment, more players, more expensive facility upkeep than any other sport. It also has less games than any other sport.

You can choose to look at it how you wish but here are the facts for all schools in the Boone County School System.

The school board, school what ever you want to call it gives ZERO money for the athletic departments except for coaches salaries and field upkeep. Everything and I mean everything is paid for by football they split their gate 50/50 with the athletic department. The 50% they keep has to cover everything including transportation costs for games, weights, and equipment. So the football team is forced to do some outside fundraisers to help with the costs.

Basketball does the 50/50 split but they lose money or barely break even for each one of their home games, and they do not use buses for away games because they would have to pay for it themselves.

This ZERO for athletics is for all grades, again except for coaches salaries. Boone County schools do not have middle school football.

But there is NO WAY I would know how the football athletic budgets work in Boone County.
Every Basketball team makes the playoffs (plus can lose a game and still advance)
Every Baseball team makes the playoffs
Every Soccer team makes the playoffs
Every Softball team makes the playoffs
Every Volleyball team makes the playoffs
Every Golf team makes the playoffs
Every Tennis team makes the playoffs
Every Wrestling team makes the playoffs
Every Swim team makes the playoffs

All have some over matched competitions, it doesn't hurt anything in these sports.

BUT for some reason, a lot think that Football should not.
Every year there are upsets in the first round of the playoffs, and as stated earlier a 3 seed made the state finals this year.
mason Wrote:You can choose to look at it how you wish but here are the facts for all schools in the Boone County School System.

The school board, school what ever you want to call it gives ZERO money for the athletic departments except for coaches salaries and field upkeep. Everything and I mean everything is paid for by football they split their gate 50/50 with the athletic department. The 50% they keep has to cover everything including transportation costs for games, weights, and equipment. So the football team is forced to do some outside fundraisers to help with the costs.

Basketball does the 50/50 split but they lose money or barely break even for each one of their home games, and they do not use buses for away games because they would have to pay for it themselves.

This ZERO for athletics is for all grades, again except for coaches salaries. Boone County schools do not have middle school football.

But there is NO WAY I would know how the football athletic budgets work in Boone County.

Ok the school gives ZERO, nota, none, zelch except for the 25-45000 for salaries and field upkeep. The 50% gate covers EVERYTHING except what the football team is FORCED to do outside fundraisers for.
AGAIN, as I've said football can not even come close to paying for football with gate receipts.
If not for boosters, player fundraisers and schools biting the bullet high school football could not survive.
footballfever Wrote:Ok the school gives ZERO, nota, none, zelch except for the 25-45000 for salaries and field upkeep. The 50% gate covers EVERYTHING except what the football team is FORCED to do outside fundraisers for.
AGAIN, as I've said football can not even come close to paying for football with gate receipts.
If not for boosters, player fundraisers and schools biting the bullet high school football could not survive.

I don't know what school you're at, but every program that I am remotely close too could support their own program just off gate receipts.

Fact is, the only reason they aren't able to support themselves better, is bc they (along with basketball) have to give a good chunk of that money to the non revenue producing sports.
johnnyd Wrote:How about this???Move basketball back 2 weeks and let basketball practice start the Monday after the football state finals if it is such a conflict. Basketball already gets everything so why should they get one more thing?

Absolutely. That, plus the fact that basketball is allowed to play 587 games vs. outside competition in June. That's, what...5 months before their season starts and 3 after their previous season ends?

I know at smaller schools anyway, football can't compete with basketball in June with the kids that both share.

Kid- "Let's see, I can go to football workouts tonight and lift, run along with 7 on 7 vs ourselves.....OR....I can go with the basketball team and play 4 games today? Basketball it is."
Cardfan1 Wrote:Labor Day great idea. The rest of this argument is stupid. What's the hurry?!! A December basketball game is useless how about they bump their season back to dec 1st.

Football guys this would be cutting our own throats for the sake of no blowouts which you will never guarantee. You will guarantee a lost week for ky football.

What are we afraid of? A blowout?!!!

So what?!! If you get blown out you learn to work harder. Can't learn at home.

Or pray for the next district alignment, and you can actually go with knives to a knife fight, instead of a bunch of gun fights.
[quote=footballfever]1. 14 week season
2. Top 2 teams make playoffs
3. Practice start Aug. 1
4. 1st game Labor Day weekend[/QUOT

Top two in each district? Or top 2 in the state?
Jarons Wrote:[quote=footballfever]1. 14 week season
2. Top 2 teams make playoffs
3. Practice start Aug. 1
4. 1st game Labor Day weekend[/QUOT

Top two in each district? Or top 2 in the state?

That a Raw deal for High School football for this state.:lame:
Jarons Wrote:[quote=footballfever]1. 14 week season
2. Top 2 teams make playoffs
3. Practice start Aug. 1
4. 1st game Labor Day weekend[/QUOT

Top two in each district? Or top 2 in the state?

I love 6 classes and 4 teams. What would you give to go back and play 1 more game with your teammates. I love the 10-1 Breathitt example that didn't make the playoffs.
Here's my example why I think we should leave it as is. In 91-92 my Jr year at Lawrence Co we had arguably the best team in schools history. Started the 1st half of the season with injuries galore. Think we were 1-4 at one point. Guys started getting healthy and we stormed into the playoffs on a roll as the 3 seed.
1st game upset Sheldon Clark in the snow. 2nd game we had lost to Russell by 40 early in the season. Things appeared worse going into this game because we lost our QB in the Sheldon Clark game. End of the Russell playoff game...6-6 tie!! Both scored in OT both stopped conversions. Held them to FG in double OT and we scored TD on 2nd play for the biggest win in school history. That win set the foundation for a program that had only been to 1 playoff game ever. LC won 117 games in the 90's and it stemmed from that game!! 3rd round of the playoffs we stopped Madon Co on the 3 yd line to win schools 1st ever Regional Championship in front of the biggest crowd in school history. Went on to play Mayfield in the Final 4. Paper had us 40 underdog. We lost 21-18 missing 3 conversions, gave up a 70yd punt return in 4th quarter and got picked in the end zone. One of the greatest Cinderella runs this state has ever seen by a bunch of small town guys that grew up since Kindergarten together.
Would have never happened taking only top 2 teams. Horrible horrible horrible idea IMO!!
Dammit the KHSAA impresses me sometimes with their idiocy. I'm all for moving practice up and all that in the interest of player safety, but if you don't want 0-10 teams making the playoffs, then go back to the 4 class system. You won't have 0-10 teams making the playoffs then and districts would overall be strengthened. I remember 4 seeds beating 1 seeds (2003 Bell vs Boyd is the best I can think of at the moment), no need to shorten the season to pamper basketball. Also, I surely hope the KHSAA stays the HELL OUT of middle schools.
Pretty sure noone cares that much about 0-10 teams. I don't. If I'm lucky enough to get one; my kids get to heal. If in unlucky enough to be one I get one more week of practice to prepare my young kids for next season.

Football should never give anything up ever again. Don't go to 4 classes. Don't sacrafice a scrimmage. Don't do anything for a sport that can be played inside a gym and play 3 games a week.
Should have two state playoffs one for the public schools and one for the private schools

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