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Harlan County 65 Tates Creek 54
CreekFan Wrote:Oh please... I agree, the officiating was bad, but it didn't keep Creek in this game. Hats off to Harlan County, they are a fantastic football team, with tons of talent. I tell my kids all the time, "football isn't about running or throwing the ball, it's about blocking and tackling", and Harlan County proved me right yesterday. Talented kids that can block and tackle... great job HC...

Actually you are correct...our lack of execution of kick off return and coverage kept you in the game. If you take the 21 points we gave up on 2 turnovers and a return for a TD the score looks more like 65 - 33. The terrible officiating just added insult to injury. Creek has a fine year I would not want to be anywhere near them. I'm truly sorry if I insulted you or your team. On a final note....I hope to never see another afternoon football of luck to Creek on the rest of your season.
Bear_Paw Wrote:Actually you are correct...our lack of execution of kick off return and coverage kept you in the game. If you take the 21 points we gave up on 2 turnovers and a return for a TD the score looks more like 65 - 33. The terrible officiating just added insult to injury. Creek has a fine year I would not want to be anywhere near them. I'm truly sorry if I insulted you or your team. On a final note....I hope to never see another afternoon football of luck to Creek on the rest of your season.

If anyone got to watch the Bell/station game it was much of the same! The crew kept both teams in striking distance but going on the road that is to be expected! I call for Bell and Harlan co to stop this early season bowl trek across the state next year and set up a mountain against the state bowl. Lets get a couple of sponsors and invite a couple of quality teams to the mountains and have our own football frenzy!
This game shined a huge light on both teams glaring weaknesses to put it very kindly! TC has absolutely no defense against a very solid power offense and HC has very little to no defense against a good passing game with reasonably talented and somewhat speedy backs!! IMO the officiatng was no different than you get on the raod anywhere in the state, so to blame TC staying in the game on the officials is just making excuses! The final score should've actually been 58-54 with HC taking a knee on the final possesion..
This game is a microcosm of mountain football today. Most of the head coaches are Power guys who can't coach a defense that can defend pass. I think KC is a bit of an exception to that this year with 8 interceptions but then again I'm biased. Bell and Harlan ran over Bryan Station and TC. But both struggled against the pass.

Mark my old words - the first Mountain team to be a balanced pass/run attack who can defend the pass will be the next 800 pound gorilla.
No mountain team can cover the pass well.
Coaching offense or defense has more to do with Jim's and Joe's than x's and o's. HC's problem is not enough Jim's n Joe's, people playing both ways and a lack of speed. But if you sit and tell me that game was well officiated your ability to evaluate talent is severely compromised...
Bear_Paw Wrote:Actually you are correct...our lack of execution of kick off return and coverage kept you in the game. If you take the 21 points we gave up on 2 turnovers and a return for a TD the score looks more like 65 - 33. The terrible officiating just added insult to injury. Creek has a fine year I would not want to be anywhere near them. I'm truly sorry if I insulted you or your team. On a final note....I hope to never see another afternoon football of luck to Creek on the rest of your season.

No insult here... you're proud of your football team, and you should be, they will make a serious run in the playoffs this year. We'll agree to disagree on the 65 - 33 thing ;-) Fact is... Creeks QB is a sophmore and the speed of HC's line was more than he antisipated, through him off in the first quarter. He read the defense well, just had to deliver quicker... Honestly, as the season wears on, you'll see Creek put up more of these numbers, and Harlan County won't be nearly as critical of their defense... On a final note... Afternoon Football Games Suck!!! Good luck to the Black Bears...
CreekFan Wrote:No insult here... you're proud of your football team, and you should be, they will make a serious run in the playoffs this year. We'll agree to disagree on the 65 - 33 thing ;-) Fact is... Creeks QB is a sophmore and the speed of HC's line was more than he antisipated, through him off in the first quarter. He read the defense well, just had to deliver quicker... Honestly, as the season wears on, you'll see Creek put up more of these numbers, and Harlan County won't be nearly as critical of their defense... On a final note... Afternoon Football Games Suck!!! Good luck to the Black Bears...

You Sir/Ma'am are a class act!!! Good Luck to Tates Creek the rest of the year.
I love shoot outs like these. I wish I could have been there.
careful what you wish for!
Officiating is bad in this level of football regardless where it is played. There were so many bad calls and non calls both ways in this game that to say anything outside of "it was bad officiating" is completely biased. You just couldn't call all of the Pass Intereferences against HArlan, on most of every play, the receiver being thrown to was draped over and held over and over and over again. Many early contacts on the receiver before the ball ever got there.....just too many to count. And I am sure that the same could be said for calls that should have went against Creek too. Just overall bad officiating in general. But in no way shape or form did that take away from how competitive this game was.

A big shout out to the O line of Harlan. My my my what a big strong tough group. Opened up holes all day long. And good solid hard running from Middleton and co. Major respect from the Creek fans for how hard they played.

And a ton of respect for the young Creek team that got down 30-6 and dug down and found themselves to come back and take the lead and had a chance to win this game. After the young Soph QB from Creek adjusted to Harlan blitzing its backers, he settled in to play a whale of a game.

These 2 teams are kryptonite for each other. It was obvious before, during and after this game, that each team is exactly what the other does not want to see on a daily basis. Too much size and strength in the trenches from Harlan, too much speed and athleticism from Creek. Harlan should have a good run in the playoffs, just pray that they do not see Franklin County along the way.......would possibly be another game like this one. Was a lot of fun to watch outside of it being right in the middle of the hottest period of the day in the afternoon......Best of luck to Harlan and their fans for the rest of the year.
Old Jacket 91 Wrote:I love shoot outs like these. I wish I could have been there.

Is it really a "shoot out" if only one team is passing the ball? ;-) I love high scoring games too, much more entertaining than a bunch of 3 and outs all day...

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