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Capital Punishment--Yes or No . . . .
crazytaxidriver Wrote:KYhillbilly.. Don't take this as a bash on you or whatever, cause i can see your point in a lot of things, and since everyone feels differently well i'm goin to rebuttal your response..So what i say is in no way meant to offend you or anything.

With that said. I just can't see how you feel like the bible is a work of fiction.. You say it's hypocritical, and contradicting..

The ten commandments say thou shalt not kill. But there are parts in the bible when God has made it ok.. For instance, the david and Goliath story.. David was a man after God's own heart. He wanted nothing but to be faithful to God. and when his people came under seige, David at about 12-16 i can't remember his age, went out and killed the giant, by chopping his head off with his own sword.

You think God has decided to change with the times. Well I have to disagree with this one too.. Why should he have to change? He is almighty.. People have turned their backs on God. They no longer believe that he exists, and they no longer feel the need to abide by his rules (the Bible).

I know there are about a million other religions out there stating my god is god and all this, and that's fine, everyone isn't goin to agree and get along. That's why we have war..

But the only difference in people these days and people then, is the technology. it's a faster paced world sure. but why would God have to change? The people have changed and in doing so, completely went away from his teachings. Thinking that hey we don't need a god or something to worship we can just go about our business and be fine. and with that there have came so many other religions or cults whatever you want to call it, and people venturing off doing their own thing.

If you don't believe the bible well that's on you, and there are some versions out there that are a little messed up.. Even the King James version isn't 100% accurate, but it's the closest thing to being accurate.. But if you don't believe it just read Revelations and get you a hebrew translator thing, and actually study it for a while..

This whole middle east thing was predicted. and it goes on to tell what's goin to happen.. and i can see it happening now.. The best thing for a person to do is to sit down and study themselves, instead or relying on someone else to tell them what's goin on.

Sorry for goin on a rant here.. But this whole capital punishment thing is justified, if done right.. and if a person changes their ways while in prison then that's great. But if a murderer is in prison, then i have to ask is goin to prison really enough punishment for taking someone's life in your own hands for no reason?

Did you get this one in the right thread? (I figured that this was something that I would have seen in the bible thread).

I don't take offense to anything that you have written. Matter of fact, I will think about it a little bit--and it will most likely get me to a better place.

To sum it up neatly, I feel like God has this whole deal laid out. As God continues to evolve our life, reality has to change. Those who try to live the original message will end up in the right place. As humans evolve, we continued to be tested on a higher level--but I would be a fool to think that our good Lord doesn't understand that.

I don't think that God expects us to be perfect--but I think that he expects us to try. And to me--it would be foolish to think that God doesn't realize that he has made things a lot tougher (that doesn't sound right--but it is the only way I can put it now).

It also leads me to believe that some time, in the moderate future, things will have to shift back to the "beginning". Life has gotten way out of hand. People continue to ignore the signs that God is giving us. That really only gives him one option . . . .

(That is kind of scattered--but I am walking out the door).
KentuckyHillBilly5321 Wrote:Did you get this one in the right thread? (I figured that this was something that I would have seen in the bible thread).

I don't take offense to anything that you have written. Matter of fact, I will think about it a little bit--and it will most likely get me to a better place.

To sum it up neatly, I feel like God has this whole deal laid out. As God continues to evolve our life, reality has to change. Those who try to live the original message will end up in the right place. As humans evolve, we continued to be tested on a higher level--but I would be a fool to think that our good Lord doesn't understand that.

I don't think that God expects us to be perfect--but I think that he expects us to try. And to me--it would be foolish to think that God doesn't realize that he has made things a lot tougher (that doesn't sound right--but it is the only way I can put it now).

It also leads me to believe that some time, in the moderate future, things will have to shift back to the "beginning". Life has gotten way out of hand. People continue to ignore the signs that God is giving us. That really only gives him one option . . . .

(That is kind of scattered--but I am walking out the door).

No i was in the right thread, the point just took a little longer to get to...

What you said here I completely agree with, I just don't understand how you can imagine the Bible being fiction...

This topic sooner or later was goin to come to a religion discussion i just gave it a boost lol..

but yeah.. I completely agreed with what you said here..
yes if they deserve it
but who is one human to take another humans life because they think it is a just cause?
1. if God doesn't change why are we talking in society of allowing gay marriage, and allowing priests to be married....

2. i can quote contradictions in the bible all day long if you like \

exodus 21-26 tells us how we should treat our slaves

numbers 31:7-8 clearly moses and god approves of the rape of virgins

genesis 22:1-18 abraham loves his first born son so much he burned him alive as a sacrifice

Job 41:1-34 tells us of those big bad fire breathing dragons ( sounds like the work of fiction)

for other contradictions and more points of fiction ... check out
Wow. Only evillive would come up with a website called evilbible!

Ha, ha! That rocks.
evillive Wrote:1. if God doesn't change why are we talking in society of allowing gay marriage, and allowing priests to be married....

2. i can quote contradictions in the bible all day long if you like \

exodus 21-26 tells us how we should treat our slaves

numbers 31:7-8 clearly moses and god approves of the rape of virgins

genesis 22:1-18 abraham loves his first born son so much he burned him alive as a sacrifice

Job 41:1-34 tells us of those big bad fire breathing dragons ( sounds like the work of fiction)

for other contradictions and more points of fiction ... check out

1. God hasn't changed, society has turned their backs on God. No one believes in him anymore.

2. Abraham loved God so much that he was WILLING to give his son as a sacrifice, instead though, by showing such faith, God gave Abraham a goat to sacrifice.

as for your other quotes.. well I'm not sure about all that I'll have to look into it..
and by the way ... my take on capital punishment is if there is a confession and it is a100% it is ok ...

but i still think that costs money ... and keeping them alive costs money ... i think it should by done on as little burden to the taxpayer as possible ...

i really like the idea of that movie with ray liotta "No Way Out" dump them on a island and let them fight for their lives ...
crazytaxidriver Wrote:1. God hasn't changed, society has turned their backs on God. No one believes in him anymore.

2. Abraham loved God so much that he was WILLING to give his son as a sacrifice, instead though, by showing such faith, God gave Abraham a goat to sacrifice.

as for your other quotes.. well I'm not sure about all that I'll have to look into it..

the people on earth that are doing the will of god are the ones making the decisions to change which is a problem ....

as for abraham ---Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." (Genesis 22:1-18) Abraham takes his own son up on a mountain and builds an altar upon which to burn him. He even lies to his son and has him help build the altar. Then Abraham ties his son to the altar and puts a knife to his throat. He then hears God tell him this was just a test of his faith.

as for god and capital punishment ....

The one who has stolen what was set apart for destruction will himself be burned with fire, along with everything he has, for he has broken the covenant of the LORD and has done a horrible thing in Israel." (Joshua 7:15 NLT)
Evil--when did you start reading the bible?
KentuckyHillBilly5321 Wrote:Evil--when did you start reading the bible?

you forgot i went to catholic school and have been force fed all my life ... people use the bible sometimes as a crutch ... saying that it is truth, it is real, ---- i think it is the greatest book ever written for all parts of it ... but it has been changed throughout history so many times that it is very far from fact now....

i really don't like that some people say well god says this in the bible to validate something that they are saying.... well if they take the good things that he says and does they have to take the bad things also ... I am just there to remind some people of the bad things that are said

I have also read the Koran, the Satanic Bible, Tanakh, and the Torah

the all are awesome books with alot to learn about each faith
evillive Wrote:the people on earth that are doing the will of god are the ones making the decisions to change which is a problem ....

as for abraham ---Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." (Genesis 22:1-18) Abraham takes his own son up on a mountain and builds an altar upon which to burn him. He even lies to his son and has him help build the altar. Then Abraham ties his son to the altar and puts a knife to his throat. He then hears God tell him this was just a test of his faith.

as for god and capital punishment ....

The one who has stolen what was set apart for destruction will himself be burned with fire, along with everything he has, for he has broken the covenant of the LORD and has done a horrible thing in Israel." (Joshua 7:15 NLT)

Which God are these people doing the will of?

puts a knife TO his throat, not through it.
Where does it say he lied to his son? Cause i don't remember ever reading that.

sorry for hijacking the thread kyhillbilly..
You must have gotten more out of your catholic education than I did. But then again, you had a longer tour of duty.

I think if we touch on the subject again--I wish I could begin to understand where the holy father stands in regard to something like this (I know--more than a little unrealistic). The more that I think about it--the less I could justify it.

At the very least--if they are going to be put to death, they need to find a way to do it in a manner that tends to be more productive.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Which God are these people doing the will of?

puts a knife TO his throat, not through it.
Where does it say he lied to his son? Cause i don't remember ever reading that.

sorry for hijacking the thread kyhillbilly..

great discussion taxi ...

with that said even in joking would you put a knife to your sons throat?

and here is your lie ---

7And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
8And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
i am confused ---- how can killing a murderer be productive

KentuckyHillBilly5321 Wrote:You must have gotten more out of your catholic education than I did. But then again, you had a longer tour of duty.

I think if we touch on the subject again--I wish I could begin to understand where the holy father stands in regard to something like this (I know--more than a little unrealistic). The more that I think about it--the less I could justify it.

At the very least--if they are going to be put to death, they need to find a way to do it in a manner that tends to be more productive.
Maybe by doing it quicker and not keeping them in prison for so long
taxi--you haven't highjacked a thing. A high quality thread with 2 solid individuals going back and forth without bashing each other is what this site is about. You don't see this type of "intellectual" conversation in a lot of other places. Keep rolling, my man! I am seeing things in this thread that I was not aware of . .

I have known evillive for all 30 years of my life (or at least I think so?), and I didn't know that he had an interest in this line of conversation.

Like I said--it is just cool to read the exchange.

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