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Lawrence County Scrimmages
#1 was a tall/stout redhead. Good looking player. Not fast, but strong and physical.

I really don't mean to be critical Fball, but I still didnt see a gamebreaking ballcarrier. Googie isn't going to be the guy. Russell will have to move the chains and execute. They have some good looking pieces, but not overwhelming talent. Luckily, Evans at least gives them the threat of the deep ball.
Hey man, love to see it happen. You know I see stuff in a bias, but Belfry brings back 8 of 11 starters from last years D. Just don't see a team like Russell being able to control the LOS enough without explosive guys at the skill positions, to beat us.. Could be wrong.

That is why we! Smile
Russell looked fairly big up front but very soft an not nearly as fast as we've seen Russell teams of the past. I didn't really notice great speed for either team. LC was very small an
I thought LC defense seemed to get to the ball better that Russell's D. But both offenses seemed to struggle moving the ball with any consistency. When Russell tried to pass I counted 4 drops an 1 interception on the goal line. Evans has a good arm but a lack of quality receivers will be more of the problem for Russell. It seemed LC had the same problem with
a less talanted QB in comparison. IMO
Britespot i saw was #2 for Russell (huffine)? he looked pretty good an Hayes did very little. It Sears that Evans is going to be restricted in that offense not sure of total number of pass attempts but it was it very many I remember 5 none were completed. I could've missed some though.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Badcat, sure you were at the game. It was 2, 1, 6 (Googie), and 11. Those are the kids who ran the ball. Evans was number 9.

Promise guys. Wink

Yeah I'm sure smartass. 3 out 4 ain't bad. I know 14 was back there at one point not sure they ran him.
PaytoPlay Wrote:#1 was a tall/stout redhead. Good looking player. Not fast, but strong and physical.

I really don't mean to be critical Fball, but I still didnt see a gamebreaking ballcarrier. Googie isn't going to be the guy. Russell will have to move the chains and execute. They have some good looking pieces, but not overwhelming talent. Luckily, Evans at least gives them the threat of the deep ball.
That's gage. I think he lost some speed when he hurt his knee a couple of years ago.

That's not being critical. They don't have anybody with game breaking speed. They've got some good athletes but no one that is s game changer.
FBALL Wrote:Huffine, Googie and Evans. 18 Howard should have been there as well. Stevens 21 and Cathy 28 should have been at fullback.

Maybe they put Kennedy in the backfield and he was wearing #1.

Of course they were probably in practice jerseys and it's hard telling who was wearing what #

I had to work and couldn't go.

The boys I were standing with said 14 was Kennedy? They seemed to know him.
Com'on BadCat, did you expect them to run the spread. I thought Russell looked pretty decent. They need work, but you and I both know Evans is a pretty good player. He isn't some sort of savior, but he improves the team. Were you not there on the first series of 10 plays when he hit Huffine down the sideline on a 40 yard strike for a 55 yard gain?

Look, I am a Belfry fan. I think our team is better than Russell. I am sure Ashland people that were there walked away with confidence too, but Russell has some pieces. Like I said before, they don't have gamebreaking talent, but they do have a lot of solid players. IMO (and I am no coach guys) they need to focus on getting their core kids in shape enough to go both ways, AND maximizing the potential of Evans to keep defenses honest from stacking the box.

Googie is probably best utilized at WR/Flanker. Whoever wore #11 tonight, while small, was fast and a quality wing back.

Russell will need to maximize their skills kids.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Com'on BadCat, did you expect them to run the spread. I thought Russell looked pretty decent. They need work, but you and I both know Evans is a pretty good player. He isn't some sort of savior, but he improves the team. Were you not there on the first series of 10 plays when he hit Huffine down the sideline on a 40 yard strike for a 55 yard gain?

Look, I am a Belfry fan. I think our team is better than Russell. I am sure Ashland people that were there walked away with confidence too, but Russell has some pieces. Like I said before, they don't have gamebreaking talent, but they do have a lot of solid players. IMO (and I am no coach guys) they need to focus on getting their core kids in shape enough to go both ways, AND maximizing the potential of Evans to keep defenses honest from stacking the box.

Googie is probably best utilized at WR/Flanker. Whoever wore #11 tonight, while small, was fast and a quality wing back.

Russell will need to maximize their skills kids.

No I missed that. He'll only keepem honest if they can consistently catch the Ball. 1 40 yd. Reception is hardly consistent.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Hey man, love to see it happen. You know I see stuff in a bias, but Belfry brings back 8 of 11 starters from last years D. Just don't see a team like Russell being able to control the LOS enough without explosive guys at the skill positions, to beat us.. Could be wrong.

That is why we! Smile

That's why I said hopefully they will progress and be able to give you a game.

The difference between the last few Russell teams and the Russell teams from a few years ago is speed. There are no Gross' or Clarks' or Jones' running around the backfield right now. That makes a huge difference.

In a power game they will hang with just about anybody. Where teams like Belfry and Ashland have them is in speed.

Russell will be fine this year. They one be elite. But I wouldn't sleep on them either. They aren't bad.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Hey man, love to see it happen. You know I see stuff in a bias, but Belfry brings back 8 of 11 starters from last years D. Just don't see a team like Russell being able to control the LOS enough without explosive guys at the skill positions, to beat us.. Could be wrong.

That is why we! Smile

PaytoPlay Wrote:Com'on BadCat, did you expect them to run the spread. I thought Russell looked pretty decent. They need work, but you and I both know Evans is a pretty good player. He isn't some sort of savior, but he improves the team. Were you not there on the first series of 10 plays when he hit Huffine down the sideline on a 40 yard strike for a 55 yard gain?

Look, I am a Belfry fan. I think our team is better than Russell. I am sure Ashland people that were there walked away with confidence too, but Russell has some pieces. Like I said before, they don't have gamebreaking talent, but they do have a lot of solid players. IMO (and I am no coach guys) they need to focus on getting their core kids in shape enough to go both ways, AND maximizing the potential of Evans to keep defenses honest from stacking the box.

Googie is probably best utilized at WR/Flanker. Whoever wore #11 tonight, while small, was fast and a quality wing back.

Russell will need to maximize their skills kids.
My guess is #11 was Howard. Kid isn't very big but will hit and is tough as a pine knot.
^ I agree man. Look I know you Ashland/Russell/Raceland guys have a nice dynamic of talking trash. Frankly, I like it. But are you not willing to admit Evans helps Russell?

They still need a lot of work. Cause you are right, if no one catches a well thrown ball, it is a loss of down. It is the first scrimmage man. Ashland has a ton of talent. No one denies that. I was just commenting on the thread to offer something about the teams that played.

#11 was a gamer man. Smaller, but pretty quick. Played corner on D if I recall and was real good in run support. My kind of guy.
BADCAT74 Wrote:No I missed that. He'll only keepem honest if they can consistently catch the Ball. 1 40 yd. Reception is hardly consistent.

Russell scored in 5 plays. 3 run and 2 pass. In that first series.

They later scored on another 30 yard or so TD pass to Howard.

Evidently you weren't paying close enough attention BADCAT. I know what a conversationalist you are.

I know I wasn't there but I have my ways. Russell's offense was decent tonight. It's a scrimmage. They were just working on the basics. I will venture a guess you will see much more out of Googie as a reciever as they progress. All in all they found some things to work on and some kids to plug in. That's what scrimmages are for.
PaytoPlay Wrote:^ I agree man. Look I know you Ashland/Russell/Raceland guys have a nice dynamic of talking trash. Frankly, I like it. But are you not willing to admit Evans helps Russell?

They still need a lot of work. Cause you are right, if no one catches a well thrown ball, it is a loss of down. It is the first scrimmage man. Ashland has a ton of talent. No one denies that. I was just commenting on the thread to offer something about the teams that played.

I wasn't trying to trash talk heck Russell is my favorite team after my cats I always root for them against everyone but Ashland.

Evans has to help them if by only getting Hayes away from the QB to RB couldn't hurt but if he's not passing he's just going to be the Guy who hands the ball off cause he's Not a running Qb he's a pocket passer.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Fball,

#11 was a gamer man. Smaller, but pretty quick. Played corner on D if I recall and was real good in run support. My kind of guy.

That's Dylan. Meaner than a snake. One of the best hitters pound for pound you will see.
BADCAT74 Wrote:I wasn't trying to trash talk heck Russell is my favorite team after my cats I always root for them against everyone but Ashland.

Evans has to help them if by only getting Hayes away from the QB to RB couldn't hurt but if he's not passing he's just going to be the Guy who hands the ball off cause he's Not a running Qb he's a pocket passer.

You stinking trash talker you.
Amen Fball.

Coach McGlone was in the golf cart all night. I think Morris is sorta taking the reins best he can. Russell showed VERY little variety, and why would they. Lawrence is a potential playoff opponent.

Still, have to get your LOS guys in top shape and execute to have a shot IMO come playoff time. Fairest assessment I can give.
It is unfortunate that the usually vocal Lawrence Co. contingent have said nothing.

I would emplore LCHS fans not to jump off a cliff. I thought they competed well. If they are young, the kids (espcially the QB) showed some moxy. Need to really focus on developing some size/strenght.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Amen Fball.

Coach McGlone was in the golf cart all night. I think Morris is sorta taking the reins best he can. Russell showed VERY little variety, and why would they. Lawrence is a potential playoff opponent.

Still, have to get your LOS guys in top shape and execute to have a shot IMO come playoff time. Fairest assessment I can give.

That's fair but it's been that way forever. They play their way into shape. Always have. That's why they are Usually a much better team after the first few games. They have gotten into game shape by that point and coach as seen enough to move people around and get the pieces into place. He likes it that way. Believes it keeps his teams legs fresher for the playoffs. It's hard to argue against the past.

If I didn't know better, your description of McGlone's philosophy would sound exactly like Phillip Haywoods. I think you guys will have a nice year. IMO, Huffine and that nice oline will will you to some wins. Evans is the guy who can benefit from "getting better" as the year goes on. You have some pieces. Your description of "Dylan" is correct. Saw the kid lay the wood on defense a few times. Frankly, I really liked him despite a smaller build. I guess it was because when he got the ball he just went full speed! It was hard for me to appreciate the deliberate nature of the Russell O, even though I respect it very much.

Just saying, #11 would make a heck of a back in Belfry's O.
I suppose McGlone wouldn't dare consider a wishbone/belly style offense?
PaytoPlay Wrote:Fball,

If I didn't know better, your description of McGlone's philosophy would sound exactly like Phillip Haywoods. I think you guys will have a nice year. IMO, Huffine and that nice oline will will you to some wins. Evans is the guy who can benefit from "getting better" as the year goes on. You have some pieces. Your description of "Dylan" is correct. Saw the kid lay the wood on defense a few times. Frankly, I really liked him despite a smaller build. I guess it was because when he got the ball he just went full speed! It was hard for me to appreciate the deliberate nature of the Russell O, even though I respect it very much.

Just saying, #11 would make a heck of a back in Belfry's O.

PaytoPlay Wrote:I suppose McGlone wouldn't dare consider a wishbone/belly style offense?

No belly but he has used some power I in the past. Howard woul be pretty good on the back of that.

Belfry and Russell have two totally different offenses. Haywood's Wishbone is more more violent and faster paced than McGlone's Wing T. What they have in common though is they are like body punches in boxing. They just take the steam out of a defense over the course of a game if they are executed correctly.

I know both coaches have been criticized by their fan bases for being too old fashioned and too conservative but it sure is hard to argue with their success.
^ No doubt about it man. That is why Ashland guy can come on here and talk trash, and I am not about to buy into it. Football is about the LOS. It is a big deal to have guys that can run, break plays. But you can win a game by moving the chains. Does the margin of victory get tighter? IMO yes, but execute and a team with less speeed can win.

I suppose I just saw that big oline and wondered what they could do if they didnt have to pull. Wink
Especially when you know your gonna be relying on many of those guys both ways. That Gage kid, running the straight dive out of a belly style attack, with that oline, I think would be super effective. And you have the QB to burn their butt, if they don't respect Hayes outside.

Just a thought. I also respect Coach McGlone and his 2 state titles. Wink
As an ex pulling gaurd in that offense I say bight your tounge.
Ha.. i hear ya man... but you know I am talking a bit of sense Smile
Imagine big 77 and 70 being able to straight fire off with a lightning quick handoff and a talented and physical back to push the ball up field.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Imagine big 77 and 70 being able to straight fire off with a lightning quick handoff and a talented and physical back to push the ball up field.

Believe it or not thats already part of that offense. They just don't run it enough in my opinion.
Well good.. I know it is a matter of philosophy. But I would have loved to see what that that big oline could have done if they would have just fired off and pushed the Dline 3 yards on surge.

Go over tackle without having to wait for your blocking ya know?
I know. That's basically what they did to Owensboro Cath in that 05 championship game.

Your just not going to see much in the scrimmages except trying to figure out who can play where.

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