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You didn't build that!
TheRealThing Wrote:Impressive. However, I find it to be way more impressive that we know where the tomb of Christ is and it's empty, because He arose, and spent some time with apostles--- Acts 9:27 (KJV)
27 But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.

1 Corinthians 15:7 (KJV)
7 After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles.

He later ascended into the heavens from the mount of transfiguration. Mark 16:19 (KJV)
19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

You will accept the word of men who say Shakespeare existed. But in truth, you can no more prove the existence of Shakespeare than you can the Lord. (I can assure you the Lord has more copy out there than Shakespear does.) However, you will not accept the word of God as proof, that Jesus exists. You will accept by faith the existence of historical figures of whom nothing remains except the written accounts of their lives, but you won't accept the written biblical account. Why?
No we don't.

It's a fact that Shakespeare existed, there is a grave, and it's marked. My mom and dad existed, they are buried, and their graves will be the proof years from now. There is no Jesus grave that can be proved.
TheRealThing Wrote:Obama needs to release his college transcripts.
More importantly, he needs to stop covering up for his crooked Attorney General, and release the documents related to Fast and Furious. While he is at it, he needs to fire the person who has repeatedly leaked classified information that has has undermined our national security - and if he really does not know the identity of the leaker, then he needs to ask a federal judge to appoint a special counsel to determine that fact.
Romney doesn't pay taxes. That is why he won't show his tax returns. All he had to do to make Harry look like a fool as to show them. Harry must be telling the truth.
TheRealVille Wrote:Romney doesn't pay taxes. That is why he won't show his tax returns. All he had to do to make Harry look like a fool as to show them. Harry must be telling the truth.
Where is your proof, RV? Obama spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to avoid producing his birth certificate but I don't recall you concluding that he must have been born in Kenya because he refused to comply with the demands of the birthers.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:More importantly, he needs to stop covering up for his crooked Attorney General, and release the documents related to Fast and Furious. While he is at it, he needs to fire the person who has repeatedly leaked classified information that has has undermined our national security - and if he really does not know the identity of the leaker, then he needs to ask a federal judge to appoint a special counsel to determine that fact.

He probably can't release his transcripts because in his particular case who knows what he listed as his national heritage. Universities have been investing heavily in diverse groups, and getting funding for education can be as simple as decending from a favored blood line.
TheRealVille Wrote:Romney doesn't pay taxes. That is why he won't show his tax returns. All he had to do to make Harry look like a fool as to show them. Harry must be telling the truth.

Gonna have to disagree with you here. Harry doesn't need any help with that.
TheRealThing Wrote:[quote=Hoot Gibson]More importantly, he needs to stop covering up for his crooked Attorney General, and release the documents related to Fast and Furious. While he is at it, he needs to fire the person who has repeatedly leaked classified information that has has undermined our national security - and if he really does not know the identity of the leaker, then he needs to ask a federal judge to appoint a special counsel to determine that fact.[/QUOTE
He probably can't release his transcripts because in his particular case who knows what he listed as his national heritage. Universities have been investing heavily in diverse groups, and getting funding for education can be as simple as decending from a favored blood line.
I agree. I suspect that he claimed to be from somewhere other than Hawaii to gain an edge in admissions and/or in financing his education.

It's interesting that McCain only released two years of tax returns in his campaign against Obama but it was not a campaign issue in 2008. Obama will do everything possible to avoid having to defend his record over the past 3-1/2 years.

I would also like to know how much Obama's golf game has improved after the 104 rounds that he has played since moving into the White House. I wonder what the over/under is on the number of rounds that he will play in the next four years, knowing that he would not have to face voters again. Hopefully, we will not find out.
TheRealThing Wrote:Gonna have to disagree with you here. Harry doesn't need any help with that.
Romney missed a perfect opportunity to make him look like a liar, and an idiot, but I think Harry must be on to something, else Romney would show them. His dad was the one that started this tax return showing thing.
TheRealThing Wrote:He probably can't release his transcripts because in his particular case who knows what he listed as his national heritage. Universities have been investing heavily in diverse groups, and getting funding for education can be as simple as decending from a favored blood line.
Are you speculating that Obama isn't American? Even after he has shown his birth certificate, in long form? :hilarious:
TheRealVille Wrote:Romney missed a perfect opportunity to make him look like a liar, and an idiot, but I think Harry must be on to something, else Romney would show them. His dad was the one that started this tax return showing thing.

Maybe, but maybe he's just getting sick of the attacks. Remember, I said the smears and inuendo would get past all reason, way back when the field still had about 7 candidates seeking the nomination.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you speculating that Obama isn't American? Even after he has shown his birth certificate, in long form? :hilarious:

Same rationale as you. You're saying the IRS didn't do their job and Romney is hiding something regarding income at some point in the past. How many decades worth of returns was it he needed to release?

George W released his transcripts thusly, establishing the precedent. What is Obama hiding? I said nothing about any birth certificate.
TheRealThing Wrote:Same rationale as you. You're saying the IRS didn't do their job and Romney is hiding something regarding income at some point in the past. How many decades worth of returns was it he needed to release?

George W released his transcripts thusly, establishing the precedent. What is Obama hiding? I said nothing about any birth certificate.

The IRS has no jurisdiction in the Cayman's, and Switzerland. The precedent was set long before Bush 2.
TheRealVille Wrote:The IRS has no jurisdiction in the Cayman's, and Switzerland. The precedent was set long before Bush 2.
McCain released two years worth of returns in 2008 - more than the law requires. It was not an issue in the 2008 campaign. It is an issue in this one because Obama's presidency has been a colossal flop and he needs every distraction from his record that he can muster.

As for his college transcripts, even John Kerry released his transcripts, albeit late, even though it showed that Bush had both a higher SAT score and a better GPA than he did. Obama is a coward who is hiding his past.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:McCain released two years worth of returns in 2008 - more than the law requires. It was not an issue in the 2008 campaign. It is an issue in this one because Obama's presidency has been a colossal flop and he needs every distraction from his record that he can muster.

As for his college transcripts, even John Kerry released his transcripts, albeit late, even though it showed that Bush had both a higher SAT score and a better GPA than he did. Obama is a coward who is hiding his past.

if anybody knows about mitt's tax's it would be mccain mitt released
23 years of tax return's to mccain in 2008 when he was vetted for VP
i believe he is hiding something that was the reason mccain picked
dumb palin?

Not worth my time.
vector Wrote:if anybody knows about mitt's tax's it would be mccain mitt released
23 years of tax return's to mccain in 2008 when he was vetted for VP
i believe he is hiding something that was the reason mccain picked
dumb palin?


:biglmao: I would bet dollars to doughnuts, Palin's transcripts, fairly eclipse any accomplishment of Obama in college.
TheRealThing Wrote::biglmao: I would bet dollars to doughnuts, Palin's transcripts, fairly eclipse any accomplishment of Obama in college.
What about Mitt's taxes? Palin isn't running against Obama.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes he existed. We have a grave site where he is buried, and his body is still there.

Personally, I didn't attend the service so I don't know if he is there or not. To say his body is there is nothing more than blind faith. Now you knew that there would be more questioning and I will say that these two are far more difficult.
Did Shakespeare write anything? If so, how do you know?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Not worth my time.

lol....Been telling you boys that for a long time.
Bob Seger Wrote:lol....Been telling you boys that for a long time.
Yeah, I know, Bob, but I don't necessarily respond to posts to make a point to the poster. In vector's case, my responses are directed at the guy pulling his strings. Have you ever noticed how another poster with similar views misuses apostrophes the same way that vector does? Strange coincidence...or not. Maybe they both have defective keyboards or had the same English teachers. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yeah, I know, Bob, but I don't necessarily respond to posts to make a point to the poster. In vector's case, my responses are directed at the guy pulling his strings. Have you ever noticed how another poster with similar views misuses apostrophes the same way that vector does? Strange coincidence...or not. Maybe they both have defective keyboards or had the same English teachers. Confusednicker:
You can take to the bank the fact that I have no idea who vector is. Even tough you insinuate that we are the same person, you couldn't be more wrong. I've said this more than once. BTW, I use my apostrophes almost all the time.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yeah, I know, Bob, but I don't necessarily respond to posts to make a point to the poster. In vector's case, my responses are directed at the guy pulling his strings. Have you ever noticed how another poster with similar views misuses apostrophes the same way that vector does? Strange coincidence...or not. Maybe they both have defective keyboards or had the same English teachers. Confusednicker:
MAybe it's that Pikeville school system:hilarious:
TheRealVille Wrote:What about Mitt's taxes? Palin isn't running against Obama.

Dolen-Proffit (2009) quoted Obama as saying, “The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States.” ~ Sen. Barack Obama, March 31, 2008 [B.S.!]

Tom Daschle
was an early supporter of Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy, and was offered the position of Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services after the 2008 election. He was President Obama's nominee to serve as the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) in the Cabinet, but withdrew his name on February 3, 2009, amid a growing controversy over his failure to accurately report and pay income taxes

Over several years, Treasury secretary nominee Timothy F. Geithner failed to pay Social Security taxes, even though he was advised by his employer to do so, signed an agreement indicating that he understood that such payments were his responsibility and received extra pay from his employer specifically for that purpose.

Mr. Geithner "came clean" only when he was caught, first by an IRS audit that found he owed Social Security taxes for 2003 and 2004 and then when additional tax liabilities for 2001 and 2002 were discovered after his nomination. He has been praised for repaying these additional taxes for the earlier years, which apparently may not have been required under a statute of limitations, but this raises another question: Why didn't he voluntarily correct his 2001 and 2002 taxes once he found out that he had made the same error in 2003 and 2004? If any ordinary American citizen did not pay nearly $50,000 of back taxes over a seven-year period, he or she would definitely land in prison—which is exactly where Geithner really belongs. However, if destined to be a cabinet member in the Obama administration, you are allowed to pay back some of the back taxes and interest, have some of the taxes excused, receive a pass, and then be confirmed as secretary of treasury to overlook the Infernal (err, Internal) Revenue Service (IRS)! Only in the United States of America can such a crook achieve such a high position in government. It is a case of the “inmates running the asylum.” How great it is!

Ron Kirk, the former mayor of Dallas who would be the White House chief trade representative if confirmed, didn't pay taxes on some speaking fees he donated to his alma mater and he tried to write off the full $17,000 costs of his Dallas Mavericks season tickets

And there was Nancy Killefer, whose performance as would-be chief performance officer was also self-terminated when she turned out to have had a past tax problem.

And Rep. Hilda Solis, whose husband had some tax liens going back 16 years until the day before her committee vote as Labor secretary

Brian Montopoli (2009) of CBS News wrote that Kathleen Sebelius, President Obama’s nominee to become Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, said in a letter obtained by the AP that she made “unintentional errors” on her taxes and has corrected her returns from three different years.

^There's your tax cheats. It's inexcusable to accuse Romney of tax misdeeds devoid of any evidence whatever, while the Obama cabinet is rife with these vermin. Of course, it isn't about the truth is it?
TheRealVille Wrote:You can take to the bank the fact that I have no idea who vector is. Even tough you insinuate that we are the same person, you couldn't be more wrong. I've said this more than once. BTW, I use my apostrophes almost all the time.
I never mentioned you in my post. If I had incorrectly suspected that you and vector are two sides of the same coin, then he should be the one offended because I did mention him by name. Not everything is about you. Confusednicker:
all mitt has to do to settle this problem is release his tax's

all barack has to do to settle this problem is release his college transcript's
i also want to see mor then his transcrips.
i wnat to see his forged admissun aplication's
and scolarship application's to. i bet he
wuz a foren xchange student. prove he
wuzn't, vector. Confusednicker:
Bob Seger Wrote:all barack has to do to settle this problem is release his college transcript's


Hoot Gibson Wrote:i also want to see mor then his transcrips.
i wnat to see his forged admissun aplication's
and scolarship application's to. i bet he
wuz a foren xchange student. prove he
wuzn't, vector. Confusednicker:

prove he was all jokes aside i would like to see mitt's
last ten years of tax return's

vector Wrote:prove he was all jokes aside i would like to see mitt's
last ten years of tax return's

you like to know whether yur president comitted
fraud to pay for his degree. whats he hiding

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