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Paintsville VS. SCHS Friday Night 1/6
"piratefaithful" Wrote:Williams CAN NOT match up with May PERIOD... Brandon will use him as a rag doll...

I just wish that the REAL Kevin Williams will come out against SC, Kevin can play, he just hasn't yet. If May is playing the post, Kevin COULD contain him if he plays like he is capable. Early foul trouble hurts Williams, if he could stay out of foul trouble by not commiting the stupid fouls he usually does, then he can hold his own.
"PC_U_KNOW_98" Wrote:I just wish that the REAL Kevin Williams will come out against SC, Kevin can play, he just hasn't yet. If May is playing the post, Kevin COULD contain him if he plays like he is capable. Early foul trouble hurts Williams, if he could stay out of foul trouble by not commiting the stupid fouls he usually does, then he can hold his own.

You may be right, but I've been to quite a few Paintsville games this year because my girlfriend cheers for them, Williams hasnt shown me anything, even against weeker teams, I just don't see him having his break out game against a player of Brandon May's caliber...
"piratefaithful" Wrote:You may be right, but I've been to quite a few Paintsville games this year because my girlfriend cheers for them, Williams hasnt shown me anything, even against weeker teams, I just don't see him having his break out game against a player of Brandon May's caliber...
Its actually "WEAKER" not weeker, but anyways Kevin can contain alot of people in the post, he just gets in early foul trouble..:fight:
"Webster" Wrote:Its actually "WEAKER" not weeker, but anyways Kevin can contain alot of people in the post, he just gets in early foul trouble..:fight:

SORRYConfusedhithappe , he may be able to contain alot of people, but not May, an if he is always getting in early foul trouble, and having to leave the game, he really cant contain anyone if hes not in the game... If the only way he can contain someone is by fouling, then he needs alot of work...
I Think This One Will Be Close. If The Cards Can Pull It Together And Play Good Team Ball I Think They Have A Good Chance At Walking Away With The Victory. That Being Said, Does Anyone Know What's Going On With May? Seems As Though He Has Not Been On Top Of His Game Lately. Good Luck Cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll Be Rootin' For Ya!
Paintsville 75
"cardsfan" Wrote:Does Anyone Know What's Going On With May? Seems As Though He Has Not Been On Top Of His Game Lately.


Sounded like he was definately on top of his game against Belfry, how many did he have?
"PC_U_KNOW_98" Wrote:WHAT????

Sounded like he was definately on top of his game against Belfry, how many did he have?

33pts. I think...
May not on top of his game? Have you even seen May play this year? Do you even know where the 15th region is?
Sheldon Clark b/c of Brandon May
Sheldon Clark....Brandon May is to way to Much for any of the tigers
SC by 10
Brandon has always been streaky and sometimes coasts which is why he's not considered the best in the region by most. If there is any team he gets up for though its Paintsville, that doesn't mean he'll dominate but the effort and focus will be there. SC has plenty of weapons to throw at the Tigers not just BMay, this should be a very good game, Paintsville by less than 5.
paitsville by 10
cards 1 brandan is to much for the tigers 50 pts 30 rebs and 18 steals ...
it seems like he is the only SC player u no they have 4 other players
"TE#82" Wrote:it seems like he is the only SC player u no they have 4 other players
Yes SC has 4 other players on the floor with Brandon, but this team begins and ends with #22. He is capable of taking over a game in every aspect and is the only player on their team capable. He can score, board, handle, guard the other teams best player and anything else you can think of. He will post up, take you to the hole, or can a jumper. No other player on the team is capbale of doing all these things consitently. They have other quality players. Juan is as athletic as anyone in the region outside of Maynard from Belfry, Spud is as quick as anyone besides Maynard and can shoot the 15ft pull up as well as anyone in Eastern KY, Hensley is a competitor and is a physcial hard nosed player that does a littl of everything, but not to May's extent. Johnson and Hinkle both give quality minutes inside and board hard.
This is a good team, but they can not beat Paintsville, Belfry, or Johnson Central if #22 plays poorly. He is the leader and the one they lean on when times get rough. He is the key for SC as Slone is for P'ville.
I agree Brandon is a part of the reason the Cards win alot but, lets not make him something he is not. Jayrd Crum is the leader of the Cards. He sets the tempo,handles the ball,sets the plays and dictates how the Cards will play.Brandon is a shooter and very seldom gives the ball up unless he has to.I think the team knows their roles and they show it when they are playing.I think it is a ridiculous when people post threads that suggest a team is all about one person.As the old saying goes there are no I's in team. Sure Brandon is a great player and a super guy off the court but,so is Jaryd,Juan,Damon,Jarrett,Danny,Steven,Shawn,Brad,Justin,&Nick.I guess what i'm saying is everybody i mentioned is part of what makes Brandon,Jayrd,& Juan shine and what enables them to win when they play.With this said i think each team has that one player that people think is the best and puts so much pressure on them and hypes them up so much that they sometimes forget about the four other guys that make them what they are. GO CARDS!!!!!!!!!!
Paintsville will win this game at home IMO
thay seem to do pretty good tues night may didnt shoot very well and thay pulled it out dont get me wrong may i prob the best player in 15th but he cant win by himself

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