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Holy Cross 45, Owen Co. 0
toussaints Wrote:First off: congrats to Owen County on a fabulous season, 11-1 is a great accomplishment and Owen County deserves alot of respect for it. Also for Rebel4Life or RebelWarrior, is there an update on the status of the player that was carted off the field in the 1st quarter? I pray and hope he's ok, he took one the hardest hits I've ever seen in a football game.

Now I'm sure Owen County has a great offense, the stats provided support it, but the tremendous amount of pressure from Holy Cross kept that offense from going anywhere. You could tell Owen was not near ready for the pressure HC brought on every play. Offensively, Holy Cross controlled the tempo and kept it pretty simple. Once Owen got down a couple scores, the energy went right out of them and never came back.

May I add that the folks of Owen County were incredibly friendly and enthusiastic. Made the trip a lot of fun.

Finally, congrats to my Crossbacks on moving on and breaking the school record for wins in a season as they surpass my senior season's total of 8 wins from 2006-2007. Now beat Newcath!!!

U should try our chedder dog
I read on that Bobby Mingie was released from the hospital and doing a lot better.
Congrats Holy Cross
Bobby Mingie is out of the hospital... he had a huge bruise on the side of his skull and had a severe concussion... He came to school today not knowing that he even went to school... He doesn't remember his teammates... My father was running chains when Mingie came up to him and he said that one certain number on HC's team hit him pretty hard and said that he was out to hurt somebody... The mistake that was made was letting Bobby go out there all dizzy... Because after the second hit, Bobby was knocked out...then flown to childrens hospital in cincinnati... he was unresponsive until he got to childrens... he woke up not knowing he went to school last friday... He still doesnt remember much, but he remembers that he's still a rebel!!! Thank God, And i pray he's with us through this long recovery. Keep Bobby in your prayers everyone.
hop24 Wrote:They finally played a decent team. Nice year for Owen though.

Agree..Not at all surpirised by the outcome of this game. Owen just doesn't play anybody.
Rebelfever Wrote:Bobby Mingie is out of the hospital... he had a huge bruise on the side of his skull and had a severe concussion... He came to school today not knowing that he even went to school... He doesn't remember his teammates... My father was running chains when Mingie came up to him and he said that one certain number on HC's team hit him pretty hard and said that he was out to hurt somebody... The mistake that was made was letting Bobby go out there all dizzy... Because after the second hit, Bobby was knocked out...then flown to childrens hospital in cincinnati... he was unresponsive until he got to childrens... he woke up not knowing he went to school last friday... He still doesnt remember much, but he remembers that he's still a rebel!!! Thank God, And i pray he's with us through this long recovery. Keep Bobby in your prayers everyone.

This is great news and thank you for updating everyone
Im glad to hear Bobby is doing better. However, I hate to hear someone thinks that a HC player was "intentionally out to hurt someone." I know the player that made the hit. If you look at the hit on film. It was clean. He had no running start at Bobby. Bobby was running full speed and just didn't see it coming. I hate that he was injured on the play. I don't like to see any kid injured on the field. To say that someone was trying to hurt another person without any evidence to support it is ridiculous. Also, were there any other plays that HC players made to make such an accusation. I didn't see it if there were any
tooth doc Wrote:Im glad to hear Bobby is doing better. However, I hate to hear someone thinks that a HC player was "intentionally out to hurt someone." I know the player that made the hit. If you look at the hit on film. It was clean. He had no running start at Bobby. Bobby was running full speed and just didn't see it coming.

I saw it live, and it was a very clean hit. Speed and momentum work against you when you're body isn't balanced and you're not expecting a hit. That was the case with Bobby. Again, we're glad he's doing better and we hope he can recover quickly to enjoy the rest of the school year. But that hit wasn't dirty.

Holy Cross football team is very disciplined and well behaved. Theyre not like the trash talkin, face smackin A$$holes that played 4-8 years ago Wink
your welcome. But HC isn't very disciplined.... The players were swearing like no other saying lets f*** them up and foul language of the sort.And I agree... no dirty hit at all.
However, congrats to HC! Played a really good game! Hope to see you all Round three 2A playoffs next year! We'll be ready! Good GameSmile
Rebelfever Wrote:your welcome. But HC isn't very disciplined.... The players were swearing like no other saying lets f*** them up and foul language of the sort.And I agree... no dirty hit at all.

Well, I apologize for the bad language that you heard. That is not the standard that Holy Cross accepts as an institution in its beliefs and teachings. That said, if you are parent, you are aware of the battle with what society feels is "accepted" in music, games, TV, movies, etc. in the area of "street talk". Plus the heat of battle of a football game does not help either. In no way is that an excuse for bad behavior. It is an ongoing challenge for parents and teachers to share (and be) good, moral examples. We hope our kids turn out well at the end when they go out into the world on their own.
No one will excuse bad language. However, if you have ever played football, both teams have players saying things that normally shouldnt be said. To think that HC players were the only ones saying bad things would be a bit naive. Im not condoning either team for bad language, but it is a part of all sports not just football
Here is one, not pointing a finger just saying it happens both ways. My son plays for HC, after one of the touch downs, during the extra point attempt this is what happened. The ball gets snapped, the OC player accross from my son stands straight up and says '' F U'' and kicks him in the shin. Emotions happen in the battle.
Holy Cross is pretty good!!
Well I agree. I am not saying that Owen County is so well behaved and are angels,but the coach puts them in their place.
nkypete Wrote:Well, I apologize for the bad language that you heard. That is not the standard that Holy Cross accepts as an institution in its beliefs and teachings. That said, if you are parent, you are aware of the battle with what society feels is "accepted" in music, games, TV, movies, etc. in the area of "street talk". Plus the heat of battle of a football game does not help either. In no way is that an excuse for bad behavior. It is an ongoing challenge for parents and teachers to share (and be) good, moral examples. We hope our kids turn out well at the end when they go out into the world on their own.

it just heat of the moment on both sides but holy cross is a good moral team and thier fan are very nice as well . unlike newport that was the most rude fans and player i seen in a long time
Thanks for the update on Bobby Mingie, he remains in our prayers and I hope for a full recovery.

I have watched Holy Cross battle NewCath from the stands 3 times in the last 2 seasons and have a few observations. Holy Cross is well coached and diciplined. They play very hard and are overall very classy. They are strong, quick and hit very hard but clean. I could almost feel the hits from the stands earlier this season. NewCath was dishing out the hits also but it was IMO aggresive play not aggression. Kyle Fuller impressed me when he took a hard hit, sat out a play then came right back into the game. What did he do after returning? hand the ball he ran the ball...up the gut 11 yards in 3 plays for a first down. They are tough. I watched the OC/HC replay and I think that it was a better game than the score suggests. The Indians were too much for the Rebels that night but the Rebels are still winners in what really matters and if the lessons of the gridiron translate to real life they will do well. Tonight I will be at Newport Wildcat Stadium for the regional showdown between to fine teams. I will say a prayer for Bobby. I will be pulling for the 'Breds but HCC has my respect as well.

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