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Jaysean paige!
KHSAA12 Wrote:Two of the transfers at Cordia didnt play varsity sports in houston. Only one put in for eligibility. Paige should be ruled eligible. Khsaa should go a head and make up theirs minds.

It just really seems funny that all the other transfers have been ruled on and this kids legit move from 12hrs away has taken this long to even get an answer. If paiges mother or father was a teacher or an assistant coach he would have already been ruled eligible without a doubt. Take a look at all the teachers and coaches that move from one place to another in this state and their kids always seem to get eligible. Why is that???? Everyone including the khsaa knows that its only a move motivated by sports but it is never questioned!!! The reason is they cant prove it because they usually get better pay with less responiblity. The khsaa needs to go ahead and rule this kid eligible. I dont know how he got here and dont no if he was recruited or not. From what I hear the khsaa is taking HEARSAY from all the other AD's and Coaches in this region(and ur right high sheriff im sure OZ is right in the middle of it) and running as hard as they can with it. The khsaa needs to do the right thing here, if u can prove recruiting rule him ineligible. If not do ur job in a timely manner so this kid can get on with his life.
ballstar Wrote:It just really seems funny that all the other transfers have been ruled on and this kids legit move from 12hrs away has taken this long to even get an answer. If paiges mother or father was a teacher or an assistant coach he would have already been ruled eligible without a doubt. Take a look at all the teachers and coaches that move from one place to another in this state and their kids always seem to get eligible. Why is that???? Everyone including the khsaa knows that its only a move motivated by sports but it is never questioned!!! The reason is they cant prove it because they usually get better pay with less responiblity. The khsaa needs to go ahead and rule this kid eligible. I dont know how he got here and dont no if he was recruited or not. From what I hear the khsaa is taking HEARSAY from all the other AD's and Coaches in this region(and ur right high sheriff im sure OZ is right in the middle of it) and running as hard as they can with it. The khsaa needs to do the right thing here, if u can prove recruiting rule him ineligible. If not do ur job in a timely manner so this kid can get on with his life.

I do agree that I also do not understand the different standards that have been set for this kid and the kids at Cordia however, you need to check your history more closely. When Eddie Whitaker took the job at Hazard it took them this long or longer to get his own son as well as the child that had lived with him over a year prior to moving, eligible. You are questioning that the KHSAA is using hearsay. It seems to be me you are doing the same thing. What proof do you have that these athletic directors and coaches are behind it and even Ozz. Maybe, just maybe, they are actually doing their job right this time after letting Cordia slide by. This also possibly could be the "selective enforcement" that I have discussed in the past that many posters scoffed at.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I do agree that I also do not understand the different standards that have been set for this kid and the kids at Cordia however, you need to check your history more closely. When Eddie Whitaker took the job at Hazard it took them this long or longer to get his own son as well as the child that had lived with him over a year prior to moving, eligible. You are questioning that the KHSAA is using hearsay. It seems to be me you are doing the same thing. What proof do you have that these athletic directors and coaches are behind it and even Ozz. Maybe, just maybe, they are actually doing their job right this time after letting Cordia slide by. This also possibly could be the "selective enforcement" that I have discussed in the past that many posters scoffed at.

I agree with most of ur post but eddie whitaker never had custody of his nephew until after he got here and his son was eligible b4 the nephew. The court process took longer than they thought when trying to get legal custody the nephew just for basketball purpose. The whitakers also lived in a house he in haazard owned by a BIG supporter of HHS rent free. About the hearsay, for all you know i may have been there when calls were made or at the hearing. The selective enforcement is for sure true in this case. Ky has 3 canadians and a host of other kids that have already been ruled eligible way after this kid has. They cant find anyhting on this kid so they(khsaa) is allowing hearsay without a speck of true behind it to allow this to go on. What a shame!!!
ballstar Wrote:I agree with most of ur post but eddie whitaker never had custody of his nephew until after he got here and his son was eligible b4 the nephew. The court process took longer than they thought when trying to get legal custody the nephew just for basketball purpose. The whitakers also lived in a house he in haazard owned by a BIG supporter of HHS rent free. About the hearsay, for all you know i may have been there when calls were made or at the hearing. The selective enforcement is for sure true in this case. Ky has 3 canadians and a host of other kids that have already been ruled eligible way after this kid has. They cant find anyhting on this kid so they(khsaa) is allowing hearsay without a speck of true behind it to allow this to go on. What a shame!!!

It did take as long to get his own son, Josh, eligible as it has taken Jaysean thus far. You are right Robert Warren did not get eligible until later due the custody issue. Robert did live with Eddie over a year before he was let go at Bell County so the strictly basketball purpose is bogus BS. I find it hilarious that you keep stating his nephew. There was no blood relation between them. As far as the house, I do not know. As far as the hearsay, if you were present when calls were made or if you attended the hearing, enlighten us on some factual information.
I am not up to speed as most of you with this kid (Jaysean Paige). I was told by someone the reason he is ineligible was he had no grades for the second semester at the school in Buffalo or wherever he played at last year. This is total hearsay from someone else but maybe that is the reason he is ineligble right now.
The reason he is ineligible is unknown right now! No one, even khsaa can give a reason that is backed up with any facts. ONB gets pissed everytime u mention the great oz. I could name a few other names if I wanted to but I will not at this time. Sorry if u r really close to oz(lol), but it doesnt change the fact that the khsaa is doing this kid an injustice by not ruling him eligible. If that offends u ONB, its just the straight truth. About the warren kid, that makes it alot worse that he wasnt related and he got eligible. Just helps prove my point that this is something personal against this kid or the perry county school system.
I do know this, when the warren kid came that whitaker was NOT the legal guardian. He did get legal custody of him after here got here. Not sure why he was living with him a yr b4 he got here but im sure u do. It may have been because of a bad home life or something like that. Im not knocking someone for helping a child n that situation because ive done the same thing and would do it again. Im just saying this kid should have already been ruled eligible!!!!! To let this drag on for over 3 months is a little ridiculous. U would have to agree!!!
There has to be a reason they have declared him ineligible. They can't just tell him he cant play because they dont like PCC. He moved across the country and is still ineligible. That tells me that it probably is something such as grades that is holding him back. If I were a PCC fan I would be worried. Was there a reason given when they declared him inelible the first time?
Good post, CuJo. People are forgetting he was ruled ineligible for a reason and not because of the claims that other coaches, principals, etc. in the area are calling the KHSAA. We can think whatever we want to, but the KHSAA has its set of bylaws and they normally stick to those. I personally think some of the bylaws should be changed, but i'm in no position to have my voice heard as are most of us on this board. If our opinions could change things, we would have a whole new KHSAA board today. Too bad it can't happen....
ballstar Wrote:The reason he is ineligible is unknown right now! No one, even khsaa can give a reason that is backed up with any facts. ONB gets pissed everytime u mention the great oz. I could name a few other names if I wanted to but I will not at this time. Sorry if u r really close to oz(lol), but it doesnt change the fact that the khsaa is doing this kid an injustice by not ruling him eligible. If that offends u ONB, its just the straight truth. About the warren kid, that makes it alot worse that he wasnt related and he got eligible. Just helps prove my point that this is something personal against this kid or the perry county school system.

When the kid came to Coach Whitaker's I do not believe the Coach had any plans to leave Bell County. Then he was let go. I guess if it means that I am pissed when I ask you to back up your statements with facts, then I guess I am pissed. I am not defending OZZ but if you interpret it that way thats fine. The odds are if you are not naming names and the specific complaints or allegations that are made, then you do not have facts. Just rumors and suspicions. You insinuate that you have the knowledge and inside scoop of the situation but you refuse to back that claim up. Sounds like you are the one who gets pissed when someone disagrees with you or calls you out on something that you have stated.
CuJo Wrote:There has to be a reason they have declared him ineligible. They can't just tell him he cant play because they dont like PCC. He moved across the country and is still ineligible. That tells me that it probably is something such as grades that is holding him back. If I were a PCC fan I would be worried. Was there a reason given when they declared him inelible the first time?

There probably was a reason he was initially declared ineligible but it is never discussed. I am sure there are posters on here that knows but doesn't want to say.
^ Some posters stated before that the reason he wasn't eligible after the first ruling was due to a custody situation between his uncle and mother. But idk. Theres something going on or this kid would already be eligible. Owens (former kcc player, now at cordia) moved from fisty to lotts creek, put his papers in to the khsaa and was ruled eligible like 4 days later. I know its a whole different situation, but both kids moved closer to the schools they will be attending. Somethings just haven't came out yet imo or he would already be able to suit up. But i think they should go ahead and let the kid play. I mean its his senior year, c'mon.
I feel sorry for the kid, but you don't bend the rules just because he's a senior. Not being able to play, irregardless of whether you're a senior or a freshman is hard on the kid. With that being said, the adults in this situation that has messed with the kid's mind, is the one's that are responsible for this mess. Come on people, these are the same people that cheated on the ACT tests, and then pretend they care about this young man's future. They only care because he can play ball. If he could not help their basketball program, do you think for one moment they'd be concerned about his future. They've proven what they think about our kid's future by allowing cheating on ACT test scores, and then letting the school slip into the category of not meeting standards set by the federal and state guidelines, thus becoming a school with some of the lowest test scores in the state. Good God, give me a break....
I do agree with Ballstar that the process does need to go quicker. If they do not have any evidence of wrongdoing either with grades, transfer, or recruiting, they need to make him eligible. If there is legitimate issues, they need to make them known and go on. I do think it is rather odd how some of the Cordia transfers got eligible so quick. I have never known a transfer, especially one that transfers across county, get eligible that quickly. Even the Texas transfers were declared eligible at a rapid pace. I think the quickest I have ever seen has been two to three weeks after it has been filed.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I do agree with Ballstar that the process does need to go quicker. If they do not have any evidence of wrongdoing either with grades, transfer, or recruiting, they need to make him eligible. If there is legitimate issues, they need to make them known and go on. I do think it is rather odd how some of the Cordia transfers got eligible so quick. I have never known a transfer, especially one that transfers across county, get eligible that quickly. Even the Texas transfers were declared eligible at a rapid pace. I think the quickest I have ever seen has been two to three weeks after it has been filed.

So were the canadians!!!!! Thats my point!!! Why so long for this one. The reason given is because EVERYONE in this region is contesting. Its like they cant find anything to rule him ineligible for, so they're wating to see if something comes up. Not fair at all to this kid. The reasons for ruling him ineligible the 1st time have all been answered. Someone tell me whats the hold up............
ballstar Wrote:[/B]

So were the canadians!!!!! Thats my point!!! Why so long for this one. The reason given is because EVERYONE in this region is contesting. Its like they cant find anything to rule him ineligible for, so they're wating to see if something comes up. Not fair at all to this kid. The reasons for ruling him ineligible the 1st time have all been answered. Someone tell me whats the hold up............

That's ridiculous. There has to be something that their investigating that is holding this process up which makes me think the chances of him becoming eligible are not too good. But I hope he does get eligible, it would make for more excitement in the 14th this year and I would hate to hear PCC fans say after they lose the region "Well if we had Jeysean, we would have done this and that??" Either way, I wish they would tell us something!!
CuJo Wrote:That's ridiculous. There has to be something that their investigating that is holding this process up which makes me think the chances of him becoming eligible are not too good. But I hope he does get eligible, it would make for more excitement in the 14th this year and I would hate to hear PCC fans say after they lose the region "Well if we had Jeysean, we would have done this and that??" Either way, I wish they would tell us something!!

Make no mistake here CuJo!!!! This has NOTHING to do with PCC, this is a 17 yr old kid that im worried about. Everyone had PCC picked way b4 he came. Until someone proves otherwise they are the best team in the region without him. I just hate to see any child lose something that means so much to them.
ballstar Wrote:Make no mistake here CuJo!!!! This has NOTHING to do with PCC, this is a 17 yr old kid that im worried about. Everyone had PCC picked way b4 he came. Until someone proves otherwise they are the best team in the region without him. I just hate to see any child lose something that means so much to them.

Then why are you on a basketball forum asking why he has not been ruled eligible? Make no mistake his basketball eligility is all you're concerned about!!!
If he is a good as everybody says PCC needs him worse than he needs PCC, the college coaches already know about him.
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:Then why are you on a basketball forum asking why he has not been ruled eligible? Make no mistake his basketball eligility is all you're concerned about!!!If he is a good as everybody says PCC needs him worse than he needs PCC, the college coaches already know about him.

100% Correct!!! Not for PCC sake but for his. You take something like bball from a kid like this for a full year and he may take a turn in the wrong direction. An idle mind can be a terrible thing for a young kid sometimes. Not saying he is a bad kid, im just saying. Once again, PCC is a very good team without him and prob the best team in the region until someone proves otherwise. The reason for asking why he has not been ruled on yet is because everyone else in the state has.......or so it seems!!!
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:Then why are you on a basketball forum asking why he has not been ruled eligible? Make no mistake his basketball eligility is all you're concerned about!!!
If he is a good as everybody says PCC needs him worse than he needs PCC, the college coaches already know about him.

I also know enough about this kid to tell you he prob wont be the person to find a cure for cancer or build the next rocket for nasa, but bball can pay for his education. Thats what im concerned about most. Its tuff to get a full ride sitting in the stands.
ballstar Wrote:I also know enough about this kid to tell you he prob wont be the person to find a cure for cancer or build the next rocket for nasa, but bball can pay for his education. Thats what im concerned about most. Its tuff to get a full ride sitting in the stands.

I wouldn't worry too much, if he is ruled ineligible he will be in a prep school the next day! Then TECO can give his mom's job to somebody that deserves it!
I can't believe he is not eligible yet given all of PCC's connections with the KHSAA. I actually should say JPA and Punkin connections, cause we all know they do. First person since I have been watching PCC play that they have had trouble getting someone eligible, but bout time though
Crazy Horse Wrote:I can't believe he is not eligible yet given all of PCC's connections with the KHSAA. I actually should say JPA and Punkin connections, cause we all know they do. First person since I have been watching PCC play that they have had trouble getting someone eligible, but bout time though

Well obviously u do not watch very much. Besides Kyle Huff and tyler bailey i cant think of any transfers that have played for pcc basketball in a long time. Last time khsaa had anything important to do with pcc basketball they ruled ben bowling ineligible and putt pcc on probation for letting him practice. do some research bub
dore20 Wrote:Well obviously u do not watch very much. Besides Kyle Huff and tyler bailey i cant think of any transfers that have played for pcc basketball in a long time. Last time khsaa had anything important to do with pcc basketball they ruled ben bowling ineligible and putt pcc on probation for letting him practice. do some research bub

Corey Martin ring any bells?
High Sheriff Wrote:Corey Martin ring any bells?

ahhhhh yes he slipped my mind.
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:No use in rehashing this topic, go to this thread and make up your own mind as to how he ended up at PCC!

easy friendo, I tried that already and got lost after 28 pages of craziness :ChairHit:

Im not here to start another fishy recruiting argument, I just wanted to know the connection. I know a lot of New Yorkers and they're intrest in Kentucky starts and stops with the Derby, so I thought it was alittle odd that he'd end up in this state at all.
Still no word on anything?
toussaints Wrote:easy friendo, I tried that already and got lost after 28 pages of craziness :ChairHit:

Im not here to start another fishy recruiting argument, I just wanted to know the connection. I know a lot of New Yorkers and they're intrest in Kentucky starts and stops with the Derby, so I thought it was alittle odd that he'd end up in this state at all.

Sorry if referring you to another thread upset you! I was just pointing out that you could read that thread and find out everything anybody on this site knows.

I agree with you it is very odd that a kid from New York would transfer to Kentucky.
I hope the kid get's rulled elgible why deny a 17 or 18 yr old kid let him play he deserves it a kid can't help if they move to a better situation this also helps the state of kentucky talent wise bc we have been way down for years

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