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Rockcastle County 29 Russell County 27 (OT)
LWC Wrote:WAY too many. I think Rock had 6 or 7 and Russell had very few. At least not many fumbles.

I think we had the two most costly turnovers thought.

On our first possession, we were stopped on our first two plays then on 3rd and long our QB scrambled to the right and should have went out of bounds about 3-yards short of the first down, but tried to push through 3 Rock defenders and coughed it up giving Rock a short field on their first possession. Of course rock punched it in behind a consistent push from the O-line.

Then, late in the game we completed a pass up the right sideline for about a 30-yard gain to the Rock 35 or so and our wide-out did the same thing the QB had done earlier, and the Rock defender's held him up and stripped the ball. If I remember correctly the score was tied at the time.

There's a lot to take away from this game. If we can get the guys to go over the film and see how the little things cost them, and get the coaching staff to look long and hard at their situational play calling mistakes we will be a much better team moving forward. The staff has to realize that when the line is being dominated you can't continue to try the running game until you force them out of the constant blitz / pressure. It's not like our lineman are going to get quicker and stronger during the course of the game.

With Knox seeming to have put it together last night, this will be a three way race, but after watching this game last night I'm not so sure that it's as big a deal who places where as I did early in the season. I think Rock, Russell, and Knox all three have good chance of beating LC or Boyle come playoff time.

I think both Rock and Russell will be glad to have the week off next week.
Congratulations to Rockcastle. I thought Russell County showed a lot of scrap to be right in a game at the last when they had been physically whipped for 4 quarters. If Rock can't work on ball security they will be in big trouble although getting Rowe back will have some effect on that. One question for laker fans is we at Rock had been led to believe they had a good running game. They hardly tried to to run and had no success when they did. I was wondering if they too had some players out ?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Rock will not dominate this game.
The two are too similar in styles.
I wouldnt be surprised at all to see Russell come away with the win.
There much better than anyone Rock has played so far.
Should be a great game.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Had i seen this thread earlier i wouldve done posted on it. lol.

First off let me say these two teams are having remarkable seasons and they should be applaud for the efforts they have so far.
IMHO, both of these teams are better than KC. The winner of this game will be your district champion IMO. I also think these two teams are VERY similar in styles. Russell with Britt and Rock with Rowe. Thats all i can think about.
Russell Co is going to have to play better than they did last night to pick up a win over Rock.

With that said, ive been sticking by Rock since Febuary and that wont change now, IF Rowe plays. I think this is the only team that has a legitimate shot at beating Rock other than Knox, but IMO Knox doesnt have a chance against Rock.
If someone is gonna beat Rock this year it will be Russell.

But im taking
Rock 35
Russell 33

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Russell will try to go for 2 and the win in OT but Rock defense will stop Britt short of the goalline.
Just how i see it happening after the way Rocks D has stepped up

Just thought id throw my past post in for laker and lwc lol
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Just thought id throw my past post in for laker and lwc lol

You called it.

I was predicting the Russell Co win by FG. We had the chance from 53 yards, but we allowed the Rockets through for the block with 8-seconds left in regulation. Before the game our kicker had warmed up on the same side from the same spot with several successful 52 yard kicks (with plenty of distance to spare).

We now have two must wins coming up, and nothing against the Rock fans, but I have to cheer for the Panthers in 2-weeks.
its great im high school football to have a good kicker.
its an automatic advantage ove most
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
its great im high school football to have a good kicker.
its an automatic advantage ove most

Yeah, wish someone would have told our coaches that last night. We reverted back to a punt scheme we used a couple of years ago with multiple wide outs and only 3 men on up front (one of those being Britt). It's easy to run fakes out of it, but it sure doesn't leave much protection for the punter. He was rushed every punt, which hurt our field position a bit. This kid may be the only true D-1 prospect we've ever had, and we failed to give him an opportunity to have an impact on the game.
I was sitting around some former D-1 players from Rockcastle and when he lined up for that kick they said, No way he gets that, I said, "If he can get the protection, he sure can" Then they said, we better block it then, lol.
LWC Wrote:I was sitting around some former D-1 players from Rockcastle and when he lined up for that kick they said, No way he gets that, I said, "If he can get the protection, he sure can" Then they said, we better block it then, lol.

Absolutely, and he had the nerves in check. I guarantee that whoever got the arm on it is bruised this morning.

I just hope the coaches spend some time going through this film and come to a realization of where we made costly decisions.

1) Field position is the key to beating teams that like to power run.
2) We are going to see pressure from here on out, we've got to throw the ball on quick passes to where the void from rush is. Slants, swing passes, screens, etc
3) We need to get a FB in more often against strong run least for lead blocking.
4) We can't take sack's on key downs.....find the open receiver or get rid of it. Don't run backwards (see #1)
5) Go back to normal punt formation.
6) Good fundamentals win football games, but you need 11 on the field.
^4 and 5 are the HUGE keys.
LWC Wrote:^4 and 5 are the HUGE keys.

I do have to say, at the beginning of the year the defense was the question, and I think we're proving that we are playing quite well on that side of the ball. We've just got to get the Offense going again. If we do, I think we will be really hard to beat.
Congrats rock.
Congrats Rock.
In regards to laker20s points, they are not all simply credited to coachin schemes. In re to point numero uno about field position, I am sure rc's coaches are aware of that...i mean it would take a complete idiot not to know that. In re to point two, RC did throw the ball more than usual with britt only having 14 carries and mann throwing 21 passes (most of which were screens and bubbles to slow down the pressure). In re to point 3, when you have a shifty speed back you want to spread or balance a defense to find a crease for his speed, thus instead of a fb you have a tight end or a wide out. In regard to the punt formation, that formation is designed to slow pressure. When you have a tight punt the receiving team doesnt have to worry about a "bullet" corner making a quick tackle and can pressure the kick more than they can than when a team uses a spread punt. Overall I think the coaches on both sides did an excellent job. I was afraid that the 52 yarder would be blocked to. Yea the kids got a strong leg, but when you watch him in warm ups when he is hitting from 50+ his kicks are soo low that they would barely get over the lines head. But my final point, heck of a game by both teams. and good luck to both
Wish i would have made it to this one. Congrats to the Rockets
Talk about one heck of a game and one heck of a win for Rock!! This had to be a great game to watch!!
awesome game
Great game
Out of all the games i could miss it had to be this one. Just got back from E-town and I was looking for some highhights fro all the news stations but did not see any. Cant believe no news stations were there. I looked on wymt and they had the all the pulaski co games and blow out games.

Congrats to Rock. beating back to back undefeated teams. Now its time to get ready for the biggest game of the season against Knox in 2 weeks.
imho43 Wrote:In regards to laker20s points, they are not all simply credited to coachin schemes. In re to point numero uno about field position, I am sure rc's coaches are aware of that...i mean it would take a complete idiot not to know that. In re to point two, RC did throw the ball more than usual with britt only having 14 carries and mann throwing 21 passes (most of which were screens and bubbles to slow down the pressure). In re to point 3, when you have a shifty speed back you want to spread or balance a defense to find a crease for his speed, thus instead of a fb you have a tight end or a wide out. In regard to the punt formation, that formation is designed to slow pressure. When you have a tight punt the receiving team doesnt have to worry about a "bullet" corner making a quick tackle and can pressure the kick more than they can than when a team uses a spread punt. Overall I think the coaches on both sides did an excellent job. I was afraid that the 52 yarder would be blocked to. Yea the kids got a strong leg, but when you watch him in warm ups when he is hitting from 50+ his kicks are soo low that they would barely get over the lines head. But my final point, heck of a game by both teams. and good luck to both

I'm just saying that the coaching staff needs to take a long hard look at this game and the LCC game to see where the offense has been exposed. It boils down to being able to create the pass threat in order to open up the speed back openings.

Rock's aggressiveness left plenty of openings to move the ball with the short passing game, an extra back (or TE) can be used as an extra blocker to buy a bit more time. I don't remember 1 slant during the game and that area of the field was wide open on almost every play. The mix of run to pass was not the problem, the problem was that the passing game was never established well enough to slow down the pressure or open up the run. This was 2nd game in a row where we allowed the other teams Defense to establish how the game would be played.

As to the punt formation, I disagree with you on this. It's not designed to slow down pressure, it's designed to get the defense to spread out and not have the ability to apply pressure to the punter, and to have multiple fake options. However, it didn't work. Their front was too strong for our front three, and almost every punt was pressured. An extra 5-10 yards of field position on any of those could have been huge. I like the formation against some teams, but Rock was not playing along.

I do agree with your final point.......It was one heck of a game by both teams.

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