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Whats the difference
Dragonsdad Wrote:I may be completely wrong here,but I believe it has to do with a couple of things. First,county geography and second recruitment. Why does Mayfield dominate their neighbor Graves Co.. Mayfield is in Graves Co. and is a much smaller school. The city of Mayfield is about 6.8 square miles which is pretty large considering that most cities in eastern ky are much smaller and under around 3 square miles. Harlan for instance is only 1.8 square miles. This means that only the students who live inside the city boundaries attend Mayfield high school unless they pay tuition. Then how does Mayfield come up with better athletes than Graves Co.? That's where I think the recruitment comes in. Graves Co. has about 10 or 12 more players than does Mayfield each season. Also,variables such as coaching and team history come into effect. Mayfield is a historic football school. If you lived in Graves Co. and played football where would you want to play. Mayfield gets all the talent or most of it any way. If all the great athletes at Harlan Co. came to Harlan Ind. we would still be 1A but would be a powerhouse team that would be able to compete with the likes of Mayfield. So in my opinion it's mostly about the geographical make up and how many top athletes a school has at it's disposal.JMHO
Since Graves County was opened by consolidation in the mid-1980s, Mayfield has had few key players that came from the county district.

That might change in the next year or two. Mayfield has two sophomores starting on defense that transferred from Graves as freshmen. Talk at the time was that other sports were as much a factor in football in their decision to make the move.
Redneck Wrote:IMO, the biggest factor is that 90% of kids in the West and in NKY focus only on football. You will see alot of guys that wrestle or run track also, or both, which help in football, which is probably the reason they do it. You will see the occasional guys play baseball.
Not a very accurate generalization.

Look at Mayfield's state championship team from a year ago. Several of Mayfield's key players (Luke Guhy, Jonathan Jackson, William Higginson, Devin Jones, Carlos Parrott, Javarius Richardson) played on the basketball team. Some others (Guhy, Higginson, Clay Sweatman, Taylor Sullivan and a couple of the younger guys) started for the baseball team that won the regional championship.

Paducah Tilghman won the 3A state title in 2009. Three of the best players on that team (Josh Forrest, Kris Jackson, J.D. Harmon) played basketball. Forrest and Jackson didn't play football the previous year.

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