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Belfry has a game!!
As for Pike Central vs. Pikeville.

Pike Central is in the midst of the single greatest run of their program's history. Chapman has done a fantastic (albeit a bit controversial) job of turning that program around. Interest has never been higher and I will go as far as to say they have been the 2nd best team in Pike County the past two years.

With that said, until Pike Central proves they can consistently compete on the State level and for a championship, or until they actually prove they can compete with Belfry or Pikeville for an extended period of time, they are not worthy of the headliner role. Shelby Valley had a couple very good teams...including the Dusty Hall team.. that were hot in a hurry. All it took was one coaching turnover or one wave of kids to graduate before that was all gone.

Once you remove Pikeville from the headliner the damage is done and the sanctity further compromised. What if Holcomb retires and Chapman goes back to Breathitt next year? History would suggest PC would not continue their positive growth. Whereas with Pikeville, even during the darkest point of the program's history, they still are a name that draws and a name known across the state.

On a side note, if I were Pike Central I would prefer the bowl go back to the old way. As it stands PC is forced to play either Phelps, ER, or SV instead of having the freedom to schedule a better opponent. What does Phelps help PC accomplish this season, especially since they only have 9 scheduled games as it stands? If I were PC I'd much rather get a free share of the gate and go out and play a competitive team of my choosing instead.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:My argument is that those county schools got a little too greedy in the first place. When the PCB was a one day event all those schools were raking in "free" money from the gate split. That wasn't enough, they wanted to participate, so the game became a multi-day event to accommodate and allow the other schools to split even more concessions. It was clear that there was not enough interest in the "other games" so they decided to break away from the traditional Saturday featuring Belfry and Pikeville and split it up once CAM was finished, that way the gate would be strong on both nights. That seemed to work, but then all of a sudden certain programs became upset that they could not host the game... they wanted the venue at their place and the PCB obliged.

As you said, if Belfry and Pikeville pulled out it would absolutely serve as a "gut punch" to the other schools who depend on the wad of cash they receive. My argument is that if Belfry and Pikeville are so important, shouldn't they be treated as such? Why should they play second fiddle to other schools who cannot carry their weight as the headliner? Why must they be subjected to having to find a 1-9 team from outside of Chattanooga at the 11th hour to fill a spot? Why must they agree to a 2 year contract with programs that in the original days of the PCB wouldn't have even been considered?

The PCB needs to get everyone else's hands out of the cookie jar who are desperate for attention and money, and get back to it's true form. From a business standpoint why would a team like Belfry want to continue to play in this game, give up money that they primarily generate, get overlooked as a host site for a habitual middle of the pack team like SV, and not know their opponent until Mid-July? Do I mind the other schools getting their piece of the pie? NO.. it is called the Pike County Bow, and it was meant to help all the programs. My issue is when the other schools treat this as some EKY welfare system and try to abuse it to get as much as possible, without doing anything productive to do so.
And boom goes the dynamite.
Agree with about everything EKU05 has said here.
Saw the PCB schedule in the paper today. The most interesting game in the bowl looks to be East Ridge vs. Shelby Valley. Thanks PCB committee!
The worst thing is this bowl still would have sucked even if Franklin Co. hadn't backed out. So don't blame Franklin Co. for a sucky bowl.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:My argument is that those county schools got a little too greedy in the first place. When the PCB was a one day event all those schools were raking in "free" money from the gate split. That wasn't enough, they wanted to participate, so the game became a multi-day event to accommodate and allow the other schools to split even more concessions. It was clear that there was not enough interest in the "other games" so they decided to break away from the traditional Saturday featuring Belfry and Pikeville and split it up once CAM was finished, that way the gate would be strong on both nights. That seemed to work, but then all of a sudden certain programs became upset that they could not host the game... they wanted the venue at their place and the PCB obliged.

As you said, if Belfry and Pikeville pulled out it would absolutely serve as a "gut punch" to the other schools who depend on the wad of cash they receive. My argument is that if Belfry and Pikeville are so important, shouldn't they be treated as such? Why should they play second fiddle to other schools who cannot carry their weight as the headliner? Why must they be subjected to having to find a 1-9 team from outside of Chattanooga at the 11th hour to fill a spot? Why must they agree to a 2 year contract with programs that in the original days of the PCB wouldn't have even been considered?

The PCB needs to get everyone else's hands out of the cookie jar who are desperate for attention and money, and get back to it's true form. From a business standpoint why would a team like Belfry want to continue to play in this game, give up money that they primarily generate, get overlooked as a host site for a habitual middle of the pack team like SV, and not know their opponent until Mid-July? Do I mind the other schools getting their piece of the pie? NO.. it is called the Pike County Bowl, and it was meant to help all the programs. My issue is when the other schools treat this as some EKY welfare system and try to abuse it to get as much as possible, without doing anything productive to do so.

Yeah, I like this. See what you did there? Shelby Valley should have never hosted the game anyways.

You have managed to speak the truth man. The PCB used to be awesome. I had to go to Shelby Valley to watch Belfry dominate Louisville Holy Cross in 08. I left with a bad taste. What the heck?

I know you are out of state these days, but why not really do a service other than just complaining? I know that is asking a lot, but there are obvious and relatively easy improvements that can be made. If you lead, I'll get involved.
None of the county school will pull out, too much politics involved, as a matter of fact I don't think they are allowed to.

You need to look at the PCB Committee to see where the blame is. I'm pretty sure a Pike Co. BOE member is the reason you have a Shelby Valley hosting and the committee itself is to blame for lack of quality opponents.

The simplest and easiest way to change this is let Shelby Valley/Pike Central/East Ridge rotate hosting on Friday, when you host you get an out of county opponent, when you don't you get one of the others.

Saturday is rotated between Belfry and Pikeville, both getting a quality opponent, with Phelps playing an opponent they can compete with in a 3pm game.

That is the only way it will get changed with the current makeup of the PCB committee, as SV/ER/PCC/Phelsp will ALL cry, whine, and complain that the rest is unfair.

Or change the committee, or at least 1-2 members, and you will get a better bowl. Until then your stuck with this crap.
Cash trumps politics. The only way to correct the SV/Belfry rotation is for the Pond Creek Nation not to show up(I know this is sac-religious for many) when SV host the game.

On a side note know one has mentioned that the Belfry/Harrison co. will be a reunion for former Belfry star Mark Carroll. bb
Skyhawk Wrote:None of the county school will pull out, too much politics involved, as a matter of fact I don't think they are allowed to.

You need to look at the PCB Committee to see where the blame is. I'm pretty sure a Pike Co. BOE member is the reason you have a Shelby Valley hosting and the committee itself is to blame for lack of quality opponents.

The simplest and easiest way to change this is let Shelby Valley/Pike Central/East Ridge rotate hosting on Friday, when you host you get an out of county opponent, when you don't you get one of the others.

Saturday is rotated between Belfry and Pikeville, both getting a quality opponent, with Phelps playing an opponent they can compete with in a 3pm game.

That is the only way it will get changed with the current makeup of the PCB committee, as SV/ER/PCC/Phelsp will ALL cry, whine, and complain that the rest is unfair.

Or change the committee, or at least 1-2 members, and you will get a better bowl. Until then your stuck with this crap.

Looking back @the history of the PCB it was a quality and well ran event when Keno Trivette and Paul Dotson made sure things were done the right way!!!
throw deep Wrote:Looking back @the history of the PCB it was a quality and well ran event when Keno Trivette and Paul Dotson made sure things were done the right way!!!

Couldn't agree more.

I've moved away from Pike County, to another part of the state. I couldn't tell you how much I've heard about how unprofessional the county as a whole has become when dealing with athletics in particular.

Some schools still and always will conduct themselves in a professional manner, Belfry, Shelby Valley basketball, Pikeville for the most part, but the rest deal in back door politics to get what they want, forcing it down others throats.
This is really a great job.Most probably the credit goes to you guys.
VHSL-helper Wrote:ER-SV was prev. said to be Fri. .. see post 6 -
KHSAA doesn't even have it listed.

OK, I see what you meant now. You were talking about the SV/ER and PC/Phelps games. I thought you were referring to what night each of the host schools had.


Even though I am one of SV's big supporters on here, I have to agree with everyone that SV should never have hosted the PCB at the expense of Belfry. I remember being stunned the first time I heard it was happening a few years ago. I couldn't believe it then and I still can't believe it now.

The issue is not SV's facilities, their football stadium has excellent seating and a nice turf field. The point is that Belfry should have never had hosting privileges taken away in the first place. THEY are the flagship football program in Pike County and have been for many years now. Out of respect for what their program has accomplished, they should host a night of the PCB as long as it continues under the current format.

Skyhawk Wrote:None of the county school will pull out, too much politics involved, as a matter of fact I don't think they are allowed to.

You need to look at the PCB Committee to see where the blame is. I'm pretty sure a Pike Co. BOE member is the reason you have a Shelby Valley hosting and the committee itself is to blame for lack of quality opponents.

The simplest and easiest way to change this is let Shelby Valley/Pike Central/East Ridge rotate hosting on Friday, when you host you get an out of county opponent, when you don't you get one of the others.

Saturday is rotated between Belfry and Pikeville, both getting a quality opponent, with Phelps playing an opponent they can compete with in a 3pm game.

That is the only way it will get changed with the current makeup of the PCB committee, as SV/ER/PCC/Phelsp will ALL cry, whine, and complain that the rest is unfair.

Or change the committee, or at least 1-2 members, and you will get a better bowl. Until then your stuck with this crap.

Now this is not a bad idea. Belfry and Pikeville should rotate hosting duties for the "uppercard" games each year, with both playing on Saturday evening and the hosting school playing the nightcap. Belfry gets to share hosting because of their tradition and they are the clear #1 team in the county. Pikeville may not be a clear #2 some years, but due to their tradition and being located in the county seat, they also get to share hosting.

As for the Friday night games, that gets a bit trickier. As of right now, Pike Central could be the #2 team in the county, and are no worse than #3. However, the same could have been said of Shelby Valley just a couple years ago, when they were finishing a run of beating PC a few years in a row. Now SV is probably #5 behind ER. So, I agree that rotating Friday hosting duties amongst SV, PC, and ER seems fair as well.

Belfry needs to remove themselves from this bowl and move on.

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