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Buckhorn 63 Hazard 57
Discipline has to be taught at home FIRST !! It is embarassing for such things to happen, but it happens everywhere, not to say it is alright. Some parents dont want coaches or any adult in charge to discipline their angels. As long and they have playing time, whether they earn it or not, many parents are happy. I guess parents are going to have to grow up as well as the kids. I am a Hazard fan and am embarrassed when thing like this happens. It makes the person,team,school and everyone else who supports the school look bad !! GROW UP !!! KIDS & ADULTS!! Make up proud !!!
HUB Wrote::dontthink It wouldnt do any good to get a warrant...He has already been in jail once this year and sat out 0

Ah well....
We all know how that goes.
I'm sure we all remember when Hazard had a football player playing in an electronic ankle bracelet...
catsman10 Wrote:First of all Zaga let me say that in my opinion, Al is the best coach in the 14th region. With that being said, it was very classless of the combs kid to act that way, and it was not the only time he acted bad during the game: tried to kick one of the Gay twins when they were dow, also ran in to one when they were tying their shoe. What i meant was that sometimes winning a basketball game is secondary to teaching a kid how to act with class and dignity, in today's game sometimes that is forgetten.:thanks:

I understand what you're saying.
All I'm saying is that I've never seen Buckhorn play a game all the way through without someone acting like a punk.
I watched Daniel Combs take his jersey off , call Tommy Hutton a few racial slurs, and get walked out by a cop once. The following practice I can promise you Al disciplined him and you didn't see any more of that crap coming from the boy.
These High School coaches have tough tasks getting these kids to act straight.They've been coddled all their life because they can put a ball into a hoop.That's not true with all of them, but it is the case with a lot.
I can promise you that Al doesn't put up with crap.
Congrats to Buckhorn on the win. Even though Olinger and Spencer did not play it was a good win. Hazard only beat them by 2 when they both played anyways. As for the actions of some players. YES, all teams have them and it is up to the coach to deal with it. One of the hardest thing to do is control teenagers! However, Coach Holland and Noble are both outstanding coaches and I am sure when incidents happen they address them.

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