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Coach Salmons Out at Lawrence County!!!!
bulldog4life Wrote:If Copley gets the job, he will bury the program to the ground. In a way that wouldn't surprise me bc it seems like the administration loves to make decisions that bury our sports programs and give all the money to tennis and band!!!

You truly have to be joking, right??? Give ALL the money to tennis and band????? Let me kindly recommend that you attend a financial meeting and request a copy of the Boards allotment each school term to tennis and band.......you would be appalled how these 2 in particular get nothing but bread crumbs. Look at what a "winning" baseball program receives each year.........its very very sad!!!

If anyone has a right to whine about NOT receiving any financial support, it definately is tennis and band.
hawg laig Wrote:Burchett will stick with Powell Co. I thinks he owns a home near there, and his wife works in the Lexington area. I don't see him uprooting for another head coaching job.
If Hager is as smart as I think he is, he will stay with Sheldon Clark. He has a top rate facility, great fan support, and what appears to be an administration who support the football program.
In my opinion Copely would be an excellent choice for Lawrence. Given time I believe he could take Lawrence to the next level.
However I don't have any say in who is hired, but I do think Lawrence needs to look at home grown coaches because they will stick around to continue to develop the program. Good luck Bulldogs in your search.

But a better job, with a better fan support, a better team, etc. is always appealing to a head coach. Especially since he has ties with Lawrence County. Don't write him off just yet.
Dawg@heart Wrote:You truly have to be joking, right??? Give ALL the money to tennis and band????? Let me kindly recommend that you attend a financial meeting and request a copy of the Boards allotment each school term to tennis and band.......you would be appalled how these 2 in particular get nothing but bread crumbs. Look at what a "winning" baseball program receives each year.........its very very sad!!!

If anyone has a right to whine about NOT receiving any financial support, it definately is tennis and band.

the band is a joke and so is tennis, the band leaves at halftime of every football game and collects all the money from the concessions, and they only have 15 members that dress on friday night!!! Yet they still receive thousands of dollars as if they truly need that much..also the tennis program is receiving this brand new 200,000 or so dollar tennis facility..i wonder where thats coming from..hmm..it sure as heck wasn't from the gate money from tennis matches!!! Thats ok bc i'm sure the administration will let the football program go to waste like the basketball program then we will see where the money comes from after only 10 people come to football games. There will no longer be a source of income to choose from!
bulldog4life Wrote:the band is a joke and so is tennis, the band leaves at halftime of every football game and collects all the money from the concessions, and they only have 15 members that dress on friday night!!! Yet they still receive thousands of dollars as if they truly need that much..also the tennis program is receiving this brand new 200,000 or so dollar tennis facility..i wonder where thats coming from..hmm..it sure as heck wasn't from the gate money from tennis matches!!! Thats ok bc i'm sure the administration will let the football program go to waste like the basketball program then we will see where the money comes from after only 10 people come to football games. There will no longer be a source of income to choose from!

Wrong again. The band has 60 members, and they do not leave at halftime of every game. They have a break during the 3rd quarter, which is customary for all bands at all programs. Do you want to down another of your schools programs and the kids that dedicate their time to it? I suggest you grow up and support all the programs at LC, be a true fan. These kids work hard at everything they do, from football to tennis to band to choir to the clubs to every other sport, and they should all be supported by the fans regardless of the financial allotment. :please:
Dawg@heart Wrote:You truly have to be joking, right??? Give ALL the money to tennis and band????? Let me kindly recommend that you attend a financial meeting and request a copy of the Boards allotment each school term to tennis and band.......you would be appalled how these 2 in particular get nothing but bread crumbs. Look at what a "winning" baseball program receives each year.........its very very sad!!!

If anyone has a right to whine about NOT receiving any financial support, it definately is tennis and band.

buddy, band gets huge support. if you knew what you were talking about you would realize they receive the admissions for entrance of the football games, which attracts around ahh lets say a thousand a game..... at 5 dollars a ticket adding up to 5,000 dollars does the band get support :flush:
bulldog4life Wrote:If Copley gets the job, he will bury the program to the ground. In a way that wouldn't surprise me bc it seems like the administration loves to make decisions that bury our sports programs and give all the money to tennis and band!!!

Yes, i know of multiple kids who make an IMPACT on the team that say if copleys in.........there out. admestration will prolly make this choice since they enjoy taking our sports downhill, focusing only and i mean ONLY on education. Cecil would be the best choice.....promise
TSSI Wrote:Came back today the committee said no to Copley. Total Joke if they don’t think Copley is not a good fit for this program.

because how bad he is as a coach green up should have beat lc but he couldn't get plays in and cost them the game and because at least five kids said they would leave if they hire a coach who hasn't had a winning season been fired from two jobs. First It’s really sad to think we are contemplating letting kids decide anything about who’s good for this position. Sounds like a spoiled brat. Second he never was fired from GC, he choose to leave. Third you better check your stats, his offense was top 5 in the state in rushing. The Belly is what LC was built on. in three years and runs an offense that's 20 years past it's prime. LC needs to find a qualified coach who will motivate the kids


Everyone knows your a relative, or a past relative of copley Confusedhh:
9-POINT Wrote:buddy, band gets huge support. if you knew what you were talking about you would realize they receive the admissions for entrance of the football games, which attracts around ahh lets say a thousand a game..... at 5 dollars a ticket adding up to 5,000 dollars does the band get support :flush:

Band doesn't get the gate money, they only get the concessions stand money. I'm pretty sure the gate money goes to some athletic fund and is split, but don't quote me on that.
9-POINT Wrote:Yes, i know of multiple kids who make an IMPACT on the team that say if copleys in.........there out. admestration will prolly make this choice since they enjoy taking our sports downhill, focusing only and i mean ONLY on education. Cecil would be the best choice.....promise

Hmmm, after reading this post with all of the spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors I dont blame them for trying to put more emphasis on education. I can see why!!
Really dissapointed in the news I heard today in regards to this job. Sad
9-POINT Wrote:Yes, i know of multiple kids who make an IMPACT on the team that say if copleys in.........there out. admestration will prolly make this choice since they enjoy taking our sports downhill, focusing only and i mean ONLY on education. Cecil would be the best choice.....promise

That says a lot about those players.
Bob Seger Wrote::yikes:

Hmmm, after reading this post with all of the spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors I dont blame them for trying to put more emphasis on education. I can see why!!

You are constantly dogging people for their spelling, grammar, etc. Why? Does it make you feel superior to them when you can point out grammatical errors in one's comments? If they're staying on topic (much like I am not doing right now), and you can understand the gist of what they're saying, who cares what their grammar and spelling is like? :please:
StrayBullet Wrote:Really dissapointed in the news I heard today in regards to this job. Sad

What news have you heard today that is so dissapointing?
LClion4life Wrote:You are constantly dogging people for their spelling, grammar, etc. Why? Does it make you feel superior to them when you can point out grammatical errors in one's comments? If they're staying on topic (much like I am not doing right now), and you can understand the gist of what they're saying, who cares what their grammar and spelling is like? :please:

Constantly dogging? Get real!!!:eyeroll:

Evidently it went right over your head.


Ironic, isn't it!!
bulldog4life Wrote:yeah i agree, coach salmons had to pull teeth to get someone to line the game field for JV games. I played for coach salmons and his staff as well as goldsmiths' last year here and i compare both staffs. it was like night and day between how much harder salmon's staff worked and prepared compared to goldsmiths. I saw how salmons would always struggle to get a few things to help the program. I heard all the playoff money from 2009 went to stupid stuff like those new basketball rims outside the board office that you always see kids hanging from the nets and rims. someone is gonna get killed. also they are building a new tennis complex around 200,000 dollars and i'm sure most of that came from money generated from football. No money is going back to the football team and salmons is fed up and i do not blame him. Heck the band gets more things than the football team, they get 100 percent of the concessions and they only have like 20 members!!!! they do not even stay after halftime!!

when you fight for years, show success, and get nothing in return, yes you will leave. they didn't even pay a long time assistant coach this year, and if i heard right, this is two years in a row and that is why coach preece will not come back next season. again, another good coach the administration let go. first it was anderson, then preece, now salmons, then probably his staff, then probably baseball coach... there will be nothing left here to guide our sports before long.

The band gets the concession money because the people working in the concession stand are the parents of kids in the band. Besides, the band program is a little stronger than the football program. The band is consistently good compared to the football team that has a good year every once in a while. So yea, the band deserves that money. The Tennis team has also had more success than the football team in recent years; so the new tennis complex is well deserved.

Also, the administration didn't force Anderson to leave. He left on his own choice. I think someone needs to get their facts straight before they get on here and complain about a bunch of nonsense.
Stop whining about the football team and money, everyone knows the hospital puts out for them.
and also quit bashing salmons, hes a good guy, its all about business it wasnt personal to his players? do you not think its hard on him too?
he went to midland because they have top notch facilities and they dont care to spend the money there, the have good tests scores, its easy to recruit, plenty of doctors kids that play their too so theres gonna be alot more revenue generated, midland is a top of the line school and program where as lawrence county is not. i would say midland has a good chance of winning state or making a deep run at it. the talent is so much better there. i dont blame him for leaving i would have done the same thing.

and i agree i think the tennis team should get more money but they need to raise it, everyone should generate there own money. and if a big company like the hospital wants to donate then they should have to do so equally, instead of just the sports football and basketball. baseball and tennis has been the most winning teams in lawrence county the past 10 years, why not give them more money? track too.

and its not all the teachers faults, its the kids, sure every school has a few bad teachers but the problem is really the board and the people that run the schools, Mr. Armstrong is a great guy , so is Mr. Cook, but everyone else on the board and assistant principals etc, need to get replaced, lc needs to clean house if they ever want a top notch school or all around top notch athletic programs instead of being carried by tennis, track, baseball and heck even band.
bottom line lc is an overall joke clean house if you wanna be respected, academically and athletics.

look at the basketball team, this is what the football team is gonna be next year if things dont turn around. winless.
i dont believe they was all that great to begin with, like that guy said before, they ran the same play over and over and sure it worked because they played no body? it didnt work against SC or rowan, and of course bell. to be the best you have to beat the best not no name teams, you can holler all this well lc was locked in contracts with the sucky teams well who else was they gonna play? those are the only teams they could beat.
i see big changes for LC athletics and i hate to sit back and witness it, its ashame.
i felt the 2010 team was legit.
i felt the basketball team was legit the past few years.
i felt the baseball team has def. been legit aswell as tennis, and track.
and academics are well horrible, i graduated in 09.
lc needs to do something to shut all of us up and get a good football and basketball to go along with the baseball team ( most popular sports) and put lc back on top.
there is great potential. we just have to take actions. and it starts with the board and trickles down to the coaches and players, because without a good board willing to spend money on sports and fully 100% be infavor of sports then good coaches arent going to want to come in.
but anyways what do i know right? i just tell it like it is.
agree disagree im sure all you narrow minded bulldog faithfulls will rip me, i know a few of the football moms will be on here riping me, not mentioning names but im sure everyone will know who im talking about.
im a huge bulldog fan and i attend every game and ive been out of school a few years now and stillr, im just open minded enough i guess to know whats going on and what we need.
we need a legit coach that will put the best talent out there and get it done. we need to spend money$$$ raise money however we can.

for the next coach, cecil is a defensive guy, and i think he would be a good coach maybe for a year or 2 until we can pull in someone better, i would guess that skinner, and alto, bruce all leave since salmons brought them in and they all played together and are good friends.
besides a new coach would bring in a whole new staff.

well i hope all of this brings up some good convo Wink))))))))))))))))) bahaha
THExBURCHINATER Wrote:The band gets the concession money because the people working in the concession stand are the parents of kids in the band. Besides, the band program is a little stronger than the football program. The band is consistently good compared to the football team that has a good year every once in a while. So yea, the band deserves that money. The Tennis team has also had more success than the football team in recent years; so the new tennis complex is well deserved.

Also, the administration didn't force Anderson to leave. He left on his own choice. I think someone needs to get their facts straight before they get on here and complain about a bunch of nonsense.

well said my pirate buddy well saidTongueirateShoTongueirateShoTongueirateShoTongueirateShoTongueirateSho
Bob Seger Wrote:Constantly dogging? Get real!!!:eyeroll:

Evidently it went right over your head.


Ironic, isn't it!!

just because you take the time to capitalize and not use slang or anything doesnt mean your smarter than everyone else.
its a sports forum its not something you have to do politically correct here BUB, and most of the people you are criticizing are kids.
you should grow up.
9-POINT Wrote:Yes, i know of multiple kids who make an IMPACT on the team that say if copleys in.........there out. admestration will prolly make this choice since they enjoy taking our sports downhill, focusing only and i mean ONLY on education. Cecil would be the best choice.....promise

couldnt agree more.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Just a honest question here no need for everyone to get defensive. But I have heard that If LC does not get their educational system back on track the state is going to take away competitave sports teams. Now Im not sure if this is possible for the state to do, but either way if the school is really that bad then there are alot bigger problems than sports.

It looks like Paintsville is failing in the education department as well. I can spot several mistakes in your post that points to the fact that your education has failed you also.

It's competitive*; not competitave.

I think somone needs to worry about the education they received from Paintsville instead of worrying about Lawrence County.
Originally Posted by TSSI
Came back today the committee said no to Copley. Total Joke if they don’t think Copley is not a good fit for this program.

because how bad he is as a coach green up should have beat lc but he couldn't get plays in and cost them the game and because at least five kids said they would leave if they hire a coach who hasn't had a winning season been fired from two jobs. First It’s really sad to think we are contemplating letting kids decide anything about who’s good for this position. Sounds like a spoiled brat. Second he never was fired from GC, he choose to leave. Third you better check your stats, his offense was top 5 in the state in rushing. The Belly is what LC was built on. in three years and runs an offense that's 20 years past it's prime. LC needs to find a qualified coach who will motivate the kids


9-POINT Wrote:Everyone knows your a relative, or a past relative of copley Confusedhh:

well said 9-point.

and i dont blame the kids for not playing if they bring him in, he is a joke.
bottom line enough said.
its the kids thats playing, so they should provide them with a good coach and if they dont then they have every right to not play, they arent being payed.
they actually should have somewhat of a say so on who is hired.

im sure they all want cecil but i think they should still bring someone else in and keep cecil on as assistant.
SweetTea Wrote:just because you take the time to capitalize and not use slang or anything doesnt mean your smarter than everyone else.
its a sports forum its not something you have to do politically correct here BUB, and most of the people you are criticizing are kids.
you should grow up.
Another perfect example of the fine product that's continually produced by the Lawrence Co. Board of Education. lol!!!
9-POINT Wrote:Everyone knows your a relative, or a past relative of copley Confusedhh:

THExBURCHINATER Wrote:It looks like Paintsville is failing in the education department as well. I can spot several mistakes in your post that points to the fact that your education has failed you also.

It's competitive*; not competitave.

I think somone needs to worry about the education they received from Paintsville instead of worrying about Lawrence County.

oh my?!! he just set you on FIRE :flame::flame::flame::flame::flame::devilflam
and thats all folks!
bulldog4life Wrote:the band is a joke and so is tennis, the band leaves at halftime of every football game and collects all the money from the concessions, and they only have 15 members that dress on friday night!!! Yet they still receive thousands of dollars as if they truly need that much..also the tennis program is receiving this brand new 200,000 or so dollar tennis facility..i wonder where thats coming from..hmm..it sure as heck wasn't from the gate money from tennis matches!!! Thats ok bc i'm sure the administration will let the football program go to waste like the basketball program then we will see where the money comes from after only 10 people come to football games. There will no longer be a source of income to choose from!

I think this is the most disrespectful things I have ever seen. Why would you bash some of the most successful programs the school has to offer? The band is NOT a joke! They have over 50 members in marching band, and 70 members in concert band. Also, they do not leave during halftime unless it's to cold to play (which is hard to do when it is really cold out), or if it rains (because it destroys the instruments). They have a break off for the third quarter so they can rest up to continue playing; just like all bands do. I think someone needs to get their facts straight before continuing on about the band. The band supports the football team at every home game-win or lose! And what does the football team have to show for it? Well the band director has to go to the board of education office just so they can practice on the football field because no one will let them.

Tennis also has a great future ahead of them, and a nice line-up this year as well. They have had alot of success over the last decade, and I think it's just about time they update the tennis courts for the program to grow even stronger with the new perks they can aquire with the new tennis complex.

As far as the administration letting the basketball team fall; I think alot of that blame would have to go on the players who could have played this year that played under coach Anderson who are extremely good at basketball. I think if the kids would have returned to the court, are basketball team would not be in the predicament they are in now, and the only way the football team would be back to its 0-11 and 1-11 days is if the players did the same thing just because of a new coach, and that would make it the players fault and not the coach they bring in.

In retrospect, this post is not about the band, or tennis. It's about coach salmons leaving Lawrence County. So I think you should stay on topic.
I think it's an absolute joke if the kids won't play for Copley. Stop whining like a bunch of babies because you don't get your way and play football! I don't know what it is over there about the athletes thinking the answer to not getting their way is to not play. All they're doing is taking away a year of high school football(or basketball) that they can never get back and will probably regret for the rest of their lives. These are some of the best years of your lives, take advantage of them and don't let them slip away!
New name floating around for the job is: Phillip Ratliff.
Where's he from?
LClion4life Wrote:Where's he from?

Former LC and Marshall offensive lineman stand out. Highly respected and admired in Louisa and most would approve of this hire.
Any coaching experience before?
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