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Belfry 34 Pike Co. Central 18
cuppett777 Wrote:As for him being under pressure all night, that is not true either. Boggs was sacked one time and only hit probably two or three times other than that.
i wasnt there but listened on the radio, the annoucers even said there was alot of pressure on the qb, and he was there ex coach, but said the defense was just playing not to give up the big play...

Belfry was content to rush 3 and drop 8 in coverage most of the night. They would occasionally stunt somebody else, but not a whole lot. As a result, they didn't get much pressure on Boggs overall. They got zero pressure in the first half, but in the second half, they did a better job. They sacked him once, but they got close enough a few times to make him alter his throw or tuck it and run.

BTW, cuppett777, please please please use the quote button when you want to quote somebody. It took me forever before I realized you weren't just repeating what everyone else says. :biggrin:
What are the chances of these two meeting again in the playoffs?
Twitter: @tc_analytics

If they finish 1st and 3rd in the district, I think the chances are pretty good they will meet in the 2nd round.

If they finish any other way, it is not nearly as likely.
"As far as the vandalism of cars, there are always idiots that have to ruin it for both sides...I hate ignorance!! Speaking of ignorance, I think that Coach Chapman seriously needs to have a little meeting with Coach Mike Smith about representing their program with some class..I was one of about 35 to 40 people who witnessed Coach Smith cheering and screaming "Stay down, yeah, just stay down" to one of Belfry's players when he was injured...this was the most tasteless, low class, immature, unsportsmanlike display from someone who is suppose to be in a position of respect and authority that I have ever been witness to.[/QUOTE]

Not really a surprise that this idiot would say something so malicious. If you have ever been around him its obvious his level of class, or lack there of, has always been one of his poorest qualitites. BTW, Im almost positive that Chapman will in no way reprimand Mike for his statements, remember the class of a program starts at the top. Im sure many many Pikeville posters can verify several issues regarding class with Pike Central's current head coach.
Coach Smith cheering and screaming "Stay down, yeah, just stay down" to one of Belfry's players when he was injured...this was the most tasteless, low class, immature, unsportsmanlike display from someone who is suppose to be in a position of respect and authority that I have ever been witness to.[/QUOTE]

Not really a surprise that this man would say something so malicious. If you have ever been around him its obvious his level of class, or lack there of, has always been one of his poorest qualitites... WOW i am really surprised by this, because i worked with him for almost 2 yrs and always had good charcter,i hope he wasnt meaning he was glad he was hurt..
cuppett777 Wrote:WOW i am really surprised by this, because i worked with him for almost 2 yrs and always had good charcter,i hope he wasnt meaning he was glad he was hurt..

I don't think he was cheering for him to "stay down" just so he could rest. :dontthink
This is a much improved BELFRY team.This was an awesome win for them,they played and hit hard.IMO if they played PBURG again they would've won(not taking anything away from PBURG).
The PRUITT kid is awesome,we couldn't stop him.He has skills.BELFRY(:worthySmile2 half was our doom.
PCC still (IMO)has a great QB and coach,the offensive line did awesome.I don't blame this on anyone (WR ALSO).We just played an awesome BELFRY team and it wouldn't a blow out,always before this game would've been over with in the 2 quarter.I'm very pleased that this and last year's game was a good one to watch(hope it stays that way).
I just want all the PCC football kids to hold their head up high,the whole team did great.The football team has to get ready for ER and a very good SC team.
PCC in my heart is still #1.
BELFRY good luck with SC.
[quote=RUNtheBALL]That was some really tasty crow. Man I ate till Im sick.

Great job Pirates. You ate up PC with the fullback in short yardage situations. You have tremendous speed. You executed your gameplan. No suprise here.

PC played hard but made too many costly mental mistakes. Dont hang your head Hawks. O-line played great. Might have been a differernt story with their starting MLB/C being out forcing several more players to go both ways.

And when you go back to CAM this year please do not spit on the goal post or allow your fans (i.e. stuents) to listen to rap music in the parking lot. It is very offensive to Belfry fans.[/QUOTE]

WELL, since you mentioned it, I will be blunt and tell you it was "hockers" and tobacco spit.... Yes, the football managers had to clean it off and yes, a deputy sheriff DID go out and tell the young men to please leave and NOT do that.... besides being offensive, it's flat out rude! I can promise you that if my child did something of this nature, regardless of his age, he would be the one cleaning it off.... As far as the vulgar music... Let's see if you'd let your 3,4 or 5 year old hear that type of stuff. Most parents prefer to have their children sheltered from that type of language. This in addition to the christians who participate in our tailgate parties. These are good, God fearing people who do not listen to that type of music. You don't expect to hear that type of stuff at a football game. Sorry if I offended you but I did want to make the point clear so that you'd understand the specifics of the situtations.....

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
oak 76 Wrote:This is a much improved BELFRY team.This was an awesome win for them,they played and hit hard.IMO if they played PBURG again they would've won(not taking anything away from PBURG).
The PRUITT kid is awesome,we couldn't stop him.He has skills.BELFRY(:worthySmile2 half was our doom.
PCC still (IMO)has a great QB and coach,the offensive line did awesome.I don't blame this on anyone (WR ALSO).We just played an awesome BELFRY team and it wouldn't a blow out,always before this game would've been over with in the 2 quarter.I'm very pleased that this and last year's game was a good one to watch(hope it stays that way).
I just want all the PCC football kids to hold their head up high,the whole team did great.The football team has to get ready for ER and a very good SC team.
PCC in my heart is still #1.
BELFRY good luck with SC.

Excellent post!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
U NEED to brag on the WILLIS and PRUITT kid also.
oak 76 Wrote:U NEED to brag on the WILLIS and PRUITT kid also.

Oh...We do brag on our boys....Football is a team sport and those boys would not get those yards without protection...That team is has formed a "brotherhood." So many times they have heard that they do not have the talent as previous Belfry teams and these young men have more heart and determination than any group out there. They work hard at practice and they spend time together! They know each other inside and out! They have played sports together since preschool! Without that O-line, they wouldnt get that yardage. I am very proud of my Pirates! They played like the true champions that they are! Pike Central played a great game and I am genuinely glad that they are competetive now! I think that all of our Belfry fans would say that..No one likes to go to a game where there is no competition;however, the talk of blowing Belfry away was a bit much! Be realistic..We are Belfry and like I told Coach Hart at Ashland when he said that they played us with high intensity..THAT'S NOTHING NEW TO US..EVERYONE PLAYS BELFRY WITH HIGH INTENSITY! We are used to it! So always remember that when you walk into Death Valley, be prepared for a game! WE AREN'T GOING TO GIVE YOU ANYTHING and you are going to have to work for a W!:Clap: the CAM sacred ground? .....LOL. It's a football game, teenagers not a church social. And don't generalize the situation to everyone. Becasue I am sure that your child was probably not an angel. Maybe while you were looking at them. Maybe you need to lay back on the Couch and relax for awhile. Don't point fingers at kids, you were one, but maybe you have forgotten.
no one has mentioned maybe why pcc. recievers did not hold on to the ball, they
were gitting hit hard.i saw some hard hits from belfry.#5,#10,#17,#11,and#56 on
D.i also seen #12 had great hit on the punt team.i know i missed some of the boys
i could not make out the numbers.great job belfry. pcc fans keep backing your team
your gitting there.
lol at this thread.
I was there at this game, the 1st half was great football. During the 2nd Central couldn't get anything to go. Had serveal drop passes and the penaltys, wow... Penaltys killed them. Anybody know how many they had total that night.. Belfy came out and made a big adjustment in the 2nd, Number 2 for Belfry can flat out run the ball. I thought Boggs did a good job, minus the 2 or 3 interceptions. Pike Central wil be fine. They've come a long way to just blow up

I can see these two meeting again, down in the playoffs. And it looks like Belfry still has no class, I mean really, why would you do something like that. One of my friends had her car keyed, notify the police and nothing was done. Belfry will never have my respect for nothing!!!

All in all, it was a good game. Congrats to Belfry, they took care of business on the field. Keep your heads up PC, this will only help!!
Kids will do stupid things sometimes, NYY. I don't understand the mentality of keying somebody's car for the life of me, what does it accomplish besides piont out your own stupidity. I'm sorry your car got keyed and I wish there had been witnesses so that somebody could be held responsible.

Please don't judge all of Belfry by the actions of 1 or 2 idiots. By and large, the majority of us are just hard working, middle class, common folk. We believe the value of knowing right from wrong and we try to teach that to our kids. I would say that 95% of us would have taken action if we had caught some of our own youngsters damaging property.
NYY10 Wrote:I was there at this game, the 1st half was great football. During the 2nd Central couldn't get anything to go. Had serveal drop passes and the penaltys, wow... Penaltys killed them. Anybody know how many they had total that night.. Belfy came out and made a big adjustment in the 2nd, Number 2 for Belfry can flat out run the ball. I thought Boggs did a good job, minus the 2 or 3 interceptions. Pike Central wil be fine. They've come a long way to just blow up

I can see these two meeting again, down in the playoffs. And it looks like Belfry still has no class, I mean really, why would you do something like that. One of my friends had her car keyed, notify the police and nothing was done. Belfry will never have my respect for nothing!!!

All in all, it was a good game. Congrats to Belfry, they took care of business on the field. Keep your heads up PC, this will only help!!

Still trying to figure out how anyone actually knows which fan base was responsible for the keying of cars? NYY10, did you happen to witness the event and are know able to distinguish without a doubt who was responsible for this vandalism? If not how about laying off the whole no class thing. FWIW its worth Belfry and their following will be fine, without any lost sleep, knowing that you will never have any respect for them.
As a matter of fact, even though nobody knows who was doing the vandalism, I think anyone who got their car keyed should call the administration at Belfry High School (606-353-3900) and report it to them politely and maturely. I know they will take it seriously.

Although, there is probably not anything they can do from a legal standpoint, they should know the severity of the problem so they can address it. Perhaps more security is needed in parking areas during games. Maybe they need to educate the student body about responsibilities and behaving with some self pride. Either way, they strive for excellence and they do not want that type of reputation, and I think reporting it to them is much more productive than just complaining on the internet, which accomplishes nothing.
Buc-a-roo Wrote:As a matter of fact, even though nobody knows who was doing the vandalism, I think anyone who got their car keyed should call the administration at Belfry High School (606-353-3900) and report it to them politely and maturely. I know they will take it seriously.

Although, there is probably not anything they can do from a legal standpoint, they should know the severity of the problem so they can address it. Perhaps more security is needed in parking areas during games. Maybe they need to educate the student body about responsibilities and behaving with some self pride. Either way, they strive for excellence and they do not want that type of reputation, and I think reporting it to them is much more productive than just complaining on the internet, which accomplishes nothing.

Buc-a-roo, you've been around these types of forums to know what usually progresses on a final game thread. The winner celebrates, the loser makes excuses and there is always the usual 1-2 people who show their hatred towards the winner by putting their useless 2 cents in. These are the ones that tend to make the threads a lot more laughable.
It was a good game but not a great game. take away a bad snap and the most friendly scoreboard keeper in the state(.2 of a second) and add a td at the end that 99% of the coaches in the state would've got and u have a 41-6 game. the game was won in the trenches and makes it hard to believe pc has much of a chance in a rematch. pc's ol did good for a half in there 5 on 3 match up. now part 2 of a big match up belfry has to put this one behind them and get ready for a very good sc team. i am confident they will, been here done this before but pc had better lick their wounds and realize er is going to bring it(could be a gotcha game)
If spitting on a goal post bothers you, what do you do when it rains?
Tica Wrote:If spitting on a goal post bothers you, what do you do when it rains?

That is the stupidest comment i have ever read or heard.
Tica Wrote:If spitting on a goal post bothers you, what do you do when it rains?

LOL...There is a difference and YOU know this...NEXT TIME YOU CLEAN IT UP..See if it bothers you..:dontthink
this is pretty great...
I messed up on this post,I tried to reply to a different post.I'm new to this.
I messed my last 2 posts up.I tried to reply too 2 different post( WHEN I SAID,U NEED TO BRAG ON THE WILLIS AND PRUITT KIDS).I just think that PRUITT broke some good would be tackles and he is really fast.I NOT taking anything away from the other BELFRY players,I just didn't hear anyone else mention them on this thread.:biggrin:
Well, as much as I enjoy the drama in this thread, I think it's time to shut it down since it has veered off the game and took a

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