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Belfry 34 Pike Co. Central 18
Congrats Belfry...Keep those heads up PC!
I would like to congratulate Belfry on the win. Pike Central played a good game but Belfry just played better and scored more. I also would like to give kudos out to Robbie Hopkins that kid took some licks tonight and he just kept going so Robbie keep it up. Keep your heads up Hawks prepare for East Ridge and don't let this game break you there is always a chance of a rematch.
HawksRule Wrote:I would like to congratulate Belfry on the win but I also would like to comment on how un classy Belfry is. They keyed Pike Central fan's cars and the players lead with their helmets and got away with a few calls, but I'm not going to b**** and whine about the loss. Pike Central played a good game but Belfry just played better and scored more. I also would like to give kudos out to Robbie Hopkins that kid took some licks tonight and he just kept going so Robbie keep it up. Keep your heads up Hawks prepare for East Ridge and don't let this game break you there is always a chance of a rematch.

I thought the game was pretty well officiated and to tell you the truth Pike Central needs to learn some fundamentals, I can't ever remember a team being called for off sides that many times. Pike Central is much improved from years past, but one thing they must remember, after hearing all the talk all week Belfry came in and took care of business, because once a team has tasted success and a has a tradition like Belfry has they wont relinquish it easily, and they take pride in keeping that status. Success breeds Success and Pike Central is on the right track and for a half it was a very exciting ball game.
How do you know Belfry fan's done it? Did you see them actually do it? If you did maybe you should have notified police. Just saying!! We heard Pike Central fans were spray painting cars, but I didn't see any such thing. Players leading with helmets has no bearing on the fans. Both sides played hard and hit hard, part of the game.:Thumbs:
Good win Belfry.
Nice win Pirates!
How do you know Belfry fan's done it? Did you see them actually do it?thats right IF they didnt see it as a eye witness, forget it,dont matter what is hear say..
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Boggs- (passing) 19/42 2TD, 3 INT

Doesn't reflect the superstar everyone thought he was no does it????
I'm a BIG Belfry fan, but from what I seen Boggs was the real deal. He is a smart, accurate quarterback. If the recievers were a few steps faster and minus a few tipped balls, it would have been alot closer game. He had several opportunities had he not stayed in the pocket, to run for many first downs. I enjoyed watching him play. JMO
HawksRule Wrote:I would like to congratulate Belfry on the win but I also would like to comment on how un classy Belfry is. They keyed Pike Central fan's cars and the players lead with their helmets and got away with a few calls, but I'm not going to b**** and whine about the loss. Pike Central played a good game but Belfry just played better and scored more. I also would like to give kudos out to Robbie Hopkins that kid took some licks tonight and he just kept going so Robbie keep it up. Keep your heads up Hawks prepare for East Ridge and don't let this game break you there is always a chance of a rematch.

Well, since you opened up this can of worms, I would like to inform you of just a couple things that were rather "unclassy" that I personally witnessed. First off, the vulgar music that was being played in the parking lot before the game with the "MF" word, the "GD" word, and a few other choice words.... was classless..... the young men on the football team who had to be asked BY police to not spit on the goal posts on the Belfry complex side was classless... (YES, they did do it as the girls had to clean it off).... AND... last but not least, one of the coaches who was on the pressbox making the comment, "Keep your ARSE down" when a Belfry player was down injured on the field. Not to worry though... he WAS put in his place after the game. THIS is just a few examples of classless behavior. Please be aware of the entire truth as I'm sure there were a few incidents with some of the Belfry kids BUT I can promise you one thing..... There would never be a Belfry coach make such a remark about an injured player. Now, and you wonder why the lack of respect!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Congrats Pirates!! Nice Win. Looks like the Hawks finally had some competion.
I kindve had a feeling this was coming. I work with some PC fans and all I heard all week was how PC was gonna come in and dominate Belfry and I knew better. Not that PC had no chance to win. They certainly did! Anyone who knows me knows that while Im not a Belfry fan at all, I do have a tremendous amount of respect for Coach Haywood and the Belfry program. But you dont go over to Pond Creek and play Belfry with the attitude that youre gonna blow Belfry out as most of PCs fanbase had because you will get humbled quickly. So while some of the PC fans on here are eating the crow they prepared for themselves. Don forget to eat some Humble Pie for dessert.
phs1986 Wrote:Well, since you opened up this can of worms, I would like to inform you of just a couple things that were rather "unclassy" that I personally witnessed. First off, the vulgar music that was being played in the parking lot before the game with the "MF" word, the "GD" word, and a few other choice words.... was classless..... the young men on the football team who had to be asked BY police to not spit on the goal posts on the Belfry complex side was classless... (YES, they did do it as the girls had to clean it off).... AND... last but not least, one of the coaches who was on the pressbox making the comment, "Keep your ARSE down" when a Belfry player was down injured on the field. Not to worry though... he WAS put in his place after the game. THIS is just a few examples of classless behavior. Please be aware of the entire truth as I'm sure there were a few incidents with some of the Belfry kids BUT I can promise you one thing..... There would never be a Belfry coach make such a remark about an injured player. Now, and you wonder why the lack of respect!
Im not surprised. Classless Coach=Classless Program.
openminded Wrote:Doesn't reflect the superstar everyone thought he was no does it????

I am getting very tired of you badmouthing my son. It's obvious you have a personal vendetta against him for whatever reason yet don't have the courage to sign in under your "REAL NAME" and continue to hide behind fake one's. If you were at the game you would have known the real facts behind these numbers because I myself refuse to bash other players. The only thing I can, and will say, is this: 75% of the balls not caught were thrown into the players hands and were not caught for whatever reason at the time. Not saying it was our recievers or anything like that before you even come back with that, no team is perfect, they all make mistakes. One game does not make or break a player, we have good games and bad games and right now he has had far more good than bad. But it is just that A TEAM EFFORT. In my opinion, the game was lost due to PCC not being able to stop Belfry's running game. So for that my hat goes off to them, I think we will meet again somewhere in the playoffs and hopefully we will be back to a full team (due to our center & middle linebacker being out...not making excuses..just stating facts.) So if you want to discuss this in a private matter please send me a message (real name please) and I will be happy to discuss this further. Until then leave my son's name out of your posts if you are going to bash him when you have no idea what you are talking about. Anyone who knows my son can tell you that no one is beating him up as bad right now as himself. He takes all of this on his own shoulders whether it needs to be there or not. That is the type of player he is. He wants to be there for his team in whatever way he can, and when things like this happen, he blames NO ONE but himself, he doesnt need people who hide behind fake names to do it for him.
William Boggs Wrote:I am getting very tired of you badmouthing my son. It's obvious you have a personal vendetta against him for whatever reason yet don't have the courage to sign in under your "REAL NAME" and continue to hide behind fake one's. If you were at the game you would have known the real facts behind these numbers because I myself refuse to bash other players. The only thing I can, and will say, is this: 75% of the balls not caught were thrown into the players hands and were not caught for whatever reason at the time. Not saying it was our recievers or anything like that before you even come back with that, no team is perfect, they all make mistakes. One game does not make or break a player, we have good games and bad games and right now he has had far more good than bad. But it is just that A TEAM EFFORT. In my opinion, the game was lost due to PCC not being able to stop Belfry's running game. So for that my hat goes off to them, I think we will meet again somewhere in the playoffs and hopefully we will be back to a full team (due to our center & middle linebacker being out...not making excuses..just stating facts.) So if you want to discuss this in a private matter please send me a message (real name please) and I will be happy to discuss this further. Until then leave my son's name out of your posts if you are going to bash him when you have no idea what you are talking about. Anyone who knows my son can tell you that no one is beating him up as bad right now as himself. He takes all of this on his own shoulders whether it needs to be there or not. That is the type of player he is. He wants to be there for his team in whatever way he can, and when things like this happen, he blames NO ONE but himself, he doesnt need people who hide behind fake names to do it for him.

cant handle the heat get out of the fire
Let's keep it on topic gang.... WB.... at times there are going to be posts that upset us as parents.... WE as a staff are here to moderate and remove any post that is against the rules concerning players. Please understand that we will take care of any misconduct concerning rule violations on the posts.

Again.... ON TOPIC! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Once again I would like to congratulate Belfry on a very good game tonight. They made the proper adjustements in the second half, and Pike Central could not respond to their actions. Yes, the easy schedule up to this point definitely played a role in the performance, but once again, the schedule was already in place when Chapman took over and there was nothing he could do to change it. I feel very strongly that these two teams will meet again in the playoffs. The fact that we did not have Hollon in for center/middle linebacker definitely played a role in the outcome of this game. Not saying one man is why we lost, but due to his absence at those positions, everything was shuffled to cover those positions and it was just not something that we could adapt to in such a short amount of time, in order to be prepared for a team like Belfry. The atmosphere of the game itself was tremendous, to feel the tension from both sides of the field, and to feel how badly they each wanted to win. One thing I will give Belfry credit for is that when I watched them play PBurg til this game now they have improved tremendously, so hats off to Coach Haywood and his staff to get them where they are now. I have read some other comments in this thread about putting pressure on Alan. The fact is he was only sacked once. One interception bounced off the other kids chest and into the arms of a Belfry player, another was thrown short, which was completely Alan's fault. The other interception was tipped. So I must give PCC's O-Line thumbs up for a job well done, because he had time to throw the ball a lot. Now Belfry must get ready for a tough Sheldon Clark game, and PCC must prepare for East Ridge. This game is over and it is time to move on and focus on the rest of the season. Best of luck to Belfry on the rest of their season and of course good luck Hawks!
congrats pirates!!
IntheZone Wrote:cant handle the heat get out of the fire

phs1986 Wrote:Let's keep it on topic gang.... WB.... at times there are going to be posts that upset us as parents.... WE as a staff are here to moderate and remove any post that is against the rules concerning players. Please understand that we will take care of any misconduct concerning rule violations on the posts.

Again.... ON TOPIC! Smile

For starters, Cant handle the heat get out of the fire? That is HIS SON you are talking about. If you are a parent, you should know better than that. If that were MY child, I would be on here doing just the same. These players are KIDS. It is a parents responsibility to take up for their children, and anyone who is a parent will tell you that. So that comment in itself was completely ridiculous and was done for the simple reason of trying to keep a useless subject open. Let it go. This is a public forum and if the Belfry fans- although I am not really certain this actually is a Belfry fan, from prior posts he is 'not' a Belfry fan- are going to get on here and talk about PCC and specific players in a bad manner, then the PCC parents/fans have a right to speak and state the facts as they know them. It goes both ways. I will agree we do need to stay on topic, but I mean come on.. lets keep it fair.
Wow, Congrats Pirates.

Missed this game prediction.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
William Boggs Wrote:I am getting very tired of you badmouthing my son. It's obvious you have a personal vendetta against him for whatever reason yet don't have the courage to sign in under your "REAL NAME" and continue to hide behind fake one's. If you were at the game you would have known the real facts behind these numbers because I myself refuse to bash other players. The only thing I can, and will say, is this: 75% of the balls not caught were thrown into the players hands and were not caught for whatever reason at the time. Not saying it was our recievers or anything like that before you even come back with that, no team is perfect, they all make mistakes. One game does not make or break a player, we have good games and bad games and right now he has had far more good than bad. But it is just that A TEAM EFFORT. In my opinion, the game was lost due to PCC not being able to stop Belfry's running game. So for that my hat goes off to them, I think we will meet again somewhere in the playoffs and hopefully we will be back to a full team (due to our center & middle linebacker being out...not making excuses..just stating facts.) So if you want to discuss this in a private matter please send me a message (real name please) and I will be happy to discuss this further. Until then leave my son's name out of your posts if you are going to bash him when you have no idea what you are talking about. Anyone who knows my son can tell you that no one is beating him up as bad right now as himself. He takes all of this on his own shoulders whether it needs to be there or not. That is the type of player he is. He wants to be there for his team in whatever way he can, and when things like this happen, he blames NO ONE but himself, he doesnt need people who hide behind fake names to do it for him.

Your son is a good kid, and an absolutely great, skilled quarterback.

With that said, this isn't Topix. I understand that he's your son and you are going to take up for him when someone like that guy says retarded things, but just do it privately in a PM. You can't just call someone out and ask for their name, this is BGR, we have a reputation to uphold and we'd rather not bring it down to the Topix level, ya know? That's what the PM's are there for brother.

Again, your son proved himself tonight IMO against a great defense. Yes, I know the stats, but he is a smart kid, and he is great at the position, especially the fundamentals. Making reads, leading WR's, ect. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Salimander Wrote:S.O.S???That's just a plain stupid remark. PC fails to score inside the 30 three times. One Boggs interception bounces off his receivers chest and talk all you want about Belfry's "real" defense but anyone at the game knows that PC's offense was its own worst enemywith dropped balls and penalties.Belfry's offense plyed great and PC's played a half...and as far Haywood turning up the heat??????....There was little pressure on Boggs all night....All in all it was a good win for a much improved Belfry team...just keep that S.O.S. nonsense in your pocket because you are trying to sound a bit more educated about the game and football than what you really are...We shall eat our crow like we should but we will shall not listen to this kind of crap !

One of the most ridiculous posts I've ever seen on this site in my 7 years here. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think you realize how dumb this horrible paragraph is, and that's why you've not posted defending it.

EKU is 100% correct on this...anyone that knows even a little about football and is completely and utterly biased will tell you that. PC had not played a full, competitive game thus far and when they were presented with one of those games tonight, they couldn't keep up. They just simply weren't prepared for a slugfest, and it showed. He's not bashing them, he has actually given them credit, many times.

By the way, EKU is probably the most knowledgeable members about high school football on this website. To tell you the truth I don't think I know many people that can break down a team/game like he can. He's a football nut, he knows his stuff. Square yourself away. :Thumbs:
William, if you graduated high school you'd be wise as to let your son go through high school and defend himself by his play & do the same. He's a great ballplayer, but your remarks only make it look like you're bashing his teammates and defending him, whether you mean to or not. In Pike Co. we raise our boys to be men, and if you'd known John Chapman before bringing your son to a Pike Co. school you might have chosen another team.

I know you've already said it was nothing against the PC receivers, but come on man. Are you raising a man, or are you a mother defending your child at all cost? Either way, don't make excuses, the better team won.

Honestly, to tell you the truth, I bet she wouldn't let you talk on here unless she had access, too.:biggrin:

PC has a great team, but the kids who want to be part of something really special wear red & white.
Nice win Pirates! Way to take care of business!
and the PC faithful have went silent...Where are we at to give our regards to a great team that took care of business against us...For the REST of the PC faithful who have yet to show up to congratulate Belfry I will do it for them...Helluva game young men, Coach Haywood and Staff lets both take care of business the next few weeks and meet up in playoffs for another show down at the CAM!!!
Sex with horses???? Saw that on a movie once. Needless to say I never watched it again.

Penalties killed central all nite. And as a fan I had to question all of them. However seeing as how they are judgement calls I understand.
I do have a questionfor all you football guru's though. If a false strt is called how is the other team allowed to decline? Personally I don't know and this one call didn't make or break the game. But I would like to see the penalty comparison. N

With that asked I have to say this was a great game and it went pretty much how I thought it would. The second half adjustments by haywood never cease to amaze me. The man is good. But my hats off to central for hanging in there. You guys may say what u want about the Boggs kid but the boy is good and almost always right on the money. My only quarrel is on the fly pattern he needs to through that ball to the outside. And he has two more tds on the nite. But I was happy with the defense and the offense. S.o.s. Had so much to do with it tonite. I mean this was the first full game all the starters had played. But they did a heck of a job and I hope we get to see a rematch come playoff time n
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Congrats belfry
HawksRule Wrote:I would like to congratulate Belfry on the win but I also would like to comment on how un classy Belfry is. They keyed Pike Central fan's cars and the players lead with their helmets and got away with a few calls, but I'm not going to b**** and whine about the loss. Pike Central played a good game but Belfry just played better and scored more. I also would like to give kudos out to Robbie Hopkins that kid took some licks tonight and he just kept going so Robbie keep it up. Keep your heads up Hawks prepare for East Ridge and don't let this game break you there is always a chance of a rematch.

How come a Final Score thread always comes to this? Did the supposed "keying" of a car actually influence the outcome of the game? Let it go!! Also I cannot believe a Pike Central fan would question the integrity to which an opposing player plays the game (aka leading with their helmet). Pot meet kettle. The bottom line is Pike Central put all of their eggs in one basket, built this game up to be the super bowl of their entire history and then laid a big zero in the 2nd half. Congrats to the Pirates, one more year of Pike Co. dominance.
William Boggs Wrote:I am getting very tired of you badmouthing my son. It's obvious you have a personal vendetta against him for whatever reason yet don't have the courage to sign in under your "REAL NAME" and continue to hide behind fake one's. If you were at the game you would have known the real facts behind these numbers because I myself refuse to bash other players. The only thing I can, and will say, is this: 75% of the balls not caught were thrown into the players hands and were not caught for whatever reason at the time. Not saying it was our recievers or anything like that before you even come back with that, no team is perfect, they all make mistakes. One game does not make or break a player, we have good games and bad games and right now he has had far more good than bad. But it is just that A TEAM EFFORT. In my opinion, the game was lost due to PCC not being able to stop Belfry's running game. So for that my hat goes off to them, I think we will meet again somewhere in the playoffs and hopefully we will be back to a full team (due to our center & middle linebacker being out...not making excuses..just stating facts.) So if you want to discuss this in a private matter please send me a message (real name please) and I will be happy to discuss this further. Until then leave my son's name out of your posts if you are going to bash him when you have no idea what you are talking about. Anyone who knows my son can tell you that no one is beating him up as bad right now as himself. He takes all of this on his own shoulders whether it needs to be there or not. That is the type of player he is. He wants to be there for his team in whatever way he can, and when things like this happen, he blames NO ONE but himself, he doesnt need people who hide behind fake names to do it for him.

And there it is (bolded). The first of what may be many excuses from the Pike Central faithful. All Ive heard all year is that Pike Central will wear Belfry down come the 4th quarter, stating that they only have a few players who play both ways. Well how in the world does the loss of 1 player equal a convincing defeat? FYI, Belfry has played nearly the whole year without possibly their best player and leader yet Ive not heard any excuses from their side.

Mr. Boggs if you cannot handle the criticism that sometimes comes your son's way then maybe you need to stay off of forum boards that discuss high school football. It may not be right be it does happen, there are plenty of immature people who join in the discussions. What does it matter what one person says about it him and for that matter that he hides behind a "fake name"? The majority of fans understand your son has loads of talent but you tried to take the high road, "I myself refuse to bash other players" ,when discussing the game yet turn around and say 75% of his incompletions werent his fault. Im confused. My advice for you would be to stay away from these type of boards if you cant handle a little criticism that might come your son's way.
I was in attendance for this game and loved the atmosphere! Great football game too.

I thought Pike Central had a very impressive group of key players. The Hawk offensive line was VERY good in protection. They were perfect in effect when Belfry rushed three and even when Belfry blitzed they almost never hit Boggs, and rarely got in his face. Hats off to the Hawk O-line.

Boggs was also very impressive. True pocket passer with a strong and accurate arm. He did have at least 6 drops on the night, which would have made his numbers look better. A few more were catchable balls that were dislodged by contact.

Belfry's offense looked great from the get go. The Willis kid is a superb inside runner. Low to the ground, fast of snap and runs very hard. Pruitt looked very fast running that sweep play. Belfry relied heavily on that motion man sweep. Williams continues to play well at the QB spot. Sanni Warren's emergence at DB could be a tremendous plus to the play of Jeffree Pruitt, letting him stay fresher and concentrate on making big plays on offense.

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