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Mosque Planned Near Ground Zero in New York City
ukyfootball Wrote:Its not making rules, its just general laziness. Everybody knows where an apostrophe goes. Apparently, some people cant spell correctly though.
Thank-you Mrs. Krabappel:biggrin:
Matman Wrote:Extremist recruit all over our country. The propaganda is spewed all over the internet creating lone wolves. Hard to track those nut jobs that are just antigovernmentalist looking for a cause.
I really don't have anything against muslims. I went to see one today thats my Dr. at the VA. However what kind of person would be attending service near ground zero. Would it be the typical peaceful muslim or would this location stand as a symbol of radical extremist? Seems to me this would be a breeding gound for the kind of violence that created this mess.
Excellent point! A Muslim "cultural center" with a prime view of the former site of the World Trade Center would be a magnet for jihadist tourists with their cameras.
Saw this just a few minutes ago.
ukyfootball Wrote:Because thats where Jewish followers were brutally massacred by Christians who thought they were superior to everybody.
Benchwarmer Wrote:

For those of you who are not familiar with Greg Gutfield, he is the host of the late, late night show Red Eye on the Fox News Channel. If is serious about this business venture, I would not mind investing a small sum myself. :biggrin:

(Anybody who suspects that Greg is a stodgy conservative Republican has never watched Red Eye. There is nothing better or funnier in its time slot.)


So, the Muslim investors championing the construction of the new mosque near Ground Zero claim it's all about strengthening the relationship between the Muslim and non-Muslim world.

As an American, I believe they have every right to build the mosque - after all, if they buy the land and they follow the law - who can stop them?

Which is, why, in the spirit of outreach, I've decided to do the same thing.

I'm announcing tonight, that I am planning to build and open the first gay bar that caters not only to the west, but also Islamic gay men. To best express my sincere desire for dialogue, the bar will be situated next to the mosque Park51, in an available commercial space.
Hahaha, nice Hoot. Seems like you pull these links out of your ***! I would gladly donate a little.
Gee, as I read back.. Quite the debate going on.. Good post on both sides.. But I'm going to have to agree and say that it indeed IS a slap in the face to Americans to have this built near ground zero.. an even bigger slap that it is being opened on 9/11/11.. That's just ridiculous.
For a start, the "Ground Zero" mosque won't be at ground zero...It will be at Park Place, two blocks north of the WTC site (from which it will not be visible), in a neighborhood chock full of restaurants and shops (electronics, ****, you name it), churches, office cubes, and the rest of the New York jumble-jam. Park 51, as it is to be called, will indeed have a large Islamic "prayer room," (I guess that's a mosque)...but the rest of the building will be devoted to classrooms, an auditorium, galleries, a restaurant, a memorial to the victims of September 11, 2001, and a swimming pool and gym. As I understand its sponsors, they envision a sort of Young Men's Islamic Association (YMIA) open to all people irregardless of faith or color or religious flavor....
There are already over 20 mosque in the New York area, it not like people are trying to keep the mosques from being built period. It's just why does it have to be built near ground zero?
[nomedia=""]YouTube- Greg Gutfeld Explains His Gay Bar Proposal to Glenn Beck![/nomedia]

Absolutely great!
Old School Wrote:There are already over 20 mosque in the New York area, it not like people are trying to keep the mosques from being built period. It's just why does it have to be built near ground zero?

Why build a McDonald's near a hospital where people are dying left and right from heart attacks, blood pressure related strokes, diabetes? Why sell smokes next door to a hospital where people are strapped to oxygen, gasping for air, spitting up mucus and lung? The Americans sure do like their symbolic empty gestures and crusades.
[quote=thecavemaster]Why build a McDonald's near a hospital where people are dying left and right from heart attacks, blood pressure related strokes, diabetes? Why sell smokes next door to a hospital where people are strapped to oxygen, gasping for air, spitting up mucus and lung? The Americans sure do like their symbolic empty gestures and crusades.[/QUOTE]

Care to elaborate?
thecavemaster Wrote:Why build a McDonald's near a hospital where people are dying left and right from heart attacks, blood pressure related strokes, diabetes? Why sell smokes next door to a hospital where people are strapped to oxygen, gasping for air, spitting up mucus and lung? The Americans sure do like their symbolic empty gestures and crusades.

Because smokers are addicted to nicotine, and will always buy them unless they decide to stop smiking.

And because its cheap. Those that cant afford a sit-down restaurant will eat at McDonalds, which is actually one of the healthiest fast food burger joint in America.
ukyfootball Wrote:Because smokers are addicted to nicotine, and will always buy them unless they decide to stop smiking.

And because its cheap. Those that cant afford a sit-down restaurant will eat at McDonalds, which is actually one of the healthiest fast food burger joint in America.

What? Geez....
thecavemaster Wrote:What? Geez....

it was in reply to Old School
thecavemaster Wrote:Why build a McDonald's near a hospital where people are dying left and right from heart attacks, blood pressure related strokes, diabetes? Why sell smokes next door to a hospital where people are strapped to oxygen, gasping for air, spitting up mucus and lung? The Americans sure do like their symbolic empty gestures and crusades.

So you comparing Muslims to disease and unhealthy addictions? Ok. I will go with that. Not really. I don't have anything against Muslims. I think the mosque would cause a safety risk to the area. It would attract the extremist and nut jobs who want to be near the place of the attack.
Matman Wrote:So you comparing Muslims to disease and unhealthy addictions? Ok. I will go with that. Not really. I don't have anything against Muslims. I think the mosque would cause a safety risk to the area. It would attract the extremist and nut jobs who want to be near the place of the attack.

Extremists dont really hang out in public. I think it would only be a good idea, as we could now keep an eye on them.
The big question to me isn't why someone wants to build a mosque near Ground Zero, it's why haven't we already built a memorial and fitting buildings at Ground Zero. We should be up in arms about that, not the mosque.
ukyfootball Wrote:And politicians agree with me 29-1.
You act like youre proud of that? LOL!!!
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:You act like youre proud of that? LOL!!!

Theyre probably smarter than you. This was the main problem I had with Bush, as he did plenty of things that were unconstitutional. If the Muslims are American citizens, and own the land, then they have the right to build whatever they want as long as it abides by the New York City zoning laws.

Even though it is a slap in the face, theres not much you can do about it.
ukyfootball Wrote:Extremists dont really hang out in public. I think it would only be a good idea, as we could now keep an eye on them.

Extremists don't hang out in public? What? Do you think they hang out in caves? They eat, sleep, and hold jobs.
Matman Wrote:Extremists don't hang out in public? What? Do you think they hang out in caves? They eat, sleep, and hold jobs.

Probably "extreme" jobs.
BillyB Wrote:Probably "extreme" jobs.


If you call a newspaper stand extreme...
If they own the property, they have every right to build a mosque.

Maybe this will wake America up to the islamic policy of fatah. Despite what we want to believe about why we are fighting in Iraq and Afganistan, our enemies there are fighting a religious war. We may win there but lose the cultural war here all in the name of tolerance.
hawg laig Wrote:If they own the property, they have every right to build a mosque.

Maybe this will wake America up to the islamic policy of fatah. Despite what we want to believe about why we are fighting in Iraq and Afganistan, our enemies there are fighting a religious war. We may win there but lose the cultural war here all in the name of tolerance.

I just watched a report where they were talking about a church that was destroyed during the 911 attack. Since 2002, this church has been trying to gain approval to rebuild, but have been denied at every turn. It appears that it is ok to build a mosque but not a church that was standing prior to 911.
Old School Wrote:I just watched a report where they were talking about a church that was destroyed during the 911 attack. Since 2002, this church has been trying to gain approval to rebuild, but have been denied at every turn. It appears that it is ok to build a mosque but not a church that was standing prior to 911.


[INDENT]"St. Nicholas Orthodox Church has always had and will continue to have the right to rebuild on its original location. The question was whether public money would be spent to build a much larger church at a separate location on the site and ensuring that construction wouldn't delay the World Trade Center further," spokesman Stephen Sigmund said in a written statement. "On that question, we worked for many years to reach an agreement and offered up to 60 million dollars of public money to build that much larger new church. After reaching what we believed was an agreement in 2008, representatives of the church wanted even more public commitments, including unacceptable approvals on the design of the Vehicle Security Center that threatened to further delay the construction on the World Trade Center and the potential for another $20 million of public funds."[/INDENT]
BillyB Wrote:From
[INDENT]"St. Nicholas Orthodox Church has always had and will continue to have the right to rebuild on its original location. The question was whether public money would be spent to build a much larger church at a separate location on the site and ensuring that construction wouldn't delay the World Trade Center further," spokesman Stephen Sigmund said in a written statement. "On that question, we worked for many years to reach an agreement and offered up to 60 million dollars of public money to build that much larger new church. After reaching what we believed was an agreement in 2008, representatives of the church wanted even more public commitments, including unacceptable approvals on the design of the Vehicle Security Center that threatened to further delay the construction on the World Trade Center and the potential for another $20 million of public funds."

I was unable to find your article on the Fox News site, however I ran across the article below which gives a little more info.

The last bit of hopeful news for St. Nicholas came two years ago, in July 2008, when church officials and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced a deal which would have allowed the church to be rebuilt about two blocks from its original location.

The Port Authority agreed to give the church a parcel of land at Liberty and Greenwich Streets, and contribute $20 million toward construction of a new sanctuary. The Port Authority also agreed to build an explosion-proof platform and foundation for the new church building, which would sit on top of a screening area for cars and trucks entering the underground garages at the new World Trade Center.

Trouble emerged after St. Nicholas announced its plans to build a traditional Greek Orthodox church building, 24,000 square feet in size, topped with a grand dome. Port Authority officials told the church to cut back the size of the building and the height of the proposed dome, limiting it to rising no higher than the World Trade Center memorial. The deal fell apart for good in March 2009, when the Port Authority abruptly ended the talks after refusing to allow church officials to review plans for the garage and screening area underneath. Sixteen months later, the two sides have still not met to resume negotiations.

St. Nicholas Church’s difficulty in getting approvals to rebuild stands in stark contrast to the treatment that the developers of the proposed Cordoba mosque have received. New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, state Atty. Gen. Andrew Cuomo, and a raft of city officials have all come out publicly in favor of building the mosque, and the city’s Landmarks and Preservation Commission recently voted unanimously to deny protection to the building currently occupying the site where the mosque is to be built.

The mosque is proposed to rise 13 stories, far above the height of the World Trade Center memorial, with no height restrictions imposed.

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