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Belfry @ Russell Semi Finals (predictions, thoughts)
tc68 havent heard anything, but that does not mean

good ;uck to both teams.
Close game, but i predict Belfry by 2 TD's. I think their backfield is better than Russels

I call them slippery running backs. They run hard but they're not going to just run over people and they don't have that definite breakaway speed you see from a lot of players. They're very small. They're tallest runner will be maybe 5'10-5'11 and the heaviest being 190 lbs. They're very good at breaking arm tackles and they just continually find tiny gaps and seams as they run down field. They do lots of cutting back and forth. They're specialty is to get a defender running one way, then cut through that defender's back shoulder forcing him to only be able to try to make an arm tackle or just hold and slow the back up enough for the rest of the team to get there. They will not go down easily. They have great balance. You'll see their jerseys in a defensive players hand and they keep running and stretch the jersey until the defensive player can't hold on anymore.
The way you describe it these backs sound alot like Belfry's Corey Chapman. Chapman does not have the top speed to be considered a speed back, he is undersized, and his greatest strength is he is a smart runner who hits the holes hard and can make people miss with his balance.

What makes this Pirate backfield so darn good this year is their diversity. Last year you really only hads two true running threats (no offense to G but his yards usually were a product of having two thoroughbreds behind him). This year Belfry has a legit three headed monster as well as a mobile QB who is ahead of Warren at this time of the season. Chapman is your "slippery" running back as you described it who has HB speed but is more smart and elusive than anything. May is playing as a true FB..when he egts the ball it is all North-South and he is looking for contact. May, unlike Childress last year, is a definate open field threat as he has good speed and better agility. Maynard is the playmaker... he is extremely agile, fast (not as fast as Jones, maybe half a step faster than Howard), and a finesse runner with unbelievable footwork and ability to make people miss. Maynard rarely gets a clean hit on him and this makes him deadly because when he gets into the second level of a defense it is his game to lose. Phillips throws a better ball than Warren, doesn't playfake as well as Warren but still does good at it, runs the option ALOT better, and is a runnign threat.
This thread is tearing me up... Lets get through Thanksgiving and do this thing!!!!!
Go Pirates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think this will be a close game with the pirates going to the pizza box
JUDGE140 Wrote:Close game, but i predict Belfry by 2 TD's. I think their backfield is better than Russells
Go RUSSELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fans can say what they want but its all going to come down to who wants it more on friday. For the seniors this might be there last shot at ever playin this great game that we all love, called football.

I was able to talk to Matt before the Sheldon Clark game and he had the look in his eyes that he wasn't going to let his team walk away with anything except a victory. I really believe if he comes out with that same attitude and look in his eyes.. its Belfrys game by 12.

p.s to all you seniors I was on the field with you last year to lead you...Now its time to be men and step up and make us all proud. By #3
orisonspi Wrote:[QUOTE="Tomcat68"]

I call them slippery running backs. They run hard but they're not going to just run over people and they don't have that definite breakaway speed you see from a lot of players. They're very small. They're tallest runner will be maybe 5'10-5'11 and the heaviest being 190 lbs. They're very good at breaking arm tackles and they just continually find tiny gaps and seams as they run down field. They do lots of cutting back and forth. They're specialty is to get a defender running one way, then cut through that defender's back shoulder forcing him to only be able to try to make an arm tackle or just hold and slow the back up enough for the rest of the team to get there. They will not go down easily. They have great balance. You'll see their jerseys in a defensive players hand and they keep running and stretch the jersey until the defensive player can't hold on anymore.
The way you describe it these backs sound alot like Belfry's Corey Chapman. Chapman does not have the top speed to be considered a speed back, he is undersized, and his greatest strength is he is a smart runner who hits the holes hard and can make people miss with his balance.

What makes this Pirate backfield so darn good this year is their diversity. Last year you really only hads two true running threats (no offense to G but his yards usually were a product of having two thoroughbreds behind him). This year Belfry has a legit three headed monster as well as a mobile QB who is ahead of Warren at this time of the season. Chapman is your "slippery" running back as you described it who has HB speed but is more smart and elusive than anything. May is playing as a true FB..when he egts the ball it is all North-South and he is looking for contact. May, unlike Childress last year, is a definate open field threat as he has good speed and better agility. Maynard is the playmaker... he is extremely agile, fast (not as fast as Jones, maybe half a step faster than Howard), and a finesse runner with unbelievable footwork and ability to make people miss. Maynard rarely gets a clean hit on him and this makes him deadly because when he gets into the second level of a defense it is his game to lose. Phillips throws a better ball than Warren, doesn't playfake as well as Warren but still does good at it, runs the option ALOT better, and is a runnign threat.

G, was on heck of a fullback to say he wasn't just shows how much football you may know. G would be the 2nd best football player on that team this year..... On a side note he would be startin in that backfield this year. And lets not get into linebackers
LEON Wrote:fans can say what they want but its all going to come down to who wants it more on friday. For the seniors this might be there last shot at ever playin this great game that we all love, called football.

I was able to talk to Matt before the Sheldon Clark game and he had the look in his eyes that he wasn't going to let his team walk away with anything except a victory. I really believe if he comes out with that same attitude and look in his eyes.. its Belfrys game by 12.

p.s to all you seniors I was on the field with you last year to lead you...Now its time to be men and step up and make us all proud. By #3

#3, i was thinking at the beginning of the year that it was gonna be real tough to feel your shoes... not just because your an exceptional athlete, but because you played every game with your heart... i wasnt sure (at the time) that these boys understood what that meant.... but man was i wrong.. this past friday night, i locked eyes a few times with some of them, and i could see that they wanted that win more than anything... ,and if they take that to russell with them, then i think we're in pretty good shape....
pondcreek misses you buddy!
LEON Wrote:[QUOTE="orisonspi"]

G, was on heck of a fullback to say he wasn't just shows how much football you may know. G would be the 2nd best football player on that team this year..... On a side note he would be startin in that backfield this year. And lets not get into linebackers
Never said G wasn't a good fullback..thats far from what I think. I said he wasn't necessarily as good of a running threat as May. When it comes to blocking, carrying out the fake, and just de-cleating linebackers in the open field you couldn't find anyone better. But,,, in terms of speed, agility, and gaining yards in the open field May is a better running threat. If G was playing this year he would be the starting fullback... but May would definately be getting PT at halfback which I think is his true position.

As far as LB's go there is absolutely no comparison between what Doug and G could do compared to this year's squad... last year LB was the strongest part of our defense, this year it has proven to be one of our more vulnerable areas. What last year's backers did is everything we are missing this year..they made excellent reads, they tackled low and hard, they were very good when needed in pass coverage, and probably two of the better backers we have had in terms of their ability to close on a play.
it doesnt matter who they are playing i was always side with the pirates
orisonspi Wrote:[QUOTE="LEON"]
Never said G wasn't a good fullback..thats far from what I think. I said he wasn't necessarily as good of a running threat as May. When it comes to blocking, carrying out the fake, and just de-cleating linebackers in the open field you couldn't find anyone better. But,,, in terms of speed, agility, and gaining yards in the open field May is a better running threat. If G was playing this year he would be the starting fullback... but May would definately be getting PT at halfback which I think is his true position.

As far as LB's go there is absolutely no comparison between what Doug and G could do compared to this year's squad... last year LB was the strongest part of our defense, this year it has proven to be one of our more vulnerable areas. What last year's backers did is everything we are missing this year..they made excellent reads, they tackled low and hard, they were very good when needed in pass coverage, and probably two of the better backers we have had in terms of their ability to close on a play.

Nice post!! #3 gets a little upset when his buddy gets slighted, but I understand where he is coming from. Childers played in a backfield that had probably the two best RBs to ever wear a Pirate uniform. Pretty easy to get overshadowed in that situation.

Bottom line......G-Man gave what his backfield needed. Tough yards, an awesome blocker, and dependability that he would be there come hell or high water. And thus far it seems May has been the perfect compliment to a totally different backfield. Maynard is an exceptional athlete whose agility, and vision make him stand out. He's not the guy thats gonna give you the tough yards that either Howard, Jones, or Childers did. Chapman has good vision, better than average speed, and will lay it all on the line, too. May has the size to get the tough yards and in the open field he has the experience of being a HB most of his life to make short gains into spectacular plays.

This years backs have did better than anyone have imagined they could. I hope they continue their success Friday night @ Russell.
I got a little bored so I thought I'd try to find some fun stats for everyone. All the numbers in parenthesis are active streaks.


Last Loss: 10-21-05 Ironton 21-33 (4 game winning streak)
Last Home Loss: 10-21-05 Ironton 21-33 (3 game winning streak)
Last Loss to out of state team: 10-21-05 Ironton 21-33 (0 game winning streak)
Last Loss to Kentucky team: 8-20-05 Henry Clay 14-43 (11 game winning streak)
Last Loss to a 4A team: 8-20-05 Henry Clay 14-43 (0 game winning streak)
Last Road Loss: 10-22-04 Ironton 10-31 (5 game winning streak)
Last Loss to a 3A team: 8-23-03 Boyd County 0-18 (3 game winning streak)
Last Loss on a neutral field: 8-23-03 Boyd County 0-18 (3 game winning streak)
Last Loss to a 2A team: 11-22-02 Breathitt County 0-21 (32 game winning streak)
Last Playoff Loss: 11-22-02 Breathitt County 0-21 (13 game winning streak)
Last Loss to a 1A team: 9-22-00 Pikeville 14-31 (5 game winning streak)

[size=5]Overall Record Since 1998: [/size]79-27
Record for these Seniors (02-05): 48-8

Last Loss: 9-9-05 Boyd County 14-33 (10 game winning streak)
Last Road Loss: 9-9-05 Boyd County 14-33 (5 game winning streak)
Last Loss to a 3A team: 9-9-05 Boyd County 14-33 (0 game winning streak)
Last Loss to a Kentucky team: 9-9-05 Boyd County 14-33 (10 game winning streak)
Last Loss to a 2A team: 11-26-04 Belfry 17-39 (10 game winning streak)
Last Playoff Loss: 11-26-04 Belfry 17-39 (3 game wining streak)
Last Home Loss: 9-5-03 Ashland 14-33 (21 game winning streak)
Last Loss to out of state team: 10-4-02 Portsmouth West 14-28 (0 game winning streak)
Last Loss on a neutral field: No Losses since prior to '98 (1 game winning streak)
Last Loss to a 1A team: None played since prior to '98
Last Loss to a 4A team: None played since prior to '98

Overall Record Since 1998: 76-25

Record for these Seniors (02-05): 46-8

What incredible programs and incredible tradition. Good Luck to two of the best, most consistent, well coached, and exciting teams in the state. Should be an amazing game.

god is it friday yet!!!!!!!!! i will try to make the game but the looks of things i prob wont due to work. but hurry friday!
Leon didn't mean anything to May...May is a great fullback, the comment had nothing to do with him it was just saying that G is a good fullback and to say that he wasn't is a slap in the face.
Belfry practiced on the snow covered frozen tundra of old Vipperman Stadium this morning. Man it must have been nice to drive by there and see them out there today in the snow and the bitter cold weather.....

It's like it was taking them back in time to a magical place, a place that held so much history and the place where many generations of Pirates before them put it all on the line....

The last time they stepped on that historic field it was against Russell last year, the significance of that practice today was huge.

People, this Pirate team is ready to do battle, I have talked to many of my friends back in Pirate Country and they say that the fire in their eyes, that passion for the game, the intensity that they showed against Sheldon Clark was just the tip of the iceburg, Piratefans your team is ready !!!

:Skull03: GO PIRATES !!!!:Skull03:
HappyGilmore Wrote:[QUOTE="orisonspi"]

Nice post!! #3 gets a little upset when his buddy gets slighted, but I understand where he is coming from. Childers played in a backfield that had probably the two best RBs to ever wear a Pirate uniform. Pretty easy to get overshadowed in that situation.

Bottom line......G-Man gave what his backfield needed. Tough yards, an awesome blocker, and dependability that he would be there come hell or high water. And thus far it seems May has been the perfect compliment to a totally different backfield. Maynard is an exceptional athlete whose agility, and vision make him stand out. He's not the guy thats gonna give you the tough yards that either Howard, Jones, or Childers did. Chapman has good vision, better than average speed, and will lay it all on the line, too. May has the size to get the tough yards and in the open field he has the experience of being a HB most of his life to make short gains into spectacular plays.

This years backs have did better than anyone have imagined they could. I hope they continue their success Friday night @ Russell.

Amen my brother,,, amen! This backfield has became a special one and they have did it in a completely different style than last year. When you have the greatest back to ever play at Belfry (Howard) and possibly the most gifted athlete (Jones) graduate and stll do what these kids have done with considerably less athletic ability it really says alot...
well we got our first sign of snow and now the grounds are slushy and more to come just got home from work and ready for a fri already.
BelfryPride Wrote:Belfry practiced on the snow covered frozen tundra of old Vipperman Stadium this morning. Man it must have been nice to drive by there and see them out there today in the snow and the bitter cold weather.....

It's like it was taking them back in time to a magical place, a place that held so much history and the place where many generations of Pirates before them put it all on the line....

The last time they stepped on that historic field it was against Russell last year, the significance of that practice today was huge.

People, this Pirate team is ready to do battle, I have talked to many of my friends back in Pirate Country and they say that the fire in their eyes, that passion for the game, the intensity that they showed against Sheldon Clark was just the tip of the iceburg, Piratefans your team is ready !!!

great post..... while most people are laying around watching the parade and getting ready to eat, our boys are at old vipperman doing what they do best... the significance of these practices are, like you said huge... these boys are going back to the field were it all started........ their preparing physically and mentally, realizing that tomorrow night, they are going to create yet another sequel for the legendary Belfry Pirates...
This evening, they will meet for another bon fire, its gonna be cold and possibly snowing, but pondcreek needs to be there to show there support.
:Skull03: GO PIRATES !!!!:Skull03:
The big Day is here all I got to say is Go Pirates show them Devils how to play some smashmouth football.
27 hours and counting............Matt will be doing alot of this !!!
Here's my input for the day:

Just like probably every other family in Belfry, Hardy, Turkey Creek, Stone, Russell, Flatwoods, and maybe even Ashland the topic of discussion at dinner today was the game tomorrow. It got me thinking about this year's team, last year's game, and what I have seen from Russell and here's what came to mind:

Matt Maynard has made himself into a very visible superstar for this Belfry much so that he even garnered individual attention in an article published in an ashland paper. He has been a playmaker and consistent EVERY SINGLE GAME THIS SEASON and when Matt plays big,,Belfry is darn tough to beat. Secondly, you CAN NOT BEAT BELFRY WHEN THE FULLBACK GAINS OVER 5 YARDS A CARRY..... you have to honor the dive on each and evey posession. That being said the stage has been set for Corey Chapman to have a coming out party. Corey has been a silent assassin this year leading the team in yardage all the while having considerably far less attempts than any other back. By my calculations Corey actually averages more yards per carry than either Dave or Doug did last season! Case in point in last weeks victory over SC Chapman gained 130+ yards and 2 TD but noone even knew about it because Matt went bezerk on the Cardinals. Any other game that a Belfry back gains 130+ yards and 2 TD on less than 15 carries and this place would go crazy... that sums up tis young man's season.

I fully expect Russell to key Matt Maynard,,, I mean why wouldn't you at least move one safety in the box and use him solely as a spy? I also fully expect McGlone to make sure that the fullback has a helmet in his numbers as soon as he gets to the line of scrimmage. Thus, Corey Chapman HAS to step up for us to be successful.
I have been fairly quite about this game. Last year I voiced my opinion on it quite a bit. (on the other site) I predicted Belfry to win by 3 touchdowns, and they did. This year I fill it will be a little closer but not by much. One thing that comes to mind is if Belfry was to lose this game I would rather it be to Russell than any other team in the State. Russell really gained my respect last year more than any other team I had seen, from the fans and players alike. I will never forget when David Jones ran for the last touchdown and he started to cramp really bad in the endzone and one of the Russell players stayed right there with him, to strech him out. First class IMO. Alot of players would have just walked right on by being behind like they were but he didn't. Best of luck to both teams and I pray that both come away injury free. I hope both sides show this kind of sportsmanship reguardless of the outcome. To win a game is great, but I also believe respect should be gained. I played against Russell in 86, I believe the last time Belfry was there and I hope the outcome is the same.
I read the ADI article discussing Russell and their win streak, coupled with comments by Russell fans talking about their domiannce at home so it made me wonder about Belfry:

Since dropping to 2A here is Belfry playing away from home:
-The Pirates are 26-10 overall in true road games.
-They have played 9 games on neutral fields inw hich they have went 7-2.
-They are a combined 33-12 (73% win percentage) when playing away from home.
- Belfry has won 15 of their last 16 away games (94%), and 18 of their last 20 away from Belfry (90%).
-Since 2002, Belfry is 17-1 in away games against KY competition and 21-2 against KY competition playing outside of Belfry.

-Of those 45 games 29 ( 26 away, 3 neutral) have been against 2A teams.
-In those 29 games Belfry is 26-3 (90% win percentage).
-Belfry has won 14 consecutive away games against 2A competition and have not lost to a 2A team on the road since Prestonsburg in 2001
-It has been 4 years since Belfry last lost an away game to a 2A opponent.

In other words... if there was ever a team to end Russell's streak then Belfry would have the credentials.
WOW, nice breakdown....

Russell may have won 21 straight on Red Devil lane, but Belfry has went 4 seasons without losing on the road against Class AA competition....Looks like our nickname may be "THE ROADWARRIORS":rock:

Impressive !!!:redboxer:

:Skull03: [size=5]Go Pirates !!!!:Skull03: [/size]

TongueirateSho TAKE NO PRISONERS !!!!:redboxer:
Good luck Belfry!
belfry by as much as 20
BelfryPride Wrote:WOW, nice breakdown....

Russell may have won 21 straight on Red Devil lane, but Belfry has went 4 seasons without losing on the road against Class AA competition....Looks like our nickname may be "THE ROADWARRIORS":rock:

Impressive !!!:redboxer:

:Skull03: [size=5]Go Pirates !!!!:Skull03: [/size]

Man do not know who is more excited the radio announcer for the devils or you. :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

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