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Belfry 24 Pike Central 14
bucslover68 Wrote:Are you talking about basketball or volleyball?:biggrin:

Hawkfan1 is talking about PC drumming Paintsville in a scrimmage this year after a Paintsville fan chimed in on this topic. They were saying we complained about being cheated the last 2 yrs and thats why we lost to them. We did get some bad calls but rarely ever does one call decide the game. 2 yrs ago they had 5 downs on the 3 yrd line and the clock had ran out before they got the snap off. Our team wasnt even lined up.
phs1986 Wrote:Granted, PC gave Belfry all they wanted Friday night but that does not condone the young man saying "mother F" to the select few (which I was not one of but had to move 3 separate times) and the coach (not sure which one) pulling him away with him (the young man) even saying a few choice words to him. I'm not saying that Belfry is perfect as to be honest, no one on this earth is but maintaining control of a "MAN'S GAME" needs to be done to keep these children safe! I didn't see what your talking about a Belfry coach having to be restrained either but then again, I wasn't on that side of the field and won't comment on what I didnt' see. It could have happened? I didn't see it maybe someone else did....

PC, you have your program moving in the right direction. Keep things on the straight and narrow and make sure that you do have someone to run the clock and give PC their credit when they are moving the ball.... Positive things can happen if everything is handled in the proper way. Congrats on a great effort and to continued success in the future!!

Thanks we appreciate the positive things that are said about our team. my comment about a mans game was sarcastic. I was just trying to show that professional and college athletes sometimes let their emotions get the best of them. We teach sportmanship, this kid just lost his head. Flat out. Im sure he'll be repremanded. This same kid said something to the young Belfry coach I was talking about earlier and the coach was going to retaliate. Regardless of what the kid said the coach must realize that he isn't a player anymore, and act like a coach.
Roundabout Wrote:I’m confused…were you at the game? PCC was much MORE physical on defense than Belfry and it was not for some offensive mistakes it could have been a different outcome. But as they say about ifs and or buts. I’m not disputing the final score of the game but anyone with commonsense could see that PCC played better than everyone thought they could play and Belfry took this as an insult. Wouldn’t it be funny if Sheldon Clark beats Belfry and PCC somehow beats Sheldon Clark? What would people think then? Just a wonder of mine. Trust me it is a matter of time before the tables will turn and then we will see how people respond.

If this was intended for me....I'm not sure what you're confused about. I acknowledged PCC played very hard...and their performance was by far the best they've played in the entire series.

However, one single solitary game.....certainly doesn't indicate a "trend". As I stated, only time will tell.
I am only going to say this once to both fan bases. Discuss the game.. not the actions of fans and players. Right now both fanbases are makign themselves look really bad with some of the comments being made and the cheap shots being taken at one another.
RUNtheBALL Wrote:Now for the game. PC was by far the more physical team and had equal if not more speed than Belfry. A dry feild could have possibly played into PCs hand. Take away he botched punt early, a couple of dropped balls and PC is up 14-7 at the half. PC played well. Im tired of all the excuses like Belfry wasn't ready to play, they overlooked PC, they were flat, and so on. They were OUTPLAYED. Belfry got out of there with a win. The end.

Nice post... I certainly agree that PC outplayed, outhit, and out-hearted Belfry.

I don't know if a dry field really would favor PC more though, Belfry's offense is not power based contrary to what some people pre-determine on the wishbone (especially this year's offense), the extensive ball handling, blocking schemes, and misdirection are extremely succeptible to muddy conditions, maybe even moreso than a passing based offense.

The core of PC's success, and Chapman's excellent coaching, was predicated on the strategy of taking away the area between the tackles and overwhelming Belfry's line. Belfry's narrow splits and tight formations automatically cludder the field as it is, Chapman's defense uses that against them. Additionally instead of playing the option like most teams, where the defense collapses on the QB and forces the pitch, Chapman had his team take away the pitchman and dare the young QB to keep the ball. This resulted in a couple costly fumbles.

Once Haywood adjusted to the Thomcat and spread PC out the Pirates were not going to be stopped offensively. Belfry was finally able to utilize their speed and allow Thomas to make a play with the ball without having a defender hit him as soon as he touched it. I think Belfry could have had similar success by simply using Varney at QB on the option out of the bone, then PC would have had to collapse on him instead of the pitchman. That's the reason why Hayood has won so many games,,, he amde the adjustment in time to save the victory. Conversely, the fact PC was clearly in position to win the game (and probably would have had Belfry not adjusted), is a testament to the coach Chapman is.
The coach got a 7 yard penalty....the refs had already backed them up to the 14 yard line from the 45......get real.
I don't know if a dry field really would favor PC more though, Belfry's offense is not power based contrary to what some people pre-determine on the wishbone (especially this year's offense), the extensive ball handling, blocking schemes, and misdirection are extremely succeptible to muddy conditions, maybe even moreso than a passing based offense.

The core of PC's success, and Chapman's excellent coaching, was predicated on the strategy of taking away the area between the tackles and overwhelming Belfry's line. Belfry's narrow splits and tight formations automatically cludder the field as it is, Chapman's defense uses that against them. Additionally instead of playing the option like most teams, where the defense collapses on the QB and forces the pitch, Chapman had his team take away the pitchman and dare the young QB to keep the ball. This resulted in a couple costly fumbles.

Once Haywood adjusted to the Thomcat and spread PC out the Pirates were not going to be stopped offensively. Belfry was finally able to utilize their speed and allow Thomas to make a play with the ball without having a defender hit him as soon as he touched it. I think Belfry could have had similar success by simply using Varney at QB on the option out of the bone, then PC would have had to collapse on him instead of the pitchman. That's the reason why Hayood has won so many games,,, he amde the adjustment in time to save the victory. Conversely, the fact PC was clearly in position to win the game (and probably would have had Belfry not adjusted), is a testament to the coach Chapman is.[/QUOTE]

PC ran the counters, dive, and option more efficiently than Belfry. I dont think the mud affected Belfry's veer blocking scheme. Belfry traditionally has wide splits though. If PC would have been able to use their speed downfield their running game would have been even more successful. Belfry had 10 in the box all night, as did PC because it was so hard to get a step on either side. PC had trouble with the Thomcat, but would have been able take the pass away and rely on the linbackers to stop Varney. Maybe next time Confusedhh: shh. PC will be more prepared for the ThomasCat offense.
Can someone tell me why Haywood travels with a body guard......
clueless Wrote:Can someone tell me why Haywood travels with a body guard......

Say huh?

clueless Wrote:Can someone tell me why Haywood travels with a body guard......

Haywood does not travel with a bodyguard. The Sheriff's deputies have escorted the Belfry buses for years. Also, the penalty was not marked off from the 45. The 45 was where the play ended. The penalty was marked off from the 20 to the 10 and then half of that after Chapman got his penalty.
Sounds like bodyguards to me....why don't the Pike County deputies go with all of the football teams? Is he special?
clueless Wrote:Sounds like bodyguards to me....why don't the Pike County deputies go with all of the football teams? Is he special?

First of all, the deputies escort the team, not just Haywood.
Second of all, yes Coach Haywood is special. He is a fantastic person and one of the winningest coaches in Kentucky history.
Third, a lot of teams get escorts if they win big games or tournaments. Belfry just gets it every week because:
1. 2 state championships
2. 4 runners up
3. 6 straight state semi-finals appearances
4. An 81-13 record since the start of the 2003 season.

Need any more reasons just let me know.
BTW, just a point of little significance. Belfry still rides school buses when they go to state. They do not charter. Just a little FYI.
clueless Wrote:Sounds like bodyguards to me....why don't the Pike County deputies go with all of the football teams? Is he special?

If you know a deputy who would like to volunteer to accompany your team then have at it...

What is the point of the question and how is it associated to the final outcome of this game?
PC has Belfry fans are all hot under the collar. I never thought I'd see the day when Pike Central fans would be able to get under Belfry fans' skin.
I like it.:popcorn:


jetpilot Wrote:PC has Belfry fans are all hot under the collar. I never thought I'd see the day when Pike Central fans would be able to get under Belfry fans' skin.
I like it.:popcorn:



It's been a few years since someone in Pike County could be close enough to do so. Glad Pike Central did it, because I was thinking if we had to depend on Pikeville to play us close it might not ever happen again Wink
jetpilot Wrote:PC has Belfry fans are all hot under the collar. I never thought I'd see the day when Pike Central fans would be able to get under Belfry fans' skin.
I like it.:popcorn:



haha.they are not getting under our to tell the truth they aren't a real threat to belfry...i think it's kind of funny that think because they ALMOST beat belfy they think they are really something now..really, it's hilarious! lol:lmao:
EKUAlum05 Wrote:It's been a few years since someone in Pike County could be close enough to do so. Glad Pike Central did it, because I was thinking if we had to depend on Pikeville to play us close it might not ever happen again Wink

Am I going to have to send you a warning like you do me? lol
Stay on the TOPIC. This isn't about Pikeville.
It feels good to do
You guys have a good week. Bell Co. is out the rest of the week because of the flu bug.
easyM Wrote:Am I going to have to send you a warning like you do me? lol
Stay on the TOPIC. This isn't about Pikeville.
It feels good to do
You guys have a good week. Bell Co. is out the rest of the week because of the flu bug.

Hope everyone gets healthy that way... the flu has been bad news in state's further south and I can only hope it doesn't get that way in the Bluegrass.

Which leads me to ask the Pike Central fans if their team came out healthy from this game injury wise. PC still has Sheldon Clark ahead of them and Pburg, tall tasks to upset, and usually a physical game liek Friday usually claims a couple casualties. Likewise forBelfry fans..I know Belfry has had a couple players battling the flu and some minor injuries, the need a full deck of Pirates for Friday.
bhs16 Wrote:haha.they are not getting under our to tell the truth they aren't a real threat to belfry...i think it's kind of funny that think because they ALMOST beat belfy they think they are really something now..really, it's hilarious! lol:lmao:
LOL HAHA :lmao::Thumbs: So you had to post to say that it wasn't in fact getting under your skin.LOL HILARIOUS FUNNY HA HA.:thatsfunn:Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs::blabbermo You know how funny its going to be watching you squirm next time they play, real "threat" or not. LOL HHA FUNNY HILARIOUS, LAUGH. Is that enough laughing out loud.
PC MOM 09 Wrote:Belfry's boys didn't have to ride home drinched in mud, they chose to. We had a perfectly good locker room with showers for them to shower and change before they got on the bus to go home. Please don't blame this on Pike Central. That's just crazy!:please:

yeah because if belfry was to have stayed, there would have been a fight. it's ridiculous that Pike Central would let there athletes,students,& coaching staff behave the way they did, that just shows that PCC has a long way to go if they want to earn even half the respect belfry has earned. it's not about the game at all that has us so upset. its the way you guys handled it. it's about pride & Pike Central fans obviously have no pride in there school or they would have handled things alot better.i know you can't control who comes to the games but if Belfry's students & players would have acted like that, like i said before, we would have to answer for me..& it's really sad a student is telling a parent this...really that alone should tell you something! =)
RUNtheBALL Wrote:LOL HAHA :lmao::Thumbs: So you had to post to say that it wasn't in fact getting under your skin.LOL HILARIOUS FUNNY HA HA.:thatsfunn:Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs::blabbermo You know how funny its going to be watching you squirm next time they play, real "threat" or not. LOL HHA FUNNY HILARIOUS, LAUGH. Is that enough laughing out loud.

for real dude, i would be embarassed if i was you right now, you guys have no class at & if we even cared about playing you guys it would have turned out alot different! lol haha
bhs16 Wrote:for real dude, i would be embarassed if i was you right now, you guys have no class at & if we even cared about playing you guys it would have turned out alot different! lol haha

yes dude. not embarassed at all. now you have reason to care about playing this game. If you read my previous post you would have seen that we central fans are envious of what you and your classy program have. We want that. but if we have to scratch, fight, and dig to get these wins right now we will.
I am sure that some bad behavior was exhibited by both sides. The one thing that has been ignored is how PC has prepared for Belfry from day 1 and they still came up short. Do you really believe much preparation was put in to Tug Valley and Tolsia? No need to prepare for TV, and the score against Tolsia answers that part. This is not disrespecting the Hawks, but it goes to the fact that almost everything has to go right for someone to beat Belfry. You need the right talent, conditions, calls, and Pirate mistakes for teams around here to even play them close. Some of those factors fell into place Friday. Combine this with the fact that, IMO ,this could be the best of all the Hawk teams, and you have the makings for a good game. To play Belfry close is an effort to be proud of, but to win is another ballgame. Belfry flipped the ON switch when it was needed and won. PCC can take pride in the fact that this is the closest a local team has played Belfry in a few years since Pikeville lost a close one in 2006 at Hambley. FYI, Belfry is 36-0 all-time against PC, SV, and ER. 16-0 against the Hawks, 13-0 againts the 'Cats, and 7-0 against the Tribe.
RUNtheBALL Wrote:Sorry I didnt mean to come off like that but there was a woman with an "out of town accent," and two men both bald, bearded, and for lack of better terms, goober looking men standing directily below the pressbox shouting at players, trying to pick fights with our student section, and yelling at officials using 4 letter words that apparently are un-heard on that side of the hill.

Nah, I'm 16. So that wasn't me.
FWIW, concerning the above post about Haywood's "police escort"/"body guard"..... Evidently they came in handy as the ref's used them a couple of times too!!! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
RUNtheBALL Wrote:yes dude. not embarassed at all. now you have reason to care about playing this game. If you read my previous post you would have seen that we central fans are envious of what you and your classy program have. We want that. but if we have to scratch, fight, and dig to get these wins right now we will.

exactly im not saying you shouldn't you guys played a heck of a game, & no disrespect to your team at all,but it's the way you guys handled the loss is what gets me. it was ridiculous! lol
This one's done... I said for everyone to get off the subject of what when in the stands.

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