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Belfry 24 Pike Central 14
Thoughts coming...
what a game. congrats belfry! Good updates EKU. I thought i was
Belfry did what they had to do to win, it was ugly thats for sure.
At game, on cell. Belfry didn't play well at all tonight. But no excuses to be made. Same field same conditions. I tip my hats to Pike Central.
But the good news is a win is a win and we're undefeated in district play. Get your heads on straight for Friday night and good luck Pike Central.
Ugly, ugly win for Belfry.

Pirates took a 6-0 lead after PC's first posession resulted in a fumbled snap in the endzone on a punt that Belfry recovered. Pirates converted another PC fumble into a long run by Chase Maynard and led 12-0. Belfry got nothing else going offensively in the 1st half and PC utilized a long run to have a 1st and Goal at the end of the half but could not convert.

3rd Quarter was all Pike Central as they stymied Belfry's offense and Belfry fumbled the ball away and committed numerous mental errors. PC got a TD run by Meade and a long TD run by McGuire to take a 14-12 lead.

Belfry, after being shut down by PC all game, switched to the Thomcat formation and it payed huge dividends. A long Lovern run set Belfry up and Varney took it in to regain the lead 18-14.

The biggest play in the game came on 1st and 10 for PC @ their own 20. Hopkins broke a long run and Pike Central committed an unnecessary penalty downfield that the officials, by all accounts, improperly marked from the LOS instead of from the spot. This cause Chapman to call a timeout and go into a rage that resulted in another penalty. Belfry ultimately forced a punt and utilized the Thomcat n the ensuing drive to put it in the books.

Varney stepped up and took the game over. Belfry's defense did what it had to in the 4th,.

Hats off to Chapman and his Hawks on a fantastic effort and gameplan. They truly showed a ton of heart and nearly pulled the upset. They are continung to improve every week and he will elad that program to alot of wins. May have been a bit more exciting had the refs not messed up, but who knows.
maybe this will quite all you doubters of how good this Pike Central team really is...
Yeah the penalty shouldn't have been marked from LOS, but you still got to roll with the punches and not dig yourself in a deeper hole.
This Pike Central team is good but needs to play consistent every week. They were way more physical tonight than they've shown in any game this season.
Other notes:

-Varney was 0 for 3 on XP's and Belfry was 0-1 on 2 pt conversions. This is unacceptable this late in the season and nearly cost them the game.

- PC QB Aaron McGuire is a tough, tough kid and played his heart out tonight. He consistently came up with critical runs to contnue drives, as well as the long TD run to give PC the lead. My hat is off to him

- Chapman continues to prove he knows how to stop Belfry's wishbone. It took Belfry spreading the field to finally muster offense. Makes you wonder what will happen in a few years once Chapman can develop better talent and Belfry no longer has a Thomas Varney to make plays. He truly is one of the best defensuve coaches in the state.
this just goes to show that Breathitt misses Chapman a lot more than Chapman misses Breathitt lol...That district is stacked with great coaches....
Around the start of the 4th Quarter I was worried and wondering if this coaching staff would ever understand how to beat the "10 in the box" defense. Worried because coaches with enough talent to run this defense will realize how easy it is to stop Belfry's offense. Then Lo and behold they (coaches) finally realize that running the Wildcat spreads the defense out allowing more room for the playmakes to be effective. Oh well, a very disappointing win (if thats possible) and a great effort and moral victory for the Hawks. This years Pirate team is no where near as talented as past teams and to be able to progress deep into the playoffs they will need to be more creative with the offense as well as being more disciplined on the line and finding SOMEONE that can kick an extra point.
im VERY happy with the hakws they had a great game tonight and they walked on the field ready to play! i have never saw them play like they did tonight ANY this season. this just shows for the ones that where saying belfry could beat us by 40 or more that not everyone knows what there talking about and forsure they really didnt know what kinda of team pike central really has. im pretty sure this is the first time in a long time pike central has ever lead belfry in the 3rd quarter isnt it?
correct me if im wrong.
this game reallly showed who central really is and i think ppl owe apologies chapman has really made a change for centrals football team
and hopefully they keep getting better and better and play belfry again for playoffs if it wasnt for the reffs PCC could have took this victory home with no problem this was really PIKE CENTRALS NIGHT! GO HAWKS!!!

you may not have won but you played your hearts out and done a great job and thats all that matters.
keep it up boys!
wooderson Wrote:Around the start of the 4th Quarter I was worried and wondering if this coaching staff would ever understand how to beat the "10 in the box" defense. Worried because coaches with enough talent to run this defense will realize how easy it is to stop Belfry's offense. Then Lo and behold they (coaches) finally realize that running the Wildcat spreads the defense out allowing more room for the playmakes to be effective. Oh well, a very disappointing win (if thats possible) and a great effort and moral victory for the Hawks. This years Pirate team is no where near as talented as past teams and to be able to progress deep into the playoffs they will need to be more creative with the offense as well as being more disciplined on the line and finding SOMEONE that can kick an extra point.

I'm just glad Coach Haywood got on his Blackberry, saw mine and your exchange discussing what they had to do, then made the adjustments Big Grin J/K
soccer fan Wrote:im VERY happy with the hakws they had a great game tonight and they walked on the field ready to play! i have never saw them play like they did tonight ANY this season. this just shows for the ones that where saying belfry could beat us by 40 or more that not everyone knows what there talking about and forsure they really didnt know what kinda of team pike central really has. im pretty sure this is the first time in a long time pike central has ever lead belfry in the 3rd quarter isnt it?
correct me if im wrong.
this game reallly showed who central really is and i think ppl owe apologies chapman has really made a change for centrals football team
and hopefully they keep getting better and better and play belfry again for playoffs if it wasnt for the reffs PCC could have took this victory home with no problem this was really PIKE CENTRALS NIGHT! GO HAWKS!!!

you may not have won but you played your hearts out and done a great job and thats all that matters.
keep it up boys!

Dont blame the refs, it was the correct call, just a bad spot, your coach is the one who cost you an extra 15 yards.. call him up and tell him there are better ways to get your point across then to cost your team yardage!

One thing worth mentioning is that even though his stats won't be all that impressive, this was the 3rd time that when a game was in doubt Thomas Varney put the offense on his back and made it happen. He had 1 yard rushing at Halftime, but once he moved into the Thomcat he lead them on successive drives for TD's. He also led them deep into PC territory another time in the 3rd Quarter but a fumble by Williams on the option negated the drive.

Thomas is a special player, but Belfry cannot keep depending on Varney to save the day. Against Pike Central, it worked, but when they play a Sheldon Clark, Mason County, Breathitt, or Louisville Central,those teams will have the defensive personnell to make the adjustment and it will be lights out. Belfry has got to find a way to complete 4 or 5 passes if needed in order to have hopes of a playoff run.
Nice win for Belfry
Belfry_99 Wrote:Dont blame the refs, it was the correct call, just a bad spot, your coach is the one who cost you an extra 15 yards.. call him up and tell him there are better ways to get your point across then to cost your team yardage!


im pretty sure im not the only person that has said it was cause the reffs just cause your belfry teams isnt what you/people thought they where oh well
run your mouth on someone else!

Stardust Wrote:Nice win for Belfry

What was your prediction that people gave you a hard time about Stardust? Confusedhh:
soccer fan Wrote:im pretty sure im not the only person that has said it was cause the reffs just cause your belfry teams isnt what you/people thought they where oh well
run your mouth on someone else!


Actually you are the only one...I noted that it was the right call but the wrong markoff, but you are going to have a hard time convincing anyone that the refs cost PC a game on their homefield.Make up your mind... was this game close because PC was better than people thought or because Belfry wasn't as good as people thought. Because you contradict yourself.
soccer fan Wrote:im pretty sure im not the only person that has said it was cause the reffs just cause your belfry teams isnt what you/people thought they where oh well
run your mouth on someone else!


I don't care how many people have said it, the refs did not cost anyone the game, Pike Central had their chances to stop Belfry late in the 4th and they could not get a stop.
Stardust Wrote:Belfry 24-10
Nice prediction Stardust...
Belfry_99 Wrote:I don't care how many people have said it, the refs did not cost anyone the game, Pike Central had their chances to stop Belfry late in the 4th and they could not get a stop.

so your saying the horrible markoff made no difference?
Belfry_99 Wrote:Dont blame the refs, it was the correct call, just a bad spot, your coach is the one who cost you an extra 15 yards.. call him up and tell him there are better ways to get your point across then to cost your team yardage!


Belfry_99 Wrote:I don't care how many people have said it, the refs did not cost anyone the game, Pike Central had their chances to stop Belfry late in the 4th and they could not get a stop.

saywhatyouwant nothing changes the fact that belfry is no where near as good as what people thought you all have big heads for no reason!
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:so your saying the horrible markoff made no difference?

On that drive it made a difference, but it only compounded the mistake when Chapman received the unsportsmanlike penalty. It was a drive killer, but there was plenty of time left in the game for Pike Central to get a stop or over come that, but to say the refs gave the game to Belfry is a far stretch. Yes it made a difference on that drive but it did not decide the game.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:so your saying the horrible markoff made no difference?

I look at it as a variable. If they make the correct call it is 1st and 10 PC at their own 30 or somewhere near that. They still have to go 70 yards against a rejuvenated Belfry defense to score a TD.

Could Pike Central have rallied and drove down the field eating the clock for the win? Maybe, but doubtful. Could Pike Central move the ball the way that served them best (big play) and take the lead? Possibly... but they also couldn't stop the Thomcat had they left time on the clock. Could Pike Central have went 3 and out after that and the game end just like it did? Possibly as well.

Point being is there is no way to say that call cost them the game, it hurt their chances of coming back, but it didn't cost them the game. What cost them the game was their inability to stop Belfry once they spread the field.
soccer fan Wrote:saywhatyouwant nothing changes the fact that belfry is no where near as good as what people thought you all have big heads for no reason!

Maybe because we haven't lost to a Pike County team in years, we have two state titles, numerous district and regional titles and one of the best coaches in the state. I for one say we have a heck of alot to be proud of and be cocky about! When you obtain success as Belfry has, it becomes a way of life and success breeds success, thats why when Belfry was down 14-12 late in the fourth they did not panic, they have plenty of past success to draw from and not get rattled, thats the difference between Pike Central and Belfry.
soccer fan Wrote:saywhatyouwant nothing changes the fact that belfry is no where near as good as what people thought you all have big heads for no reason!

Oh brother, you play ONE and I mean ONE good game and now we are overrated and you are world beaters. I cant speak for every Pirate fan but being very confident in our program and having the big head(being cocky) is entirely two different things. In case you havent been watching high school football over the past 30+ years let me clue you in.............Belfry football is a way of life for all Pond Creekers and if some have "big heads" as you say then maybe they've earned that right. Someday and I repeat someday if the Hawks can experience yearly success on the gridiron then you too can come off a little cocky, until then just take your moral victory and we'll see you again come playoff time(if you can make it that far).
Like they say, a wins a win.

Congrats Pirates... kudos to the Hawks!
Belfry_99 Wrote:Maybe because we haven't lost to a Pike County team in years, we have two state titles, numerous district and regional titles and one of the best coaches in the state. I for one say we have a heck of alot to be proud of and be cocky about! When you obtain success as Belfry has, it becomes a way of life and success breeds success, thats why when Belfry was down 14-12 late in the fourth they did not panic, they have plenty of past success to draw from and not get rattled, thats the difference between Pike Central and Belfry.

Good win for belfry. Excited about the matchup next week with us traveling up to Pond Creek. Belfry always seems to play 10 times harder when they face they face us Cards.
Congrats Belfry :]
A_Ray #5 :];850062 Wrote:Good win for belfry. Excited about the matchup next week with us traveling up to Pond Creek. Belfry always seems to play 10 times harder when they face they face us Cards.
Congrats Belfry :]

You are lucky that you play... because at least you are guaranteed a seat for the game. It is going to be CROWDED come Friday.
Belfry_99 Wrote:On that drive it made a difference, but it only compounded the mistake when Chapman received the unsportsmanlike penalty. It was a drive killer, but there was plenty of time left in the game for Pike Central to get a stop or over come that, but to say the refs gave the game to Belfry is a far stretch. Yes it made a difference on that drive but it did not decide the game.

however your taking a biased look at it...You are forgetting to see the great field position it gives Belfry...I am not saying it gave Belfry the win but it did aid in it which you can not deny...Chapmas unsportmanlike call is sort of irrelevant at this point because he is in the right and I do not blame him and im sure the game tape will make its way to KHSAA...If Chapman does not get the Unsportsmanlike call it is still what 1st and 20 from the 10 oppose to first and 10 from the 25 because the flag was thrown at the 35...ummmmmmmmmmm yeah it makes a huge difference ALL AROUND...

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