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Saunders out at Shelby Valley
Surely someone knows E. Ratliff and can find out whether or not he has been offered a principal job and if he intends to come to Valley...If I knew the man I would call him myself.
I am the parent of a "soon to be" fifth grader,who has played two years in the junior cats league. I have helped with the teams for the past two years, along side of Anthony and went to high school and college with Bobby,as well as, played high
school football with him.I don't know Mr.Roberts, but my son,who attends SV, tells me that the players really like him. What I can tell you, is that Anthony and Bobby both know football inside and out and would both be an asset to any team. I could only hope to see both out there on the field when the season rolls around,whether it be as head or assistant coaches. I know my 10year old and I have our preferences for whom would take over,but as long as they keep building like they have over the past few years, we'll be there ready to learn and advance.
JIMLEE58 Wrote:I am the parent of a "soon to be" fifth grader,who has played two years in the junior cats league. I have helped with the teams for the past two years, along side of Anthony and went to high school and college with Bobby,as well as, played high
school football with him.I don't know Mr.Roberts, but my son,who attends SV, tells me that the players really like him. What I can tell you, is that Anthony and Bobby both know football inside and out and would both be an asset to any team. I could only hope to see both out there on the field when the season rolls around,whether it be as head or assistant coaches. I know my 10year old and I have our preferences for whom would take over,but as long as they keep building like they have over the past few years, we'll be there ready to learn and advance.

Very intelligent post. It should be all about the kids.
IF the "Powers that Be" would make it all about the kids...there would not be so many concerns..but anyone who has dealt with the school system knows that is not always the case....
I've been told a coach from Texas who has won a state title applied for the job but the board at Valley told him no right away.
97baseball Wrote:True they might not care about football as much as basketball but with what small support they have had. I would think they would have been a 12 point favoritte if they could get a game with PIKEVILLE but for some reason Saunders could not get a game with PIKEVILLE.
I want some of what youre smokin.
TheCandyManIsBack Wrote:I've been told a coach from Texas who has won a state title applied for the job but the board at Valley told him no right away.

they dont want to win man just to make some people happy not the kids:ChairHit:
new o Wrote:Howard was given free reign at SV but was never involved with the younger kids. He left when he saw there was a great deal of work to do.

Drink it all down, pass it all around:Clap:
new o Wrote:Saunders was the best coach SV ever had as far as X and O's.H is toughness and foul language was something most of the young boys at SV could not handle. Why? Because most of them have been pampered at home. Life is tough get used to it. It will be very interesting to see who the new coach is and how he handles having 16 starters back from last years team that took a very good P-burg team to the wire.
What's pampered at home have to do with making profanity laced tirades acceptable means of motivation? Just because it's football doesn't make it an accceptable thing to do. There are very few coaches that are better motivators and have been more successful in the mountains than Jim Matney. Not only will you never hear profanity come from his lips, he better not hear the players do it either. I can say the very same thing about Shawn Hall, JC's baseball coach as well as JC basketball coach, Tommy McKenzie, and also JC's girls basketball coach Phillip Wireman. They are all some of the most successful coaches in the 15th region, and you'll never hear any of them under any circumstance ever utter the first of those words or use those tactics. It doesn't have to be that way.
While I played under Saunders, we were at Johnson Central for a passing league game, he went into his cussing tirade and I looked at him and said "Do you ever notice that the coaches on the other team are never cussing at the kids, and always seem just happy to be here?" He didn't like that too well.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:What's pampered at home have to do with making profanity laced tirades acceptable means of motivation? Just because it's football doesn't make it an accceptable thing to do. There are very few coaches that are better motivators and have been more successful in the mountains than Jim Matney. Not only will you never hear profanity come from his lips, he better not hear the players do it either. I can say the very same thing about Shawn Hall, JC's baseball coach as well as JC basketball coach, Tommy McKenzie, and also JC's girls basketball coach Phillip Wireman. They are all some of the most successful coaches in the 15th region, and you'll never hear any of them under any circumstance ever utter the first of those words or use those tactics. It doesn't have to be that way.

ohh because a few coaches dont cuss means they all should'nt right?
the kids hear more cursing from there friends and the music they listen to in one day than you'd hear from him in a week. and if they go to college im sure they wont hear one bad word from any of there coaches..sure some kids dont like it but when i played for him we loved it, we thought it was funny when he cussed. and it motivated us ALL...we could cuss him back too so it wasnt just one way man. kids and parents need to grow up. the US ARMY is the best and i can assure you they dont use profanity.
The Claw Wrote:Just wondering, can a school just dream up a teaching position and use tax payers money to pay a teacher that just coaches? I guess people just don't object and sit back and say nothing. Independent schools are monitored a little more closely---I think!!!!!!!!

It happened for the new football coach at Pike Central.:HitWall: :HitWall: :HitWall:
throw deep Wrote:It happened for the new football coach at Pike Central.:HitWall: :HitWall: :HitWall:

and the basketball coach
Mr.Kimball Wrote:What's pampered at home have to do with making profanity laced tirades acceptable means of motivation? Just because it's football doesn't make it an accceptable thing to do. There are very few coaches that are better motivators and have been more successful in the mountains than Jim Matney. Not only will you never hear profanity come from his lips, he better not hear the players do it either. I can say the very same thing about Shawn Hall, JC's baseball coach as well as JC basketball coach, Tommy McKenzie, and also JC's girls basketball coach Phillip Wireman. They are all some of the most successful coaches in the 15th region, and you'll never hear any of them under any circumstance ever utter the first of those words or use those tactics. It doesn't have to be that way.

you sure about that? i ran the chains at a jc vs russel game after one of my games and he went off when someone dropped a pass.... this was middle school.... theese coaches might not curse around you but they sure diddnt care to do it to 12 and 13 year olds. care to explain? oh and im sure they dont curse around girls basketball why? because grown men dont curse around high school girls .......nice central fan lol
:igiveup: I guess I don't understand why folks continue to focus on bashing Saunders. He was a success - cursing or not -. He has chosen to apply and take a position in his home state. I say it is time to give it a rest bashing him - it is now a mute point. The majority of the players and parents accepted his way of coaching and liked him in spite of his characteristic flaws. He is gone as of the end of the day Monday- sadly our concern now lies with what is going to happen to our team now. :please: We have heard a plan is in place and it seems as if there has been NO consideration to the best interest of our players. Don't get me wrong the players will succeed in spite of who the coach is because they are an awesome team. It will just make it a very difficult year for EVERYONE if they appoint someone that is not fitting for the team.

Like I said before if anyone knows Eric Ratliff and has any news on if indeed he has not accepted or been offered assist prinicpal position and plans to come to SV as a head coach we would like to know. On the other hand if anyone has any other news we would like to know as well. We are just hearing rumors...at this point and of course the admin. says it will just be up to the SBDM once they review the applicants. YEAH RIGHT !!!
seabiscuit51 Wrote:you sure about that? i ran the chains at a jc vs russel game after one of my games and he went off when someone dropped a pass.... this was middle school.... theese coaches might not curse around you but they sure diddnt care to do it to 12 and 13 year olds. care to explain? oh and im sure they dont curse around girls basketball why? because grown men dont curse around high school girls .......nice central fan lol

I'm sitting here to makes heads or tails out what you are trying to say. What coach did what? The ones I mentioned dont do it. Maybe others might.That still doesn't mean you have to do it to be a successful motivator because the ones I mentioned have been highly successful not doing it. That was the point.
central fan Wrote:ohh because a few coaches dont cuss means they all should'nt right?
the kids hear more cursing from there friends and the music they listen to in one day than you'd hear from him in a week. and if they go to college im sure they wont hear one bad word from any of there coaches..sure some kids dont like it but when i played for him we loved it, we thought it was funny when he cussed. and it motivated us ALL...we could cuss him back too so it wasnt just one way man. kids and parents need to grow up. the US ARMY is the best and i can assure you they dont use profanity.

You gonna jump off a cliff, because someone else does that too?
central fan Wrote:ohh because a few coaches dont cuss means they all should'nt right?
the kids hear more cursing from there friends and the music they listen to in one day than you'd hear from him in a week. and if they go to college im sure they wont hear one bad word from any of there coaches..sure some kids dont like it but when i played for him we loved it, we thought it was funny when he cussed. and it motivated us ALL...we could cuss him back too so it wasnt just one way man. kids and parents need to grow up. the US ARMY is the best and i can assure you they dont use profanity.

I don't like the use of profanity by coaches or players. There's no need or use for it, on or off the field. If you can't do it on Friday nights, why allow it at practice. There's no good from allowing it to go on. Now, I know in heated moments there will be some slip ups, but it shouldn't be condoned. Coaches and players should realize that high school kids are not the only one's involved in the program. The youth league is also part of the overall program and they look up to the older kids and want to be like them when they get older. Football is played in a public venue, with parents and kids always around. A team needs to be respectful to a community and that's how you get respect from the community.
I'm not cutting on Coach Saunders, just my opinion on this issue. I've heard nothing but good things about Saunders, except for this one black mark that's always brought up when his name is mentioned.
and..as with that and Saunders...anyone will focus on whatever negative they can find in someone they wish to not support...that is just the human nature of most folks...if it wasn't the language and cursing it would be the education, the way they dress, what they drive, where they came from ...or something else. I know for a fact that some of the folks in this community that have spoken negative about Saunders and his faults had better be glad they don't live in glass houses. They certainly have no clue what many of their own children are saying, involved in or even aware of.

It will be the same way with anyone in a leadership position even if parents were the ones to choose...there will be something they do not approve of.

Saunders is gone as of close of business tomorrow (Very unfortunate for the football program at Valley) and I hope that everyone on here and in the community can allow their negative statements in regard to him go and appreciate what he achieved in the football program regardless of his faults.

I hope parents and the community realize this admin. has made yet another statement as to their lack of support for the football program at SV by not working to meet the needs of Coach Saunders and ensuring his coaching contract was renewed.

They should have dealt with the complaints and worked on those while recognizing his success and appreciate what he accomplished with the football program...

I hope all parents will rally together and approach this admin to ensure their choice is focused on the best for our players.
Good post!
Wildcat FB Parent Wrote:and..as with that and Saunders...anyone will focus on whatever negative they can find in someone they wish to not support...that is just the human nature of most folks...if it wasn't the language and cursing it would be the education, the way they dress, what they drive, where they came from ...or something else. I know for a fact that some of the folks in this community that have spoken negative about Saunders and his faults had better be glad they don't live in glass houses. They certainly have no clue what many of their own children are saying, involved in or even aware of.

It will be the same way with anyone in a leadership position even if parents were the ones to choose...there will be something they do not approve of.

Saunders is gone as of close of business tomorrow (Very unfortunate for the football program at Valley) and I hope that everyone on here and in the community can allow their negative statements in regard to him go and appreciate what he achieved in the football program regardless of his faults.

I hope parents and the community realize this admin. has made yet another statement as to their lack of support for the football program at SV by not working to meet the needs of Coach Saunders and ensuring his coaching contract was renewed.

They should have dealt with the complaints and worked on those while recognizing his success and appreciate what he accomplished with the football program...

I hope all parents will rally together and approach this admin to ensure their choice is focused on the best for our players.
Wildcat FB Parent Wrote:and..as with that and Saunders...anyone will focus on whatever negative they can find in someone they wish to not support...that is just the human nature of most folks...if it wasn't the language and cursing it would be the education, the way they dress, what they drive, where they came from ...or something else. I know for a fact that some of the folks in this community that have spoken negative about Saunders and his faults had better be glad they don't live in glass houses. They certainly have no clue what many of their own children are saying, involved in or even aware of.

It will be the same way with anyone in a leadership position even if parents were the ones to choose...there will be something they do not approve of.

Saunders is gone as of close of business tomorrow (Very unfortunate for the football program at Valley) and I hope that everyone on here and in the community can allow their negative statements in regard to him go and appreciate what he achieved in the football program regardless of his faults.

I hope parents and the community realize this admin. has made yet another statement as to their lack of support for the football program at SV by not working to meet the needs of Coach Saunders and ensuring his coaching contract was renewed.

They should have dealt with the complaints and worked on those while recognizing his success and appreciate what he accomplished with the football program...

I hope all parents will rally together and approach this admin to ensure their choice is focused on the best for our players.

It was actually KS choice as to not return to SV. I am curious as to just what KS has accomplished? Don't get me wrong here, I like KS, but I couldn't have worked for him. He alienated most people around him. I grant you that he is a good coach, but anyone who was coach during his tenure at SV would have had the same accomplishments and record. IMO, SV needs someone from the community, that can teach these kids respect doesn't come out of fear or force but out of pride for your school and community.
throw deep Wrote:It happened for the new football coach at Pike Central.:HitWall: :HitWall: :HitWall:

What do you think Philip Haywood is doing at Belfry right now..(i.e. now retired 100 day contact and made up job).. so don't go blowin' up at PC as if they are the only school having it done for them..I am sure no Pirate fans are complaining about Haywood getting the same deal.

It would happen at Shelby Valley too if your school's administration would make a commitment to football.
central fan Wrote:and the basketball coach

And how did Booher get to Shelby Valley? Given an assistant principal's job maybe..let he with no sins cast the first stone SV....
It was Coach Saunders decision to not return to SV because of decisions admin made regarding his next year assignments as well as the lack of support by admin. It was a battle for him to get QUALITY assist coaching help. He and Coach Roberts would have made an awesome team. Anyone can work for someone if they understand the goal and focus on the goal rather than the traits or characteristics of the leader. I disagree that any coach could have accomplished what he did. I agree that a GOOD coach could have because there are good players on the team who have some of the strong determination and goals that Coach Saunders has. I don't think the players ever felt the fear or force even at his worse. They handled him well and respected him. You are WRONG to say they need to be taught that respect comes from pride for your school and community. There is not another team I have EVER witnessed that has more pride in their school and community.

NOW - AGAIN - I think it is time we leave KEVIN SAUNDERS out of the equation. He is gone and our CONCERN is the upcoming coach as there are some in the running we DEFINITELY do not want in a leadership role with our players.
Wildcat FB Parent Wrote:It was Coach Saunders decision to not return to SV because of decisions admin made regarding his next year assignments as well as the lack of support by admin. It was a battle for him to get QUALITY assist coaching help. He and Coach Roberts would have made an awesome team. Anyone can work for someone if they understand the goal and focus on the goal rather than the traits or characteristics of the leader. I disagree that any coach could have accomplished what he did. I agree that a GOOD coach could have because there are good players on the team who have some of the strong determination and goals that Coach Saunders has. I don't think the players ever felt the fear or force even at his worse. They handled him well and respected him. You are WRONG to say they need to be taught that respect comes from pride for your school and community. There is not another team I have EVER witnessed that has more pride in their school and community.

NOW - AGAIN - I think it is time we leave KEVIN SAUNDERS out of the equation. He is gone and our CONCERN is the upcoming coach as there are some in the running we DEFINITELY do not want in a leadership role with our players.

It was KS that volunteered for his job assignment and I will let that go as is. Next, ANYONE can't work with a coach when their traits or characteristics are demeaning or vulgar, sorry, I just said that I couldn't do it, you may have been able to. Lastly, do you really think it is WRONG to teach a kid respect through caring about your community and school. I never said these kids don't have pride, I know they do, they just need to be taught the correct way of showing it.
No, what I said was these kids did not need taught. They have the pride and respect and know how to show it. These are fine young men. I am not going to speak on behalf of KS and his assignments but I was told by him that he had a change in teaching assignments that was not acceptable to him.

During the fundraiser at Applebees the team/players received numerous compliments from the staff, customers and management of Applebees as they were told SV Football team was the hardest working and had the best manners of anyone they have there.

I can only hope the SBDM and FD will consider the hard work that Coach Roberts has done with these players and the committment to the team he has shown and will allow him to lead this team. I think you will also agree that he has many of the qualities you have mentioned. He believes in a strict protocol of behavior and has already addressed the language issue with players and that it will not be tolerated. Coach Roberts has the respect of the players and most parents (at least those who have talked with their players or gotten to know him) and he will do a fantastic job should he be given the opportunity.
All kids have to be taught how to behave at some point in their lives and then re-enforced throughout their lives. As I have stated before, the next coach needs to be able to do this. I just hope and pray that the right decision is made for these boys. Ever who it is, I still think it needs to be someone from this community with good moral leadership ability.
I agree and I think Coach Roberts is exactly what they need...!!!!
I agree Saunders is gone so now we must look ahead. While looking ahead we must also look to what Saunders built while he was here. He had our feeder teams combined and playing well. This needs to conitnue. SV must also try to get more players from Dorton. There are some good athletes coming up if they coninue to play so do not think the cupboard is bare.
trufan Wrote:It was actually KS choice as to not return to SV. I am curious as to just what KS has accomplished? Don't get me wrong here, I like KS, but I couldn't have worked for him. He alienated most people around him. I grant you that he is a good coach, but anyone who was coach during his tenure at SV would have had the same accomplishments and record. IMO, SV needs someone from the community, that can teach these kids respect doesn't come out of fear or force but out of pride for your school and community.

From a complete outsider, this is what he accomplished in his short stint that noone else had:

- First District Runner-Up this decade (and a very competitive showing against the district champion)
- First Home Playoff Game this decade (only 2nd time in school history)
- First Playoff victory
- Playoff Appearance in Back to Back Seasons (not as a #4 seed in either season)
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