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Boyle County 13 Bell County 10 (4A Semifinal)
Maid of the Mts. Wrote:Great game by both team's. Boyle was better then Bell Friday. To boyle fan's, Coaching staff, and player's great job. You may not know this but for coach to go to trick play's was a great statement to how well your def. played. Have not seen game film but in live time I thought that the 15 yard pen. was a close call. I guess this is a judgement call. What did everyone else think. I don't wan't the answer to be that's what beat Bell because that was not, or that's just sour grapes. Just a close call. As for my buddy Rocket 01 way to stay to form and being a fan of everyone Bell play's. History is History. Go Boyle,from a fan of Bell.

I did see the PF call and of course I thought it was a bad one, but to be serious it looked as though the Bell player thought the Boyle receiver had caught the ball and was trying to knock the ball out and it would be teribly difficult to change direction with the momentum that these players play with. This call was very ? call it did change things if it hadn't been called it would have been 4th and 7 on the 49 if I remember right. This drive with the penalty did result in the only 7 points that Boyle put on the score board.
Football Fool Wrote:I said it weeks ago the player Bell County missed the most was Monte Merrick.What if that type of a kicker had been there. Would there be a diff outcome. Great job to both teams.

Our kicker Hilton was 1/1 on the night. I wish they would had went for the other one when it was 4th and 9 on the 13. Instead we went for it and didnt kick a FG. Hilton would had made it if they would had went that route.
Maid of the Mts. Wrote:Thank's what did you think about the 15 yard pen.? Good call or bad call?

Congrats to Bell county Classic game, this was the only penalty called on Bell all game and Bell had 0 turnovers...:Cheerlead
BellCoBobcats09 Wrote:Our kicker Hilton was 1/1 on the night. I wish they would had went for the other one when it was 4th and 9 on the 13. Instead we went for it and didnt kick a FG. Hilton would had made it if they would had went that route.

If it was good to go for it in the first quater one would surely think that we would have gone for this one. Hind sight is 20 20..:ChairHit:
How many would agree that the refs really let the boys play the game I did see several Boyle co. holding calls and a couple of pass inter. call that could have been called and I'm sure Bell probably got away with a few but I wasn't looking for those.:eyeroll:
Football1 Wrote:Nice class Bell fan. There are several posts on this thread that are clearly intended to draw Bell fans into some sort of agrument. It is a testament to the true sportsmanship that has become typical for Bell fans that you have sustained from entering into this garbage. On the other hand, it does not speak so well for Boyle fans - who frankly escaped a butt whipping by the most narrow of margins on their own field. Nicely done Bell. Class is a waning characteristic in sports these days... Trust me, I'm from Knox...LOL.

I will agree with you that Bell does have some fan members that have class. But if you read some of the thread that lead up to this game than you could say the same about them. That they were clearly intended to draw Boyle fans into a agrument about the game. Now for the Boyle fan that ran on the field. It was a man that did it and if you know who he is than I would agree that the man has know class. But :please:do not put all Boyle fan in the same league as this guy. Every school has there share of people who have know class and then their are the ones that love the game and show class wether they win or lose. Most of the Bell people that I have met have class and have my respect. Plus, if you where at the game. I don't know where you seen the butt whipping that we escaped. Because this was one of the best game and closes games I have seen. Boyle had more yardage than Bell and we stopped there running game which nobody has been able to do.:Thumbs:
CATDAD2 Wrote:How many would agree that the refs really let the boys play the game I did see several Boyle co. holding calls and a couple of pass inter. call that could have been called and I'm sure Bell probably got away with a few but I wasn't looking for those.:eyeroll:

I agree with you.:Thumbs: If you are Bell fan or a Boyle fan you will see thing against your team that nobody sees from the other team. But, yes I think the refs let them play and tried somewhat not to control the game.
Maid of the Mts. Wrote:Great game by both team's. Boyle was better then Bell Friday. To boyle fan's, Coaching staff, and player's great job. You may not know this but for coach to go to trick play's was a great statement to how well your def. played. Have not seen game film but in live time I thought that the 15 yard pen. was a close call. I guess this is a judgement call. What did everyone else think. I don't wan't the answer to be that's what beat Bell because that was not, or that's just sour grapes. Just a close call. As for my buddy Rocket 01 way to stay to form and being a fan of everyone Bell play's. History is History. Go Boyle,from a fan of Bell.

This is somewhat true but not in all cases, Alcoa's first play of the game when they played Bell was a trick play. This is a good call when you need a momentum change .:yikes:
BellCoBobcats09 Wrote:Our kicker Hilton was 1/1 on the night. I wish they would had went for the other one when it was 4th and 9 on the 13. Instead we went for it and didnt kick a FG. Hilton would had made it if they would had went that route.

Would they had went for it if Merrick was there.
BellCoBobcats09 Wrote:Our kicker Hilton was 1/1 on the night. I wish they would had went for the other one when it was 4th and 9 on the 13. Instead we went for it and didnt kick a FG. Hilton would had made it if they would had went that route.

Had he kicked a 31 yard FG before? I don't recall Bell attempting many all year. There is a big difference in High School between a 21 yard FG and 31 yard FG.
CATDAD2 Wrote:If it was good to go for it in the first quater one would surely think that we would have gone for this one. Hind sight is 20 20..:ChairHit:

About a 10 yard distance difference between the two kicks.
CATDAD2 Wrote:Congrats to Bell county Classic game, this was the only penalty called on Bell all game and Bell had 0 turnovers...:Cheerlead

That's what makes it an even greater game. Few penalties on both teams and mistakes by both were pivotal but at a minimum. (Bell: the penalty, Boyle: the fumble)

Both teams laid their best on the line that night and each big play was needed by both squads.
No matter how bad of sportsmanship a player has or even if he headbutts or punches after a play, no matter how much filthy mouth and taunting he runs, no matter how disrespectful a player maybe, no player should receive a taunting after a game, especially a game like this one.
CATDAD2 Wrote:How many would agree that the refs really let the boys play the game I did see several Boyle co. holding calls and a couple of pass inter. call that could have been called and I'm sure Bell probably got away with a few but I wasn't looking for those.:eyeroll:

I agree with you. There were also a couple of possible personal fouls that could have been called on Bell, and I think there were times the back judge held the flag for possible delay of game penalties on Boyle. According to the Advocate Messenger there were only four penalties all game (1 on Bell for 15 yards, 3 on Boyle for 13 yards). Personally I prefer these kind of games, where the players decide the game, not the officials.
MSU Eagle Wrote:I agree with you. There were also a couple of possible personal fouls that could have been called on Bell, and I think there were times the back judge held the flag for possible delay of game penalties on Boyle. According to the Advocate Messenger there were only four penalties all game (1 on Bell for 15 yards, 3 on Boyle for 13 yards). Personally I prefer these kind of games, where the players decide the game, not the officials.

I totally agree. :Thumbs:
CATDAD2 Wrote:Oh yea, all we heard all year is how Boyle pulled back in the 4th quater, some times it's great wisdom just to stay quiet it's obvious you really don't know what your talking about.:flush::flush:

Would you not agree Bell was out of gas midway thru the 3rd quarter?
I think the reason the Bell player got the personal foul is that he led with his helmet,and it was a little late. it happened right in front of us.i think the officials done a pretty good job they let the teams decide it on the field.the only other thing i can say is that was one of the best football games ive ever attended.:Thumbs:
CATDAD2 Wrote:How many would agree that the refs really let the boys play the game I did see several Boyle co. holding calls and a couple of pass inter. call that could have been called and I'm sure Bell probably got away with a few but I wasn't looking for those.:eyeroll:

I thought the refs did OK. They missed Bell's head butt on Dawson and the two pass interference calls on Boyle were pretty iffy. The late hit call was pay back for the missed head butt I think.
backinblack2003 Wrote:And I will say this. I heard alot of people ragging on Boyle's schedule but it set them up nicely to play a 4 quarter game. Christian County made them play 4 quarters to end the regular season. Yeah its great Bell played Alcoa but what good does that do you 13 weeks down the road when you are beating everyone 56-0 and only playing 2 quarters of football? Bell wore down last night because they weren't in 4th quarter games like Boyle.

No disrespect to Bell, but it was pretty obvious that Boyle was a BIG step up from what they were used to playing. I think that playing Lex Cath twice this season, and Christian County late, really prepared Boyle for this type of game. Bell played one big time opponent to open the season and was routed. That didn't do much to prepare them for a smash mouth game in November. It was pretty apparent as the game wore on that Bell wasn't as conditioned as Boyle and were just worn out by the end of the game.
BB CLAW Wrote:No matter how bad of sportsmanship a player has or even if he headbutts or punches after a play, no matter how much filthy mouth and taunting he runs, no matter how disrespectful a player maybe, no player should receive a taunting after a game, especially a game like this one.

So a dirty player just gets a free pass? Wrong.
From my view of the 15 yard penalty. #14 Hilton lead with his head and hit our reciever #4 Givan in the helmet after the pass was incomplete. If Hilton would have not gone after his head IMO the flagged would not have been thrown.
CATDAD2 Wrote:1)I guess Lawrence, Rockcastle, Whitley, Johnson Central, Marion, Knox Central, and of course Alcoa were all week teams. For the few un-educated football fans that Boyle has that is trying to stir stink with Bell, the game was decided by a field goal in the final 3 seconds Boyle played a great last two possessions that controlled the clock. There was some things that Bell did that was totally un-characteristic of what they had done all year not because of any great thing that Boyle had done but for example why didn't Bell run a screen pass that Boyle was giving to them the entire game and had worked for them in other times. IF the field goal had been missed could it be possible that the shoe be on the other foot this morning. Boyle players, coaches, and fans, it's obvious the respect you have for the Bell program because of the amount of celebration and excitement when the 3 points went through the up rights. Truely as a whole you have great class and congrats on the victory, 2) enjoy it because some of these same folks that dislike Bell will hate you next year simply because you beat them and you are a winner. :1:

1) None except Alcoa are in the same class as Boyle, Bell, or Lex Cath.

2) Boyle has been a winner for years and are not nearly as hated as Bell. People on this forum hate Bell because of Bell fan's actions and attitudes when posting here, not because they are a good football program.
I dont know what the deal was with the ladies or gentlemen(playing Nice) saying something to the Bell County players after the game. Thats horrible! I cant imagine. Im very sorry for the actions of a few horrible sports. I felt bad for you guys because I remember the ride home last year. I told my husband on the way home at least the seniors got a ring last year(if they played). For the next group theres still time. There are alot of kids that didnt even make it this far or will never have a chance to play in a state championship game. Hold your head up Boys, for the rest of ya theres always next year and you guys always show up(dang it!) Again I apologize for the poor behavior of a few! It was a great game!
Rebel55 Wrote:From my view of the 15 yard penalty. #14 Hilton lead with his head and hit our reciever #4 Givan in the helmet after the pass was incomplete. If Hilton would have not gone after his head IMO the flagged would not have been thrown.

it was #10 the safty that mad the hit but it shoulod have been a late hit call b.c the ball was tip how was he to know the recevier didnt catch it....the wr hadnt even came back to the ground b4 the hit.....
BB CLAW Wrote:No matter how bad of sportsmanship a player has or even if he headbutts or punches after a play, no matter how much filthy mouth and taunting he runs, no matter how disrespectful a player maybe, no player should receive a taunting after a game, especially a game like this one.

I haven't seen anyone on here say that he or she should.
:thanks:i didnt see the headbutt everyone is talking about....but on the first play of the game on the fuble when #24 Patterson from bell was on the bottom of the pile with the football the refs stood everyone up but patterson and then a boyle player dont know the number for sure kicked him planly in the head....so maybe thats why they didnt call the headbutt.....
kyfootballer Wrote:it was #10 the safty that mad the hit but it shoulod have been a late hit call b.c the ball was tip how was he to know the recevier didnt catch it....the wr hadnt even came back to the ground b4 the hit.....

I think your missing the point. IMO the flagged was thrown for going after his head not the hit in general. I still think it was #14.

I hope you all put this game up on your "On Demand". I would love to see this game again on viedo. Maybe than we will find out for sure who it was.

Speaking of fans, Bell County Bobcats lost one of their most faithful fans and past player last night...Dallas Skidmore...he sure loved his Bell County football and was at the game last night cheering us on!!
mommacat Wrote:Speaking of fans, Bell County Bobcats lost one of their most faithful fans and past player last night...Dallas Skidmore...he sure loved his Bell County football and was at the game last night cheering us on!!

Sorry to hear that mommacat. God's grace be with his family and friends at this time.
I am a classy Bell County fan! I want to congrats Boyle County on hard fought come from behind win. I will be going for you guys to bring home another state title. I am Going to bowlin green and support boyle county in the state title game.:1:
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