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Paintsville 75 Pikeville 55
I guess I'll talk about the game now. Overall Paintsville played a good game. They played in spurts the first half. They would play great on both ends for a few straight trips then they would play not so good a few straight trips. They would have a 10 point lead then let Pikeville go on a 5-0 run. They would go back up 10 then Pikeville would go on a 5-0 run. Landon had a great game. I thought for sure he had atleast 30 but he ended up with 22. Grimmy had another great game. J.D. played good and shot the ball alot better tonight when Adams wasn't blockin it, lol. Murray had another solid game on both ends. Blake had a great game defensively and had alot of assists. Didn't score much tonight but probably accounted for 12-16 points with some nice passes. Pack had a few great plays. He came outta nowhere on that offensive put back in the first half.
As for Pikeville. Clevenger had another good game against the Tigers. He is what makes that team go IMO. Would love to have him in the blue and white. I think he finished with 18. Adams had a bunch of blocks on the defensive end, was held in check on the offensive side. I thought Honaker had a good game, thought he had atleast 15-16 points but the radio said he only had 8 I think. Jordan Bell hit some big shots from outside.
Redneck Wrote:It happened.

The guy was yellin at the refs for not callin any elbows. They called a foul on J.D. after Adams landed one on him. When he was shootin his free throws a guy was yellin, "throw your elbows now, throw your elbows no" and Adams air balled the free throw. At halftime his parents walked up there and said somethin to him about it.
As a Tiger fan, I have to disagree with you on this post. Adams to me didnt look like he really threw an elbow. The way it appeared to me is that he used his arm to make some room and he did hit JD with it. It wasnt a foul on JD, they called a charge on Adams. The air ball from the freethrow line was before this happened. Where I was sitting about half way up the bleachers and more toward the Pikeville side, I did hear someone yelling out derogatory remarks about him. I did not hear who said it but I did hear it. I did not see anyone say anything to anyone over it. I did see a little altercation in the first row on the Pikevilles side. Nothing come from though, just a few finger pointing between two men.
As far as the game is concerned, I am glad to see the boys go out with a big win over a quality program. If we can shoot the whole game the way we did in the third quarter, we will beat anyone in the region and a lot of teams in the state.
1977 Wrote:Most really don't want to bring sv into the picture. This has nothing to do with valley except for the fact that their entire coaching staff and the entire Braynt clan were in attendance to scout Paintsville and over look Pikeville...... again.

They were there to scout Pikeville since they will play them first.
Great finish for the season Pantsville. You guys have made us proud. Don't stop until about March 23. See you at state guys.

By the way SV you better be ready we will see you in the Region and you guys will be :igiveup:
The King Wrote:Just wondering... do you really think that Paintsville's 20 point win over Pikeville (without Gatlin Clark) at Paintsville is more impressive that Shelby Valley's 24 point win over Pikeville at Pikeville? I agree that Paintsville may be playing the best ball in the region, but you make it sound like Paintsville just beat Mason Co. by 20...

I think every other team should have just set out the entire season and let SV and Paintsville bang their heads against each other all season because their egos are so big that they can't possibly fit in the same state together. If I could have gotten to a few people last night I would have given them a ear full myself. I'm really tired of the abuse some of our players have to take. I'm not even their parent but I sure would like to tell them what I think of them. If some of our players get testy they have every reason, you have no idea what kind of trash talking some of our players put up with. It's listening to all of you turn every thread into a SV/Paintsville or how SV is the best and we're going to do this and that. Well great, have at it, you might make it to the first or second round of the tournament at Rupp and then you may then be lunch for one of the top schools in Ky. Just remember, who you step on, on your way up, because you just may have to face them on the way back down. Old proverb. Just keep your egos in check.
HazzBeen Wrote:They were there to scout Pikeville since they will play them first.
I dont see why they would have to scout Pikeville because they have three game tapes from where they played them this season already. I wouldnt care to bet that they was there to watch Paintsville. Just the same as Paintsville will have people scouting Shelby Valley before the regions start. That is what coaches do. They scout, take notes, then prepare their team for who they are facing.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Belive it or not, SV's coaches were probably scouting both teams. What a novel idea! Good coaches prepare for who they are playing next, but in the back of their mind they know that a matchup with Paintsville is pretty likely. Heaven forbid that they prepare for that just in case!!! As long as they don't let the boys overlook who they are playing, then they are doing their job the right way. If you wait until the day before you meet that team to start thinking about how to play them, you aren't a very prepared coach.
[quote=BasketBallonlyfan]I dont see why they would have to scout Pikeville because they have three game tapes from where they played them this season already. I wouldnt care to bet that they was there to watch Paintsville. Just the same as Paintsville will have people scouting Shelby Valley before the regions start. That is what coaches do. They scout, take notes, then prepare their team for who they are facing.[/quote

They have a different style now without Gatlin. They have different subbing patterns and play different people now. Coach Booher wants to be prepared for all this. I talk to him quite a bit with him being in my family.
Warlock Wrote:As a Tiger fan, I have to disagree with you on this post. Adams to me didnt look like he really threw an elbow. The way it appeared to me is that he used his arm to make some room and he did hit JD with it. It wasnt a foul on JD, they called a charge on Adams. The air ball from the freethrow line was before this happened. Where I was sitting about half way up the bleachers and more toward the Pikeville side, I did hear someone yelling out derogatory remarks about him. I did not hear who said it but I did hear it. I did not see anyone say anything to anyone over it. I did see a little altercation in the first row on the Pikevilles side. Nothing come from though, just a few finger pointing between two men.
I agree! Adams was not throwing elbows, he was squaring up into a triple threat position. BMR has been an advocate of doing this for years.
Congrats Tigers on a very well played game and the win.
I would like to see Pikeville get out of this guard-oriented offense and put Honaker on one block and Adams on the other block. I would dare either one to get over 5 feet from the basket. Adams would most definatley draw a double team, that would leave Honaker open, and if Adams puts the shot up and misses you have Honaker there to rebound. I don't think any team could math-up with Honaker on the low post, he's too physical and quick. Adams may have an off night offensively, but he will still draw the double teams every game. I just think this would be hard for any team in the 15th to stop.
Most of the night against Paintsville, Devon was getting the ball too far from the goal and had to make too many moves to get his shot off. Getting the ball 5-6 feet from the goal would allow him keep the ball high and not have to put the ball on the floor or bring it low to make his moves.
I believe Honaker would be a tremendous weapon playing on the block where he and Adams could compliment each other.
Just my opinion. Any thoughts?
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:I dont see why they would have to scout Pikeville because they have three game tapes from where they played them this season already. I wouldnt care to bet that they was there to watch Paintsville. Just the same as Paintsville will have people scouting Shelby Valley before the regions start. That is what coaches do. They scout, take notes, then prepare their team for who they are facing.
As differently as Pikeville plays from one game to the next, I would watch them every chance I got.
Congrats Paintsville. Paintsville has a solid team. I just hope they can keep it up.

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