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Corbin 47 Pulaski County 20
ok ill bite. As good as the 2013-2016 teams were they took some beatings. Those teams were tied at halftime during two state championship games and were ran off the field after half time. That's coaching. Look at his total record. Has PC ever upset anyone? Maybe Highlands in 2015. How many times has PC lost to teams they should have beat? I've sat in the stands for years and wondered what in the world is going on. The last two games, Wayne was a train wreck and Corbin, Hines did not even try to do anything in that game. Talk to players and parents who have gone through the program. There is a lot outsiders do not know. Hines has his few supporters and maybe they should watch some film
ArJay Wrote:That is why I say best team and not best talent. Corbin has had a lot of talent before, but now they have an excellent coaching staff in place. What other staff has 4 former successful head coaches as assistants? When you have those combinations along with great talent this is what you get. Hopefully the Bobcats can give you a game though!
Well best team can be taken a couple different ways. That’s why I elaborated further to open up conversation....

I hope the bobcats can give us a game too. It benefits no one- other than our bragging rights- to put a running clock on a team. Competition breeds success
In great programs:
Coaches coach.
Players play.
Parents parent.
Boosters boost.
Know your role and dominate your lane. Most programs don’t need more chiefs, just more folks being great at what they are called to do!- Brandon Wicox
For someone to say Hines can’t coach or don’t know the game of Football is a statement I’d never make..... There has to be something goin on behind the scenes that’s tearing these kids down. They don’t even act like they wanna play, or win. That’s not a trait of the team he puts on the field. Something just isn’t right.... I will say this tho, if Pulaski parents want him out they better be careful what you wish for.... It’s not everyday you get a coach his caliber. Sad situation..... He will find a spot to land pretty easily with his experiences...
Sounds like the parents and some of the players have a sense of entitlement. That can cause a program to go downhill faster than anything else.

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