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Belfry 2012
They will be right back on the carpet.
Belfry0304 Wrote:Little update from Pond Creek: Sani Warren has been arranging player-led throwing sessions a few times a week with a good number of players showing up. Excellent news and leadership from him. Can't be more excited to hear that!

FYI, I few Pikeville "supporters" are contradicting this statement. Saying they have been in contact with him regarding a possible transfer to the Panther program. Apparently it stems from the abundance of pass attempts the QB seems to get in the Pikeville system. Not sure on their chances of luring Sani away from the Pirate program because a move to Pikeville would definately be a downgrade. On a side note their is another Pirate player being discussed in this "deal" also and he will be an integral cog to the Pirates making another run at state next year. Although not as high on their list as Sani, he will be a starter for the Pirates next year.
wooderson Wrote:FYI, I few Pikeville "supporters" are contradicting this statement. Saying they have been in contact with him regarding a possible transfer to the Panther program. Apparently it stems from the abundance of pass attempts the QB seems to get in the Pikeville system. Not sure on their chances of luring Sani away from the Pirate program because a move to Pikeville would definately be a downgrade. On a side note their is another Pirate player being discussed in this "deal" also and he will be an integral cog to the Pirates making another run at state next year. Although not as high on their list as Sani, he will be a starter for the Pirates next year.

I know both of the kids you are talking about. Unfortunately we can't make this kids mind up for him. I've told him several times that if he wants to go D1, season performance isn't nearly as much as camps and such. Ask Zeke Pike. If he chooses to go to Pikeville, Keaton Taylor will gladly step up or someone else and we'll keep on trucking. Hope Sani sticks around, but for him not to would be simply put, foolish.
Belfry0304 Wrote:I know both of the kids you are talking about. Unfortunately we can't make this kids mind up for him. I've told him several times that if he wants to go D1, season performance isn't nearly as much as camps and such. Ask Zeke Pike. If he chooses to go to Pikeville, Keaton Taylor will gladly step up or someone else and we'll keep on trucking. Hope Sani sticks around, but for him not to would be simply put, foolish.

I believe some of the "pushing" to go to Pikeville is coming from some family members of these kids. They are getting some pretty big promises from people really close to the Panther program. The funniest part of all of this is that the people that are feeding me this information know Im a Belfry supporter and yet they continue to give me inside information that looks very very shady. I just take it all in stride.Confusedhh:
I agree with you, if Sani thinks playing for Pikeville is what will make him a desirable D1 QB then go for it. We would love to have him as he would be very integral to our success next year. But to say he will be the main reason for a return trip to the finals would be foolish. Belfry has a very athletic, talented and experienced team coming back next year and if need be someone will step up and gladly take his vacated position. As for the other kid being mentioned, I believe it stems from a parent believing he is a little better than he actually is. As hard as it is for that parent to believe, his son is actually just a pawn in this package deal to bring Sani to the Panther program.
wooderson Wrote:I believe some of the "pushing" to go to Pikeville is coming from some family members of these kids. They are getting some pretty big promises from people really close to the Panther program. The funniest part of all of this is that the people that are feeding me this information know Im a Belfry supporter and yet they continue to give me inside information that looks very very shady. I just take it all in stride.Confusedhh:
I agree with you, if Sani thinks playing for Pikeville is what will make him a desirable D1 QB then go for it. We would love to have him as he would be very integral to our success next year. But to say he will be the main reason for a return trip to the finals would be foolish. Belfry has a very athletic, talented and experienced team coming back next year and if need be someone will step up and gladly take his vacated position. As for the other kid being mentioned, I believe it stems from a parent believing he is a little better than he actually is. As hard as it is for that parent to believe, his son is actually just a pawn in this package deal to bring Sani to the Panther program.

Send me a message, Wooderson, let's chat.

I had originally been convinced Belfry would be more open to passing the ball w/ Sani at quarterback and with him getting everyone together to throw (Which is in FACT happening, I've seen it) that may be so, but I'm just not sure we'll ever throw THAT much. With work Sani could be a legitimate D1 DB just as well as a QB. He's a super talented kid, and a good friend of mine, but if he decides to go to Pikeville, we won't sag our heads, we'll move forward and look at the positive. I'm sure someone on our roster, including Keaton who I would imagine is #2 to Sani at this point, can step up. Just find us a fullback.
Belfry0304 Wrote:Send me a message, Wooderson, let's chat.

I had originally been convinced Belfry would be more open to passing the ball w/ Sani at quarterback and with him getting everyone together to throw (Which is in FACT happening, I've seen it) that may be so, but I'm just not sure we'll ever throw THAT much. With work Sani could be a legitimate D1 DB just as well as a QB. He's a super talented kid, and a good friend of mine, but if he decides to go to Pikeville, we won't sag our heads, we'll move forward and look at the positive. I'm sure someone on our roster, including Keaton who I would imagine is #2 to Sani at this point, can step up. Just find us a fullback.

What shocks me about this is that you said sani is a good friend of yours and I am curious if you have just asked the kid? I know him and his family extremely well and I don't think he would lie if you asked him. I know the whole situation but I won't discuss it. You and wooderson both have said that the pirates will keep on trucking, so why discuss it at all. The fact is: he is working out with the team, he is throwing with the team, and he is dedicated to the pirate program as we speak, so why sling mud?
Doughboy304 Wrote:What shocks me about this is that you said sani is a good friend of yours and I am curious if you have just asked the kid? I know him and his family extremely well and I don't think he would lie if you asked him. I know the whole situation but I won't discuss it. You and wooderson both have said that the pirates will keep on trucking, so why discuss it at all. The fact is: he is working out with the team, he is throwing with the team, and he is dedicated to the pirate program as we speak, so why sling mud?

As far as why we're discussing it, is because others are still discussing it. I know everyone on this site just hates to hear any rumors about these poor children but the fact is these children have parents who people may approach. Now, if you don't want to talk about what's going on ... Don't. It'll be a topic of discussion until summer practice begins in late July.

Ironically, I have asked him about it. I said the same thing when I asked, I said "I don't think you'd lie, so I'ma ask you..." His reply to me was "No." with a four letter word that starts with an F in front of it. Let's hope he's a man of his word.
As of late you and wooderson are the only ones discussing it. I am sure people will wonder, but you said the young man told you no. Unless he has plotted some grand scheme to work out with belfry, organize throwing sessions (that you have testified that he is doing), and dedicate himself to the pirate program to only leave at the very last second and attend pikeville where he wouldn't know the system, his teammates, or coaching staff. I would have to say that would be a real genius plan....hmmmm!!!!! Cracking me up, but go ahead and discuss away.
Doughboy304 Wrote:As of late you and wooderson are the only ones discussing it. I am sure people will wonder, but you said the young man told you no. Unless he has plotted some grand scheme to work out with belfry, organize throwing sessions (that you have testified that he is doing), and dedicate himself to the pirate program to only leave at the very last second and attend pikeville where he wouldn't know the system, his teammates, or coaching staff. I would have to say that would be a real genius plan....hmmmm!!!!! Cracking me up, but go ahead and discuss away.

Doughboy, Ive not slung mud at Sani in this thread. This is a public forum and the information Ive typed is far from a rumor. I never stated that Sani or the other kid would be going to Pikeville, only that the Pikeville program was/is leaving no stone unturned to try to make this happen. We all know it would be a mistake but at this point some very close to the Pikeville situation think they have a shot. Do I think so? Not for one minute. So if you have a problem with any information Ive put out there to discuss you can always send me a PM and Im sure we can put this bed.
I believe it's called recruiting when boosters or other people associated with a football program attempt to entice players from another team to abandon ship and join their team. I guess that Belfry and Pikeville have separate rules or explanations for this process.:biggrin:
Doughboy304 Wrote:As of late you and wooderson are the only ones discussing it. I am sure people will wonder, but you said the young man told you no. Unless he has plotted some grand scheme to work out with belfry, organize throwing sessions (that you have testified that he is doing), and dedicate himself to the pirate program to only leave at the very last second and attend pikeville where he wouldn't know the system, his teammates, or coaching staff. I would have to say that would be a real genius plan....hmmmm!!!!! Cracking me up, but go ahead and discuss away.

He IS doing it and 0304 spoke the truth.
They are preparing for another great year in Pirate Land!
clueless Wrote:I believe it's called recruiting when boosters or other people associated with a football program attempt to entice players from another team to abandon ship and join their team. I guess that Belfry and Pikeville have separate rules or explanations for this process.:biggrin:

Your name suits you!
Never did I say I believed it? If you'd like to go talk to people and gather your own info to discuss w/ us go ahead. Just telling what's been said.
clueless Wrote:I believe it's called recruiting when boosters or other people associated with a football program attempt to entice players from another team to abandon ship and join their team. I guess that Belfry and Pikeville have separate rules or explanations for this process.:biggrin:

No, they dont have separate rules........they usually just do it legally (according to KHSAA bylaws). The stupid way to do it would be to recruit a kid to a high school, lie about their change of address and just let the kid hitch a ride at a rest area with the head coach. Ohhhhhhhh, where have I heard that story before?:dontthink
i think he stays, hes been in the program since he was a child..
Belfry0304 Wrote:Schedule: Flip home and aways and change Pike County Bowl to Scott County or Henderson County. Not sure if that will be at Belfry or Shelby Valley. Have heard they're trying to do away with having it at SVHS due to low attendance.

Unless there are some DRASTIC changes before the next bowl committee meeting its NOT going to be either one of these teams mentioned!!!!
It is hilarious how defensive we become......I guess that maybe there should be a book written on how to "legally recruit". What a joke! It's OK though.....especially when you live in your own little world and everybody knows you there.
I am just going to throw this out there and I hope the Belfry faithful understand where I coming from. Open forums are meant for discussions of all kinds and we choose what we want to say and not say, but when you go on open forums that the players read and talk about "rumors" of possible transfers you are doing that team more damage than good. I have been in locker rooms myself and things like this can create trust issues, incohesiveness in a team, and just a bad vibe throughout an entire football team. These kids are working hard in the off season to make another run at the State Championship, so let's not create disarray within a team before they even get going. The bar has been set high for these young men and their expectation is even higher than this past season, but we have to realize as fans what we say on these boards can harm that expectation more than help it. The thread says Belry 2012 so I assume most on here are Belfry fans and want to see these kids do well, so give them some space, a word of encouragement, and let them work to bring back the hardware in 2012. Some things are better left unsaid and on that note GO PIRATES!!!!!
throw deep Wrote:Unless there are some DRASTIC changes before the next bowl committee meeting its NOT going to be either one of these teams mentioned!!!!

then who would it be?
does anybody know if Tony Messer is getting any offers from anyone yet?
throw deep Wrote:Unless there are some DRASTIC changes before the next bowl committee meeting its NOT going to be either one of these teams mentioned!!!!

Then let us know who's being considered...
Interesting group coming up from BMS, lost county championship for the first time since my 7th grade year (I'm BHS c/o '11) but may have one of the most athletic classes in a while. Not sure that there's many lineman coming up but hopefully there's some under them or at the freshman class because the athletes have potential. Some names for you to keep an eye on ... X Willis, Cameron Catron, Keilan Carr, Andrew Fletcher, TJ Dotson, Austin Gibbs. I believe those kids are all in 8th grade. Some of them small, and needing to grow (Willis, Catron mainly) but lots of potential. Just because Trey is graduating we won't hear the end of the Willis name, potential to be scary fast but needs to grow. Austin Gibbs, cousin of Stevan Gibbs, is already about 6'2 so he's going to end up a huge kid.

One grade under, though he won't effect 2012, you have Cole Bentley, who's currently about 6'2 in 7th grade and a big kid. He gets a little grittiness and toughness and he will terrorize teams on the field AND basketball court for 4 years.
wooderson Wrote:No, they dont have separate rules........they usually just do it legally (according to KHSAA bylaws). The stupid way to do it would be to recruit a kid to a high school, lie about their change of address and just let the kid hitch a ride at a rest area with the head coach. Ohhhhhhhh, where have I heard that story before?:dontthink

The bylaws must allow you to run a bus over into West Virginia...load em up and bring into the state. You really need not judge another school regarding transfers since Belfry has done it for decades. People have never went crazy about it like fans from Belfry do if another school gets transfers. Just play ball and quit calling everybody's kettle black when your pot has been that color for decades.
Salimander Wrote:The bylaws must allow you to run a bus over into West Virginia...load em up and bring into the state. You really need not judge another school regarding transfers since Belfry has done it for decades. People have never went crazy about it like fans from Belfry do if another school gets transfers. Just play ball and quit calling everybody's kettle black when your pot has been that color for decades.

^ You're an idiot. If a kid lives in West Virginia and drives to Belfry every day, that's fine. We run zero buses on that side, trust me I lived in an area of Belfry that if their had been a bus right across the river I wouldn't have gotten sick everyday but it was the old two-lane for us with 119 in sight. It's one thing if a kid transfers willingly, it's another for people associated with the program to convince them to come.
Salimander Wrote:The bylaws must allow you to run a bus over into West Virginia...load em up and bring into the state. You really need not judge another school regarding transfers since Belfry has done it for decades. People have never went crazy about it like fans from Belfry do if another school gets transfers. Just play ball and quit calling everybody's kettle black when your pot has been that color for decades.

This is the very thing that's disasterous about message boards. This type of post is extremly off base and ludicrous in it's tenor and tone.
i was told today that belfry was losing a runnin back and he would be moving out of state in about 3 weeks my heart is sadden would love to have seen him play the next 2 years we wish him the best at his new location.thank you justin johnson for the excitment u have given us.:flame:
wow i just heard that belfry,s runnin back is moving out of the state with his mom is it true.i hope not.man i have watched this kid since midget leauge and was hoping too see him the next two years.my heart is sadden.good luck justin johnson u have gave us many years of excitment and wish u the best .:thanks:
mr bojangles 007 Wrote:wow i just heard that belfry,s runnin back is moving out of the state with his mom is it true.i hope not.man i have watched this kid since midget leauge and was hoping too see him the next two years.my heart is sadden.good luck justin johnson u have gave us many years of excitment and wish u the best .:thanks:

i hope his mom and dad didnt spilt up, not just to keep him but for there family..
mr bojangles 007 Wrote:wow i just heard that belfry,s runnin back is moving out of the state with his mom is it true.i hope not.man i have watched this kid since midget leauge and was hoping too see him the next two years.my heart is sadden.good luck justin johnson u have gave us many years of excitment and wish u the best .:thanks:

Unfortunately his mom is considering moving them. We can only hope he stays, he's a talented kid who is undersized but makes up for it with a ton of heart and work ethic.
well thats sad,wish him well, someone else will have to step up
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