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Johnson Central 14 Sheldon Clark 12
CardinalAlum Wrote:Well cuppett, they did it and now that the truth has been posted about it bubbles, who does it look like it gives the black eye to, there was no need for that.

If this did happen, could it be payback for SC doing the same thing on JC's field last year?

Remember the old saying "What goes around comes around".
if you dont remember we gathered in the endzone, get your facts straight bub ; )
Old School Wrote:If this did happen, could it be payback for SC doing the same thing on JC's field last year?

Remember the old saying "What goes around comes around".

One player from JC did do that, but was quickly stopped and reprimanded from the coaches of JC. Last year, that did of it posted on youtube...JC had to go down to the 20 towards their locker room and do their post game prayer on their own field while the Cards celebrated the victory. It was a senseless act by one of JC's players, just one...not the whole team. Kids will be kids....I'm sure that kid will have extra conditioning come Monday.
cardsfan98 Wrote:Coach Hager is one of the finest coaches in the state. He has done well with the cardinal program. Now with that being said, people have totally underestimated this Cardinal team. I know that all that matters is the Wins in the end but this whole season is part of a bigger game plan. Have all those Hager Haters took a minute to look at the schedule? It is by far the hardest schedule played by a 3A school. He said it before the season started. We are playing a grueling schedule to prepare for the district games. Makes sense to me. So in the end, this SC team that has **** with top ranked 4, 5, and some would even argue 6A (MLC) teams will be better prepared to bring home the W in their own class and district. Way to go Cards.

Firstly, I am not a hater of Coach Hager. Secondly, did you ever play for Hager? Thirdly, I do not understand the play calling for SC; it seems very predictable, up the middle or off tackle.

I would think that utilizing that strategy, one would need a big, bruising back, which SC does not have. They do, however, have two of the faster backs in the area, Avery Ray and Kristian Skyles, they weigh 160 and 175, respectively. Thus I would think that a few runs to the outside would pay huge dividends. And more diversification in play calling would definitely, IMHO, be a plus. I would think some misdirection, some short passes, and some sweeps may prove to be advantageous, for it would definitely add to the repertoire of plays that could be thrown at the opposition.

Moreover the opposing team would have to prepare for something other than up the middle and off tackle.

The foregoing is, obviously, just my opinion, and many may disagree with me
but some may agree. I guess an opinion is something each and everyone has and I believe we should express them in a respectful manner.
No, I did not play for Hagar. I am just a football fan who knows that Hagar has done very well with the Cards. Now, I am going to say something that might go to upset a bunch of Cardinal fans and or players. First, my heart lies with the Cards...I will be at every game cheering you on...but all this mud slinging on here about how the boys celebrate is junk. So what if they celebrated a little. If you guys were 16 again you would do the same thing. Secondly, and here is where I am going to put my foot in my mouth, we should all show Jim Matney some respect. That man laid the foundation for what is Sheldon CLark football. This was a big game for him personally. I think Martin Co. BOE never game him what he deserved and he did what was best for his family and left. He is a wonderful man and he deserves success. I am proud of all he has accomplished. So...with all that being said...lets all celebrate that it was a wonderful happy that everyone made it through unharmed.. and just wait until we all meet again.
cardsfan98 Wrote:No, I did not play for Hagar. I am just a football fan who knows that Hagar has done very well with the Cards. Now, I am going to say something that might go to upset a bunch of Cardinal fans and or players. First, my heart lies with the Cards...I will be at every game cheering you on...but all this mud slinging on here about how the boys celebrate is junk. So what if they celebrated a little. If you guys were 16 again you would do the same thing. Secondly, and here is where I am going to put my foot in my mouth, we should all show Jim Matney some respect. That man laid the foundation for what is Sheldon CLark football. This was a big game for him personally. I think Martin Co. BOE never game him what he deserved and he did what was best for his family and left. He is a wonderful man and he deserves success. I am proud of all he has accomplished. So...with all that being said...lets all celebrate that it was a wonderful happy that everyone made it through unharmed.. and just wait until we all meet again.

:Thumbs: Good post
^^ it is not a lie his number was 51 i witnessed it with my own eyes i also heard a coach from jc curse at one of sc's players as well .. its things like this that hold jc up i think thats why they will never beat highlands or win a state championship
Yes, Johnson Central did show a little unsportsmanlike conduct, but, folks, Sheldon Clark should have won that game. Sheldon Clark should have been on the field after the game celebrating the win. However, that's the old woulda, coulda, shoulda, scenario.

However, Sheldon Clark blew three opportunities that could have won the game. Reminds me of the Breathitt game. Just a little different twist.

So let's hope that SC can get back on track and play up to their capability. Maybe there was too much hype on how good SC was going to be in 2010?
Sounds like Sheldon Clark won everyone but on the scoreboard.

JC seems to be a little.........well redneck. That post game stuff does not surprise me.
paulcssi Wrote:Yes, Johnson Central did show a little unsportsmanlike conduct, but, folks, Sheldon Clark should have won that game. Sheldon Clark should have been on the field after the game celebrating the win. However, that's the old woulda, coulda, shoulda, scenario.

However, Sheldon Clark blew three opportunities that could have won the game. Reminds me of the Breathitt game. Just a little different twist.

So let's hope that SC can get back on track and play up to their capability. Maybe there was too much hype on how good SC was going to be in 2010?

I don't think that they have been on track this year. Martha Layne Collins is the only team that outplayed SC, but SC beat themselves against Breathitt and Johnson Central. But as we all know, one can win the statistics battle and still lose the game.

Panic and crucial mistakes would be the cause of the loss to Breathitt, and the inability to score with four downs to go and being on the two yard line, then SC fumbled, and the next time deep in JC territory, (I think they were on 3 to 5 yard line) four downs and then give the ball to JC. Did they try 4 times up the middle?

I will close by saying, I hope they GET on track or this is going to be a long season.
IRISH4 Wrote:One player from JC did do that, but was quickly stopped and reprimanded from the coaches of JC. Last year, that did of it posted on youtube...JC had to go down to the 20 towards their locker room and do their post game prayer on their own field while the Cards celebrated the victory. It was a senseless act by one of JC's players, just one...not the whole team. Kids will be kids....I'm sure that kid will have extra conditioning come Monday.
This was a great ballgame a lot of hard hitting and players playing their hearts out.A great game to watch.It was exciting to see how much the fans from both sides were into the game.With that being said I really don't understand the actions from your superintendent.I guess he showed what kind of person he really is.Mr.Blackburn you should be ashamed of yourself.And Mr.Fletcher I know you were put in a bad situation having to come out and tell the JC team to leave the field.It is always a tradition to meet after the game and speak to your players and say a prayer for their safe returns home and to heal all the hurt players.It was just a very classless act by the superintendent.Now I understand why people in his own school system and county do not like him.Good luck the rest of the season SC.
William Muney Wrote:Sounds like Sheldon Clark won everyone but on the scoreboard.

JC seems to be a little.........well redneck. That post game stuff does not surprise me.
It was going great until the superintendent decided to make a jerk of himself.His post game actions were just as bad as anything else that happened.
Sounds like some bad blood. As a visiting team you have to show respect to the home team.
oneijoe Wrote:The -only- thing missing from this Cardinal team is the "big play" ability. Without it, they'll continue to be susceptible to losing games like this. Dominating TOP is fine, but it isn't everything.

One of SC's scoring drives was a 20 play drive !! Putting together that kind of a scoring drive is THE highlight of the game. IMO, it's the single most difficult thing an offense can accomplish (that many plays consecutively without a killing penalty, big negative yardage play, or TO).

Kudos to JC's defense in making Sheldon Clark earn every single point. Central OTOH, couldn't drive but had just enough big plays.

Had to be a GREAT game !!

I agree to some extent..but those 20 play drives are by design, always have been under Hager. When Hager feels SC is at an obvious disadvantage in terms of talent he falls back on this gameplan year after year. He has used it when his team was outmanned against Belfry, he used it early last season vs. Breathitt, he used it last year vs. JC, he used it 2 years ago vs. Mason County, and he will continue to go to it in the future.

The recipe is tried and true. He basically condenses his offensive playbook to a very limited number for the week leading up and just focuses on running them to perfection. They then spend the remaining time on defense and focusing on blocking techniques. The goal is to get a 2 yard surge by the line, the RB lays on the linemen's backs, and upon getting tackled he attempts to fall forward and the linemen attempt to help. This typically results in 3-4 yards per play and a running clock the entire time, which SC then drains to the very last second before snapping. If they are left with a 4th and Short they then choose to go for it as long as the ball is in the middle of the field. On top of this they will throw in the occasional hard count to try and get some free yards and keep defenses from jumping the snap.

The ultimate goal is to limit the number of posessions, take away any speed/athletic disadvantage, and for the lack of a better word "frustrate" a team into making mistakes and beating themselves. It is boring, it is annoying, but it is also very effective. The drawback is SC basically pulls their punches and eliminates any chance of a big play unless the defense has a catastrophc failure.

This is Hager's bread and butter and he has his team buy into it. They know going into it what a turnover, penalty, or errant handoff can do. The playcalls that he calls are basically foolproof, little misdirection or ball handling involved, just line up with tight splits, fire off, hand off, cover the ball with both hands and get in the linemen's backsides and grind forward as ar as you can go.
If he's smart he will get out of town after this year. They say the well is very dry after the group graduates.
Will these two teams continue to play in the coming years?
oneijoe Wrote:The -only- thing missing from this Cardinal team is the "big play" ability. Without it, they'll continue to be susceptible to losing games like this. Dominating TOP is fine, but it isn't everything.

One of SC's scoring drives was a 20 play drive !! Putting together that kind of a scoring drive is THE highlight of the game. IMO, it's the single most difficult thing an offense can accomplish (that many plays consecutively without a killing penalty, big negative yardage play, or TO).

Kudos to JC's defense in making Sheldon Clark earn every single point. Central OTOH, couldn't drive but had just enough big plays.

Had to be a GREAT game !!

EKUAlum05 Wrote:I agree to some extent..but those 20 play drives are by design, always have been under Hager. When Hager feels SC is at an obvious disadvantage in terms of talent he falls back on this gameplan year after year. He has used it when his team was outmanned against Belfry, he used it early last season vs. Breathitt, he used it last year vs. JC, he used it 2 years ago vs. Mason County, and he will continue to go to it in the future.

The recipe is tried and true. He basically condenses his offensive playbook to a very limited number for the week leading up and just focuses on running them to perfection. They then spend the remaining time on defense and focusing on blocking techniques. The goal is to get a 2 yard surge by the line, the RB lays on the linemen's backs, and upon getting tackled he attempts to fall forward and the linemen attempt to help. This typically results in 3-4 yards per play and a running clock the entire time, which SC then drains to the very last second before snapping. If they are left with a 4th and Short they then choose to go for it as long as the ball is in the middle of the field. On top of this they will throw in the occasional hard count to try and get some free yards and keep defenses from jumping the snap.

The ultimate goal is to limit the number of posessions, take away any speed/athletic disadvantage, and for the lack of a better word "frustrate" a team into making mistakes and beating themselves. It is boring, it is annoying, but it is also very effective. The drawback is SC basically pulls their punches and eliminates any chance of a big play unless the defense has a catastrophc failure.

This is Hager's bread and butter and he has his team buy into it. They know going into it what a turnover, penalty, or errant handoff can do. The playcalls that he calls are basically foolproof, little misdirection or ball handling involved, just line up with tight splits, fire off, hand off, cover the ball with both hands and get in the linemen's backsides and grind forward as ar as you can go.

I would think, bottom line, JC did what they had to do. They stopped the SC ground game when they had to. SC had a fumble on the 2 yard line, and on another drive later on they gave it up on downs; they were very deep in JC territory, I think closer than the 10, but I do not remember for sure.

So did Hager's strategy work? NO! They knew exactly where SC was coming from, up the middle or off tackle. One must have some diversification in the plays they run, if they are going to win the close ones.
^^^ I forgot to mention it doesn't always work. JC this year and against Belfry in the past have been prime examples. It allows SC to keep the game close and gives them a chance to win, but it also means two or three failed plays could be SC's demise and if they fall behind it becomes very tough to play catch up.

I will give Hager this, he has learned from his past mistakes when it comes to going for it on 4th Down. He had 2 or 3 games vs. Belfry when he basically ended any chance they had in the 2nd or 3rd Quarter by being impatient and going for it on 4th Down and failing. He has gotten much better in this regard
IntheZone Wrote:^^ it is not a lie his number was 51 i witnessed it with my own eyes i also heard a coach from jc curse at one of sc's players as well .. its things like this that hold jc up i think thats why they will never beat highlands or win a state championship

wow wow wow now this is what kills me right here.. sc fans and actually your a coach i guess well maybe idk if you count as one but whatver lol. here you are downing JC for cursing at players when you are running up and down the side line looking and acting stupid and cussing like a sailor.. and dont give me that crap that you heard a JC coach curse a SC player. there was prolly 2500 people there that night and a really loud crowd and you wasnt standing on the JC sideline so therefore theres no way you could hear what there coachs were saying. and if you could you should have been listening to what thy were running and pulled that paper out of your shorts and tried to do something. geeze give me a break this burns me up, and you get on here talking bad about me. let me give you a lil hint if you dont want to be a coach keep posting on here and keep posting stupid stuff cause Hager is to classy for this. Hager your a great coach but your always letting asst. coachs help that shouldnt be out there cause there not mature enough. just like last year..
Do you think Hager designed this attack because he didn't have the athletes or because of the horrible fourth quarter against BC. This is one of the most athletic teams SC has had. Skyles is one of the fastest and strongest backs the school has had. Their line is big and strong. They match up very well with JC at every position. JC obviously has more depth. It seems Hager should have taught someone to kick a feild goal. But it does seem Hager is improving each week and will probally put together a great plan for LC. Hager will learn from mistakes and adjust. He will find a way to win.
Matman Wrote:Do you think Hager designed this attack because he didn't have the athletes or because of the horrible fourth quarter against BC. This is one of the most athletic teams SC has had. Skyles is one of the fastest and strongest backs the school has had. Their line is big and strong. They match up very well with JC at every position. JC obviously has more depth. It seems Hager should have taught someone to kick a feild goal. But it does seem Hager is improving each week and will probally put together a great plan for LC. Hager will learn from mistakes and adjust. He will find a way to win.

Sheldon Clark does in fact have some good athletes; they have two of the speedier backs in Eastern KY, Avery and KP. They both need to get to the outside more, where they could take advantage of their speed.

I think KP is trying too hard; he is putting too much pressure on himself, and out thinking himself instead of using the abilities he has worked so hard to acquire. If everything comes together for him, we could see some surprising things happen as the season progresses. Also I've seen some great blocks thrown by KP, which obviously contributes to the team effort.

As some have said, and probable many more think, SC could be 3 and 1 instead of 1 and 3. Well, we will see what happens this Friday night.
I cant figure SCHS and JCHS fans out,me I live in johnson county,but I wanted the Cards to win because thats were Im from,my wife and kids was for the Eagles.My point in saying all of this is, they both are great teams and both deserve a lot of credit,why so much anger its just a game,why not congradulate one another and go on to the next game,these what ifs,couldives,shouldives,and why JC got run off the field,I dont know,I ve heard JC side ands SC side,I say let the school adminerstraters work it out.But as far as the game goes I say congrats to JC for a big win,and also congrats to SC for proving to everyone that they can play with JC.As for the rest of the season lets go Cards and Eagles,good luck to both the rest of the season.
I just looked at the new AP Poll and it looks like SC's showing against JC put them back in it a #9. Congrats Cards and to JC you guys are #7.
Why is there so much bad blood between these 2 teams? I know Matney was coach SC once but that has been sometime ago.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:I agree to some extent..but those 20 play drives are by design, always have been under Hager. When Hager feels SC is at an obvious disadvantage in terms of talent he falls back on this gameplan year after year. He has used it when his team was outmanned against Belfry, he used it early last season vs. Breathitt, he used it last year vs. JC, he used it 2 years ago vs. Mason County, and he will continue to go to it in the future.

The recipe is tried and true. ...

The ultimate goal is to limit the number of posessions, take away any speed/athletic disadvantage, and for the lack of a better word "frustrate" a team into making mistakes and beating themselves. ...
This is Hager's bread and butter and he has his team buy into it. ...

Yeah, I know the purpose behind the gameplan. And you're right, when a team is overmatched it shortens and keeps the game closer.

But the thing is, and what I don't understand is...why did Coach Hager think he was undermanned ?!? It appears to ME the Cards have every bit as much (if not more) talent than Central. Perhaps Coach over-estimated the Eagles ?

You see, the flip-side of that conservative offensive style is just as effective in keeping the -other- team close.

(I wonder where Coach H. learned that playstyle, anyway ?!? Confusedhh::biggrin: )
oneijoe Wrote:Yeah, I know the purpose behind the gameplan. And you're right, when a team is overmatched it shortens and keeps the game closer.

But the thing is, and what I don't understand is...why did Coach Hager think he was undermanned ?!? It appears to ME the Cards have every bit as much (if not more) talent than Central. Perhaps Coach over-estimated the Eagles ?

You see, the flip-side of that conservative offensive style is just as effective in keeping the -other- team close.

(I wonder where Coach H. learned that playstyle, anyway ?!? Confusedhh::biggrin: )

"You see, the flip-side of that conservative offensive style is just as effective in keeping the -other- team close."

Your statement quoted above is so true! In the game we're referring to it was certainly close, 14 to 12, but the 14 was counter to the strategy. Thus, we have to ask, is the message to win or to lose with a closer score?
The bad blood is much deeper than Matney taking the JC job. Its been that way since I was in high school. It died down during JC's bad years. It goes back to when kids cruised the plaza. The schools are close together and very similar student body. They are competitive. This is nothing compared to what it used to be. Does anyone remeber in 97 when WYMT aired the game. It ended in a bad onside kick call and come from behind victory from JC. Then there was a brawl that broke out. I will take today's rivalry of name calling and dancing over a brawl.
Matman Wrote:The bad blood is much deeper than Matney taking the JC job. Its been that way since I was in high school. It died down during JC's bad years. It goes back to when kids cruised the plaza. The schools are close together and very similar student body. They are competitive. This is nothing compared to what it used to be. Does anyone remeber in 97 when WYMT aired the game. It ended in a bad onside kick call and come from behind victory from JC. Then there was a brawl that broke out. I will take today's rivalry of name calling and dancing over a brawl.

I did not realize it had been going on for that time. So they will continue to play then in the future. Got to love those rivalry games.
Bobcat_Dad Wrote:I did not realize it had been going on for that time. So they will continue to play then in the future. Got to love those rivalry games.

Matman Wrote:The bad blood is much deeper than Matney taking the JC job. Its been that way since I was in high school. It died down during JC's bad years. It goes back to when kids cruised the plaza. The schools are close together and very similar student body. They are competitive. This is nothing compared to what it used to be. Does anyone remeber in 97 when WYMT aired the game. It ended in a bad onside kick call and come from behind victory from JC. Then there was a brawl that broke out. I will take today's rivalry of name calling and dancing over a brawl.

I graduated in 98 from SC and I thought that I was the only person in the world that remembered that bad onside kick..The other night at the game I waited for Matney to pull that trick...the one that mad him so mad so many years ago. I think that afterwords that he even sent the film down state to try to have JC's win threw out. The Rivalry goes deep but in the end we need to remember that these boys are just kids. I think that SC is still a little sour in losing Matney and JJ Jude to JC which just in turn keeps the flame burning. With that being said as in my previous posts, Matney is a great man and SC needs to show him some respect. He laid the foundation for SC football. And Hagar learned a lot of what he does from Matney.

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