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Lee County 54 - Estill County 51
Estill is the best team by far, even though Tristan didn't have a great game they should have won that one. Just think if Tristan and Chris had good games on the same night.
bestbuy Wrote:Estill is the best team by far, even though Tristan didn't have a great game they should have won that one. Just think if Tristan and Chris had good games on the same night.

Come on...we won fair and square 2 times. Away and at home. The "what if" only cheapens your comments. I mean what if Aaron and Jared both had 25 and Dontarius had about 30 rebounds....we won, lets just look forward to the next game between the 2 in the district finals hopefully.
bestbuy Wrote:Estill is the best team by far, even though Tristan didn't have a great game they should have won that one. Just think if Tristan and Chris had good games on the same night.
:lmao: now thats funny I dont care who u are
bestbuy Wrote:Estill is the best team by far, even though Tristan didn't have a great game they should have won that one. Just think if Tristan and Chris had good games on the same night.

In there region, district, or just this matchup?
Imo Lee has a better team, as they have proven. It will be hard for them to beat Estill again, but I believe they will.
bestbuy Wrote:Estill is the best team by far, even though Tristan didn't have a great game they should have won that one. Just think if Tristan and Chris had good games on the same night.
Earth to bestbuy----Lee has defeated Estill the only two times they have played this year. How could Estill be the best team "by far"? :please:
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Earth to bestbuy----Lee has defeated Estill the only two times they have played this year. How could Estill be the best team "by far"? :please:
At this point all of these arguments are really pointless. After what happened to Kenton, I could really care less about the districts or any matchups in it. Hopefully, Kenton will get better, but basketball means nothing if things like this are allowed to happen in the games.
Express Wrote:At this point all of these arguments are really pointless. After what happened to Kenton, I could really care less about the districts or any matchups in it. Hopefully, Kenton will get better, but basketball means nothing if things like this are allowed to happen in the games.

I agree....Johnson Central should be made an example of in order to prevent future attacks. IMO this is a prime candidate. Good luck.
I agree Express. Whoo, Lee won the regular season district tournament. Great for them, they get a trophy and a higher seed. But, what does that matter? Not like there is much difference in Powell or Owsley this year. And I also remember a certain Lee County team winning the regular season championship a few years ago and then losing to Owsley in the first round of the district tournament. How much did that regular season championship matter then? Back to Express' comment, district/regional basketball means nothing now that there are ridiculous events like the EC vs. JC game. Maybe KHSAA will finally take a hint after the events with two teams in the 56th district/14th region getting into fights. Get better officiating, period. I'm sure both sides had reason enough to want to hurt each other, but it's called self-control. You don't hit people in basketball, regardless of whether they nudge, poke, or slap you a bit. KHSAA and no other is to blame for Kenton Roberts' injuries. I wish you the best Kenton.
Express Wrote:At this point all of these arguments are really pointless. After what happened to Kenton, I could really care less about the districts or any matchups in it. Hopefully, Kenton will get better, but basketball means nothing if things like this are allowed to happen in the games.

I aggree Express. District and regional play means nothing to me when you have ridiculous events like the EC vs JC game. Sports should be held to a much higher standard that these recent occurences and I place blame on neither team, but solidly on the shoulders of KHSAA. They provide the officiating condusive to such enviroments, officiating that is not good enough and does not have respect enough to control a simple high school sporting event. Granted, Welch should never have thrown that punch. It is called self-control, you do not respond to pokes, pushes, or even slaps (which did not occur by the way) by throwing a closed-fist punch. With that in mind, Kenton Roberts' injuries are still the blame of KHSAA. I wish you the best and maybe the former Lee Co. event and now this one will wake KHSAA up. How many more of these events must happen before KHSAA re-vamps its officiating standards?
sorry that was stated twice.....
AleDavJes Wrote:sorry that was stated twice.....

I agree that the refs need to control games better. But I have also often heard that teams are a a reflection of their leadership. I have seen too many coaches act so stupid over calls, etc. in the past few years and it makes me crazy! Regardless of whether they are" fighting for their kids" ( I hear this quite a bit, too) or whatever the MEN and WOMEN who are leaders to the KIDS need to learn self control and maturity when coaching. Slinging ties, throwing sportcoats down, stomping and yelling, ranting and raving, calling refs names and all around foolishness shouldn't go on. Yes, I know it gets heated sometimes, but the powers in charge need to think about how they act and what kind of influence they are being to their players. At the end of the day, it's a high school game and when you make a fool of yourself, that is what is remembered, not the outcome of the game. Once you do these things and you get the reputation of being a hot headed coach, your program is tagged! Maybe the JC Kid reacted in the way that he did b/c he was mimicking what he has been taught? Not that that coach teaches violence, but I think everyone reading this knows what I mean. I don't know. I don't konw either coach, but I have read some interesting tales on here and it just seems to me that the adults need to start acting like adults and let the kids play ball. Not just between these two teams, but everywhere. It's a game, plain and simple. How you respond to circumstances will determine what kind of man you truly are. ( or woman if the case may be)

Good luck in the post season to all the teams represented on this forum. May God bless you in your efforts and may the best teams win!
lifeisgood Wrote:I agree that the refs need to control games better. But I have also often heard that teams are a a reflection of their leadership. I have seen too many coaches act so stupid over calls, etc. in the past few years and it makes me crazy! Regardless of whether they are" fighting for their kids" ( I hear this quite a bit, too) or whatever the MEN and WOMEN who are leaders to the KIDS need to learn self control and maturity when coaching. Slinging ties, throwing sportcoats down, stomping and yelling, ranting and raving, calling refs names and all around foolishness shouldn't go on. Yes, I know it gets heated sometimes, but the powers in charge need to think about how they act and what kind of influence they are being to their players. At the end of the day, it's a high school game and when you make a fool of yourself, that is what is remembered, not the outcome of the game. Once you do these things and you get the reputation of being a hot headed coach, your program is tagged! Maybe the JC Kid reacted in the way that he did b/c he was mimicking what he has been taught? Not that that coach teaches violence, but I think everyone reading this knows what I mean. I don't know. I don't konw either coach, but I have read some interesting tales on here and it just seems to me that the adults need to start acting like adults and let the kids play ball. Not just between these two teams, but everywhere. It's a game, plain and simple. How you respond to circumstances will determine what kind of man you truly are. ( or woman if the case may be)

Good luck in the post season to all the teams represented on this forum. May God bless you in your efforts and may the best teams win!

First of all, your argument makes no sense. Are you going to tell me that people like Rick Pitino, Jim Boheim, Coach K, Billy D., and others never yell at referees? They most certainly do, and I still count them as great role models and leaders. High school athletes, especially upper-classmen, have minds of their own. If you want to place blame on the coaches, then do in their principles. Are coaches teaching more than just basketball? Are they bringing up good young men, not just athletes voided from their studies and other extracirricular activities? Yelling at referees is a minor inference whey compared to these types of questions.
Express Wrote:At this point all of these arguments are really pointless. After what happened to Kenton, I could really care less about the districts or any matchups in it. Hopefully, Kenton will get better, but basketball means nothing if things like this are allowed to happen in the games.
I hope everything will be okay with Keaton. He's a good player and seems like a nice young man.
However, I was only referring to the post by bestbuy which claimed Estill was by far a better team than Lee. That post makes no sense in that Lee has beaten Estill, althoughly narrowly, twice during the season.

This thread is about the Lee-Estill 54-51 game, not what happened between Estill and Johnson Central.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:I hope everything will be okay with Keaton. He's a good player and seems like a nice young man.
However, I was only referring to the post by bestbuy which claimed Estill was by far a better team than Lee. That post makes no sense in that Lee has beaten Estill, althoughly narrowly, twice during the season.

This thread is about the Lee-Estill 54-51 game, not what happened between Estill and Johnson Central.
I understand just not recovered from what this has done to a family, a team and a community.
Go Lee County
JCHS05 Wrote:Go Lee County
I think there are alot of Paintsville Fans - here in Estill Now also. :thanks:

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