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Beechwood 21, Pikeville 20 (1A Championship)
Gator95 Wrote:The stupidity came from Pikevilles play calling. Being a panther fan, I think you'd admit that.

I grew up hating Pikeville, but your team was clearly 2-3 TD's better. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
While there were some plays I questioned, your statement was ridiculous. Great coaching the entire season and tonight. A fan in the stands doesn’t have the perspective of a coach in the box sometimes, so I tend to not question it as much. Do I believe we were better? Absolutely. All day every day and twice on Sunday. But today wasn’t in the cards and for a fan of a program that hasn’t been relevant since the Tim Couch era to say he feels sorry for Pikeville players being robbed due to bad coaching, obviously don’t know what good coaching looks like. I’m the end, Beechwood won, and I tip my hat to those boys and staff. It was like 80-20 against us in the fan polls before the game on here that Beechwood would basically roll us. That was proven wrong. Pikeville will be back
Anyone with eyes could see that Beechwood couldn't cover your team or defend the pass at any point all night. That's the coaches fault for not exploiting that horrible pass defense all night long. Maybe great coaching the entire season, but coaching costed you the state title tonight. I have nothing to gain by lying.

You can dog me all you want. I was sticking up for your team by saying that the boys were better and deserved to win. In my opinion, with the right offensive scheme, Beechwood doesn't belong on the field with Pikeville. I thought Pikeville would win this game from the start and it's just a shame that your boys wasn't able to walk away with the trophy due to a lack of play calling.

PHSForever Wrote:While there were some plays I questioned, your statement was ridiculous. Great coaching the entire season and tonight. A fan in the stands doesn’t have the perspective of a coach in the box sometimes, so I tend to not question it as much. Do I believe we were better? Absolutely. All day every day and twice on Sunday. But today wasn’t in the cards and for a fan of a program that hasn’t been relevant since the Tim Couch era to say he feels sorry for Pikeville players being robbed due to bad coaching, obviously don’t know what good coaching looks like. I’m the end, Beechwood won, and I tip my hat to those boys and staff. It was like 80-20 against us in the fan polls before the game on here that Beechwood would basically roll us. That was proven wrong. Pikeville will be back
PHSForever Wrote:Likely fanning themselves over looking like idiots andbtrying to figure out how to get back on here with excuses that are not as lame as the dude I just flamed.

Have we met? 😂
Real Badman Wrote:There was an interception that was overruled in beechwood a favor, that hurt. I think overall it was a decent game.

Is there a video of it out there anywhere? Live action I thought it looked like it was trapped and was surprised when the one ref called it a pick. It was really quick on the live feed though with the camera panning and zooming.

Edit: Just went back and watched replay, it was closer than I had originally thought. Still too tough to tell. I'd love to see it slow-mo or from a different angle.
PHSFAN Wrote:Proud of the Panthers, they battled to the end. When you lose to a great program like Beechwood all you can do is tip your hat.

Even though without Beechwood in Class A Pikeville's road to a title will become easier but I hate too see the Tigers leave Class A, then again I personally wish the Panthers would get their enrollment up enough to be AA.

Great season for both teams and congrats Beechwood on another state championship.

I hated to see Pikeville lose, but they had a great season.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:With what Pikeville has coming back and still coming up through the feeder system, Raceland on an upswing, Paintsville continues to be on the cusp of the semis every year, and Hazard being Hazard(if they can stay healthy, idk if I've ever seen a team hit harder by injuries year in and year out), I think the title balance will shift to the East's favor in the new alignment. New Cath ahould still be a perennial contender, but they havent been the same NCC in recent years. Congrats to both squads. Damn what a ball game.

You forgot Williamsburg.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Let's not forget Williamsburg either. They always have the atheletes. In the years that they have the line to go with it, they ate always a factor.

There you go. They are on the way back up.
bo67 Wrote:Hergott wanted a state championship during his high school career. Cov Cath wasn’t an option. Their QB is a sophomore. So Beechwood a great fit for him. And as a sophomore leads his team to a state title

Sounds like the Mike Mitchell saga in reverse. :eyeroll:
Orange Blaze Wrote:I wouldn’t quite count out Newcath. Moving down to 1A might have been what was needed for them to get back to being the Newcath of old. That being said, I do think the east will have an advantage for several years with Pikeville leading the charge. IMO the other teams in the east have a lot of work to do because I think Pikeville appears to be building a machine that will be very difficult to take down.

Agree 100% defensively at LB and S Raceland has 400 tackles in the last 2 years to replace after losing Dalton and Nolan to graduation this year.
Hatz Wrote:Sounds like the Mike Mitchell saga in reverse. :eyeroll:

Not even close to the same situation.
Mitchell transferred into Highlands after his junior year at Cov Cath.
Hergott transferred to Beechwood after his freshman year at Highlands, and had played no varsity minutes in any sport.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Have we met? 😂
Maybe once or twice. Confusednicker:
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:With what Pikeville has coming back and still coming up through the feeder system, Raceland on an upswing, Paintsville continues to be on the cusp of the semis every year, and Hazard being Hazard(if they can stay healthy, idk if I've ever seen a team hit harder by injuries year in and year out), I think the title balance will shift to the East's favor in the new alignment. New Cath ahould still be a perennial contender, but they havent been the same NCC in recent years. Congrats to both squads. Damn what a ball game.

It depends on what kind of recruiting season each have. That is what seperates them from the pack. I saw a pic of Pikevilles senior night, just a few questions. LOL
Predator/Prey Wrote:It depends on what kind of recruiting season each have. That is what seperates them from the pack. I saw a pic of Pikevilles senior night, just a few questions. LOL

Man get out of here with this nonsense. If you lived close to any of these schools and had a child that wanted to take Football serious, wouldn’t you send them to Pikeville, Belfry, JC, or Paintsville? Or would you leave them at a program that’s never been anywhere or going anywhere simply because of where your mailbox is located? Let parents do what they feel is best for their children.

Coaching is what sets them apart. We have seen Pikeville, JC, and Paintsville when the coaching wasn’t top notch.
Also, I feel terrible for the players from Pikeville. I watched the game and feel that Pikeville would win 7 of 10. The moment wasn’t too big for them and they fought hard in the trenches where BW was very strong.

IMO, 2015 Pikeville rolls in this game.
Predator/Prey Wrote:It depends on what kind of recruiting season each have. That is what seperates them from the pack. I saw a pic of Pikevilles senior night, just a few questions. LOL
List your questions and they’ll get answered to the best of my ability. Go ahead, I’ll wait for them.
PHSForever. You right in your own mind. HHS is not my team. You are too stupid to understand I was just pointing out a weakness. And Pikeville made plays against it. Good coaching. That was anyone’s game. I’d be upset if my kid lost too. It’s why they play the game. Hergott made the right move. Now go hide in a corner somewhere
bo67 Wrote:PHSForever. You right in your own mind. HHS is not my team. You are too stupid to understand I was just pointing out a weakness. And Pikeville made plays against it. Good coaching. That was anyone’s game. I’d be upset if my kid lost too. It’s why they play the game. Hergott made the right move. Now go hide in a corner somewhere
Oh. Hard to tell since you seem so obsessed in prior posts with pointing out Highland had Hergott and he transferred to Beechwood. That’s all I seem to remember of them, since they’re normally so I’ll informed or irrelevant posts. No need for me to hide in a corner. I’ll stand in the center of a room and call out BS when it’s there. Every game has play calls that make you scratch your head for any team. But you overlook the fact that Pikeville put up something like 243 yards passing on Beechwood. 10/15 completions/attempts. Beechwood controlled TOP and that limited the number of play calls to be made, plus field position, and so on. Go read up on flag football, I hear they need coaches.
Hate it for Pikeville.. they played their butts off.

Three huge plays:
1. The blocked XP. Pikeville chased that point all day and never could find it.
2. That Beechwood drive to take the lead, namely the two 4th and 1 Conversions. Jackson hensley gets hurt on the one at the goalline. Does Pikeville win with Hensley? I dont know, but that last drive you can bet he would have been the number dialed up on the last pass.
3. Speaking of which, Bolger had the two Defensive plays of the game. The big sack and then the last play Beechwood only rushes three and Bolger whips his man and hit Roberts as he throws.

Pikeville will win 1A next year
On a positive note, The State Championships are finally where they are supposed to be! I hope they NEVER leave Kroger Field!
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:On a positive note, The State Championships are finally where they are supposed to be! I hope they NEVER leave Kroger Field!

The best place for sure.
RoShamBo Wrote:Y'all have a lot to look forward to moving forward. I was very impressed with Pikeville today. The battles in the East in 1A over the next couple years should be pretty entertaining. Congrats to the Panthers on a great season.

Honestly I thought going into the season this could possibly be the first year of a possible mult-year run for the Panthers in Class A. Even though it turned out I was wrong I thought the Panthers would be the best team in class A this season and with Beechwood leaving next season and with what the Panthers have returning and coming up for the foreseeable future I thought this season could be the first of a nice run. Several very good teams in the East in Class A so it should definitely be interesting and entertaining.
In 2 years pikeville will dominate class A.
I have to disagree that coaching lost Pikeville the game. Dont forget that's Rash and Beechwood on the other sideline. The run game had to continue to be a factor for Pikeville's offense, even with the success in the air, Beechwood is still Beechwood, and these are still HS kids. Staying within their comfort zone is still a huge factor. Pikeville has remained balanced all year and dont forget thag alot of their success this year, came from pass plays breaking down and Robert's making plays with his legs. Beechwood did a nice job of keeping him contained and were patient in not over pursuing and played good fundamental football. Let's not cheapen an incredibly fought game by both sides with the typical BS.
Do-double-gg Wrote:The results of this game shows a few things. A- A lot of 1A posters on BGR are clueless at best saying Beechwood would dominate this game B- Pikeville has built one heck of a program and might not be the second best program in Pike County much longer and C- This shows how strong the 1A East is because Raceland, Hazard and Paintsville all could compete with Beechwood. I have said it for a few seasons now that 1A is pound for pound from top to bottom the strongest class in the state. Congrats to Pikeville on a great season. This is a tough close loss but you return a lot next season and I think the Pikeville program has officially become a state power again and will be playing in this game a lot in the years to come.

Ah yes because Raceland really competed with Beechwood last year...41-0 Incase you forgot.
Connor Roberts being held to 10 rushes for 31 yards was the key to the game. If Beechwood could stop him on the run then they would win the game. He wasn’t going to win the game throwing the ball, as we saw. Beechwood’s defense did what they needed to do and some great offensive play calling on their end won them the game.
hogcat93 Wrote:Connor Roberts being held to 10 rushes for 31 yards was the key to the game. If Beechwood could stop him on the run then they would win the game. He wasn’t going to win the game throwing the ball, as we saw. Beechwood’s defense did what they needed to do and some great offensive play calling on their end won them the game.
But, but, Bo said Beechwood could not play pass defense! Surely you must be wrong! We ALL know Bo knows!

Thanks for making (partially) my point. Our TDs came through the air, and Roberts threw for 243 yards. It WAS possible to win passing, but needed just a few more yards on the ground to make them respect the run possibility a little more seriously. Hats off to them, outstanding team and program. I hate to see our boys lose such a close one. Breaks my heart for them.
pjdoug Wrote:The best place for sure.
Other than communicating clearly about the parking. Their website clearly said parking would be allowed at the Blue lot Friday, but then security made a bunch of our fans move, telling them no parking there until after 1:30. Then the traffic control afterwards, with UK soccer playing a game, was non-existent and made for some really long delays getting out depending on your route. That was my only complaints. I thought it was really well ran, loved the central location of it. 10/10 will go back as a fan.
I have no issue with the play calling, then again I always try to not be a arm-chair QB. Pikeville had some very good RBs who did a great job this season but they lacked a true stud at RB that every team that has won a title at Pikeville has had.
By the way, where are 55 and all those others who said Beechwood would roll and “this won’t be close”?
PHSForever Wrote:By the way, where are 55 and all those others who said Beechwood would roll and “this won’t be close”?

birdbrain55 cant even make a simple adjustment.

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