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Knott vs. JBS Dec. 19th
i think jbs plays a good game but some of u are forgetting a couple of things. first some of jbs players have been held back 2 years. and although stepp is a good shooter hes not much of anything else. he runs down the floor and waits for someone to get him the ball so he can shoot. cox is by far the best player jbs has and is not given the credit he deserves. kcc lost tonight but it wasn't the blowout they were expecting. if brian cook hadn't been a ref in tonights game it may have turned out different. and no i'm not whinning he lived and worked over at jbs and alice loydd for years. kcc has a lot of talented players but some r ball hogs and that hurts them. stamper and mosley can shoot amburgey everage and lindon can rebound and jump. lindon and amburgey can out jump collins anytime and hes 4 inches taller than either one of these boys . i can't wait to play them again. the only reason jbs has high stats is because they don't play anyone, they want to make all americans out of the stepp boys so they don't play anyone who is good so they can make 40 pts a game. the higher their stats r the better for the stepp boys. myself. i would'nt let my kid play second fiddle to anyone and sadly thats what anyone who plays for jbs whose last name is not stepp is doing . playing second fiddle.[img]images/smilies/set6/lmao.gif[/img]
Dude--maybe you need to look at JBS's schedule from last year and look at it for this year. What do you mean they don't play anybody? As I recall, they played a tournament in Berea last year and came in 3rd out of 16 teams, losing only to Henry Clay. And Clark Stepp had 35 points against Perry County at PCC last year. Oh, and by the way, Clark is a point guard--he doesn't just stand there and wait for someone to pass him the ball--he dribbles it down the floor. Have you actually seen him play?
JOBAKKA Wrote:Yes it did happen that way, It was a hard fought game but I was showing how the Stepp boys do get special treatment form thier school. The quote I quoted says everyone is the same and I know of no one who believes that for a second. The disdain for JBS has very little to do that JBS is a private school but in how private schools take advantadge of the system and JBS is just the latest one to use the private advantadge. With less than 100 in enrollment explain the level of talent form other areas that end up at JBS. If you graduate from JBS do you get a free ride at ALC. I have heard this but do not know ii it is true or just rumor.

Just because the principal patted Stepp on the back doesn't mean he gets special treatment from their school. How do you know he (the principal) wouldn't pat any of his players on the back that were upset after a close game that were walking off the floor? Maybe you need to ask the teachers at JBS if he (Stepp) gets special treatment. Everything you've said here is pure speculation. And I think if you want to know why people end up at JBS from other areas, it would be wise to asks those kids parents. And while you're at it, ask the parents who work in the public school system why their kids are in JBS. And, I don't know about kids getting a free ride at ALC from JBS. I do know that everyone in the mountain area gets their tuition paid at ALC--not just JBS graduates. You'd have to ask the person in charge of admissions at ALC about that.
Extra Strength Wrote:Just because the principal patted Stepp on the back doesn't mean he gets special treatment from their school. How do you know he (the principal) wouldn't pat any of his players on the back that were upset after a close game that were walking off the floor? Maybe you need to ask the teachers at JBS if he (Stepp) gets special treatment. Everything you've said here is pure speculation. And I think if you want to know why people end up at JBS from other areas, it would be wise to asks those kids parents. And while you're at it, ask the parents who work in the public school system why their kids are in JBS. And, I don't know about kids getting a free ride at ALC from JBS. I do know that everyone in the mountain area gets their tuition paid at ALC--not just JBS graduates. You'd have to ask the person in charge of admissions at ALC about that.
I am familiar with Clark and I know a ton of kids @JBS that agree with me about a priveledged child BUT I refuse to state a personal attack on this young man. There are other posts on this thread attacking Clark and I hope we all can refrain from personal attacks. He is not to blame for any special trreatment he may recieve. If any other kid had shown such poor sportmanship I think a decent principal would not encourage him after a hard fought game, he should use that opppurtunity to teach the student about sportsmanship. The way to solve this transfer situation you are referring to is to seperate the privates from the publics and let the privates be exactly what they want, to be completely private. And as far as every mountain kid getting thier tuition paid , I know personally that is not true and if you want receipts I can provide them. So I may know the situation better than you think , I am not be speculating.:flame:
Just to add another point The Stepps are in the position of power and controlling the teachers job and future at JBS. And if you don't think that has any influence on how they treat the Stepp boys you are from another planet.
play2win Wrote:Well i know clark too...a lot better than you. and what kind of fights go on at jbs, cause i go there and i sure dont know of any

well i could be wrong about the fights and for that im sorry i shouldn't of said anything about something i didn't know i about i was just mad about the game. but i do know clark better than you think but i will leave it at that.
JOBAKKA Wrote:Just to add another point The Stepps are in the position of power and controlling the teachers job and future at JBS. And if you don't think that has any influence on how they treat the Stepp boys you are from another planet.

As I replied previously, maybe you should asks the teachers at JBS how much pressure they're under to treat the Stepp boys any differently than they treat the other students. Once again, you are only speculating. Have you personally talked to any of the teachers at JBS and asked them if they have to treat the Stepp boys with special attention? No, I don't think you have. Oh, and for that matter, maybe you need to ask the teachers how the Stepp boys behave in school, just to see if they are as terrible as everyone would like to believe. Oh, and I know for a fact that everyone from the mountains that goes to ALC does get their tuition paid for--they don't all get there room and board paid for--maybe that's what you were thinking--but they do get their tuition paid for, and that's a fact!
I know people who went there. Notice went. And, their words are "It's about the boys at JBS."
For Extra Stength. I looked up JBs games last year. Tough sch. Piarst twice, Fleming Co., David School, Betsy Lane Owsley, cordia, Riverside Twice, and OBI. Get real. Why do they give a free ride for boys at JBS? Some of them pay nothing. Is that legal. Why do the call and send letters to grade school ball players in the Knott Co. school district asking them to come to JBS? And, if you say they don't do this you have some issues you need to work out.
Yeah, I know people who "went" there, also. And guess what, they left, transfered to another school, and then came back. Oh, and at the game last night, I saw people that go to KCC, and people that graduated from KCC, sitting on JBS's side, yelling for JBS. What's up with that?
The only reason they came back was? Let me guess it was to hard. Well it's not a guess it's a fact. Cup cake classes. Why do so many graduates have to take remedial class in college, fact. Don't deny it I know.
Benchwarmer Wrote:The only reason they came back was? Let me guess it was to hard. Well it's not a guess it's a fact. Cup cake classes. Why do so many graduates have to take remedial class in college, fact. Don't deny it I know.
Well, of course you know. You know everything there is to know about JBS, apparently.
Benchwarmer Wrote:For Extra Stength. I looked up JBs games last year. Tough sch. Piarst twice, Fleming Co., David School, Betsy Lane Owsley, cordia, Riverside Twice, and OBI. Get real. Why do they give a free ride for boys at JBS? Some of them pay nothing. Is that legal. Why do the call and send letters to grade school ball players in the Knott Co. school district asking them to come to JBS? And, if you say they don't do this you have some issues you need to work out.
You are correct that the schedule last year was not so hard, but as you may recall (and I'm sure you know because you know all there is to know about JBS), they were in the Three Rivers Conference and were obligated to play out their schedule. As for their schedule this year, it's probably as tough as any other team in the 14th region. Are you personally aquainted with the principal or the person in charge of finances at JBS, because you seem to know so much about the money situation. Oh, and if any grade school ball players received a call or a letter from anyone at JBS, it was only after that person applied to come to JBS. Maybe you have some issues you need to work out--like finding out the facts before you state it. Just because you've heard someone else say these things, doesn't mean it's a fact. Oh, and another thing, I still haven't heard an answer from anyone on why so many public school personel send there kids to JBS. Bet you know the answer, don't cha?
JBS uses kids for athletic advantage. They promise kids schlorships and even parents college schlorships when in reality any kid gets to go to JBS for free anyway. This is a major scam. They do send letters to Knott Co. kids and try to RECRUIT them as early as third grade this is a joke. When this new KHSAA rule goes into effect that kids have to go to their feeder schools then they will be in bad trouble becasue recruiting will be harder. There is also a place in Hindman where a certin clinic is that the people who runs it uses it as a tool to recruit kids for basketball. Every kid that comes in there is invited to come over there for basketball. They also go to these grade school games in Knott Co and promise grade school kids college schlorships. This IGA shootout that they have over there for middle school teams is just another way they get schools to come in so they can talk to their kids about playing ball there. If I were a coach I wouldnt let a team of mine go over and play in that thing for that reason. These are just some of the reason people besides JBS people really dispise the place. Not to mention that their fans are the biggest cry babbies in the region. Home schools should get them some tissues and sit them in the seats before the game starts.
Extra Strength Wrote:Dude--maybe you need to look at JBS's schedule from last year and look at it for this year. What do you mean they don't play anybody? As I recall, they played a tournament in Berea last year and came in 3rd out of 16 teams, losing only to Henry Clay. And Clark Stepp had 35 points against Perry County at PCC last year. Oh, and by the way, Clark is a point guard--he doesn't just stand there and wait for someone to pass him the ball--he dribbles it down the floor. Have you actually seen him play?
yes i've seen him play and he may bring the ball up some but he is by no means a point guard. cox is much better than stepp anytime any [img]images/smilies/set6/argue.gif[/img]day
Extra Strength Wrote:You are correct that the schedule last year was not so hard, but as you may recall (and I'm sure you know because you know all there is to know about JBS), they were in the Three Rivers Conference and were obligated to play out their schedule. As for their schedule this year, it's probably as tough as any other team in the 14th region. Are you personally aquainted with the principal or the person in charge of finances at JBS, because you seem to know so much about the money situation. Oh, and if any grade school ball players received a call or a letter from anyone at JBS, it was only after that person applied to come to JBS. Maybe you have some issues you need to work out--like finding out the facts before you state it. Just because you've heard someone else say these things, doesn't mean it's a fact. Oh, and another thing, I still haven't heard an answer from anyone on why so many public school personel send there kids to JBS. Bet you know the answer, don't cha?
bet i do. i know for a fact that granny stepp holds the purse strings. and not to mean any disrespect because she is a wonderful person and she does alot for those kids if the come into the book store and don't have any money she makes sure they don't do without. and the only reason public school teachers send their kids to jbs is because of the prestige and they try to live high on the hog when they r so far in debt it aint funny. and no honey it aint after a kid checks into jbs before they start trying to recruit because they tried to get my son over there and we hadn't even discussed it at anytime.
The 14th may not be so one sided after all!

Congrats to JBS on the win!
play2win Wrote:Well i know clark too...a lot better than you. and what kind of fights go on at jbs, cause i go there and i sure dont know of any
they might not fight too much at school but wasn't it back last year when clark was doing all that braggin in hazard and got his ass kicked[img]images/smilies/set6/redboxer.gif[/img]hes old enough to know that he shouldn't be runnin his mouth around people he dont know. and i dont mean that in a bad way because i have a son and i wouldn't want that to happen to anyone. hope those guys were caught and punished. but i hadn't heard anymore about it.[img]images/smilies/set7/howdy.gif[/img]
speedy Wrote:bet i do. i know for a fact that granny stepp holds the purse strings. and not to mean any disrespect because she is a wonderful person and she does alot for those kids if the come into the book store and don't have any money she makes sure they don't do without. and the only reason public school teachers send their kids to jbs is because of the prestige and they try to live high on the hog when they r so far in debt it aint funny. and no honey it aint after a kid checks into jbs before they start trying to recruit because they tried to get my son over there and we hadn't even discussed it at anytime.
It's amazing to me how many people know the facts about JBS that have absolutely nothing to do with the school! And bringing the grandmother in on this one: are you kidding me? That is totally ridiculous! Oh, and how do you know who is in debt? Have these folks been discussing their finances with you? And who is "they" that tried to recruit your kid, honey? This is the fact that remains: if JBS wasn't doing so well in basketball, no one would care a thing about them. It boils down to one thing: jealousy!
I did hear that Alice Lloyd was taking away their athletic scholarships next year to support JBS's basketball team.
Why of course they are. And make sure you let everybody out there know that so they know the "facts" about JBS.
Don't you dare bring the grandma in on this one you are a horrible person and i wish you were blocked from making another post. Clark didnt deserve the fight he got in either, he is not a kid to brag. Hazard students yell Daddy's boy at him and he plays the game silent and when hes out in the great town of Hazard he doesnt brag and look for a fight so get ur facts straight and his grandma doesnt deserve that and you should apologize to her yourself that woman is so much better than what dignity you have left. I hope you are blocked and i never have to see another post by you. Talking about a grandma???????????????[img]images/smilies/set6/redboxer.gif[/img][img]images/smilies/set6/redboxer.gif[/img][img]images/smilies/set6/redboxer.gif[/img]
Doc John Wrote:Don't you dare bring the grandma in on this one you are a horrible person and i wish you were blocked from making another post. Clark didnt deserve the fight he got in either, he is not a kid to brag. Hazard students yell Daddy's boy at him and he plays the game silent and when hes out in the great town of Hazard he doesnt brag and look for a fight so get ur facts straight and his grandma doesnt deserve that and you should apologize to her yourself that woman is so much better than what dignity you have left. I hope you are blocked and i never have to see another post by you. Talking about a grandma???????????????[img]images/smilies/set6/redboxer.gif[/img][img]images/smilies/set6/redboxer.gif[/img][img]images/smilies/set6/redboxer.gif[/img]

Cry me a handful, hit a nerve thar. :Cheerlead
speedy Wrote:they might not fight too much at school but wasn't it back last year when clark was doing all that braggin in hazard and got his ass kicked[img]images/smilies/set6/redboxer.gif[/img]hes old enough to know that he shouldn't be runnin his mouth around people he dont know. and i dont mean that in a bad way because i have a son and i wouldn't want that to happen to anyone. hope those guys were caught and punished. but i hadn't heard anymore about it.[img]images/smilies/set7/howdy.gif[/img]
Let me clear you up on the facts on this one, because I do know what happened because I was told by more than one that was there. Clark was in the bowling alley with his girlfriend and others, minding their own business, when someone came in there and told him that someone was out in the parking lot threatening to mess up his car. So he went outside to find out what was going on, and some guy he didn't even know, along with about 20 of his friends, were out there waiting for him. Clark asked him to leave him and his car alone and then turned to walk away. As he did, the guy grabbed him and spun him around and hit him in the nose. Clark fought him back, and it ended without much incident. But Clark's nose was bloody, and he thought it was broken, so he drove himself to the emergency room. So, I'm sure you want to think he was running around Hazard bragging, but he wasn't. And as the person before me said, I know this boy and have never once seen or heard anything out of the way with him. It's just everyone wants to think he's some kind of awful person that deserves something terrible. Get over yourself! Is it really that difficult to be happy for someone when they are successful? I haven't and will never say a bad word about any kid or school personel around here or anywhere else. And it's especially bad to do so when your "facts" are all hearsay--which means they're not "facts" at all.
Extra Strength Wrote:Let me clear you up on the facts on this one, because I do know what happened because I was told by more than one that was there...
...And it's especially bad to do so when your "facts" are all hearsay--which means they're not "facts" at all.

Your first line in that post states the same thing you are saying in the last line. If you hear it from someone, it is hearsay. So is your version of hearsay not facts at all like you say all hearsay is?
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
One of my good friends was told if he came to JBS it would cost his family nothing. No questions asked.
wisecracker Wrote:JBS uses kids for athletic advantage. They promise kids schlorships and even parents college schlorships when in reality any kid gets to go to JBS for free anyway. This is a major scam. They do send letters to Knott Co. kids and try to RECRUIT them as early as third grade this is a joke. When this new KHSAA rule goes into effect that kids have to go to their feeder schools then they will be in bad trouble becasue recruiting will be harder. There is also a place in Hindman where a certin clinic is that the people who runs it uses it as a tool to recruit kids for basketball. Every kid that comes in there is invited to come over there for basketball. They also go to these grade school games in Knott Co and promise grade school kids college schlorships. This IGA shootout that they have over there for middle school teams is just another way they get schools to come in so they can talk to their kids about playing ball there. If I were a coach I wouldnt let a team of mine go over and play in that thing for that reason. These are just some of the reason people besides JBS people really dispise the place. Not to mention that their fans are the biggest cry babbies in the region. Home schools should get them some tissues and sit them in the seats before the game starts.
He knows how their system works.
You got beat, you out played yourself,and you still got beat. That is what this is all about. Why bring in all this other crap. You got beat!!
How many times are you going to say you got beat? It sounds better coming from Iverson Practice, Practice, Practice. when am I going to get my phone call? I guess I never will I'm just a BENCHWARMER. My Mom does need a job.

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