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Ironton (OH) 25 Raceland 12
I agree with a lot of the things that u r sayng Scotty but if u don't challange the secondary once or twice to a game with Messer you're crazy as a football coach.There was at least three times in the Ironton game that Messer was covered one on one you have to be able to get out of the play that you're in and take your chances downfield with him when the defense gives it to you.He is a great defender so he's not going to let the defense intercept the ball the reward is greater than the risk.The coaching staff has excepted the fact that they're going to use him as a decoy,I just think that it is an injustice to his talent.I'm not just talking about the Ironton game it's been this way all year.If he is on another team that throws the ball or runs the spread he would have Allstate type numbers.
I don't think we could have thrown the ball deep. we had one good pass play and that's when the rain and wind stopped for about 5 minutes in the first quarter that was the completion to Howard. other than that just about every time we tried to throw it it was a floater because of not being able to grip the ball. What I think would help is to move Messer around in the formations. wide left, wide right, us him in both slots. but then my knowledge of football would fit in the nut sack of an ant.
i agree with both above posts. In the Ironton game, we had no chance of getting anyone a deep ball. ive watched a majority of the games in person, or by film and I think the OCs have done a good job at taking what the defense gave them. Messer could use a few more touches, I will say that much. But, I dont think that giving him more touches would have changed the outcome of the game Friday. we looked like we were playing on a slip and slide half the time. Didnt seem like any receiver could plant with much confidence and Josh couldnt keep a grip on the ball. I dont think they have intentionally used Messer as a decoy. I think its defenses constantly making sure that he is either double covered or taken out of the play. on a dry field, we would have played better and imo, probabl won the game. Conditions just played into the ground and pound game that Ironton is so good at. i am really looking foward to the Pikeville match up now. we have played in 3 really tight games, winning one and losing the other two by a total of 20 pts. no excuses. The other teams made plays when they had to and we didnt. Last year at Williamsburg we looked "in awe" of our surroundings. I think simply playing the way we did in the first half AT Tanks Memorial, will pay off big in the weeks ahead.
All this discussion whining and excuse making is truly sad!!! First the balls wet, the field was wet and we were slipping on and now it's the coaches fault for not doing a good job calling plays which I think is pitiful! If you all act like this after every lose no wonder TJ left. Instead of thinking of BS excuses how about you give just a lil bit of credit to the other team. Because the bottom line is you had ZERO first the second half and you can't beat anyone doing that!! It's astroturf I would think it was a lot better traction grass lol..
What would be your view of the game if 60% of your offense was the passing game and you couldn't throw the ball 10 ft because of the ball being wet? nobody is making excuses. We got beat. any Raceland fan new going into that game that we couldn't match power games with Ironton. I was at the game. When I saw how our QB couldn't throw the ball I knew it was only a matter of time before Ironton took over the game on the ground. We may not have won the game if the field and the ball were dry but I would have liked our chances better if it were. But that's play in the conditions that you get and you deal with it.
I agree that the weather was a factor but it is any game that it rains but like you said that's football.. Just like it was at raceland last year. But the footing was 100 percent better friday than on grass! Was it a difference maker in this game last year or this year no not in my opinion. Who's to say a dry night would have changed anything no one knows. Good luck friday and rest of playoffs!!
I was never concerned with the turf being wet. However I was concerned when I was watching warm-ups and its pouring the rain and every time our QB threw a ball the wind would blow it back to him. He threw one solid pass the entire game in the 1st quarter when the wind and rain died down for about 5 minutes. After that it was hopeless. If we had been playing at Raceland in the same conditions.....Advantage Ironton. we played one game in the rain and mud this year and it was against a team that we didn't need to pass it against. Ironton's playbook is 6 plays. ours is a book. There are a lot of plays on those wrist bands. And we couldn't run most of them.
It don't make a crap how big the play book is bottom line ZERO first downs!!! ZERO!!! And you all can whine and complain about the weather the coach the wet ball the slippery field whatever you want but when you get ZERO first downs in a half of football your not gonna win bottom line! And I know didn't have anything to do with the defense stopping you it was the wind the rain the wet ball the coach the refs COME ON MAN!!! I know what the real problem was most of the die hard rambler fans didn't want to get wet so they didn't set on the visitors side (where they should have been). And the boys didn't have you great football minds to tell them what to do lol. That's one excuse you all haven't thought of yet!!! Got beat by better team now move on to phelps. Lol
Yet it was sufficient for many of the Itown faithful to gripe about "home cooking" last year when the Tigers got SHUTOUT. No one is disputing that Ironton BEAT Raceland this year. All any of us have said is that without the wind and rain, the Rams would have been more productive offensively. Our line is simply not big enough to ground and pound. We rely on staying balanced and spreading the field out. Ironton's DBs didnt have to worry about getting beat because every ball Young through, was a duck. Ironton's defense capitalized on Raceland becoming one demensional. Facts are facts. Weather played its part, we became one demensional, Ironton capitalized on that and won the ball game. No one, atleast not me, is taking away from what Ironton did in the 2nd half. But if you think the weather had nothing to do with our demise, then we will have to agree to disagree.
okay, theres my final 2 cents. im done. goodluck to Ironton i the postseason. Your first round games are far more difficult that what we will see.
Scotty I never said you did. And weather was a factor but not a difference maker.. Was there missed call in this years or last years game absolutely and home cooking as you say had nothing to do with the out come of either game. You whipped us last year and we whipped you all this year. All I'm saying Scotty not directed to you but some other posters is give our kids a lil credit for doing a good job instead of saying the reason was this or that.. I really wish you all the best of luck and make a deep run! The regular season is over and I'm truly a fan of every team in our area,
Don't understand why raceland fans need to make excuses, especially since at least 1 poster stated ironton is better than any class a team from Kentucky. I'd say keeping it within 2 scores is pretty good if iron ton is good as y'all say.
Ironton was simply a bigger, stronger team and they wore the Rams down at the end of the game. The biggest factor in Raceland's loss was the surge of momentum that Ironton gained in the 4th quarter to take the win. The Raceland offense also seemed timid in the second half and if they fail to execute against a team such as Pikeville then their hopes of defending their regional championship won't be very good.
killbilly usmc Wrote:Don't understand why raceland fans need to make excuses, especially since at least 1 poster stated ironton is better than any class a team from Kentucky. I'd say keeping it within 2 scores is pretty good if iron ton is good as y'all say.

Not the Ironton of old, however they are a much improved team from last year.
They are very one dimensional. Good showing by the Rams. IMO Ironton isn't better this season than any class A team in KY.
Gargamel Wrote:Not the Ironton of old, however they are a much improved team from last year.
They are very one dimensional. Good showing by the Rams. IMO Ironton isn't better this season than any class A team in KY.
Come on there are 32 teams in class a surely iron ton could beat a few 1a teams.
killbilly usmc Wrote:Come on there are 32 teams in class a surely iron ton could beat a few 1a teams.

I meant every, I can think of 5 that could get the W:welcome:
things i hate about this site (though I will never let it keep me from talking football)

1. if someone gives an opinion or interpretation of why a team lossed, they are automatically making excuses for them.

2. god forbid you offer critisism or thoughts on why your team defeated another team. bc if u do that, ur an arrogant a$$.

3. dont understand the "sideline coach" comments and "if ur so good why dont u coach" statements. isnt that what the site is for?

just dont get it. bash away. just somethin ive always wondered. maybe its just me.
Gargamel Wrote:I meant every, I can think of 5 that could get the W:welcome:

Scotty_Bronson Wrote:things i hate about this site (though I will never let it keep me from talking football)

1. if someone gives an opinion or interpretation of why a team lossed, they are automatically making excuses for them.

2. god forbid you offer critisism or thoughts on why your team defeated another team. bc if u do that, ur an arrogant a$$.

3. dont understand the "sideline coach" comments and "if ur so good why dont u coach" statements. isnt that what the site is for?

just dont get it. bash away. just somethin ive always wondered. maybe its just me.

I agree Scotty. I gave a few reasons why I thought Russell didn't do to well against Pikeville and at least one fan was saying I was making excuses, sour grapes and all the rest. I guess he was upset that I started off by saying I wasn't that impressed with them.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:things i hate about this site (though I will never let it keep me from talking football)

1. if someone gives an opinion or interpretation of why a team lossed, they are automatically making excuses for them.

2. god forbid you offer critisism or thoughts on why your team defeated another team. bc if u do that, ur an arrogant a$$.

3. dont understand the "sideline coach" comments and "if ur so good why dont u coach" statements. isnt that what the site is for?

just dont get it. bash away. just somethin ive always wondered. maybe its just me.

let it go in one ear and out the other. Go Rams :Cheerlead
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:things i hate about this site (though I will never let it keep me from talking football)

1. if someone gives an opinion or interpretation of why a team lossed, they are automatically making excuses for them.

2. god forbid you offer critisism or thoughts on why your team defeated another team. bc if u do that, ur an arrogant a$$.

3. dont understand the "sideline coach" comments and "if ur so good why dont u coach" statements. isnt that what the site is for?

just dont get it. bash away. just somethin ive always wondered. maybe its just me.

Is loosed a word?
as far as I know "loosed" is not a word lol. Word should have been LOST. One of those moments I guess lol.
I wish I could go back.I would keep my mouth shut and not give out my thoughts on the Rams.I think some people on here R just looking for a fight.Ironto won because they were the better team that night.Irontons coaches made good adjustments at the half because Racelands line was coming off the field confused about their assignments.

I just like to get on here sometimes and get things off my chest and see what some other think.No need in some of u guys getting so butt sore.
Someone PLEASE close this thread so the dead horse can rest in peace!!!
I watched this game on TV today. Ironton pretty much dominated after the first quarter. Rain or shine the outcome wasn't going to change.
I've read this forum for several months and was happy doing just that! The bottom line to the GAME WASNT RAIN!! It was ohio- Ky football! The Raceland team wasn't up to getting knocked around! Racelands best player was comepletu taken out of the game! If he was a d1 Ayer he would've had a huge game against us! Blame it on what you want but Messer was a none factor for 4 qtrs! -7 yards rushing and 0 receptions! The Raceland team was able to throw the ball early in the rain? Did the level of precipitation change? I don't think so ! The bottom line is they weren't even close to being as physical as the tigers and they were scared of the massive blows being handed out! The Tigers would win a state title 8-9/10 years in the class that Raceland plays in! Raceland may win 3 games in ohio! Maybe? For crying out loud they couldn't even beat Ashland! Also the coach from Ironton was to nice after the screwing they took at route 23 swamp last season . SCORE WHEN THE BALL IS AT THE 1! Raceland is a average wteam and it's posters seem to be blind!

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