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Elimination Chamber 2/17
Nevermind this is NOT in the chamber...

Dusty speaking of dirt sheet writers, which one's are the best, the ones that are usually on the money besides sescoops?
Cena, Ryback and Sheamus take it to The Shield before the match even starts
The Shield wins....I figured this would happen
Dolph Ziggler comes out running his mouth
Booker T comes out and books Ziggler in a match with Kofi Kingston
Ziggler wins
Big E Langston is just destroying Kofi
In the pre-view match, Brodus Clay and Tensai defeated Team Rhodes Scholars..
Up next: Divas Championship, Kaitlyn © vs. Tamina Snuka
Kaitlyn is gonna get destoryed
Kaitlyn retains the divas title...Tamina missed her dad's famous finisher, Kaitlyn got the spear and the 1..2..3
I'm coming home/Wrestlemania preview....
Up Next (Final Match): Rock vs. Punk for the title...If Rock get's counted out or DQ'd he loses the title....
I bet somehow The Shield or someone interferes in this match....Vince comes out and orders another re-start....maybe not how it happens but I could see it....Punk comes out first with Paul Heyman and The Rock's title...
Here comes The Rock
Punk running around the ring with a big smile on his face
Punk is trying his best to get Rock DQ'd
Punk got Rock in some sort of sleeper hold...both laying down on the mat
Punk with the high knee
Punk hits the elbow but Rock kicks out at 2
Punk tosses Rock outside the ring
Punk delivers the Rock bottom to Rock on the announce table
Rock makes it in the ring at the count of 9
Rock goes for the Rock Bottom but Punk counters with elbows to the back of the head
Ref gets knocked out
Punk hits the go to sleep but no official
Punk kicks out of the peoples elbow....we have a second official
second ref rolls his ankle, Paul Heyman hands Punk the title, Heyman holds the Rock, Punk goes to hit Rock with the title but Rock ducks and Punk hits Heyman with the title knocking him out, Rock hits the Rock Bottom on Punk, the first ref comes in and counts the 1..2..3 your winner and still WWE Champion, The Rock...

Goodnight folks!!!
This show was pretty bad...

Elimination Chamber match was about the only bright spot, even tho I'm surprised they are going forward with this Swagger/Del Rio feud.
Swagger? When will they give up on this guy? Sheesh!

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