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WWE has announced that WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn will defend against Tamina this Sunday at Elimination Chamber. With that match set, here’s the updated card for the pay-per-view:

WWE Championship Match
The Rock © vs. CM Punk
* If The Rock gets himself disqualified or counted out, CM Punk wins the title

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Alberto Del Rio © vs. Big Show

Elimination Chamber Match
Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane vs. Jack Swagger
* Winner gets a World Heavyweight Title shot at WrestleMania 29

Team Cena vs. The Shield
John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus vs. Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns

Divas Championship Match
Kaitlyn © vs. Tamina Snuka
So who all is watching it? Where can you watch it online?
Pre-show is The Rhodes Scholars vs. Brodus Clay & Tensai.

Yeah, I'll be watching as usual.
I'll be keeping the updates again!!! Showing the match from Smackdown, Show vs. Jericho...
and here we go, Chamber PPV is starting!!!
Big Show/Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship is up first.

Show out first...
Cole, JBL, Lawler are your ring commentators
Del Rio out second....
Match starts and Big Show is absolutely taking it to Del Rio
If WM plans are to have Orton/Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship, Del Rio will retain tonight....No reason to lose it to Big Show only to lose it to Orton or Sheamus in the coming weeks.
Big Show with the hand slaps to Del Rio's chest

Big Show goes for the but into the corner, Del Rio moves out of the way, Show hits the turn buckles

Del Rio taking it to Show now
Show spears Del Rio but only gets a 2 count
Big Show hits the second rope splash on Del Rio but still only get's a 2 count
Del Rio gives Big Show the hurricanrona
Both men are outside of the ring
Big Show just slides in at the count of 9
Big Show delivers the choke slam but Del Rio kicks out
Del Rio retains the title with the armbreaker
Miz/Cesaro faced off for the US Title, don't have the result because I was busy and didn't get to see it...will post the winner when I get the result.

Smackdown Elimination Chamber is up next

Swagger is out first
World Heavyweight Title: Alberto Del Rio © vs. Big Show

The bell sounds to begin our first match of the evening and Show shoves Del Rio into the ropes for a couple of clubbing blows. Del Rio turns things around in the corner for a second, but eats a huge chop to the chest from Show. Del Rio crosses the ring, and Show chops him across the chest again. Show chops Del Rio across the back and sends him down to the mat. Del Rio crawls back to his feet and is slammed right back down. Del Rio tries to head butt Show, but ends up sent into the corner. Del Rio avoids a splash and targets Show’s knee, knocking him to the mat for a series of kicks to the chest. Del Rio hits Show with a superkick to the kneeling giant, but Show shrugs off a cover, tossing Del Rio across the ring. Del Rio tries for the arm breaker, but Show shoves him into the ropes and follows up with a spear for two. Show stands on Del Rio’s chest in the corner before being called off by the ref. Show picks Del Rio up and hits him with a nasty short arm clothesline. Del Rio kicks at Show’s legs, but he hits the ropes and runs right into a stiff kick from Show that puts him right back down to the mat. Show climbs up to the middle rope and tries for a Vader bomb, landing square on Del Rio’s chest, but Del Rio is still able to kick out. Show picks Del Rio up and Del Rio is able to clamp on the cross arm breaker out of nowhere. Show struggles, but he’s able to make it to the ropes to break the hold. Del Rio gets to his feet but he’s shoved away by Show into the corner. Del Rio kicks Show in the face and leaps off the middle rope, but he’s caught in a bear hug. Del Rio fades, but Show breaks the hold to chase Ricardo off the apron. He turns around into a series of strikes from Del Rio, but Show shrugs it off and hoists Del Rio up for a powerbomb. Del Rio hits Show with a couple of punches and turns it into a hurricanrana that sends Show to the outside. Del Rio flies through the ropes with a suicide dive. Both men beat the count into the ring. Del Rio heads to the top rope and hits a seated senton, good for another two count. Del Rio charges into Show with a kick, but Show catches his foot and puts him down with a big chokeslam, but it’s still not enough to keep the champ down for three. Show calls for the KO punch, but Del Rio bails to the outside. Show pulls him back into the ring, from the inside, and plants Del Rio on the canvas. Show tries for another chokeslam, but Del Rio counters, trying for a sunset flip. Show picks Del Rio up, and is immediately planted by a surprise DDT from Del Rio that’s good for another near fall. Del Rio hits the enzugiri in the corner, but Show kicks out of another pinfall attempt. Del Rio goes back to the cross arm breaker in the middle of the ring. Show reaches for the rope, but rolls over onto his feet instead, picking up the champ and slamming him to the canvas to break the hold. Show makes it to his feet first and calls for the KO punch again before knocking Ricardo from the apron again. Show holds up the bucket the Ricardo brought to the ring. Del Rio botches an enzugiri, but then hits another that puts the bucket to Show’s head. Del Rio hits another enzugiri, slaps on the armbreaker and Big Show is in trouble this time. He goes for the ropes but no dice. Show is forced to tap. Del Rio retains.

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Alberto Del Rio
WWE U.S. Title: Antonio Cesaro © vs. The Miz

Miz has his shoulder taped up. The bell sounds and here we go. Miz peppers Cesaro with a couple of rights and some kicks in the corner, but he runs into a boot to the gut from Antonio. Cesaro sends Miz out to the apron, but finds himself trapped in a roll up for two. Cesaro turns to the arm of Miz, hitting him with a big shoulder block before being caught with another roll up. Miz hits a running knee lift, but Cesaro responds quickly, catching Miz and planting him with a big shoulder breaker across his knee. Cesaro stomps at Miz’s shoulder before leaping up and stomping down hard, then slamming Miz’s arm down into the mat. Cesaro slams Miz to the mat before mounting him and raining down with a series of forearms. Cesaro knees Miz in the shoulder before picking him up by the arm and flipping him over to the mat. Cesaro clamps on a short arm scissor, working over Miz’s arm even more. Miz tries to roll up Cesaro, but Cesaro fights up to hit a big clothesline, then another two count. Cesaro stomps on Miz’s shoulder hard before slamming it down against the ring apron. Cesaro goes for another pin, getting another two count. Cesaro grabs Miz’s fingers and twists his arm and wrist over. Miz fights up to his feet and hits Cesaro with a back elbow before kicking him square in the chin. Miz kicks away at Cesaro in the corner before being pulled away by the ref and hitting his running corner clothesline. Miz leaps off the apron, but he’s caught by Cesaro. Cesaro shoulders Miz, but Miz slips off and shoves Cesaro into the ring steps, hurting Cesaro’s knee. Cesaro heads back into the ring and Miz hits him with a chop block, and a dragon screw before hitting him with a low DDT while Cesaro is on his knees. Cesaro kicks out of a pin attempt and kicks Miz away, but ends up eating a low dropkick from Miz. Miz tries for the figure four, but Cesaro trips up Miz and Miz accidentally knees Cesaro low. Cesaro points it out and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner and STILL WWE U.S. Champion: Antonio Cesaro
Cesaro retained the US Championship by defeating Miz.

Swagger running his jaw
Backstage: Kane, Daniel Bryan

Kane is shown pacing backstage, and Daniel Bryan asks if he’s still giving him the silent treatment. Bryan says the Royal Rumble was every man for himself, and Kane eliminated Bryan, so he should be the one who’s mad. Bryan asks why Kane is so grumpy. Kane says Bryan looks grumpy since he’s like a dwarf. Kane says he’s never competed in a WrestleMania main event, and tonight’s his shot, so it’s really important. Bryan says it might come down to the two of them, so they should look out for each other. They hug. Kane says Bryan will watch his back, and Kane will watch his back too.
Kane out second
- They cut to the arena where the chamber is being lowered for the #1 Contenders match.
Somebody about to get their ass kicked...Mark Henry is out third
Thanks Dust for the help!!

Orton out fourth....So Bryan and Sheamus will start it looks like
Jericho, excuse me, I thought Sheamus was in it...Jericho/Bryan will start
Daniel Bryan needs a haircut both on his face and his head....
WrestlingNewsSource ‏@WNSource
Considering New Orleans is getting Wrestlemania next year, we aren't very loud! SPEAK UP DAMMIT as Bryan enters the chamber. #wwechamber
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