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Canadian #3 & #13 ranked kids transfers to East Ridge??
shelbyvalley02 Wrote:listen here good guy , i want to see every kid from this area do well. just because ER has to find players to help them win, no wonder why Justice kid left town.

A transfer is a transfer, no matter if they come from a neighboring school or Canada. If the transfer is good, then someone sits. That's just the way it is. Don't take the easy way out by quitting, leaving, or giving up; fight and work for playing time.

I don't think there is a school in this area that has not benifitted from a transfer. Some like it some don't, some kids work harder to keep their positions or playing time and some give up and quit or don't fight for their playing time.

There is always going to be someone faster, stronger, smarter or better looking. That's life, teach the kids to work and earn what they get not expect to get something just because of who they are or how long they've been there.
So all these people are one here hating but I guarantee that if ER does anything this year they will change their tone and be all for it
Really Real Badman. East Ridge? Legit? The 15th runs through Shelby Valley. It is good however that ER will once again be competitive. Pikeville ans SV do not care because there talent comes from their feeder programs and they will have them for 4 years not a few Canadians that will be their 1 year. We were worried about Cameron Justice, a little but he left your school with his father. We'll do ok with our homegrown boys. Have fun with you're unproven coach and hockey players. SV will win the region for the next 4-5 years.
Does East Ridge return anything to help these two out?
Alpha_Male Wrote:Really Real Badman. East Ridge? Legit? The 15th runs through Shelby Valley. It is good however that ER will once again be competitive. Pikeville ans SV do not care because there talent comes from their feeder programs and they will have them for 4 years not a few Canadians that will be their 1 year. We were worried about Cameron Justice, a little but he left your school with his father. We'll do ok with our homegrown boys. Have fun with you're unproven coach and hockey players. SV will win the region for the next 4-5 years.

Come talk to me when you pass English 098, until then stop referring to such things as "your." I don't know how clear I can be. Your irrelevance is relating to ignorance sometimes. Graduation can't be soon enough?
Sorry Real Badman. You forgot to point out that I didn't use you're in the right way. I forgot we all had to type with correct grammar before we could comment on what you said. Was that last sentence a question? I wasn't sure because I didn't learn what that their ? was while I was in School. Can you please teach me? All that I was trying to say was that SV isn't afraid of some canadian transfers..... That is it. You sometimes suprise me with your ability to know so little about any sport. You hate SV for some reason. Maybe ER wins the 15th this year. Then what? Are the kids that didnt get any experience this year going to fill the Canadians shoes? No they aren't. But we'll see basketball season isn't too far off.
Alpha_Male Wrote:Sorry Real Badman. You forgot to point out that I didn't use you're in the right way. I forgot we all had to type with correct grammar before we could comment on what you said. Was that last sentence a question? I wasn't sure because I didn't learn what that their ? was while I was in School. Can you please teach me? All that I was trying to say was that SV isn't afraid of some canadian transfers..... That is it. You sometimes suprise me with your ability to know so little about any sport. You hate SV for some reason. Maybe ER wins the 15th this year. Then what? Are the kids that didnt get any experience this year going to fill the Canadians shoes? No they aren't. But we'll see basketball season isn't too far off.

You'd actually be surprised how much I actually know. You're and Your was not the point I was making. Nice try though.
Real Badman Wrote:That would be very debatable, now wouldn't it? What one says and what one means can be two completely different things now couldn't they?
I'm not quite sure what you are going for here? I only gave credit to ER in the entire post. What I said was exactly what it meant.
More Cowbell Wrote:I think you misunderstood what PT actually said in his post...

What he said was that "it isn't like we (Pikeville) had been just lighting ER on fire every year". It wasn't a slight on East Ridge at all.
Real Badman Wrote:If by "we" you mean Shelby Valley, then yes. East Ridge is a combined 10-14 against Pikeville. Since East Ridge has been erect, they have won the 59th district twice (same as Pikeville) and a 15th region crown (which Pikeville has not). So yeah, "lighting ER on fire every year before this anyway" sounds pretty accurate to me also. Cool story bro, tell it again.
Comprehend what I said. I could not have made it much more clear. My statement meant that Pikeville has been dominating ER the past 9 years, so why would we be any more worried than what we have been before? You conveniently left out the word that made the whole statement make any sense out of your quote. So, as for you "cool story bro, tell it again" sentence, you are the one who did not comprehend what the post actually said and then tried to be cute about it. Before you try to make someone else look like an idiot, make sure you, yourself, do not. Jesus, try to give a program credit and people still act like I'm an idiot.
Real Badman Wrote:You'd actually be surprised how much I actually know. You're and Your was not the point I was making. Nice try though.

Please enhance us what do you actually know? You were trying to say that I was ignorant, I understand that. But I am not. All of us Pikeville and SV fans view those transfers the same way that Perry County and Hazard view Cordias transfers. Untill they beat SV or Pikeville they will not get any credit. And we will not be scared of them.
I'd love to know how much he knows as well. Especially about how all of this went down. Nobody should be worried about these guys. Are they legit? Of course, but Lemaster has proven he can't coach before and he will continue his proud tradition of doing so at East Ridge. There's a reason nobody down state wanted him. He, along with his bobbleheaded Canadians will be 1 year and out.

Shut down the 2 Canadians, shut down East Ridge. I know a few ways to get Lemaster out of his gameplan but we'll leave it at that. East Ridge must feel so proud to know they can't win with their own players. What a boost of confidence to the returning players from last year.

"You guys aren't good enough to win, so we're gonna go out and get a few real basketball players". I know I'd feel great if I was on the team last year and saw this happen.

I'd still take 3-4 other teams ahead of East Ridge this season.
Panther Thunder Wrote:I'm not quite sure what you are going for here? I only gave credit to ER in the entire post. What I said was exactly what it meant.


Comprehend what I said. I could not have made it much more clear. My statement meant that Pikeville has been dominating ER the past 9 years, so why would we be any more worried than what we have been before? You conveniently left out the word that made the whole statement make any sense out of your quote. So, as for you "cool story bro, tell it again" sentence, you are the one who did not comprehend what the post actually said and then tried to be cute about it. Before you try to make someone else look like an idiot, make sure you, yourself, do not. Jesus, try to give a program credit and people still act like I'm an idiot.

If thats the case then I formally apologize to you. You have to forgive me, for you are just as sarcastic as I most of the time.
goodguy Wrote:A transfer is a transfer, no matter if they come from a neighboring school or Canada. If the transfer is good, then someone sits. That's just the way it is. Don't take the easy way out by quitting, leaving, or giving up; fight and work for playing time.

I don't think there is a school in this area that has not benifitted from a transfer. Some like it some don't, some kids work harder to keep their positions or playing time and some give up and quit or don't fight for their playing time.

There is always going to be someone faster, stronger, smarter or better looking. That's life, teach the kids to work and earn what they get not expect to get something just because of who they are or how long they've been there.

thats what ive said, you get what you put in and playing time shouldnt be handed out like goverment money
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:I'd love to know how much he knows as well. Especially about how all of this went down. Nobody should be worried about these guys. Are they legit? Of course, but Lemaster has proven he can't coach before and he will continue his proud tradition of doing so at East Ridge. There's a reason nobody down state wanted him. He, along with his bobbleheaded Canadians will be 1 year and out.

Shut down the 2 Canadians, shut down East Ridge. I know a few ways to get Lemaster out of his gameplan but we'll leave it at that. East Ridge must feel so proud to know they can't win with their own players. What a boost of confidence to the returning players from last year.

"You guys aren't good enough to win, so we're gonna go out and get a few real basketball players". I know I'd feel great if I was on the team last year and saw this happen.

I'd still take 3-4 other teams ahead of East Ridge this season.

Onion Head, if you think the 2 Canadian boys are the only ones who can play, then you aren't too familiar with the program. E.R. has a very nice Freshman class, many of whom will start and or see a lot of playing time. As far as your "bobblehead" remarks about 2 15 year old kids, well your name explains your intelligence.
School Admin. Wrote:Onion Head, if you think the 2 Canadian boys are the only ones who can play, then you aren't too familiar with the program. E.R. has a very nice Freshman class, many of whom will start and or see a lot of playing time. As far as your "bobblehead" remarks about 2 15 year old kids, well your name explains your intelligence.

Relax Francis, it was just a reference to south park. I didn't expect most to "get" it but it was nothing personal.

And I apologize for not coming up with a cooler name than yours. I wasn't aware we had to register under something so dignified as a school admin.

There's at least 1 freshman class better in the district that I can think if. To be short and to the point. I still stand by everything I said in my previous post.
Real Badman Wrote:That would be very debatable, now wouldn't it? What one says and what one means can be two completely different things now couldn't they?

Seems pretty clear the point he was trying to get across. But that's just me.

goodguy Wrote:A transfer is a transfer, no matter if they come from a neighboring school or Canada. If the transfer is good, then someone sits. That's just the way it is. Don't take the easy way out by quitting, leaving, or giving up; fight and work for playing time.

I don't think there is a school in this area that has not benifitted from a transfer. Some like it some don't, some kids work harder to keep their positions or playing time and some give up and quit or don't fight for their playing time.

There is always going to be someone faster, stronger, smarter or better looking. That's life, teach the kids to work and earn what they get not expect to get something just because of who they are or how long they've been there.

I fully recognize that there is competition everywhere in life. But you are way off base if you think you can always win any competition simply by working harder than the next guy.

For example, imagine you are the starting point guard on your high school team. You're a real gym rat, always working on your game. You have been a starter and the on-court leader for your team ever since you were in grade school together. And now you're looking forward to your senior year and hopefully leading your team to a championship. But...

Your school just got a high-profile transfer, some guy named John Wall. You're torn between the excitement of the team getting a great player, but at the same time you're worried about your own playing time and whether that will affect your chances at landing a scholarship to play for the local college. But everyone just tells you to work hard, put in even more time in the gym, and keep that starting spot based on sheer will alone. But...

It doesn't matter. The new guy is just too talented. Even though he barely spends half the time in the gym that you do, his natural God-given talent is just too much to overcome. You go from starting and playing 30+ minutes per game, to coming off the bench for about 10 minutes. Your scoring and assists averages plummet, and any chance at a scholarship dries up.

Now, I'm not saying this is how it will play out. I seriously doubt that either of the Canadians is the next John Wall, that was just an extreme example. Yes, there will be competition in every facet of life. My point is just that saying that "the old players on the team simply have to work harder to keep their spot on the team", may not matter if the new guys are just too talented.

I have no ties to East Ridge, and I don't have a kid in this situation, but I am trying to put myself in their shoes. How would you feel if you had a kid whose senior year was ruined by a "hired gun" mercenary?

shelbyvalley02 Wrote:Correct, not fair for the mountain Kids that work all summer, I really just making their self-esteem go down even more.

This isn't grade school anymore. Teams are out to win, and coaches will put their best players on the floor to do that. The playing time whining stuff is for 4th and 5th grade Mom's and Dad's..

If a kid doesn't get to play, it's always political to whoever's kid isn't getting to play.. But those people don't realize that maybe, just maybe, their child wasn't good enough.

Theres no program in the country that doesn't play to win. And thats what the grade school is for, to find out what you are good at and pursue it further.
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:Relax Francis, it was just a reference to south park. I didn't expect most to "get" it but it was nothing personal.

And I apologize for not coming up with a cooler name than yours. I wasn't aware we had to register under something so dignified as a school admin.

There's at least 1 freshman class better in the district that I can think if. To be short and to the point. I still stand by everything I said in my previous post.

Onion Head, where did I ever say E.R. had the best Freshman Class in the Region? I have said repeatedly on here that E.R. S.V. B.L. and J.C. all had tremendous talent coming up...... I really don't know where you got any of that stuff. Anyway, I think you are expressing a little jealousy and that's fine. I don't whine and cry about this one moving in, or that one moving in or whatever the problem is. My philosophy is just make your program better. If anyone wants to talk about recruiting, I can tell you some stories that will knock your socks off, but I'm not going there.
Real Badman Wrote:Come talk to me when you pass English 098, until then stop referring to such things as "your." I don't know how clear I can be. Your irrelevance is relating to ignorance sometimes. Graduation can't be soon enough?

Badman, you obviously have something against S.V! You bash them every chance you get about any sport? First, football. How'd that one turn out? Oh yeah, 55-6? Now your bashing the Basketball team who has been the most dominate in the 15th region ever? You quite frankly are a moron. As for this post, it is a sign of your stupidity and lack of know how. You had nothing to say to Alpha Males post because you knew he was right. So you simply scrolled down his post trying to find something to say back to him. The best you could come up with is making fun of how he spelled "your". You are a prime example of a person who was lost for words because he was proven wrong by another poster. As for the Canadian kids, no one really cares. I will give credit when credit is due. If ER beats S.V or P.H.S I'll then give them credit. What your not realizing badman is that these kids will be gone in a year. Your acting like ER has picked up Kobe Bryant? Their some Canadian kids who play ball. I wish them the best of luck all year. I can't wait to watch ER play! Should be exciting. Good luck to ALL teams this year!
All i do is win Wrote:Badman, you obviously have something against S.V! You bash them every chance you get about any sport? First, football. How'd that one turn out? Oh yeah, 55-6? Now your bashing the Basketball team who has been the most dominate in the 15th region ever? You quite frankly are a moron. As for this post, it is a sign of your stupidity and lack of know how. You had nothing to say to Alpha Males post because you knew he was right. So you simply scrolled down his post trying to find something to say back to him. The best you could come up with is making fun of how he spelled "your". You are a prime example of a person who was lost for words because he was proven wrong by another poster. As for the Canadian kids, no one really cares. I will give credit when credit is due. If ER beats S.V or P.H.S I'll then give them credit. What your not realizing badman is that these kids will be gone in a year. Your acting like ER has picked up Kobe Bryant? Their some Canadian kids who play ball. I wish them the best of luck all year. I can't wait to watch ER play! Should be exciting. Good luck to ALL teams this year!
Paintsville said to holla! lol

Not a disrespectful post, just wanted to point that out.
Paintsville and SV are very comparable as far as dominating the region. If you compare how long SV has been in existence then SV would be more dominate. The numbers do not lie.
new o Wrote:Paintsville and SV are very comparable as far as dominating the region. If you compare how long SV has been in existence then SV would be more dominate. The numbers do not lie.
Fair enough. IMO, they are still a couple great players and State Runs away. And as for since SV has been in existence, if you wanna throw Virgie and Dorton in, it makes it even closer with Virgie and Todd May.
I can see the t-shirts now....

HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:I can see the t-shirts now....


Haha... :Thumbs:

School Admin. Wrote:Onion Head, where did I ever say E.R. had the best Freshman Class in the Region? I have said repeatedly on here that E.R. S.V. B.L. and J.C. all had tremendous talent coming up...... I really don't know where you got any of that stuff. Anyway, I think you are expressing a little jealousy and that's fine. I don't whine and cry about this one moving in, or that one moving in or whatever the problem is. My philosophy is just make your program better. If anyone wants to talk about recruiting, I can tell you some stories that will knock your socks off, but I'm not going there.

You know you're right. I just realized it. I am extremely jealous of East Ridge. The 7 Region titles my school has won in the last 10 years is nothing in comparison to ER's 1 title and now corrupt recruiting skills and stigma that only makes them worse than they were before.

That's a great philosophy. "If you can't beat em, recruit from another country." and win with kids who have never heard of your school. Pathetic.

Please...go there. I dare you.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:I can see the t-shirts now....


Now THAT is Funny Stuff!!!:thatsfunn:thatsfunn
Sounds like the additions at East Ridge has the wildcat and panther faithful very concerned.
What's going on with kentucky basketball? Are teams really this desperate this year?
Only time will tell. Apparently ER was worried they could not compete with their young talent.

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