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Johnson Central 2011
Bob Seger Wrote:I dont think that anyone ever said he was to begin with. The point is that you (Mr. Fan without a team) is so infinately knowledgeable to determine that he isn't and quickly point that out. I notice you're still not showcasing any of your creditentials for all to view.

Consider me the Simon Cowell of high school prospects. I don't always say things that folks want to hear, but I speak the truth. Like I said, he will have a much better opportunity in wrestling.
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:Consider me the Simon Cowell of high school prospects. I don't always say things that folks want to hear, but I speak the truth. Like I said, he will have a much better opportunity in wrestling.

Based on evidence provided , probably considered more a caliber of expertise more likened to that of Simon of Simon and Garfunkle fame.

So you are an expert on wrestling too? In the big scheme of things just exactly where does he fit in there? Which college would you say he has the best chance of going to and excelling with, right off the bat? What weight class do you think should he participate in?

I doubt that you have hurt the first feelings as far as what you say, because nobody has made any claims on the subject either way. Only hast thou, O fan of no team's claim.

If you wouldn't care could you please provide a DETAILED talent evaluation of what Jude possses in both sports? Again, please go into intricate detail, pointing out not only the strong, but the weak points as well. Again, please do so in both sports. Shouldn't be so hard for a guy who has no doubt seen him on countless occasions, on the mat as well as on the football field.

We are all anxiously awaiting your detailed talent analysis.:popcorn:
Weaknesses: no speed, no "natural" athleticism, no size; stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey by some teams this year.

Strengths: physical strength; what he lacks in raw athleticism he makes up for in sheer will and determination.

In the end, it's will vs. skill....................and skill always wins.:moon:
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:Weaknesses: no speed, no "natural" athleticism, no size; stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey by some teams this year.

Strengths: physical strength; what he lacks in raw athleticism he makes up for in sheer will and determination.

In the end, it's will vs. skill....................and skill always wins.:moon:

No speed? How fast is Jude anyways? What is his 40 time? What is his shuttle time? How fast does a D1 RB have to be?

No size? What is his size? How tall is he? How much does he weigh?

Just so you know , this is the size of the two running backs on the 1st team AP All American Team this year.
Kendall Hunter Senior...Oklahoma State (5-8, 197)
LaMichael James Soph....Oregon (5-9, 180)

How much bigger are they than Jude?

No athleticism? Define that please.

Where is the talent analysis of his wrestling abilities I asked for? For an expert like you, that shoudn't be a hard thing to go into detail on.

Isn't it true that you have never seen him play football in person?

Isn't it true that you never even went to the JC/Highlands game?

Isn't it true that you have never seen him wrestle?

Isn't it true that you have never seen him play at anything?

I'll tell you one thing that is true. The more you talk, the more obvious it is to everyone that all you do is just rattle, rattle, rattle?:blabbermo:blabbermo:blabbermo:blabbermo
Only time will tell. I hope he proves me wrong. As for you Bob, I leave you with an old confucious proverb that says "A man's screen name initials say alot about what he is full of......":biggrin:
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:Only time will tell. I hope he proves me wrong. As for you Bob, I leave you with an old confucious proverb that says "A man's screen name initials say alot about what he is full of......":biggrin:

Hey, that's pretty darn clever.:Clap:

You can't deny that I was right on everything else though.:biggrin:
Bob Seger Wrote:No speed? How fast is Jude anyways? What is his 40 time? What is his shuttle time? How fast does a D1 RB have to be?

No size? What is his size? How tall is he? How much does he weigh?

Just so you know , this is the size of the two running backs on the 1st team AP All American Team this year.
Kendall Hunter Senior...Oklahoma State (5-8, 197)
LaMichael James Soph....Oregon (5-9, 180)

How much bigger are they than Jude?

No athleticism? Define that please.

Where is the talent analysis of his wrestling abilities I asked for? For an expert like you, that shoudn't be a hard thing to go into detail on.

Isn't it true that you have never seen him play football in person?

Isn't it true that you never even went to the JC/Highlands game?

Isn't it true that you have never seen him wrestle?

Isn't it true that you have never seen him play at anything?

I'll tell you one thing that is true. The more you talk, the more obvious it is to everyone that all you do is just rattle, rattle, rattle?:blabbermo:blabbermo:blabbermo:blabbermo

Do not know his 40 time, but his 100 time averages out to about a 11.6. This is not what I would consider fast for the 100. He did run a 11.1 once, but never came close to that time any other races.
Bob Seger Wrote:Hey, that's pretty darn clever.:Clap:

You can't deny that I was right on everything else though.:biggrin:

So, do you think he's going to be a big time player in D1? I just want to hear your thoughts since you've heard plenty of mine....
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:So, do you think he's going to be a big time player in D1? I just want to hear your thoughts since you've heard plenty of mine....

I'm just like you are. I have no clue, as I am no expert. However you can take solice in knowing that even the dumbest person alive has a 50/50 chance of being right or wrong in making this prediction. So even guys like me and
you have a great chance of looking like a genius.:biggrin:

Personally, I hope he has fun in high school and is more interested in just concentrating on getting an education and forgets about playing either sport at the next level. To me, there is nothing more over rated and distracting from the objective than playing college athletics.
sstack Wrote:Do not know his 40 time, but his 100 time averages out to about a 11.6. This is not what I would consider fast for the 100. He did run a 11.1 once, but never came close to that time any other races.

Cant say that I know what either one is, and honestly I could really care less. That's not the point. I'm not the one making the broad statements that I dont have a clue of anything about.
Bob Seger Wrote:Cant say that I know what either one is, and honestly I could really care less. That's not the point. I'm not the one making the broad statements that I dont have a clue of anything about.
I would suppose that one could make all the broad statements that they desire. The problem comes when they are called to task for a defense of same. When a reasonable defense is not presented then conclusion might be drawn from the Smilie offered in post #33.
mr.charlie hustle Wrote:I would suppose that one could make all the broad statements that they desire. The problem comes when they are called to task for a defense of same. When a reasonable defense is not presented then conclusion might be drawn from the Smilie offered in post #33.

Bob Seger Wrote:I'm just like you are. I have no clue, as I am no expert. However you can take solice in knowing that even the dumbest person alive has a 50/50 chance of being right or wrong in making this prediction. So even guys like me and
you have a great chance of looking like a genius.:biggrin:

Personally, I hope he has fun in high school and is more interested in just concentrating on getting an education and forgets about playing either sport at the next level. To me, there is nothing more over rated and distracting from the objective than playing college athletics.

The bolded is absolutely the most accurate statement I've ever read on here and I played college football.
Let's the end argument, the kid will probably end up at Marshall and let it play out from there.
Belfry0304 Wrote:Let's the end argument, the kid will probably end up at Marshall and let it play out from there.

I'm thinking more like the UFC. :yikes:
He's got as much of a shot at D1 as Channing Fugate from Breathitt County has had, IMO.
Just so you know , this is the size of the two running backs on the 1st team AP All American Team this year.
Kendall Hunter Senior...Oklahoma State (5-8, 197)
LaMichael James Soph....Oregon (5-9, 180)
How much bigger are they than Jude... A Quote from above, i dont know how to highlight,lol, he may be same size, but far from beening as fast,i hope it makes it, love to see any kid work hard and make something of there self..
cuppett777 Wrote:Just so you know , this is the size of the two running backs on the 1st team AP All American Team this year.
Kendall Hunter Senior...Oklahoma State (5-8, 197)
LaMichael James Soph....Oregon (5-9, 180)
How much bigger are they than Jude... A Quote from above, i dont know how to highlight,lol, he may be same size, but far from beening as fast,i hope it makes it, love to see any kid work hard and make something of there self..

Jude is actually 5'9" probably closer to 5'10" and weighs 170 right now due to wrestling and having to cut down. Last summer he ran a 4.5 40 at UK which is the last known 40 I've heard of him running. I also know a lot of schools have shown interest in Jude. His strength is something almost unheard of, but I spoke with a person on the staff and told me that Jude was benching 365lbs., dead lifting 465lbs. for 4, power clean is pretty close to 300 (might be over 300, been a while), and squats in the high 400's. As for where he is going to end up, I'm not quite sure...he does have A LOT of interest in wrestling from Va Tech and a few others, but he also has interest from some D1's for football also. Whatever the boy decides to do is totally up to him, and I know that myself, along with the rest of the community, will be very supportive of his decision.
should be another great year for JC still a big contender in class 5a could make it farther than last year if they have a good enough offseason!
I went back and recalculated his average time in the 100, and it is 11.7 seconds not 11.6 ( 0.1 second is an eternity in running). I was surprised by that time, I was expecting it to be faster. That comes out to about a 4.68 forty time. He looked faster than that on the football field. Not trying to put the kid down (was impressed with his football talent, more on D than on O), just surprised by his times.
sstack Wrote:I went back and recalculated his average time in the 100, and it is 11.7 seconds not 11.6 ( 0.1 second is an eternity in running). I was surprised by that time, I was expecting it to be faster. That comes out to about a 4.68 forty time. He looked faster than that on the football field. Not trying to put the kid down (was impressed with his football talent, more on D than on O), just surprised by his times.

I think I will put more stock in the 4.5 that was timed that the 4.68 that you calculated (if your 0.1 calculation is an eternity, what is the 0.16 that is the actual difference in J.J.'s favor).
sstack Wrote:I went back and recalculated his average time in the 100, and it is 11.7 seconds not 11.6 ( 0.1 second is an eternity in running). I was surprised by that time, I was expecting it to be faster. That comes out to about a 4.68 forty time. He looked faster than that on the football field. Not trying to put the kid down (was impressed with his football talent, more on D than on O), just surprised by his times.
When you say that you are more impressed with Jude on th D side of the ball you must be speaking about the Highland's game. Anyone who saw him play against the rest of the schedule would choose the O side hands down. Is the kid a D1 who knows ? He is a junior and I guess we will see next year. Speed ,that's probably debateable because who has proof in hand. Besides JC had a football player a couple of years ago who was in the 10's (KHSAA State
winner). This kid was on the football team and if he ever ran a touchdown I don't know. Strength and athleticism, you may want to speak with one of the 20 or so coaches who saw him wrestle last weekend in Tenn. A nice tournement I understand. If the kid is to be judged it should be with objectivity and competency.
sstack Wrote:I went back and recalculated his average time in the 100, and it is 11.7 seconds not 11.6 ( 0.1 second is an eternity in running). I was surprised by that time, I was expecting it to be faster. That comes out to about a 4.68 forty time. He looked faster than that on the football field. Not trying to put the kid down (was impressed with his football talent, more on D than on O), just surprised by his times.

That may not be an accurate way of determining a 40 time. I had a son that ran a 6.72 in the 60. He had a very slow first 10 yards, but the last 50 he could fly. If he ran the first ten yards as quickly as the last 50 it was estimated that he could have gotten his time somewhere down in the 6.5 to 6.6 range.The people that trained him in the off season really got technical and scientific working on the first 10 yards, and even though some improvement was made, he still always struggled somewhat with the first 10 yards and the 6.72 was always the best he could do. All depends on how quicky you get out of the block and at what point your acceleration really kicks in. It may be early or it could be at a latter stage of whatever designated distance of the sprint. It could work the opposite for Jude , perhaps he gets out quickly for a 40, but does not have another gear when it comes to the 100. I have no idea, I'm just pointing out that your formula may not be relevant in his case.
Bob Seger Wrote:That may not be an accurate way of determining a 40 time. I had a son that ran a 6.72 in the 60. He had a very slow first 10 yards, but the last 50 he could fly. If he ran the first ten yards as quickly as the last 50 it was estimated that he could have gotten his time somewhere down in the 6.5 to 6.6 range.The people that trained him in the off season really got technical and scientific working on the first 10 yards, and even though some improvement was made, he still always struggled somewhat with the first 10 yards and the 6.72 was always the best he could do. All depends on how quicky you get out of the block and at what point your acceleration really kicks in. It may be early or it could be at a latter stage of whatever designated distance of the sprint. It could work the opposite for Jude , perhaps he gets out quickly for a 40, but does not have another gear when it comes to the 100. I have no idea, I'm just pointing out that your formula may not be relevant in his case.

I never said it was a perfect way to judge his 40, just an estimate from his actual 100 times he ran this year. I agree that he probably has a faster first 40 than the last 60 in a 100. Once agian I am a fan of the kid, just surprised at his slow 100 time. I was not putting him down on offense, I just thought he looked very good on defense in the games I saw. The kid was putting some hits on people.
sstack Wrote:I never said it was a perfect way to judge his 40, just an estimate from his actual 100 times he ran this year. I agree that he probably has a faster first 40 than the last 60 in a 100. Once agian I am a fan of the kid, just surprised at his slow 100 time. I was not putting him down on offense, I just thought he looked very good on defense in the games I saw. The kid was putting some hits on people.

MonsterMan Wrote:Matney has taken a program that was a joke and made them a title contender from day one using what talent he has. JC will reload again and be very competitive. Matney is closing the gap with the state's top teams and this could be the year we get over the hurdle. Several stong classes of underclassmen comng in.

The only problem is he's only a hero in your hometown. Outside of JC, he's not respected, runs up the score on weak teams and has problems with game tapes. JC will never win a state title until they clean up their act in regards to sportsmanship.....watched a replay of the Highlands/JC game and noticed Jude at the end of the game kneeling on the sidelines when he should have been out there shaking hands. It starts from the top down. I think JC could be a contender year in and out if they clean out their closets. The past couple seasons you've said that this could be the year you get over the hurdle......Best of luck against all 4a competition minus the Birds of course. Jude will be huge next year for the eagles.
The kid may been quick in the 1st 40 yards and after that he may slow down.
[quote=Emmit Brown]Jude is actually 5'9" probably closer to 5'10" and weighs 170 right now due to wrestling and having to cut down. Last summer he ran a 4.5 40 at UK which is the last known 40 I've heard of him running. I also know a lot of schools have shown interest in Jude. His strength is something almost unheard of, but I spoke with a person on the staff and told me that Jude was benching 365lbs., dead lifting 465lbs. for 4, power clean is pretty close to 300 (might be over 300, been a while), and squats in the high 400's. As for where he is going to end up, I'm not quite sure...he does have A LOT of interest in wrestling from Va Tech and a few others, but he also has interest from some D1's for football also. Whatever the boy decides to do is totally up to him, and I know that myself, along with the rest of the community, will be very supportive of his decision.[/QUOTE]

The bolded is the mature way to look at this issue. Personally, I couldn't care less whether he is D1 material or not. The kid is one heck of a high school football player who plays with a lot of heart and desire. That's enough for me.
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:The only problem is he's only a hero in your hometown. Outside of JC, he's not respected, runs up the score on weak teams and has problems with game tapes. JC will never win a state title until they clean up their act in regards to sportsmanship.....watched a replay of the Highlands/JC game and noticed Jude at the end of the game kneeling on the sidelines when he should have been out there shaking hands. It starts from the top down. I think JC could be a contender year in and out if they clean out their closets. The past couple seasons you've said that this could be the year you get over the hurdle......Best of luck against all 4a competition minus the Birds of course. Jude will be huge next year for the eagles.

Ah the mouth that never shuts up. You would think that a guy that was totally embarrassed previously in this same thread would learn to quit rattling on about stuff that he has no clue on. Respect? Funny you mention that. If Matney is not respected as you claim, guess what, you two boys must have a little something in common. Heck the team's fans that you root for , wont even claim you. Why do I have visions of Cousin Eddie every time you make a post? lol
charlie22 Wrote:[quote=Emmit Brown]Jude is actually 5'9" probably closer to 5'10" and weighs 170 right now due to wrestling and having to cut down. Last summer he ran a 4.5 40 at UK which is the last known 40 I've heard of him running. I also know a lot of schools have shown interest in Jude. His strength is something almost unheard of, but I spoke with a person on the staff and told me that Jude was benching 365lbs., dead lifting 465lbs. for 4, power clean is pretty close to 300 (might be over 300, been a while), and squats in the high 400's. As for where he is going to end up, I'm not quite sure...he does have A LOT of interest in wrestling from Va Tech and a few others, but he also has interest from some D1's for football also. Whatever the boy decides to do is totally up to him, and I know that myself, along with the rest of the community, will be very supportive of his decision.[/QUOTE]

The bolded is the mature way to look at this issue. Personally, I couldn't care less whether he is D1 material or not. The kid is one heck of a high school football player who plays with a lot of heart and desire. That's enough for me.
Want to venture to guess that those that are the most vocal message board experts on deciding a players prospectiveness are probably the one's who either never played or were not very good to begin with. lol

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