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God's Existence
Stardust Wrote:If it be Gods will, then yes, that would be our purpose
Baaa Baaaa
Stardust Wrote:If it be Gods will, then yes, that would be our purpose

now seriously why would that be gods will? :confused:
Stardust Wrote:If it be Gods will, then yes, that would be our purpose

DevilsWin Wrote:Baaa Baaaa

Yeah Seriously you've got to be kidding me?!
Aslan Wrote:How can you look up at the stars at night and say thats all there by accident? The big bang theory is a lie straight from ****. We are here for a purpose, not by accident.

DevilsWin Wrote:What, genocide, or maybe famine?

Stardust Wrote:If it be Gods will, then yes, that would be our purpose

Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:now seriously why would that be gods will? :confused:

You need the read the thread to get the gist, if you don't understand, then there is no need to explain that it was a reply to a flippant comment Rolleyes
I don't subscribe the the Clock-Maker God scenario.

I'm more of a free will kinda guy you know, Master of my own destiny if you will.
DevilsWin Wrote:I don't subscribe the the Clock-Maker God scenario.

I'm more of a free will kinda guy you know, Master of my own destiny if you will.

I would have never guessed that about you DW Wink
DevilsWin Wrote:I don't subscribe the the Clock-Maker God scenario.

I'm more of a free will kinda guy you know, Master of my own destiny if you will.
I'm not arguing that you can be the master of your own destiny, but I'm saying that God put everything in motion with the ability and potential to achieve more and become more.

God had to have put everything in motion and given everything the ability to be more.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Everyone is entitled to their own belief. If you want to be in charge of your own destiny then good luck! One day, you may wish you had though otherwise. But that is your right!

Personally, I do not believe in evolution. I believe that we were created by God in his image just as the Bible states. To think we evolved from apes is one of the most ridiculous (unproven) theories that I have ever heard! If that is the best science has to offer..... well just make up your own minds! Ever wonder why the Bible has endured for so long? Ever wonder why people feel uncomfortable talking about God? Ever wonder why people fight so hard to remove God or any other Christian reference from our society? Ever wonder why people don't want to go to church? You could go on and on and on.... But there is not that sort of sensitivity to any other religion. Doesn't bother people to talk about other religions, or to even talk about Satan or Demons. In fact, society loves evil and horror. If people didn't care about the Christian religion, then why does it ruffle so many feathers among the non-believers? I believe society would be more accepting of a Satanic church than they would be of a Christian church. Think about it! That sort of reaction by a fallen world combined with the perfect unity of nature speaks volumes to me! I think God created all of us and that the only hope for us is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The rest of you can make your own conclusions.
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:now seriously why would that be gods will? :confused:

We live in a fallen world! In a fallen world bad things happen. You can only be saved by faith in Jesus Christ. That doesn't guarantee you to have a perfect life though. Bad things happen all of the time. Churches get destroyed by tornadoes, Christians die everyday, and yes, evil people sometimes prosper. So yes, some people suffer famine and so forth. This same stuff was even happening in the biblical days, even before Jesus birth. Only after the Rapture and the end of the Anti-Christ, and upon the return of Jesus will any of us ever see perfection in the world. God may choose to intervene in a bad situation for his own reasons, hence prayer is encouraged and sometimes effective. But God (even though he could) can't very well solve all of this fallen world's problems or it would be perfect wouldn't it? And that is not the way it is since Satan entered the world and corrupted Adam and Eve. So we must just have faith and endure.

So no it isn't God's will for their to be famine and genocide. But that is a consequence of a fallen world that has sin in it. Satan wants people to blame God, but it isn't God's fault the world isn't perfect!
Stardust Wrote:You need the read the thread to get the gist, if you don't understand, then there is no need to explain that it was a reply to a flippant comment Rolleyes

i do understand i just don't see why a "loving" god's will would include genocide and famine if it is hey why wait to go to **** we're already here
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:i do understand i just don't see why a "loving" god's will would include genocide and famine if it is hey why wait to go to **** we're already here
If there was no sickness or pain or wrong, how would anyone know what good is or appreciate it? If everything was good and perfect, what meaning would happiness have? If God didn't allow us freedom to choose to do things, then what good would any choice be?

Nothing would have any meaning without choices or the ability of things to be wrong, sick, or bad.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I think we are at fault for the bad that happens in this world. God is perfect. It was supposed to be perfect. We messed everything up. So God sent a cure(Jesus) to fix what we messed up. We still continue to mess up by not accepting that cure(Jesus). We will continue to mess up till we get to Heaven. The only way to get to Heaven is to accept that "FREE" cure(Jesus). Just stop doing things on your own and give it all to Jesus. We are all looking for something. If you come to Jesus, you will find that something...the greatest form of peace that there is. You can't explain it. Other people that have accepted Jesus know what I am talking about.
Stop trying to figure it all out and just submit to the King of Kings. That is Faith. Believing in something that you havn't seen. I believe George Washington was our 1st president. I didn't see him but I believe....Faith. Just do it! stop making excuses. So what if your friends won't hang out with you after you get saved...they weren't friends anyway.
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:i do understand i just don't see why a "loving" god's will would include genocide and famine if it is hey why wait to go to **** we're already here
While this earthly world is a mess and far from perfect, IMO, it is far from eternal ****ation.

Don't believe in the existence of God?
Someday we all will.

I can't believe this is even a discussion thread.

Kind of sad
FOX SPORTS Wrote:While this earthly world is a mess and far from perfect, IMO, it is far from eternal ****ation.

Don't believe in the existence of God?
Someday we all will.

I can't believe this is even a discussion thread.

Kind of sad

I agree with you 100%, and I too feel sad about the state that our soceity is in.

But, I also beleive in free-will. If someone chooses to believe differetnly, then they must live with their choice. And I am not here to say whethere their choice is right or wrong, but just that it is "their choice".
Stardust Wrote:If it be Gods will, then yes, that would be our purpose

Stardust, it isn't God's will that we suffer or have famine or genocide! It is the fact that we live in a fallen world where God allows free choice and doesn't fix all things. If he did that, then it would be perfect already. Adam and Eve messed that up and now God allows us to choose (free will) as to whether we accept his Son Jesus. As I said earlier, God may intervene (and certainly has the ability to do so) when things further His purpose. But it is not God's purpose for people to suffer genocide and famine. It is not God's purpose for people to deny Him. But to those who do, the day will come where they will realize their error.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:While this earthly world is a mess and far from perfect, IMO, it is far from eternal ****ation.

Don't believe in the existence of God?
Someday we all will.

I can't believe this is even a discussion thread.

Kind of sad

Why would you, as a Christian, not believe this is even a discussion thread??? Would not this provide the perfect opportunity to be a witness and possibly win a soul to Christ????
The existence of "god" cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, else the ability to love freely would be gone. What is the need for faith if absolute proof exists? If "god" wants to be loved freely, he or she will not force the hand by offering absolute undeniability.
EKY Sportster Wrote:Everyone is entitled to their own belief. If you want to be in charge of your own destiny then good luck! One day, you may wish you had though otherwise. But that is your right!

Personally, I do not believe in evolution. I believe that we were created by God in his image just as the Bible states. To think we evolved from apes is one of the most ridiculous (unproven) theories that I have ever heard! If that is the best science has to offer..... well just make up your own minds! Ever wonder why the Bible has endured for so long? Ever wonder why people feel uncomfortable talking about God? Ever wonder why people fight so hard to remove God or any other Christian reference from our society? Ever wonder why people don't want to go to church? You could go on and on and on.... But there is not that sort of sensitivity to any other religion. Doesn't bother people to talk about other religions, or to even talk about Satan or Demons. In fact, society loves evil and horror. If people didn't care about the Christian religion, then why does it ruffle so many feathers among the non-believers? I believe society would be more accepting of a Satanic church than they would be of a Christian church. Think about it! That sort of reaction by a fallen world combined with the perfect unity of nature speaks volumes to me! I think God created all of us and that the only hope for us is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The rest of you can make your own conclusions.

There is proof of evolution.

Creationism isn't even a Hypothesis.
DevilsWin Wrote:There is proof of evolution.

Creationism isn't even a Hypothesis.

:thumpsup: exactly
DevilsWin Wrote:There is proof of evolution.

Creationism isn't even a Hypothesis.

:Clap: Prove to me there was a BIG BANG :eek:
Stardust Wrote::Clap: Prove to me there was a BIG BANG :eek:
you do know that the big bang theory has nothing to do with evolution Rolleyes
Good things come from God and bad come from the world and the Devil.. Have you ever thought that if he wasnt real then why would somethan tell you that he wasnt
Homer Simpson Wrote:Good things come from God and bad come from the world and the Devil.. Have you ever thought that if he wasnt real then why would somethan tell you that he wasnt

OK so do we use this same logic with Santa and The Tooth Fairy or The Easter Bunny?
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:OK so do we use this same logic with Santa and The Tooth Fairy or The Easter Bunny?
Santa Clause was created on CHRISTmas to bring peoples mind of of Jesus
The Easter bunny was created to get peoples mind of Jesus
my point exactly
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote::thumpsup: exactly
Believe what book you want to its free will But jesus is a live and well.. and so is the devil alive..
Who a mI to question the existance of God Almighty I am only a man
Homer Simpson Wrote:Believe what book you want to its free will But jesus is a live and well.. and so is the devil alive..

i don't believe in a book.Rolleyes

Further More i didn't even mention a book lol
I was talking about the fact that some one said evolution has been proven and creatisim is a hypothesis
Good things come from God and bad come from the world and the Devil.. Have you ever thought that if he wasnt real then why would someone tell you that he wasnt

Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:OK so do we use this same logic with Santa and The Tooth Fairy or The Easter Bunny?

This is what i meant.

So the tooth fairy and the other are real because someone tells me they're not?
Homer Simpson Wrote:Good things come from God and bad come from the world and the Devil.. Have you ever thought that if he wasnt real then why would somethan tell you that he wasnt

Have you ever thought if "god" was real, then why would something tell you he/she wasn't? Do you really think such a question resolves anything?
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