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Belfry 21 - Johnson Central 13
Mr.Kimball Wrote:If he is so dumb and stupid, I would guess that your spiritual leader Derossett would play him any place , any where and at any time. So far he dont seem to have the kahunas to do that though does he?

Ive got to agree that Matney made a bad call with the 2 point try. JC was controlling the LOS and worse case scenario is OT if he kicks the extra point. It seemed Haywood pulled a "Matney move" with the fake punt. I would have never guessed he would stray from his conservative side to make that call. I wish he had the guts to make more calls like this. Thats one reason i respect Matney, he makes the gutsy call and lives with the outcome, year after year.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:If he is so dumb and stupid, I would guess that your spiritual leader Derossett would play him any place , any where and at any time. So far he doesn't seem to have the kahunas to do that though does he?

Insulting the P-burg staff doesn't justify Matney's decision making. Quiet simply, Matney gambled and lost, while Haywood didn't!
wooderson Wrote:Ive got to agree that Matney made a bad call with the 2 point try. JC was controlling the LOS and worse case scenario is OT if he kicks the extra point. It seemed Haywood pulled a "Matney move" with the fake punt. I would have never guessed he would stray from his conservative side to make that call. I wish he had the guts to make more calls like this. Thats one reason i respect Matney, he makes the gutsy call and lives with the outcome, year after year.
The 2 point decision to me is not that big of a deal. Belfry still scored on the next posession.
Some Belfry fans whine more after a win than most other teams do after a loss. Not just on this thread but all the time. And I like Belfry.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:The 2 point decision to me is not that big of a deal. Belfry still scored on the next posession.

But there's a big difference, defensively, being tied 14-14 or being down 14-13.
Thought Haywood done a great job staying with what has been winning games for him all year, he gave the ball to Lee and Dotson his seniors 35 times and kept the clock running and chains moving. The Belfrey offensive line completely won the war in the trenches. Belfry just outplayed JC and TOTALLY deserved to win. JC's play calling in the first half really hurt as well as not using their big back who has broke several runs all year.
wooderson Wrote:Are you a Belfry or JC supporter? If not and you dont like the "whining" Belfry fans then stay out of the thread. Its pretty simple, if you dont like something stay away from it.

Just an observation from an impartial observer that I knew would lead to more whining.Big Grin
Congratulations to the Belfry Pirates! Great game tonight. I look forward to watching you in Louisville in a few weeks. Belfry is for real and has been for some time now.

Tough loss for the Eagles but not the end of the world. This program has come a long way in the past few years and is at the threshold ready to take that next step. Great game tonight.

Rivalry games like this are what mountian football needs to gain the respect it deserves from the rest of the state. I just hope this game is on the schedule next year.

Good Luck Pirates against West Carter.

Good Luck Eagles against Covington Holmes.
wooderson Wrote:But there's a big difference, defensively, being tied 14-14 or being down 14-13.
Perhaps, but they still scored. Did they not? You still have to hold them.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I was not the one that came on here and took "off topic" pot shots at a coach, was I? Lets be fair here both ways.
JC Got greedy with the two point coversion should have tied the game with the PAT. The Kick should have been deep. That gave advantage to Belfry. Plain and simple they got beat by the better team.
Sorry, but Belfry controlled the ball and Haywood won the coaching matchup! I didn't think that would happen in this game but it did. So accept it and move on.
jgrubby Wrote:JC Got greedy with the two point coversion should have tied the game with the PAT. The Kick should have been deep. That gave advantage to Belfry. Plain and simple they got beat by the better team.

Evidently so, never once said they didn't. But you obviously have not watched many JC games this year. We have rarely kicked deep all season long. That was nothing new.
Well it better start being new or JC won't have a chance giving short field to teams like Highlands.
EKY Sportster Wrote:Sorry, but Belfry controlled the ball and Haywood won the coaching matchup! I didn't think that would happen in this game but it did. So accept it and move on.
Who's not excepting anything? I'm not disagreeing with anything about who was the better team tonight by any means.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Perhaps, but they still scored. Did they not? You still have to hold them.

They still scored but if you tie the game there is no need to onside kick with 5 minutes or so to go which gave Belfry the short field and made it easier. Personally I kick it deep with that much time to go and hope for a stop, but with the ground and pound of Belfry that was far from a given.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Obviously something that is being blown out of porportion by a bunch that wasn't even at the game to begin with.
You **** right about that. I have not a clue what they are talkin bout either. They have brought it up in 2 threads then want to get it back on topic when someone else asks what it was that supposedly happened, that they musta heard over the radio, to beat it all.
Great game by Belfy, totally surprised me. Dotson was a stud. Congrats Pirates.
P4PChamp Wrote:They still scored but if you tie the game there is no need to onside kick with 5 minutes or so to go which gave Belfry the short field and made it easier. Personally I kick it deep with that much time to go and hope for a stop, but with the ground and pound of Belfry that was far from a given.
Again perhaps, but like I said it was nothing much different than the way it has been all season.
P4PChamp Wrote:They still scored but if you tie the game there is no need to onside kick with 5 minutes or so to go which gave Belfry the short field and made it easier. Personally I kick it deep with that much time to go and hope for a stop, but with the ground and pound of Belfry that was far from a given.

I agree, but I guess Matney gambled and lost. Hindsight is 20/20!
Ring'Em Up Wrote:You **** right about that. I have not a clue what they are talkin bout either. They have brought it up in 2 threads then want to get it back on topic when someone else asks what it was that supposedly happened, that they musta heard over the radio, to beat it all.
Great game by Belfy, totally surprised me. Dotson was a stud. Congrats Pirates.
Funny thing is these are the same guys who claim to be the diehard followers, but yet dont even follow their team to the game.
EKY Sportster Wrote:I agree, but I guess Matney gambled and lost. Hindsight is 20/20!
Happens all the time in most every game. What if the fake punt would have failed and gave JC good field postion. Sometimes what you do works, sometimes it dont. Your always either the god or the goat.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Happens all the time in most every game. What if the fake punt would have failed and gave JC good field postion. Sometimes what you do works, sometimes it dont. Your always either the god or the goat.

Very true!
Crow for breakfast in Johnson County Tomorrow!!!
EKY Sportster Wrote:I agree, but I guess Matney gambled and lost. Hindsight is 20/20!

I think Matney might have thought that with the way Belfry was chewing clock with their ball control offense that even if JC kicked it deep they might never get the ball back. So, why not take a gamble. The further Belfry had to drive the more time they chew up.
Stop the fighting, or there will be some infractions\suspensions given. Please stay on topic.
Congrats to Belfry!!
i think this is one of the best games i have ever watched......belfry proved alot to me tonight......Both teams played really good imo......the only 2 things i question is 1. the play that matney chose for the 2 pt conversion......the 2 pt conversion was a good call imo because belfy ran the ball pretty good tonight and central would have to made a stop and then scored anyway so it didnt matter......2. if your phillip haywood and you have johnson central by the throat why not cut the neck.....im talking about scoring to go up 7 and kicking the extra point to go up 8 instead of going for 2 and putting the game out of reach.......great game and good luck to both in the playoffs.......lived up to the hype imo
i was at the game and didnt see anything major..,...i know after the game ended belfry players come across the field and both teams were face to face and a coach grabbed a jc player and they left the field but i didnt any contact
This sounds like it was a good ballgame. I wish I would have been able to listen to it but I work in Ashland and could not pick this game up on the radio. That is why I had been asking about what had happened at the end of the game, because I could not hear it. With that said I know that you win some and you lose some when you gamble and I guess JC lost this one on their gamble try. YES, I believe that you always go for the tie when you are playing at home and hope for overtime, but then again that is me. Anyway congrats to both teams and from a RED DEVIL fan, hope(no actually I am praying) to see all you BELFRY fans in 2 weeks.
EKY Sportster Wrote:Well it better start being new or JC won't have a chance giving short field to teams like Highlands.

After tonights games, I feel very confident in saying Highlands will beat JC by at least 4 TD's. JC's week schedule showed tonight. First tough team they played was tonight. Highlands is playing better each week. I was surprised how easily they put Central away tonight. Central was huge compared to Highlands,and had alot of speed, but coaching was very questionable. JC should put away Holmes fairly easily next week.
Congratulations to both teams on a great regular season. Belfry is the real deal. I look for them to go all the way. I just hope they do not destroy the Devils like they probably will. Some of the Belfry players probably want a little revenge from the last time Russell played them in 06.

Congratulation to the Pirates. From the Coach and players all the way down to the ball boy they are a class act. I always enjoy going to Belfry High school for a good football atmosphere.
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