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15th Region Re-Alignment???
BballFan63 Wrote:The 57th has 5 teams, not 4.

Yea I thought you would just catch on to the fact that you would have to move somebody out of the 57th to make four, I didn't know I had to type every single detail. My bad.
BigBlueNation Wrote:No need for change...4 out of 6 Pike County Schools get to the Regional Tournament. 2 out of 5 get in from 57th? 2 out of 5/6 from Floyd Co.? How is that fair at all? Especially when revenue sharing ends up 50% Regional Tournament Profit going to Pike Co. I know Pike is a larger district but come on...4 out of 6 compared to 4 out of 11-12...Change is definitely needed!!

The reginal tournament will be 10 teams not 8. There will be 2 "play-in" games to get the field to the quarter finals. Why not have it this way? It allows 2 more teams to experience the regional tournament. They all get an equal share of profits anyway.... I think we should cut the district tournaments out all together and play a seeded regional tournament. It will never happen due to the extra revenue it generates for schools....

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