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Pikeville 75 - Shelby Valley 72 (OT)
When we don't know the entire story, it is best that we keep our mouth shut and not speculate what happened. He is still the SV coach today, so if we are making assumptions, then I must assume that what you have claimed is totally inaccurate! As a matter of fact, it is no assumption that you don't have a clue what happened.
Hopefully he stays the coach, always an entertainment of recruiting players, watering down schedule and putting on a sideline show.... Oh yeah while denying it all and preaching how great of a family man Christian he is. A total fraud who is a reality show
Platinum & Gold Wrote:Hopefully he stays the coach, always an entertainment of recruiting players, watering down schedule and putting on a sideline show.... Oh yeah while denying it all and preaching how great of a family man Christian he is. A total fraud who is a reality show

But you set the perfect example of being a good person. Would love to know the real story of why so personal? Sounds like he stole your woman or something. :lame:
Jim Bob Hicks was alittle wild last night. Whatever happen nobody knows for sure. I was on the opposite end of floor and couldn't see it. Maybe one day SV can compete for a regional title again. Wink
luvmyheadband Wrote:Jim Bob Hicks was alittle wild last night. Whatever happen nobody knows for sure. I was on the opposite end of floor and couldn't see it. Maybe one day SV can compete for a regional title again. Wink

All A maybe, well obviously they won it this year but wont big region. Phelps and Piarist wont be the competition there.
EKB is reporting a criminal complaint has been filed against Hicks. Note: a complaint is one side of the story, to the best of my knowledge, he has not been formally charged yet. They said more on news at 6 pm.
One things for sure - is that the truth stands when the world falls down.

Hicks gets his due process and we all have to respect that.

I've heard so many different things that did or didn't happen, that I truly don't know what to believe.
Glory Days Wrote:If it is proven that Hicks didn't hit anyone what do you think should happen to the people and player that said he did?

I think that they should have to face some sort of legal action for slander. This could have been and still might be the end of a coaches career. Sad that this has happened. What has our world came too?
Hopefully all involved know the meaning of slander !!
If he threw a punch at all he needs to be ifs, ands or buts.
The coach that threw the punch is gone!!! And he's lucky that's all he is !! The player he punched could have broke red and hurt several!!! My Hats off to him for keeping his cool!!! Appropriate actions will be taken !!!!
BGCat Wrote:When we don't know the entire story, it is best that we keep our mouth shut and not speculate what happened. He is still the SV coach today, so if we are making assumptions, then I must assume that what you have claimed is totally inaccurate! As a matter of fact, it is no assumption that you don't have a clue what happened.
I don't know who you directed this to, but I know what I saw. The fact that I have heard several people basically say nothing happened blows my mind. But he will have his chance to present his side of it, and the complainant will present their side and we will see what happens.
Regardless of who said and did what....It doesn't matter. It was a case of the adults behaving worse than the kids on BOTH sides. Someone WILL and SHOULD lose their jobs over this. We just need to let the authorities figure out who....
Any news on the situation at Shelby Valley??
I agree with Hail Pikeville. It was parties on both sides with some acting a little worse than others. SV's coach was out of line and I think he knows that. There was also a husband and wife that set behinds SV's bench that was more worried about yelling at Hicks than watching the game, seemed like their entire reason for attending. I was very close to what happened and never saw Hicks throw a punch, just pushing and shoving from both sides. I will say this if you as a fan/parent ran on the floor you were wrong in doing so. This just adds fuel to the fire in an already scary situation.
new o Wrote:I agree with Hail Pikeville. It was parties on both sides with some acting a little worse than others. SV's coach was out of line and I think he knows that. There was also a husband and wife that set behinds SV's bench that was more worried about yelling at Hicks than watching the game, seemed like their entire reason for attending. I was very close to what happened and never saw Hicks throw a punch, just pushing and shoving from both sides. I will say this if you as a fan/parent ran on the floor you were wrong in doing so. This just adds fuel to the fire in an already scary situation.
Hahaha! I believe the husband and wife were SV parents!
Will Coach Hicks still be coaching while the investigation is ongoing?
I cannot wait to see if slander becomes a topic in this situation.
While slander is against the law, but it is not a prosecutable offense like assault. It is a civil offence. Therefore there can't be an action taken in a slander suit, or any civil suit for that matter, unless there are damages to be awarded. A reputation has no monetary value, so what damages would he be seeking in a slander case? If the plaintiff files a suit without listing monetary damages a Judge will just dismiss it.
Written defamation of character is tort. Oral defamation is slander.
Internet forums are held to the same standard as newspapers, radio
or tv. Contrary to popular belief, malicious intent does not have to
be proven. Negligence is sufficient to win a libel tort case. Within the
topic being discussed, blatantly stating a punch was thrown when the
evidence reveals that no punch was thrown could constitute negligence.
If negligence can be established, the coach could be awarded damages
congruent with the damage such libel might inflict upon the coach's
ability to earn a living. However, merely stating an opinion as to the
possible consequences of a Possibly thrown punch would be a much weaker

I had promised myself to bow out of these gossip columns. But this is
the only local forum for basketball, and the subject needs an injection
of facts. Here is hoping that replies to my post will not address residential
dorms or robbing local boys of playing time.
For anyone looking for an update - there isn't one.

Complaint was lodged but no charges are pending.

This is just my two cents, but if there was any physical evidence linking Hicks to a crime, he would have already been charged.
Coach Roberts Wrote:Will Coach Hicks still be coaching while the investigation is ongoing?

Haven't heard anytbjng yet but I'm sure we should know something next week

Below is my favorite and probably applies best to the BGR situation. Since 1996,
internet sites have been protected from libel suits by section 230 of the CDA
However, there has been a successful libel suit against posters on Topix.
The source below states that Topix was forced to reveal the identity of
the libelous posters in question. Subsequently, the posters were hit for 13
million in damages.
2elijah Wrote:Written defamation of character is tort. Oral defamation is slander.
Internet forums are held to the same standard as newspapers, radio
or tv. Contrary to popular belief, malicious intent does not have to
be proven. Negligence is sufficient to win a libel tort case. Within the
topic being discussed, blatantly stating a punch was thrown when the
evidence reveals that no punch was thrown could constitute negligence.
If negligence can be established, the coach could be awarded damages
congruent with the damage such libel might inflict upon the coach's
ability to earn a living. However, merely stating an opinion as to the
possible consequences of a Possibly thrown punch would be a much weaker

I had promised myself to bow out of these gossip columns. But this is
the only local forum for basketball, and the subject needs an injection
of facts. Here is hoping that replies to my post will not address residential
dorms or robbing local boys of playing time.

How can you prove anything said interferes with his ability to earn a living? So someones says they seen him hit a player, how does that interfere with him earning a living? You do not have to give a reason to fire a coach, nor do you have to give a reason to fire a nontenured teacher. Now were he a hotdog street vendor on that people stopped going to because a rival stand said he used horsemeat, and he could prove he never did and show a loss of income as a result of that rumor, I could see slander in that case. But a guy who many said was on the out even before this for multiple reasons and that has no contract for next year anyway. Not gonna happen cause you can't prove damages. You can think them, but since he does't have to be given a reason to be let go, and the next place doesn't have to give a reason to not hire him, you can't prove any damages. I'd have better chance of getting OJ off again. "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!" And the damages glove won't fit a slander case for this.
The parents were from Pikeville and they were seated behind my wife. Even went and placed a drawing that the female had created during the game and placed it in Hick's seat. I have no dog in this fight but this did happen.
It's seem like Pikeville crowd is looking for the worst in the situation. I wasn't there and have no clue what happen but Coach Hicks is innocent until proven guilty and is SV coach. I'm sure he need to focus on his team getting ready for the tournament coming up. So let's just let this dog lie until the facts come out.
Don't know why you guys think Pikeville fans have something against Hicks. Pikeville has beaten SV twice this year. Should have Panther fans hoping he is at Valley for years to come.:biggrin:
I would like to also mention that if criminal charges are not filed, nothing will happen. There will also be no need for a civil suit on behalf of the player who says he got punched. He did not seek medical treatment, was not injured, and can prove no loss of income, so therefore he has no damages to be awarded. People around here get mad all the time and want to sue people. When you ask them what for they give you a big sob story full of drama and broken laws, when you rephrase and ask for what compensations, they say a rediculous amount of money, and when you then explain to them you want to know what losses they suffered that justifies that sum, all you hear is pain and suffering, lol. But if you don't have medical bills that you can link to that you have no pain, if you can't show loss of liberties you have no suffering. You are just a spoiled baby who wanted to get back at someone cause they got one on you. Proof of that? Even when you explain all this (and of course not like I just did because they are a potential client) they still sue. They give up their money, knowing to get nothing but the satisfaction of knowing the defendant has to give up money too. And the rest of us pay higher insurance premiums. So if there is proof he did punch the kid, criminal charges should follow, he will have his day in court and will be sentenced appropriately. Then people go along their way. If there is no physical proof, charges still may or may not be brought by prosecutors, as it is their job, but without physical evidence a judge will likley dismiss it. Can he sue for slander then? Sure, you can sue for anything, but again there will be no award other than knowing he wasted money on aggravation. He may or may not be convicted of assault, that is the only real prosecutable offence we are waiting to see about. The civil offences on either side won't yeid anything more than the paying of their own attorneys fees. But both civil cases would make for one heck of an episode on The Grinder.
I smell a law-suit!
If there are no charges brought against Hicks, make no mistake about it if charges not brought against him he will turn around and sue someone for something. This won't be his first rodeo at taking something to court looking for a payday, he has sued school systems in the past.

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