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Hazard, Kentucky
Does Chow sit on Bloomberg Philanthropies board? Did they donate 50 million to the Sierra Club to fight coal? Nuff said.......
I thought you didn't post on this clown circus? As I said, they have already addressed this issue but people like you like to push it on and on.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I thought you didn't post on this clown circus? As I said, they have already addressed this issue but people like you like to push it on and on.
I have to slip in and have a little fun with ignorant voters every once in awhile. Slumming, if you will. I have to give my brain a work out, or life gets boring.

Tell us about it then.
TheRealVille Wrote:I have to slip in and have a little fun with ignorant voters every once in awhile. Slumming, if you will. I have to give my brain a work out, or life gets boring.

Tell us about it then.

Confusednicker: Says the guy who voted for the guy who hasn't done anything in 7 years except blame repubs for blocking everything when he had complete control when he started. I would expect you to be on the front lines against a guy who wants to use his dictator executive powers all the time. Don't worry when the repubs take full control in 2016 this country will start climbing out of this grave. As for the report your links explain the answer.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Confusednicker: Says the guy who voted for the guy who hasn't done anything in 7 years except blame repubs for blocking everything when he had complete control when he started. I would expect you to be on the front lines against a guy who wants to use his dictator executive powers all the time. Don't worry when the repubs take full control in 2016 this country will start climbing out of this grave. As for the report your links explain the answer.

Dems are terrified at what's coming at them this November. And they're scared to death at the thought of Senate Majority Leader McConnell. If he was in any way the liberal lap dog they would have folks to believe, they wouldn't be emptying their bank accounts to finance Allison.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't know why I would, my kid graduated from Prestonsburg, and is long gone off to college now.

Consider it giving to the cause. That's part of the platform right ?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Confusednicker: Says the guy who voted for the guy who hasn't done anything in 7 years except blame repubs for blocking everything when he had complete control when he started. I would expect you to be on the front lines against a guy who wants to use his dictator executive powers all the time. Don't worry when the repubs take full control in 2016 this country will start climbing out of this grave. As for the report your links explain the answer.
You do realize that he uses a lot less executive orders than any President in the last 30 years or so?

You can't tell me about the Bloomberg/Sierra/Elaine thing because you are just a parrot.
TheRealVille Wrote:You do realize that he uses a lot less executive orders than any President in the last 30 years or so?

You can't tell me about the Bloomberg/Sierra/Elaine thing because you are just a parrot.

Creative and insightful response. What else do you need to know? They Clearly say that was all done before and she had nothing to do with it. How is that any different than you getting mad about Allison smoking bills cigar? It's there word against yours.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:When did it start becoming a good thing to have Billy show up for you?
I would think to any normal onlooker that would hurt you.

Just saw this and had to say are you serious? He left office with a near 70% approval rating which is the highest in history. Having Bill Clinton show up for you is a hell of a good thing.

Not sure how it would hurt anybody to have him on your side.
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:Just saw this and had to say are you serious? He left office with a near 70% approval rating which is the highest in history. Having Bill Clinton show up for you is a hell of a good thing.

Not sure how it would hurt anybody to have him on your side.
:Thumbs: Kentucky voted for him twice, and Kentucky voted for Hillary in her primary. And, Kentucky will most likely vote for her in 2016. Kentucky likes the Clintons.
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:Just saw this and had to say are you serious? He left office with a near 70% approval rating which is the highest in history. Having Bill Clinton show up for you is a hell of a good thing.

Not sure how it would hurt anybody to have him on your side.

He might be tied with the highest in history. Actually Clinton managed to eek out an approval rating tie with Reagan as he left office. Both finished at 68% while Reagan got the best of Clinton disapproval wise, with a 26% versus Clinton's 30%.

CBS Poll From 1989---
"Ronald Reagan's presidency ended at a high level of public approval, matched only by that of Bill Clinton and Franklin Roosevelt among modern presidents, and at about the highest level during his own unusually popular terms of office. Asked if they approved or disapproved of the way Ronald Reagan handled his job as President since 1981, a CBS News/New York Times Poll conducted in January 1989 showed 68 percent of Americans approved. Just 26 percent disapproved."


Still remarkably high considering he was legitimately impeached, fined by a federal judge and then disbarred.
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:Just saw this and had to say are you serious? He left office with a near 70% approval rating which is the highest in history. Having Bill Clinton show up for you is a hell of a good thing.

Not sure how it would hurt anybody to have him on your side.

Having bill Clinton on your side is never a good thing nor is benghazi hillary
TheRealVille Wrote::Thumbs: Kentucky voted for him twice, and Kentucky voted for Hillary in her primary. And, Kentucky will most likely vote for her in 2016. Kentucky likes the Clintons.

Look you found a friend in onion head. If you two and Mr potato head gets together you will be unstoppable.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Look you found a friend in onion head. If you two and Mr potato head gets together you will be unstoppable.

The fact that you think Bill Clinton is a liability to the Democrats is laughable. He is the best asset the Dems have. He still has an incredible approval rating to this day. Not sure why you're even arguing common sense. Just because you dont like Bill Clinton doesn't make him a harmful endorser to any candidate. He might be the strongest endorsement of any politician. Like him or not it's true.
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:The fact that you think Bill Clinton is a liability to the Democrats is laughable. He is the best asset the Dems have. He still has an incredible approval rating to this day. Not sure why you're even arguing common sense. Just because you dont like Bill Clinton doesn't make him a harmful endorser to any candidate. He might be the strongest endorsement of any politician. Like him or not it's true.

Whoa whoa whoa. I never once said I didn't like Bill Blow.
Its his lying murderous wife that I despise. After 20 years of watching Hillary maneuver, I cant blame Bill for his actions.

I agree Bill is a big hall, but he is absolutely useless in an election like this. Grimes doesn't stand a chance at all. None what so ever. I don't know why anyone would think they could beat the future senate majority leader. If Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi can keep getting elected, then Repubs have to hire assholes like Mitch to level the playing field of Idiots like Pelosi.

I can tell you one thing. Mr Reid is going to get his career throttled and he knows it. I would almost bet he retires after this term when the repubs take over. That's the difference in me and most repubs. Im not a religion throwing, high flying 1%er. Im a conservative asshole that is voting solely against the democratic mess they have created. That party is so far gone it has no real end. Other voters will as well, so long as the repubs can place a viable opponent. The only option the dems have left is Hillary. She is the only person left that has a chance at winning any election. The rest of there party is completely done and if Hillary chooses not to run, even California may turn Republican in 2016. Small chance, but still.

Team Mitch.
^If more of these federal judges get a handle on all the "republican redistricting", it might be a little harder on your party.
Not if Hillary can complete her "distancing" herself from Obama. It appears even she sees the handwriting on the wall.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Whoa whoa whoa. I never once said I didn't like Bill Blow.
Its his lying murderous wife that I despise. After 20 years of watching Hillary maneuver, I cant blame Bill for his actions.

I agree Bill is a big hall, but he is absolutely useless in an election like this. Grimes doesn't stand a chance at all. None what so ever. I don't know why anyone would think they could beat the future senate majority leader. If Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi can keep getting elected, then Repubs have to hire assholes like Mitch to level the playing field of Idiots like Pelosi.

I can tell you one thing. Mr Reid is going to get his career throttled and he knows it. I would almost bet he retires after this term when the repubs take over. That's the difference in me and most repubs. Im not a religion throwing, high flying 1%er. Im a conservative asshole that is voting solely against the democratic mess they have created. That party is so far gone it has no real end. Other voters will as well, so long as the repubs can place a viable opponent. The only option the dems have left is Hillary. She is the only person left that has a chance at winning any election. The rest of there party is completely done and if Hillary chooses not to run, even California may turn Republican in 2016. Small chance, but still.

Team Mitch.

Run, this is why I like you so much. But, you gotta quit holding back, it's not good for you, LOL.

But, I like your rationale. There comes a point when even the most superficial talking point slingers have to be able to see the water rushing into this US version of the Titanic disaster. That being the US ship of state. It's time to throw the placid faced hopers out of the way, and shore up the big hole in the hull. TongueirateSho
TheRealThing Wrote:Run, this is why I like you so much. But, you gotta quit holding back, it's not good for you, LOL.

But, I like your rationale. There comes a point when even the most superficial talking point slingers have to be able to see the water rushing into this US version of the Titanic disaster. That being the US ship of state. It's time to throw the placid faced hopers out of the way, and shore up the big hole in the hull. TongueirateSho

Sure glad TheRealThing like RunItUpTheGut Everybody needs a friend. Confusednicker:
Thread IQ dropping fast. :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:Does Chow sit on Bloomberg Philanthropies board? Did they donate 50 million to the Sierra Club to fight coal? Nuff said.......

When I posted my questions about little Lundergan, I knew you couldn't answer them. No Democrat can spin enough to make this empty dress look competent. She should be stocking shelves at Target.

And, if you want to bring the family into the race, you may want to mention the little one's daddy, Jerry Lundergan, the convicted criminal. After all, we know that it is he, not his little girl, who is running the campaign and preparing her answers to questions.

Your little candidate, if asked about the Middle East and without having her daddy to supply answers, would probably want to know if the questioner meant Maryland or Virginia.

She makes Ashley Judd look like a genius- and that isn't easy. But, I'll give her credit for one thing. She has a big mouth and really doesn't need a microphone.
TheRealVille can't and won't defend his support of the little Lundergan girl because he has no defense. He knows as well as the rest of us that she has no business running for anything other than the state line. She is a rather unattractive puppet.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:TheRealVille can't and won't defend his support of the little Lundergan girl because he has no defense. He knows as well as the rest of us that she has no business running for anything other than the state line. She is a rather unattractive puppet.

Correct. There exists no real defense of the Dem's stance, outside of their shared contempt for traditional American values. Look at what all the ballyhoo of late has been about. Social Justice and that's it. The SCOTUS is awash in dealings with rear echelon fighting between and among the self absorbed. "Common good," what is that anyway?

In an incredibly self destructive strategy, we are seeing the gutting the US military which, is being justified on an elaborately multi-layered defense rationale, which in turn, is the spawn of college class room ideological fantasy. Why? Because we need to take our defense money and give to society's non contributors. Corporations are summarily charged with being "economically unpatriotic" because they have taken steps to avoid government tax schemes designed to raid their coffers, (an idea which is another expansion of the dynamic of this administration's oft used catch phrase "paying your fair share.") And why? Because we need more money to give to society's non contributors. Out of every federal dollar spent, 46 cents is borrowed. Why? Same reason. Anybody who has seen the doctor lately knows health Care costs are going through the roof. Utilities, food, gasoline all much higher. And of course, the list of economic affronts to the bank accounts of John Q Public is much longer but, suffice it to say. These are the pitfalls of redistribution of wealth, a primary tenet of social justice.

Unfettered access to state funded abortion, social justice.

Gay rights, social justice.

Putting the wants of minorities and non contributors ahead of the "common good," social justice.

A state sponsored witch doctoresque believe in global warming and the resultant official policy nightmares associated thereto, all enforced by a runaway EPA, social justice.

The unending 24/7, 365 slamfest which blames Republicans for every last thing that has gone wrong in America since the days of Jimmy Carter, well this one is uniquely and totally owned by the DNC, LOL.

Here is the Dems argument in short, Dems are all kind, benevolent, self styled geniuses who have the right to rule. While Republicans are greedy idiots whose time is past and in the way of "moving forward." Can't you just hear the gripping from back in the pack of the cliff bound lemming rush? I mean, here are all the young fast lemmings trying to bang afterburner but, there up front is a bunch of old white lemmings putting up caution tape and trying to slow everything down! :HitWall:
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:The fact that you think Bill Clinton is a liability to the Democrats is laughable. He is the best asset the Dems have. He still has an incredible approval rating to this day. Not sure why you're even arguing common sense. Just because you dont like Bill Clinton doesn't make him a harmful endorser to any candidate. He might be the strongest endorsement of any politician. Like him or not it's true.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Whoa whoa whoa. I never once said I didn't like Bill Blow.
Its his lying murderous wife that I despise. After 20 years of watching Hillary maneuver, I cant blame Bill for his actions.

I agree Bill is a big hall, but he is absolutely useless in an election like this. Grimes doesn't stand a chance at all. None what so ever. I don't know why anyone would think they could beat the future senate majority leader. If Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi can keep getting elected, then Repubs have to hire assholes like Mitch to level the playing field of Idiots like Pelosi.

I can tell you one thing. Mr Reid is going to get his career throttled and he knows it. I would almost bet he retires after this term when the repubs take over. That's the difference in me and most repubs. Im not a religion throwing, high flying 1%er. Im a conservative asshole that is voting solely against the democratic mess they have created. That party is so far gone it has no real end. Other voters will as well, so long as the repubs can place a viable opponent. The only option the dems have left is Hillary. She is the only person left that has a chance at winning any election. The rest of there party is completely done and if Hillary chooses not to run, even California may turn Republican in 2016. Small chance, but still.

Team Mitch.

And then there is looking at the matter the way I see it. The fact that Bill Clinton is the Dem's "best asset" speaks volumes about the sad state of affairs within the party. When your go-to guy is the survivor of the Congressional impeachment process something's not quite right. To give even more perspective to the notion, we would have to make Richard Nixon the Republican's show horse rather than all time highly rated Ronald Reagan. A pretty dismal prospect if you ask me.

On a side note; the only real difference between the Clinton impeachment versus the Nixon impeachment is the way their respective parties chose to defend their President. Once the White House backed resistance broke down for Nixon due to the revelations of truth, he belatedly did the right thing and resigned. Clinton on the other hand put party above the fortunes of this nation, doggedly placing the good of the country in jeopardy, and so the practice continues to this very day.
In a way, (and since the country hasn't improved) I kind of wish the Repubs would have let them dems take complete control and done whatever they wanted to over the past few years. Had we done that, the condition of this country would have made voting in 2016 easy for us. Every member of the house, senate, and definitely the white house would have been republican. Not even Nancy Pelosi would have been able to vote democrat had we let them have there ways over the past few years.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
In a way, (and since the country hasn't improved) I kind of wish the Repubs would have let them dems take complete control and done whatever they wanted to over the past few years. Had we done that, the condition of this country would have made voting in 2016 easy for us. Every member of the house, senate, and definitely the white house would have been republican. Not even Nancy Pelosi would have been able to vote democrat had we let them have there ways over the past few years.

Well, in many ways that is already the case. Every day is a new scandal. So many coming at us as it is, it has become just a blur. We can scarcely keep up with it all even though only one news agency is even reporting on all them. If the people are not willing to see the truth as things stand, they'll never see it.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ You better know I've sunk some money into her campaign. She is the only candidate for Kentucky. Mitch sure isn't for Kentucky. How much of turkey neck's wife's money that went into anti-coal did he approve of? His wife is a board member of a group that spent 50 million to close power plants that burned coal.

A fart in a windstorm.Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Whoa whoa whoa. I never once said I didn't like Bill Blow.
Its his lying murderous wife that I despise. After 20 years of watching Hillary maneuver, I cant blame Bill for his actions.

I agree Bill is a big hall, but he is absolutely useless in an election like this. Grimes doesn't stand a chance at all. None what so ever. I don't know why anyone would think they could beat the future senate majority leader. If Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi can keep getting elected, then Repubs have to hire assholes like Mitch to level the playing field of Idiots like Pelosi.

I can tell you one thing. Mr Reid is going to get his career throttled and he knows it. I would almost bet he retires after this term when the repubs take over. That's the difference in me and most repubs. Im not a religion throwing, high flying 1%er. Im a conservative asshole that is voting solely against the democratic mess they have created. That party is so far gone it has no real end. Other voters will as well, so long as the repubs can place a viable opponent. The only option the dems have left is Hillary. She is the only person left that has a chance at winning any election. The rest of there party is completely done and if Hillary chooses not to run, even California may turn Republican in 2016. Small chance, but still.

Team Mitch.

I am sure you hate G.W. Bush as well right? WMD's? Rand Paul got it right. I wish more people would listen to him. Also, if you are for limited government then we must talk about term limits 30 years is enough! Whitley County where I am from is in horrible condition, the largest employer is the school system, unemployment rates at 10% and this has happened before Obama... I like what A.E. once said " the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results". Now I know I have only lived in Whitley County for 30 years and you may be a lot older but in the last 30 not much has happened. Time for a change!

Team Switch!
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, in many ways that is already the case. Every day is a new scandal. So many coming at us as it is, it has become just a blur. We can scarcely keep up with it all even though only one news agency is even reporting on all them. If the people are not willing to see the truth as things stand, they'll never see it.

I see Eastern Kentucky struggling! Even before the "War on Coal", now I am judging that by reading "Night Come to the Cumberlands" great book wrote in the late 50's, and I swear if you did not look at the copyright date then you would have thought it was written last year.

Something has got to give in my opinion so I will vote for a change, and guess what if it does not change I will vote again to try to change our situtation again.
When Counties/Cities (and the people in them) put their faith and confidence in Mitch, Allison or any other politician to MAJORLY improve their said County/City, it is my opinion that it will fall way short. Eastern Kentucky has been depending on politicians/government for decades and although many good things have come from it, the answer has not. The "answer" lies within the people and ultimately they will decide their own fate. To think if either Mitch or Allison wins will make a MAJOR difference in your county is just not clear thinking IMO. Both have good and bad points, neither will be the answer, nor should we expect them to be.

Vote for the candidate (republican or democrat) that would most likely vote the way you would if sitting in their seat. Pretty simple huh? That way we don't need to name call and lambast one or the other.
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