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Cordia Parents waiting on Offers???????
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:Just curious the crossover and Miss B now that we know who you are, what makes you think your children can play college basketball? When I saw them play they would only score 4-10 points in a high school game. College basketball is a big step up even at Alice Lloyd! Please don't take my question wrong, I'm not trying to be mean, just realistic.
Every kid deserves to play whatever sport they desire to play. I played college basketball! You love the sport you should be able to play if you can. If you can get a scholarship while playing basketball even better! Education is first! I keep saying that!
^i agree. It's just part of the job now. Most of these coaches make tall money to teach about 1/2 classes a day. Should have plenty of time to get these kids offers IF they are good enough.
MissB Wrote:Every kid deserves to play whatever sport they desire to play. I played college basketball! You love the sport you should be able to play if you can. If you can get a scholarship while playing basketball even better! Education is first! I keep saying that!

A lot of kids have a desire to play college athletics but are not good enough. I agree with you %100, getting an education paid for is most important. But you still didn't answer my question, "what makes you think your children can play college basketball?" And I've got a follow up question did rhodes promise college scholarships to get your children to Lotts Creek?
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:A lot of kids have a desire to play college athletics but are not good enough. I agree with you %100, getting an education paid for is most important. But you still didn't answer my question, "what makes you think your children can play college basketball?" And I've got a follow up question did rhodes promise college scholarships to get your children to Lotts Creek?

I see what ya' did there
sounds like this is what has took place
Berea could be another landing spot for them. Asbury, Cincinnati Christian, Ky Christian as well.

I've been in this business before. I spent many nights collecting highlights for my former players. I was able to help a lot of kids play at the next level and I believe any coach should do the same. No matter if it's allowing them to join a JV program! Not saying these Cordia kids should do that just in general. A coach should put his kids out there and contact coaches as much as possible.

NAIA is a better level than some may think. It isn't D1 but there is still a solid opportunity to play at the NAIA level and an opportunity to advance up as well.

I hope these kids can find a good place and a good fit to continue their playing careers. Fun group of seniors to watch that I know can play at the next level!
toussaints Wrote:and I agree with that 100%, I was just saying a coach's position shouldn't be on the line because they can't get their players offers. It should be on the line when they stop caring though

I know Coach Rhodes, He will go the distance for those kids if you have any doubts about that real simple, ask any of those kids, Without Coach Rhodes we wouldn't even be talking about college or the future of kids who never had a chance without what he did for them. He taught them how to use the skills they had and open doors where there we're no doors before. THANKS COACH RHODES
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:A lot of kids have a desire to play college athletics but are not good enough. I agree with you %100, getting an education paid for is most important. But you still didn't answer my question, "what makes you think your children can play college basketball?" And I've got a follow up question did rhodes promise college scholarships to get your children to Lotts Creek?
You have no clue about how many sports that can get you through college! I think you need to stay in your lane. There are all levels of college basketball. I told you I played in college. If I can my son can! Don't bring Rhodes into this.
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:A lot of kids have a desire to play college athletics but are not good enough. I agree with you %100, getting an education paid for is most important. But you still didn't answer my question, "what makes you think your children can play college basketball?" And I've got a follow up question did rhodes promise college scholarships to get your children to Lotts Creek?

KentuckyFan35 you have Rhodesfever lol
Miss B You got to understand we in Eastern Kentucky have A few Idiots who can something bad out of motherhood, apple pie, and the American Flag .
64SUR Wrote:KentuckyFan35 you have Rhodesfever lol
That was cuteSmile
topnotch Wrote:Miss B You got to understand we in Eastern Kentucky have A few Idiots who can something bad out of motherhood, apple pie, and the American Flag .
Thank you. Its a mother's love that is making us do what we are doing!
MissB Wrote:You have no clue about how many sports that can get you through college! I think you need to stay in your lane. There are all levels of college basketball. I told you I played in college. If I can my son can! Don't bring Rhodes into this.

And I told you that even Alice Lloyd is a big step up from high school. And if a player is not that good in high school what ever the sport, once again, what makes you think they can play college athletics? Since you won't answer, It's my opinion that rhodes blew some smoke to get your son's to lotts creek.

If you played in college you probably have more influence at that college than rhodes has at any other college!!!
I don't have a dog in the fight here, but, in my honest opinion....a coach can help some in getting a kids name out in sports. A kids reputation will go so far in getting their name out depending on how good they really are as well as how well their team does as a whole. I feel that as a parent, parents should do the lions share of the work and its very simple for parents to do this. Using highlight film and game film from HUDL and linking it up to college websites after the parent does some investigating into colleges and reputations of programs a parent can get their kids name out to coaches. Each parent can always send in information about their child. Every college has a website and about every college has a recruiting section that parents/kids can fill in to try to get some notice. The smaller the school, the more likely the coaches monitor the recruiting section on their website. We visited about fifteen schools in person and talked to coaching staffs about football and our kids. Among those were trips to Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, St. Louis, Upstate New York, New Hampshire and schools as close in Kentucky as Richmond, Lexington, Louisville, Williamsbug, Columbia and Danville. We put in our time and I've talked about this on the football side of BGR. A high school coach can only do so much and needs parental involvement just as much as teachers need parental involvement in educating people's kids. If you WANT your child to play college ball, then you, as a parent, should do some investigating online into programs yourself. I really don't mean to come across in a negative way, and I'm not a coach, but a parent who started doing footwork when my son was an underclassman. We even went to some camps when he was in middle school and started making relationships with coaching staffs. He will be playing football at an academically top ranked national university and getting a heck of a scholarship in the deal which covers more than 5/6 of his total cost of room, board and tuition. As a parent, you also have to come down to earth a bit and realize after talking to trusted advisors how good at a sport your kid is and investigate like levels of colleges. My youngest went DIII and his scholarship is actually academic and not athletic, but the athletics and the support of the coaching staff probably helped him get into the school.
All I'm saying is this...don't just blame the coach for not getting more interest for a kid in a sport. I spent a dozen hours just putting a fifteen minute highlight film together for my kid. Only the good Lord knows how much time and money we spent on athletic applications, recruiting trips, campus visits, camps, and investigating schools online. I couldn't imagine how much we invested in time...I'd say over one hundred online alone just to find the right fit for my son whom I wanted to be happy. He is going to a great academic and athletic school, has a nice scholly and it is now up to him to make it all work out.(He better tow the line when he gets there grade wise)
I wish the best to you and your kids and hope you find as good a fit as he did. As far as Alice Lloyd College goes, from what I've heard about the place, if your kid gets offered to play there and you pass, you are passing on a top notch small school. Don't poo poo them because they are small and in a remote area. Parents of great school/small school/remote school Cordia should especially understand that. If that's an offer, I'd jump on it because of the excellent ties that Alice Lloyd has to UK and the professional schools there. I've got a friend whose daughter plays basketball there. If they do so well academically at ALC from what I understand, they get pretty substantial help at UK.
Again, good luck and may your child have success in basketball as well as academics in the "perfect" school for them.
papagrit that was awesome :theman: coming from 64SUR
:thanks: Ought to be a preacher huh?
It's just that I like to see kids move on and play sports in college if they want to. Whether they are getting paid or not. Paid is nice, ANY scholly is a good thing. But I love to see kids succeed. Kills me to see some of the stuff happen to the kids that I've watched grow up with my own kids and the mistakes that they make. Shack ups, pregnancies, pills, dead end jobs or worse...breaks your heart. You just stand back and go NO NO NO NO in your mind when you see them taking a wrong turn and their own parents that you've know for so long either struggling with or ignoring the problem.You just cringe. A college education is the high school education equivalent of the eighties and before. Manufacturing jobs these days starting out just pay a couple bucks more than minimum wage in most cases. It's almost a must have for kids these days to get a college, trade school, or vocational school diploma. Sports while in college is the icing on the academic cake. I like kids, seeing them succeed and watching them partake in a little icing along the way. :Thumbs:
64SUR Wrote:papagrit that was awesome :theman: coming from 64SUR
Many school's applications deadlines have passed! If your child hasn't yet applied to college and they graduate this year, here is a little list of schools to look at in the state of Kentucky that I can think of.

Berea, U of Cumberland, Alice Lloyd, Lindsey Wilson, Pikeville, Union, Campbellsville, Midway, Georgetown, Centre, Kentucky Wesleyan, Transylvania, Kentucky Christian, Bellarmine, Eastern KY, Western KY, Northern KY, Thomas More, Murray State, Morehead State, Kentucky State and Spalding University.
Some schools very near to Kentucky's border are Hanover, IN, UofV Wise, VA, Xavier, OH, Cincinnati, Evansville, IN, UofT Martin, TN, Austin Peay, TN, Tennessee Tech, Tennesee State, Lincoln Memorial, TN and UofT in Knoxville.

If a person has time to type on here goofing around, then they have time to go online and look at the options of schools for their kid. Good luck!
I'm glad some mentioned Berea, that's a great environment

You don't pay tuition at Berea, you pay for room, board, and books. I believe the room and board are based off of your income so it is incredibly affordable for someone from a low income household.
Graduating Alice Lloyd is like having a Vanderbilt or a Duke on your resume,, smaller scale but the same effect.
papagrit Wrote::thanks: Ought to be a preacher huh?
It's just that I like to see kids move on and play sports in college if they want to. Whether they are getting paid or not. Paid is nice, ANY scholly is a good thing. But I love to see kids succeed. Kills me to see some of the stuff happen to the kids that I've watched grow up with my own kids and the mistakes that they make. Shack ups, pregnancies, pills, dead end jobs or worse...breaks your heart. You just stand back and go NO NO NO NO in your mind when you see them taking a wrong turn and their own parents that you've know for so long either struggling with or ignoring the problem.You just cringe. A college education is the high school education equivalent of the eighties and before. Manufacturing jobs these days starting out just pay a couple bucks more than minimum wage in most cases. It's almost a must have for kids these days to get a college, trade school, or vocational school diploma. Sports while in college is the icing on the academic cake. I like kids, seeing them succeed and watching them partake in a little icing along the way. :Thumbs:
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Yes, as a parent I have always tried to ensure that my son goes in the right direction. No. I don't take your message as a negative one, its all helpful. Thanks again!Smile
toussaints Wrote:I'm glad some mentioned Berea, that's a great environment

You don't pay tuition at Berea, you pay for room, board, and books. I believe the room and board are based off of your income so it is incredibly affordable for someone from a low income household.

I agree...and I live five miles from campus. Here is a little something I just looked up online for Berea College.

When applying to Berea College, it's important to note the application deadline is April 30. Scores for either the ACT or SAT test are due April 30. It is more selective, with an acceptance rate of 31.8 percent.

Still a little time with Berea left.....just a month to get everything together. It may take a bit of time to get transcripts from school and letters of recommendation so I'd not let the grass grow under me.

Deadlines for some schools might fall at the end of this month.
Lets be honest their not a true D1 player in the 14th region I watch them all play and to be honest and theirs not 1 in the 14th thats D1 they may be at Union,Pikeville, Cumberland,Georgetown Ect Not UK, Lousville or other big time schools. We can say well this one going here or their but they be back at one of the schools Pikeville Union or Georgetown after couple years.
Lol,, you're full of crap,, Ballsboys. Do you work for a WKU,, a UT,, a Vandy? Then you have zero knowledge of what it takes to play D1. And there are different type,,,,........ I feel dumb even explaining anything to you so I'll stop.
papagrit Wrote:Many school's applications deadlines have passed! If your child hasn't yet applied to college and they graduate this year, here is a little list of schools to look at in the state of Kentucky that I can think of.

Berea, U of Cumberland, Alice Lloyd, Lindsey Wilson, Pikeville, Union, Campbellsville, Midway, Georgetown, Centre, Kentucky Wesleyan, Transylvania, Kentucky Christian, Bellarmine, Eastern KY, Western KY, Northern KY, Thomas More, Murray State, Morehead State, Kentucky State and Spalding University.
Some schools very near to Kentucky's border are Hanover, IN, UofV Wise, VA, Xavier, OH, Cincinnati, Evansville, IN, UofT Martin, TN, Austin Peay, TN, Tennessee Tech, Tennesee State, Lincoln Memorial, TN and UofT in Knoxville.

If a person has time to type on here goofing around, then they have time to go online and look at the options of schools for their kid. Good luck!

Deadlines mean nothing.

I registered at Alice Lloyd a day after classes started lol
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. This is so frustrating because I thought that I was doing what was right to put my kids in the right situations to prepare and help them get in college. My daughter and excellent basketball player was preparing to go to college and developed Leukemia in February of her Junior season and has been priority for me and is one of the main reasons JJ landed in Hazard. To Rhodes offense he knew nothing of my son and or his abilities, I did ask about opportunities for recruitment and was told about the coaches who visited the school in prior seasons. I never expect anything be giving to my kids but that they are giving FAIR opportunities. I have been involved in grassroots basketball since JJ was in 5th grade and he started with just skill training from 5yrs through 10yrs. With the politics in grassroots basketball if you are under 6'5 in MS it is hard and he was under 5'9 until 10th grade and he is still growing. Everyone wants the next PRO. My son has spent many hours in the gym and feels this is where he should reap the rewards for his commitment to the game. For the record his GPA is greater than 3.2 .I have always been told that college coaches didn't want to hear from parents and they listen to the high school and summer coaches.... So I am so confused with JJ situation. He has a great opportunity with LMU but he want to see if he can get any other offers. I might be wrong, but I have been in constant contact with his Rhodes to see what was happening with recruitment. I think there are thing that can and should be done at the school level such as reporting stats at the state and national levels (MAX PREP and USA TODAY HS SPORTS), recording games, and notifying colleges of players that can add to there program. There is a lot to recruitment that the average parent would not understand such as potential to play, style of play, coaching style and I'm sure others that have to be consider to actually place kids where they fit and will benefit most. (ex. not sign at a school were there are 4-5 guy in the same position)

I was wrong in expecting that this would be done at the school level. But in dealing with my daughter and teaching at the University level my time was limited. Thus me having to work overtime now. I still believes that a college coach will respect the opinion of my child coach vs mine. This is part of the administrative side of coaching and it is especially hard when you have a team of players because player management is also a big issue. Please note I am not blaming, faulting or complaining we are just trying to understand where do we go from here. I think that Rhodes has added to my son and feel that Cordia is great for his growth.

That being said I am preparing to get my child to Unsigned seniors camps that steam to D1 school as well as get him out during the NCAA live weekend in April. If he does not spark interest I will encourage him to take the LMU offer. I appreciate all of the suggestions and advice. I hope that this tread help coaches know that the parents and kids do care and are concerned. I started worrying in January when I was filling out Federal Aid paperwork and not knowing what school to list. I made my concern known and believe if Cordia had made it to Lexington this would not be the issue BUT since they didn't now what. At least 6 of the 7 senior have stated serious concerns it's not just the two of us and maybe someone should ask the kids. (as a reply to TOPNOTCH) Again not mad just want to know what's next and if what is there is the best that they can do or are they cheating themselves. This is there life. This is a part of their lives and they know college is about education but they have worked to play at the collegiate level. Honestly if you have seen them play you know that they should have more offers at a variety of level. I'm just saying. As parent we want what fair and the best opportunities, don't fault us for caring.

The younger kids are watching and talking to the older kids.
ballboy Wrote:Lets be honest their not a true D1 player in the 14th region I watch them all play and to be honest and theirs not 1 in the 14th thats D1 they may be at Union,Pikeville, Cumberland,Georgetown Ect Not UK, Lousville or other big time schools. We can say well this one going here or their but they be back at one of the schools Pikeville Union or Georgetown after couple years.

Again D1 does not mean UK DUKE OHIO STATE there are level in D1 yes I've seen players at High Majors who didn't come into their own until there senior years. You can't say what a kid will or will not do. It will be based on what they are willing to give their game.......

Low Major, Low-Mid Major, Mid Major, Mid High Major and High Major.....

We are talking about exposure and opportunity........ I have seen kids with no true position be go to mid high and high major school based on the words of the coaches.........

at 18 JJ will not be the same player he is at 22 and he play with D1 players here all the time and they are not pushing him off the ball, ripping him or blocking all is shots..... He competes with them and doesn't stand out as a high school student.....

they are saying lil JJ has grown up.... Do judge or predict futures......YOU NEVER KNOW. The main ones who have had to fight are the one who make it because they are use to fighting...... remember the names and we will come back in two years for a check in to see who is where. DEAL
There are 346 D1 teams filling 12 spots per for 4,152 players. Or is it 13 spots for 4,498? Either way plenty of spots out there from a low D1 to a high D1.
the crossover Wrote:Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. This is so frustrating because I thought that I was doing what was right to put my kids in the right situations to prepare and help them get in college. My daughter and excellent basketball player was preparing to go to college and developed Leukemia in February of her Junior season and has been priority for me and is one of the main reasons JJ landed in Hazard. To Rhodes offense he knew nothing of my son and or his abilities, I did ask about opportunities for recruitment and was told about the coaches who visited the school in prior seasons. I never expect anything be giving to my kids but that they are giving FAIR opportunities. I have been involved in grassroots basketball since JJ was in 5th grade and he started with just skill training from 5yrs through 10yrs. With the politics in grassroots basketball if you are under 6'5 in MS it is hard and he was under 5'9 until 10th grade and he is still growing. Everyone wants the next PRO. My son has spent many hours in the gym and feels this is where he should reap the rewards for his commitment to the game. For the record his GPA is greater than 3.2 .I have always been told that college coaches didn't want to hear from parents and they listen to the high school and summer coaches.... So I am so confused with JJ situation. He has a great opportunity with LMU but he want to see if he can get any other offers. I might be wrong, but I have been in constant contact with his Rhodes to see what was happening with recruitment. I think there are thing that can and should be done at the school level such as reporting stats at the state and national levels (MAX PREP and USA TODAY HS SPORTS), recording games, and notifying colleges of players that can add to there program. There is a lot to recruitment that the average parent would not understand such as potential to play, style of play, coaching style and I'm sure others that have to be consider to actually place kids where they fit and will benefit most. (ex. not sign at a school were there are 4-5 guy in the same position)

I was wrong in expecting that this would be done at the school level. But in dealing with my daughter and teaching at the University level my time was limited. Thus me having to work overtime now. I still believes that a college coach will respect the opinion of my child coach vs mine. This is part of the administrative side of coaching and it is especially hard when you have a team of players because player management is also a big issue. Please note I am not blaming, faulting or complaining we are just trying to understand where do we go from here. I think that Rhodes has added to my son and feel that Cordia is great for his growth.

That being said I am preparing to get my child to Unsigned seniors camps that steam to D1 school as well as get him out during the NCAA live weekend in April. If he does not spark interest I will encourage him to take the LMU offer. I appreciate all of the suggestions and advice. I hope that this tread help coaches know that the parents and kids do care and are concerned. I started worrying in January when I was filling out Federal Aid paperwork and not knowing what school to list. I made my concern known and believe if Cordia had made it to Lexington this would not be the issue BUT since they didn't now what. At least 6 of the 7 senior have stated serious concerns it's not just the two of us and maybe someone should ask the kids. (as a reply to TOPNOTCH) Again not mad just want to know what's next and if what is there is the best that they can do or are they cheating themselves. This is there life. This is a part of their lives and they know college is about education but they have worked to play at the collegiate level. Honestly if you have seen them play you know that they should have more offers at a variety of level. I'm just saying. As parent we want what fair and the best opportunities, don't fault us for caring.

The younger kids are watching and talking to the older kids.

Again, to be honest, I don't know the first thing about Cordia or their setup up there. I just knew Rhodes wound up coaching there due to an article a while back in the Lexington paper. I just knew it was a small private sort of school. I always laughed when Rhodes would laugh or smile big during UK games because he has a "fliptop head" that resembles PacMan when he is smiling big.
You will just have to do a little bush beating with your son to try to field some interest from the college coaches. At this point in the game with application deadlines looming, you might spend a day and call some of the local Kentucky coaches or email them to see if there is any interest. Have your son's stats, grades and test scores ready and you should be able to get a real feel in a day whether there is any interest from the coaches just by simply talking to them. Most coaches will probably tell you straight up at this point where they stand with their recruiting or interest and if there is any scholarship money left in their budget I would think. I would have the boy do the calling though to show the coaches that he might be really interested in them and that he has initiative. I'd say you are right about coaches having more respect for talking to a high school coach than a possible helicopter parent. Can't hurt to try calling them though at this point because you really have nothing to lose by doing it. You could get a short list there of schools with your son after he finishes. LMU is a really nice school that my family used to have formal ties to for years up until about ten/fifteen years ago. I knew the girls basketball coach there until about three years ago when she retired.
As far as your daughter goes, bless your heart. No parent should have to go through such agony with their child. I've seen some bad times with my own children over the years with sepsis from a ruptured appendix at age nine on one son to my three week old having to go through abdominal surgery to correct a defect in a stomach muscle so that he could digest his food. You feel helpless and can just sit on the sideline and cheer them on and hope for the best. I've dealt with nothing like them having cancer and I wish you and yours the best of luck. I'll say a prayer for you.
Hang in there and good luck with your boy and your girl.:Thumbs:
zaga_fan Wrote:Deadlines mean nothing.

I registered at Alice Lloyd a day after classes started lol

Dude, THAT's funny!:thatsfunn
papagrit Wrote:Again, to be honest, I don't know the first thing about Cordia or their setup up there. I just knew Rhodes wound up coaching there due to an article a while back in the Lexington paper. I just knew it was a small private sort of school. I always laughed when Rhodes would laugh or smile big during UK games because he has a "fliptop head" that resembles PacMan when he is smiling big.
You will just have to do a little bush beating with your son to try to field some interest from the college coaches. At this point in the game with application deadlines looming, you might spend a day and call some of the local Kentucky coaches or email them to see if there is any interest. Have your son's stats, grades and test scores ready and you should be able to get a real feel in a day whether there is any interest from the coaches just by simply talking to them. Most coaches will probably tell you straight up at this point where they stand with their recruiting or interest and if there is any scholarship money left in their budget I would think. I would have the boy do the calling though to show the coaches that he might be really interested in them and that he has initiative. I'd say you are right about coaches having more respect for talking to a high school coach than a possible helicopter parent. Can't hurt to try calling them though at this point because you really have nothing to lose by doing it. You could get a short list there of schools with your son after he finishes. LMU is a really nice school that my family used to have formal ties to for years up until about ten/fifteen years ago. I knew the girls basketball coach there until about three years ago when she retired.
As far as your daughter goes, bless your heart. No parent should have to go through such agony with their child. I've seen some bad times with my own children over the years with sepsis from a ruptured appendix at age nine on one son to my three week old having to go through abdominal surgery to correct a defect in a stomach muscle so that he could digest his food. You feel helpless and can just sit on the sideline and cheer them on and hope for the best. I've dealt with nothing like them having cancer and I wish you and yours the best of luck. I'll say a prayer for you.
Hang in there and good luck with your boy and your girl.:Thumbs:

Again thank you. I will work hard but also knowing God has a plan. Please see the link below on my daughter if she was able to hit the court this year I have no problem believing in JJ or any of the boys going were they are suppose to. Morgan will go to the University where I work this year and train to get back to her play form and will play starting her sophomore year at the level she is able to play. The link below was done by the local newspaper she is also a recipient of the Spirit of Sports Award.

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