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Addidas May Classic
OU812 Wrote:Indy Elite lost by 4 in the quarterfinals to team from Southern Indiana. If SSS-Davis loses we may have to send someone to administer CPR to gold charger.

:thatsfunn SS-Davis did lose to Indiana Elite. Both teams are elimated now.

shooterx3 Wrote:SSS losing 61-58 is a "quality" loss if there is such a thing, wonder how Zollo did against his teammates?
Anyone got a report from the other Ky teams that were there?

I know what you are saying. It was closer than I thought it would be, even though some of the players on the SS-Davis team were on the DSAS team that beat Indiana Elite in the Take Five tourney in Cincy last summer.

Zollo is on such a very talented team, Plumblee, Zeller, J. Davis, that one will shine one game and then another in another game. I haven't heard how Vinny did in this game, will find out tomorrow at school.

As far as report on the other teams from Ky, read the article and link I provided form Jody Demling of the CJ. He also will have a recap of todays games on his blog tomorrow.
Messages In This Thread
Addidas May Classic - by Gold Charger - 05-16-2010, 11:00 AM
Addidas May Classic - by OU812 - 05-16-2010, 01:43 PM
Addidas May Classic - by shooterx3 - 05-16-2010, 02:52 PM
Addidas May Classic - by Gold Charger - 05-16-2010, 04:44 PM
Addidas May Classic - by shooterx3 - 05-16-2010, 06:02 PM
Addidas May Classic - by Gold Charger - 05-16-2010, 10:16 PM

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