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Pictures of Pikeville's Gym Renovation
goodguy Wrote:Nice! :Thumbs:
Are the seats and bleachers the same on the other side of the court?
Yes, both sides are the exact same

cougarpride08 Wrote:Looks good. Is it finished or they going to do more?
The gym is completely finished. The old Panther Press Box was removed, Im not to big a fan of the hanging Divider Net. As you can tell, getting the same shade of Maroon is quite hard

-The new score boards times are Green when running, Red when stopped and under 1 Minute. When Pikeville is winning, their score is Green and when it's tied its Yellow
Messages In This Thread
Pictures of Pikeville's Gym Renovation - by If...Then - 11-12-2009, 08:18 PM
Pictures of Pikeville's Gym Renovation - by NYY10 - 11-12-2009, 09:29 PM
Pictures of Pikeville's Gym Renovation - by AandB - 11-19-2009, 11:02 PM

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